734 replies and 34 files omitted.
>>187424Silver: "That is where you come in. Your ability to wither and rot things through touch, with all respect to your power I do not think it is enough to kill Traveler on its own...but it might be enough to weaken him. Then we follow it up with forcing explosives inside his body, bypassing his unusually resistant hide and damaging him internally, where he is likely less resistant. Doubly so with your magic affecting him."
>>187425Silver: "That as well, of course. Especially against stronger summoned monsters, like that Abomination."
Kira comes back, holding a trembling Pipette in her coils.
Kira: "Uh...sort of? She tripped and took a big spill and...uh...I don't think she likes being held in my coils very much. Sorry, Ms. Pipette."
>>187426"I believe you are misunderstanding the metaphysics of supernatural damage resistance, but I guess it would not hurt to try..." She replies
>>187418>is he notWell that depends. Are you as a GM adviso g me that there might be consequences to this decision?
>>187428Yes, hes messing with the torpedo, where did you think this was going
Taking a 10 tho, not trying to blow anyone up (my bad)
>>187427Silver nods at Posey. "I appreciate your agreement, and I also understand your reluctance."
>>187429Breaking this down as an ostensible explosives expert.
1. Make sure no boom
2. **make sure no boom**
3. Fucking 1 and 2, yall swear Im an amateur
Yep, Im gonna. Not trying to stop the flow, but lets stop pretending qe're playing credible versions of the characters we're trying.
Olay fine, Brie does does notjing, cuz in absence of his careful choices, haphazard idiots make haphazard choices.
>>187434What endgoal do you have?
>>187432>>187433I appreciate the criticism, but being ex-military is only one part of his character, and honestly not even that big a part. There's also more ways to portray someone who's ex-military other than "ultra-disciplined hardass" or "jaded PTSD burnout". So far I've received no other criticism from other people besides you. I apologize if you're ex-military yourself and it's something you hold dear to your heart, but I've liked how I've played Silver and it's how I'd like to continue to play him.
But at the moment Brie - who I assure is a hairtrigger if anyone is thinking - especially in that hes contemplating dissectibg a warhead
Gm, I think we're ready
>>187438I think your character is great.
>>187440D'awwwww, thanks. I personally hope we get to see more of your character and get to see the deeper sides to her in the near future. I think Posey is pretty cool.
I won a Posey with the help of John Elway. Your argument is invalid.
>>187442You lie. John Elway is a myth. Speak of who can testify to John Elway
>>187442Based Posey Bloom enjoyer
Brie fucks back off to unavaillable until GM is available , cuz y'all
Brie contemplates cutting the wrong wire on the torpedo
Just saying, and not intended as a threat (though how do you intuit it otherwise?) I figured out how to kill Brie off outright and still make Lacey work. So Im good with killing him pff now if it means not getting cucked by absentee players
And yes, I would be okay with waiting until Mended horn is over to actually do things. I'll still be in the comments tho :3
Id still like to get his CM, but I'm more interested in not wasting my weekends hoping for something that just doesnt happen, but theres no way to know until its already wasted. I know, dnd and player being available, thats expressly why I was leery about going on a 5 player and 1 gm mission.
virtually impossible to get a solid, "shake your hand in good faith" dnd group of 5-6 reliably. With anon-board "lol Im a shitposter" shenanigens, you're inviting a nightmaee,... that doesnt have a moon on its flanks
>>187430"Yes, now let us go find the commissar."
>>187451>>187458We don’t need everyone else there’s combat, and at the moment, there is no combat nor on the immediate horizon.
>>187478Could we get to the commissar this weekend?
>find the marines
It does sound like a plan. The torpedo might be useful in the long run, but better to put first things first maybe
>>187475>>187478It takes a moment, but eventually Silver and Garv (who is currently absent) arrive carrying the plane's MGs and their ammunition. "I think we are ready to go find Commissar Black Heel, now."
