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I don't care what the party does anymore. Just make a decision as a group and commit to it. Vote if you have to
Unless advised otherwise, Brie will continue to work on the torpedo, as that seems a feasible resource/asset for deployment against something that as yet the party isnt sure can even die.
"Oh. If I'm to be making this into something we can use," Brie actually looks up from the circuitry and hardware, "Somepony will need to take this," he says, unwinding the camera from his neck.
"Since everypony is still standing around, I'll suggest that looking into the commissar might be fruitful," Brie says, wondering just how long this "20 minutes" will turn out to be
" While we're here, lets lay some ground rules. I will try to help you if I think I can, thats just what you do in a party. Havind said, if anyone is inclined to heroics," Brie's eyes dart to Silver, " They occurr at one's own risk,"
Posey moves ~120 ft away from the torpedo.
"Thats wise,... Im confident in my abilities, but one never knows if I might make a... lasting mistake."
and just to reephasize that I am that 1 nigger in 10000
"Unless you're all trying to buy me some time - good of you if the case - Ms. Kiraifiki seems particularly suited to tracking either the Commissar or the marines, either of which seem to be of benefit to us. So!" He glances up, while prying off a piece of metal and flinging it over his shoulder "I know we're all tired, but lets muster up a bit of good, old-fashioned gumption and (in this little universe) save fucking Equestria, unironically?"
I do hope the audience intuits all the expressive gestures, the artificical pleasantness, and fake charisma written into Brie, he's literally the worst
Sweat beginning to bead on his forehead, Brie pulls out another cigarette, lights it, and continues working. In that it's a military explosive, it tbankfully will be insulated to not be set off by sparks or firearm damage. Still, any one of these wires could be catastrophic if disconnected at the wrong time or in the wrong order. Now because it's military that means the production level will be a standardized corporate bid, which explains why these wires ARE ALL THE SAME FUCKING COLOR... Brie rees in his head
Yes, Brie fucking with the torpedo is what Im gonna be doing until further notice
Brie thinks back to the dozens of times hes deployed a frag grenade, particularly because he's anticipating having to deploy both of the ones on his bat.
In that his player has an autistic obsession with realistic detail (in a pony game ffs) heres 2 pics and a video depicting a frag grenade in use. Notice the gas pattern (including 12 o'clock, tho I didnt do that line). The supposition then would be that a frag might not be effective against diagonally adjacent opponents, but only directly perpendicular opponents
[YouTube] That DESTROYED the lake‼️😳 #grenade #weapons #cannon #military #army #war #combat #specialforces
[Embed]But then he chastizes himself for thinking of little explosives while dealing with,....
Cuz I'm a dick, and I think I can get away with implying (you)re dumb, this one time
>inb4 1 day
Cavaliere asks Kira and Pipette, "Did you happen to locate the aircraft's log book? If the crew left before it crashed, they might have left it here."
>>187241"What are you curious in the logbook for? Is there any information you seek?"
This is the fourth airplane Posey has seen in her life, she examines it curiously, giving one of the wings a soft kick, testing its durability
"It's no siege crab or driver beetle, but perhaps these new flying engines of war have something to offer..." she says, mostly to herself
>"Imagine if a ghost or other entity haunted one of these. It would make a formidable minion. I will have to note the potential for animate flying contraptions in my report to the masters."She thinks to herself.
Somewhere over that stretch of water the party flew over you remember flies the oversized fly, atop which rides the red-maned cow, speeding toward Mended Hoof. Anyone curious as to "why dredlocks" is getting their questions answered, but even as a narrator, I digress.
But as they speed along their way, a sudden impulse occurs, and she pulls on the makeshift reins designed for the ancient fly. Sensing first the release of tension in the cow's legs, followed by the slight tug on the carapice harness, she likewise responds immediately, spinning to a halt. Addy can't get sick, its fine.
The fly hovers for a moment, waiting for some form of instruction. After a few seconds, she looks up at the cow.
Her expression hidden behind her sunglasses, and her deadpan expression BASICALLY giving her a nat 20 on "defeating sense motive checks" (you can read her easily, but its in character behavioral analysis), the fly can't tell what she's thinking. She takes a long long drag on her cigarette, 'stands' up in the stirrups and throws her cigarette away.
<No girl, it looks like everything's gonna be okay. Let's go play in the clouds!
She says, jumping up out of the stirrups and onto the saddle, her hand grabbing the reins.
