Welcome back to thread number like 5 or 6 of Occupied Equestria, a My Little Pony RP based heavily upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and using the mechanics of D&D 3.5, and set in South-East Equestria after it has been conquered and split between the Changelings and a foreign fascist power
Onyx is cleaning glasses, Spark has secured a contract to clear a quarry of Zombies for a real estate developer, Silver is eating meat, Ash and Iron are trying to raid what they believe to be a gangster's den, and Dark Star is holding hooves.
2077 replies and 47 files omitted.
>>76680If he remembers the event, that is.
>>76656"im more of a Right Stallion myself."
Dark Star heads down the right passage way.
>>76682It's very clear on Silver's face this this is a VERY BAD IDEA.
>>76683i hadn't seen where you guys decided to be communists, i mean go leftDark Star turns around and goes with the rest of the party
>>76675Indeed there is. It is a letter, written in an older Ponish font, but still readable
"Dear Wirlwind
Through the past three months of observation, we have confirmed our worst fears. The old and reclusive Joseph Curwhinny has accumulated great power over the commercial trade of Baltimare over the past three decades, but it appears the darker rumors are true. Curwhinny's forays into Alchemy and the magical arts have given him a sort of power over life and death, a knowledge that he has no doubt increased over the years from his visits to Griffonia and Zebrica. He seems to have practiced his magic on imported Zebra slaves and missing sailors. He has robbed the graves of the dead so as to converse with their spirits, and learn family secrets he can use as blackmail for power over the living. But we fear that through his talking with the ancient and evil dead, he may learn secrets that are even darker. Secrets of great power that ought to remain buried with the evil stallions who once held them.
We believe that he practices his alchemical arts in a subterranean cavern under his northern farm. I have assembled a large group of ponies - sailors and townsfolk - who have never trusted Curwhinny in his decades here, and who are ready to put an end to this menance to all who live. Tonight, after Curwhinny makes his way from his waterfront mansion to his farm, we attack in force. Join us at the Old Mare's tavern at 5. Curwhinny has cast a dark shadow over all of Baltimare for years now. We are putting an end to his darkness tonight.
January 4, 770
[Read more] >>76676Caleb is eventually able to find the fillie in tall grass not far from the fire
The colt asks Ash "Is that really where you will be taking me?"
>>76685Some of the little color in his cheeks drains away. "Well, I think I know who is behind all this. And it does not look good." He shows the letter to his companions. "This 'Joseph Curwhinny'. With how old this letter is, if this pony is still...around...then I fear this is not necromancer we have to deal with."
>>76686"Where else would I be taking you? I didn't trot all over this whole city to find and bring back foals to this orphanage, just so I could drag away others to who knows where?" She says, trying to hide her annoyance
"Now come along. You've got a lot of explaining to do, conjuring fiends in the middle of the night. Naughty, naughty.. You're too young to know the full implications of what you've doing.." She adds on chidingly
On the other side of the wood, Caleb approaches the filly, with an expression that seems almost disappointed on his snout as he examines the naughty foal
".. Woof.." he lets out softly, before he sniffs the filly up and down, checking for injuries
>>76690Silver hands the letter to Star. "This Curwhinny, owner of farm, was practicing dark magic on sailors and Zebras. Necromancy. Gaining knowledge no pony should ever have from dead. This pony and others were rallying to stop him. They...did not succeed." He takes in a deep breath. "I fear, if he did not leave for Dread League in Griffonia, then we have Lich on our hooves. And if this is case...then this fight is beyond us."
I think I may be only partly available for the next few hours
>>76687January 15, 1013
>>76689The colt obeys, and follows Ash
The fillie removes her hooves from over her face. She is shaking but uninjured
>>76691"so the rich capitalist was a bad guy all along? who could have guessed? Hey Spark Could you make sure these bodies dont get defiled by black magic?"
>>76691“I hope that isn’t the case. That would mean I was horribly misinformed about the situation. I thought he already left.”
>>76693“What do you mean?”
>>7669240ish years old then.
Oh joy, so he's either dead or alive, both are possible
>>76694"well i wouldnt want my body to be the plaything of a demented pony."
>>76696“Right, but what would you like me to do? I don’t think I have any spell that could keep that from happening. Burying wouldn’t work I don’t think. Maybe if Silver smashes them, but that wouldn’t be too respectful.”
>>76694"You never know with Liches. They can sleep for hundreds, maybe thousands of years at time. He might have left, and that would be best-case scenario, but...with that soldier being down here...and with him being so recently dead..."
>>76697"If we were not in tunnel, I would recommend putting them in pyre, and burning them. But as it is, I do not wish to suffocate because we burned away all oxygen in air."
>>76698“Wouldn’t he be a monster now though? Why leave around dead bodies that could be serving you? Limited magic perhaps?”
>>76692Sister Ash leads the colt back to the orphanage, taking the knife from him and wrapping it in a piece of fabric torn from her shawl. All the while she chides about the dangers of improper conjuration and the need for foals to get 16 hours of sleep every night, in a nagging but concerned tone. She doesn't let him leave her sight even once on her way back to the orphanage.
Caleb eventually nuzzles the filly to her feet, and points (like a hunting dog would) towards the orphanage, before looking back at her expectantly.
".. Woof.." he barks once more, pointingly
>>76697>>76695"oynx drag him into the bigger room so we can get him a proper burial on the way out. oh thats ok then. i dont really know much about magic i just thought maybe you could do something spark."
>>76700"Might have been difficult to do so, while bodies were underwater."
>>76703“What do you suggest we do then? Back out? I already signed my name saying I would. None of you have so you are free to leave if you must, but I am tied to this.”
>>76705“I don’t want to risk your life if we are in over our heads here. You don’t have to if you don’t want.”
>>76704He goes quiet while he thinks. "...Even if we did not sign contract, I did say I would help. I will stick with you. Just remember to get your most powerful spells ready. Little else besides powerful magic can really hurt Liches."
>>76706"well while i havent known you long, i consider you my friend. and uh... Friendship is magic? so if its as bad as you and silver are making it out to be. i cant let you do it alone."
>>76707“Then I don’t think I will be much help against these monsters. I only have the two shots at using offensive magic. I still have my pistol, but I doubt that works well against what we are facing.”
>>76708“Thanks. I’ll be sure to repay that kindness.”
Further down the hall, 20 feet, is a wooden door. Or was, anyways. Half of it has been broken through
>>76702Only drags, and then regroups
>>76711Onyx* not only
>>76710He also steps through the door
>>76709"its fine. you dont owe me anything."
>>76712>>76710 >>76709"I have this rifle, but I am not sure ammo for it is good."
>>76713As does Silver, hammer at the ready.
>>76712The air in this location is damp. There is a submachine gun on the ground just past the door. Onyx immediately recognizes it as an EDF model of the Great War
>>76717"Hey, free gun. Anyone want it?"
>>76717Silver keeps his voice to a whisper. "We must be getting close to quarry."
>>76719"Does it even look like it would work?"
>>76720Can I tell if a weapon will work with the appropriate craft skill?
>>76718The ceiling here is solid rock. It looks stable. The are water droplets on the ceiling.
>>76722Onyx can see immediately that the bolt on the sub machine gun is all the way back. This is a gun that is out of ammo. A look at the ground shows what seems like most of the 30 round box magazine
>>76724Onyx decides to slap it together and fire at a wall.
>>76727The same walls that crumbled when knocked on?
The bolt moves normally as in a functioning gun. There is a magazine in place, but no ammunition in the magazine
>>76726>>76725There is a positively vile smell in the air