Kira, meanwhile, still has her head set and seat cushion, and is currently wearing the oxygen mask with its dangling, trunk-shaped breathing apparatus. Kira giggles to herself as she shakes her head from side to side, causing the apparatus to swing around. "Hehe, I look like an elephant!"
>>187481Grootslang encounter, when?
>>187483I forgot the comics already has a Grootslang
I want it. I want its corpse.
>>187483When it’s appropriate to the story and world such that its appearance feels natural and not contrived. The Grootslang is an African myth. There’s a reason it showed up in Season 10 in Zebrica
>>187485Would Kira know what a Grootslang is, then?
Whelp, let’s see. It’s a legend from South Africa specifically. In fact, “Grootslang” is a Dutch phrase, and it’s a creation of the Afrikaans people. “Grootslang” literally means “big snake,” and the legend is basically of the Afrikaans people imagining a giant snake inhabiting a cave full of diamonds. So basically no, I don’t think Kira would know what a “Grootslang” is.
>>187486The Grootslang is a magical beast, so roll Arcana, or Nature at GM's discretion.
It's a rather obscure and powerful one though, being a creature that was able to evade the wrath of the gods, so the DC might be pretty high.
Let's see if Posey knows:
[1d20+11 = (4+11) = 15] >>187488Nah, 15 isn't cutting it...
>>187487>big snake,” and the legend is basically of the Afrikaans people imagining a giant snakeKira has not heard of a grootslang cause Kira IS the grootslang
How far is the commissar? Does it take us long to get there?
>>187490>>187487It could be the local griffon colonists have made up the Grootslang legend based off of seeing lamias.
>>187492There are far more impressive snake creatures in d&d than lamias
>>187493I know, but taking into account the universe that this game takes place in, lamias
are pretty impressive, probably impressive enough to inspire such legends.
Is there any other prep we need before we meet the commissar?
>commissar before marines
Yes, not trying to prioritize, just expressing interest to continue
rot intensifies
"How far is it to the commissar? I do not wish to delay finding the airponies for very long."
"Quick reminder, there was gunfire anout a mile that way. Whether it relates to the Commissar, the Marines, or the ostensibly time-sensitive situation between the Traveler and the military, in all cases, we should endeavor to waste as little time is possible."
>>187500>>187502Silver: "It sounds as if it is not far. Gunfire seems to be in direction of GRU landing party, so I imagine that Traveler has sent welcome party."
OOC: GM pone is wanting to reply to some posts before we proceed, give him some time. >>187427>>187430"It is also plausible that The Traveller regressed into a state of dormancy in anticipation of or in response to its impact in our world. I believe that its current, immobile form is only a transitory stage in its metamorphosis. Once it discovers that supernatural attacks are still able to damage it in its dormant state, it is unlikely that it will simply surrender to being destroyed: at that stage, it may reveal its true form, much more dangerous, but also physically destructible." Posey say
"Time will tell."
For those trying to take a machine gun, please understand that these are decidedly
heavy machine guns, purpose built to kill small aircraft like fighters, and not to fight against infantry. The bullets are .50 cal, which is to say, several times the size of standard .30 cal bullet. 250 rounds weighs about 75 pounds. The gun itself is 84 pounds. But please understand that the rate of fire of this, the aircraft version, is twice the rate of fire of an infantry or vehicle mount version. That is to say, its rate of fire is just under that of an MG 42. It is physically impossible to hip fire. And further more, it and its ammo feed is screwed into the turret. It can be removed to be sure, but that would take time.
>>187381>>187426“Ahhh!!!” Puppets waves her hooves around, and tries to get back up and continue running. She’s trembling, but in fairness, she’s been doing that continuously.
>>187508>>187502To get the torpedo warhead, Brie would probably need to be continuously working on it while the others are trying to meet with the commissar, or what have you.
>>187500>>187508The party members should have a vague idea of where the commissar is supposed to be, but Pipette knows more.
[Read more] >>187512>>187511"Pipette, you know where the Commissar is, right? Lead us to him."
>She’s trembling"And if you do it quickly, you could have us all out of your mane soon enough."