Knowing that tone of voice, Uatchit wastes no time speeding off toward a big-ass cumulonimbus in the background.
As among other things, a 5e shadow monk, Addy can bamf 60' per round when fully obscured, so theres no REAL threat of dying from falls. And even magical creatures like a good game of tag.
<Fookin incorrigible ain' 'e??
Addy calls out to the audience, as she do speaking of course of yours truly.
Meanwhile, Brie's leg is beginning to cramp, so he shifts his position to be a more stable-posture.
If these posts are undesired, I can can it also
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>>187242"Information happens to be very valuable. I would also like to know what an armed naval bomber was doing all the way out here, and what happened to the crew.">>187250It's bizarre but not undesired. Let your creativity shine through.
"Not to be a nuisance, but the camera?" Brie says, still fixated on the bomb, but holding up the camera with one hoof, waving it slightly so the motion draws the eye
He snaps a quick picture of the bomb, in case,... I dunno, forensics?
>>187241Kira: "I hadn't, I got distracted by finding Pipette. Let me have a look around!"
Kira slithers around the plane, looking for a log book of some sort.
Ahem. Brie looks up with a slightly.less irritated expression, having just shat the bed. Again. Emphasis added.
"One assumes that if the lot of you will be doing tactical things while I am... busy here,... perhaps you can take some photos for instagram?
Oh hey, Brie wont be able to operate the camera while hes doing th torpedo
>>187241"Ask Pipette. She should know where it is."
>>187257Posey helps
[1d20+5 = (20+5) = 25]Also
>>187048 → (unrelated to Cavalier)
>>187241"There was a book, yes." Pipette turns to Cavaliere, with little bits of her disheveled mane dipping out from under the makeshift helmet, and the skin around her wine-red eyes sagging in sleep deprivation or possibly age.
"We put it to the side when it didn't say anything about the radio."
>>187048 →"Yes, he was not careful to use protection. He did not sleep though, so he was not lost. He was always not trustful of Light Water. The entity never liked or trusted him. But yes... Though he does not think he can defeat it on his own, he is looking for help that can." She blinks
"Yes, they will want to speak with him."
>>187065The warhead of the Torpedo weighs about 550 pounds. Worse, the whole torpedo is hanging in the air as it is stuck on a rail. It is inside of the bomb bay of the bomber. Concerningly, the torpedo seems to be armed, and there is fuel in the torpedo's propulsion system.
>>187257Is that a book? No, it's an oxygen mask. Is that a book? No, it's a head set. Is that a book? No, it's a seat cushion.
>>187261There it is. On the ground, behind the Pilot's seat and near the Radio Operator's seat.
>>187254clickBrie now has pictures of:
The dead doctor
A torpedo
23 images remain
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>>187262>23 pics remainNo offense, but thanks for finally anwering that question
<'E atill has 2 dozen questions, ye faggit
>>187262>ageImagine not ritually crucifying yourself at 21 so you can be young forever
eyeball falls outgets rigor mortis after sitting too longgets attacked by vulturesIt's totally great and not ripe with omnipresent existential dread.
>oxygen maskThat could be useful for one of the players who needs to breath.
>There it is. On the ground, behind the Pilot's seat and near the Radio Operator's seat.Nice.
Posey levitates the book and flips through the most recent entries as she brings it over to Cavalier.
Also, I made a dialogue post in the other thread.
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>>187264She's a scientist, not a Hollywood actor
>flips through itComments about battles, Maintenace, air lanes, and the War. No dark magic spells, if that is what she is looking for.
>dialogue postSee
>>187262>tfw u get GM to "cring e" post
>>187266>if that is what she is looking for.No, she's looking for relevant information to the planes recent travels.
>>187262>He did not sleep though, so he was not lost"How long has he gone without sleeping?"
She paused
"How long have you and the Kostroma been here?"
Cavaliere will take the camera for now.
>tfw no points in photography>>187262"Thank you, Miss Pipette. It's understandable why you did that. As interesting as the logbook is, I strongly encourage all of us to get away from this aircraft, now." He looks around.
"Any of you want any supplies from here before we leave? Any of them could be useful, from a spare firestarting kit to a machine gun.">>187264>>187266"Thank you Miss Ring," he says with a nod. He first tries to find the designation of the aircraft, and then looks at the latest comments about air lanes and the War. There will be time enough to read the rest after this mission.
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>>187269"If you can shoot a gun, you can shoot a camera," Brie offers casually.
Asking for clarity. So thats a hard "no" on any pictures before the surprise round? The one with the stilts dude and the 2 starfish?
the one I fell asleep during and Brie was on autopilot for?
Absentmindedly, Brie purses his lips, and softly whistles a tune as he works. He had heard it previously in occidental encounters, but only recently had it struck his mind and awareness to the point that dammit, sometimes it just plays in head.
>>187265 →After at least one full rendition of the song, he realizes what he is doing. If he wasn't wearing camo makeup, you could see he is blushing, and he looks angrily around at everypony/creature, as though his embarrassment is their fault.
"Don't look at me, I'm working!"
>>187165I am going to reiterate that I am outside the blast radius of the torpedo when the rogue auto-fails the check to disarm it by trying to take 20 on it instead of taking 10.
https://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/usingSkills.htm>>187269>>187266>>187257Anyone who wants to talk to Posey should meet her outside the plane, in fact, she specifically insists so:
"I would prefer to speak about these matters outside this cramped plane. Let us ALL go outside, RIGHT NOW."
One of her Dreads pick up her bags, and the other gingerly leads Pipette by the hoof as she bolts out the door.
Technically speaking, if its a. Auto fail, then Brie already auto-faiked, so everyone died as soon as Brie started.
Thats seriously what youre advocating for
>>187266>>187040 →My last response. ^^
>>187266"You know, I am something of a scientist myself." Posey says to Pipette
"But, research grants are so hard to come by these days, so piracy it is."
Its been a long time since she's been able to let go, she thinks as she free-falls, gingerly intercepted by a very happy Uatchit.
Their game, for visualization purposes, is kind of like Marco Polo. Anyway, in REAL time it's been probably only 6 months, but as time dilation fucks you, its been close to a decade. Theres alot that she hasnt had the time to process.
And so, as she swirls into the clouds with her flyfren, a few tears drop
Not a criticism, just,... ready.
>>187269>Any of you want any supplies from here before we leave? Any of them could be useful, from a spare firestarting kit to a machine gun"Take whatever you need quickly! I am not confident in how much longer that plane will be here!"" Posey shouts from outside the plane
>>187333Still and otherwise entirely focused on the Torpedo Brie chimes in,
"No need to be alarmed Miss Ring. If this were the Kirian Type 91 torpedo, your concerns would be warranted, they are notoriously easy to set off, to compliment their kamikaze tactics. This however, is a...."
I take 10 on Knowledge (Engineering) to recognize a torpedo as a bomb. This meets a DC of 13, with 10 being common knowledge.
>>187344"No no, you seemed quite intent to stand clear just moments ago. I'd advise remaining with,..." his voice strains as he is struggling with something, which PA-TING flies loose, "THAT," he simultaneously emphasizes as the metal piece flies loose.
Posey cannot hear anything inside the plane anymore because she's a distance outside of it.
>>187344You cannot take 10 on knowledge checks. She should however be cognizant from the other characters speaking.
>>187351>You cannot take 10 on knowledge checksWhere is that written? I can't find a rule saying that, under the description of the knowledge skill or the description of taking 10.
I know you can't take 10 on the Knowledge (Religion/Nature) check to sacrifice a creature, but I am unaware of any other restrictions.
I don't really care either way. I just made the check because others requested it.
If you wanna get technical, the only rule that really matters is the DMG final note (page 4) which reads
<The power of creating worlds, controlling deities and dragons, and leading entire nations is in your hands. You are the master of the game-the rules, the setting, the action, and ultimately, the fun.
Oh wait. Thats addressed to GM
I don’t believe a disarm device check can or should be a “take a 20.” That’s a skill where a critical failure is very much undesirable, and technically taking a 20 is doing it continuously until you succeed.
The torpedo weighs about a ton, and the warhead is about 550 pounds. The warheads is percussion detonated. The remaining portion includes a tank of compressed air, fuel (either gasoline or methanol, I’m not sure), an engine and depth measurement equipment. The torpedo is hanging on the rails suspended above the ground, stuck, I kind of think a use rope check may be advisable.
>>187354>CanadaDay of the rake when?
>>187354Cavaliere takes 10, for a modified 17, to tie a rope around the torpedo and secure it to the fuselage of the plane.
>>187356Posey assists him, using her unseen servant and horn to help with the ropes.