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Wow, sounds like slmethingnI havent stopped saying
>>187704Mala closes his eyes as his neck is scritched, and moves his head in the direction of the scritrches.
"Yes." He answers
>>187705Mala looks over towards Brie, then pulls his head up, and moves a step closer towards Brie
"Really? I don't think I've been invited to drinks. Well, once, sort of, but... Yes! I'd love to"
His tail quickly shakes
>>187711First it's probably best to stabilize it with Use Rope. Then, disable device. Maybe use rope to get it down in pieces
>>187720They got one. They captured a second
>>187723Requires decent visibility. I think they also have a flare gun.
In fairness, the two ways do not have the distance to go far
I want to see ponies fucking, even if its an interracial couple and neither is technically a pony
>>187731Not exactly. It's built into the plane and is lacking a power source. It's antenna is a part of the plane. Not impossible to steal, just difficult.
Unless you mean the short distance radios. I think the party already has those
>>187736No reply
[Read more] >>187744Oh you're back! Can I flirt with you? Brie doesn't seem to want to be flirted with.
>>187741Okay, this is actually a decent point made by someone in character rather than just stealing a radio they already have and only saying "Let's call Captain Waters".
Silver: "That is good point. Let me see if I can contact him."
>>187744Silver takes the radio he already has, adjusts the frequency for Captain Water and/or the plane, and calls in. "Island team reporting in, over."
>>187744>>187736Of all.my improvs Gm always says no
Brie sucks at rope use [1d20+7 = (3+7) = 10]
Who wants to make a D20 dice roll?
>>187745Patient Pipette looks over at Dust with a very wide smile shows all of her, more or less well maintained teeth. A stand of her blue hair comes out from under the foil and over her eyes and mouth
>>187744>They got one. They captured a secondCan the two be used to communicate with one another?
>Requires decent visibility.Even with it going 500 ft in the air at night?
>I think they also have a flare gun.Oh, that's good then.
>>187745Rolling Bluff (Seduction) to flirt with Dust
[1d20+16 = (3+16) = 19]>>187746Looks like it's too long distance for our radio to reach him, but it could be worth a shot.
>>187749Ooh, ooh, me!
>>187750Awww, beat me to it.
[Read more] >>187752I keep getting shit rolls despite my large mod whenever I try to harass Dust.
>>187749I wanna roll I wanna roll!
[1d20 = 6]Dust waves at Pipette, confused
"Who is this mare
now in our care?"
>>187754Kira giggles, and answers Dust:
"Pipette would be the name of this mare.
It seems she desires some of your care."
You knobs.
Okay, rolling initiative [1d20+4 = (20+4) = 24] cuz I think thats what this is
>>187752>Even with it going 500 ft in the air at night?Depends on if there is fog and how much
>Can the two be used to communicate with one another?Yes
>>187754She waves back, awkwardly
>>187700"You can go with the rest of the group who are going to rescue some stranded ponies. We will need to find a different means of carrying this weaponry. As for the monsters, once we have the weaponry we will destroy their source and finally take you away from this place." He repeats this in Feathesian.
>>187710"The three of us have only a vague idea of where the airship is.">>187736No code words to hide our contact's identity? That's just a basic precaution.
>>187744Cavaliere already stabilized it with Use Rope.
[Read more] >>187753The stronk zeeb mind is resistant to your futile unicorn flirting!
>>187754Granted, I'm not exactly a high roller myself....
>>187756Oh fuck you! That was MY good luck!
>>187755Dust's cheeks turn black (brown?) and white and red all over at Kira's insinuation
"Hello Miss Pipette
I am sorry we have not met
You can call me simply "Dust"
Or "Defiant Dust" if you must."
[Read more] >>187758Silver: "Pipette knows of airship's crash location, and I imagine you and Brie will be able to see it far more easily from air."
Now whose roll do I go with
>>187760She walks closer, a short mare with grey-purple coat, a blue mane, and a white coat jacket on, wearing a tin foil hat. Her eyes are wine red, and her smile still shows most of her teeth. She moves a few steps closer towards Dust
"Hi. I am Patient Pipette"
She is trembling
>>187767Can Brie roll an insight chect to realize shit is about to go down, independent of or perhaps bolstered hy the nat 20.just now?
>>187765Dust lowers himself a little to be more on Pipettes level
"Are you okay?
Although this is no play
I do not like to see one in distress.
Are you injured or sick, anything I can address?"
>>187768Of course
She speaks with a think accent that by now, Dust is probably learning to recognize as Severyanan. But she may have a speech impediment, or other peculiarity that causes her voice to sound off as well.
It’s a set of symptoms are too familiar in the
Kostroma survivors. She is shaking. Her mane is disheveled. Her pupils are shrunken. Her eyes are bloodshot and tired.
>>187770I see... This is more severe than I thought.
Dust moves slowly, very slowly, and places a hoof atop Pipette's head.
And begins to pet.
While he does this, he hums a soft tune, an old Zebra lullaby hoping to comfort the mare.
>>187770>>187771Hmmmm...Silver keeps an eye on Pipette and Dust as Dust hums his lullaby. "Do not let her fall asleep with your humming. Traveler's influence is strongest in sleeping subjects."
>>187770>>187775Actually, now that he thinks about it, Silver adjusts the tin foil hat on Pipette's head so that it's more firmly on there.
>>187771She lowers her head and eyes. When Dust puts his hoof on her head and moves the foil, she raises a hoof and pushes away his
No! I can't let it come off..." She raises her head towards his to look him in the eyes
>>187777Silver successfully adjusts the hat to keep it on her head
>>187778No reply over the radio.
>>187779Okay, my nat 20 is void, but you can readybfor initiative, givkng +4, and thats what Brie is doing
>>187779Silver tries one last time to hail Captain Waters. "Island team reporting in to home base, come in home base, over."
>>187779Dust withdraws his hoof as she wishes.
Instead, he tries hugging her
"There, there
Little mare
You do not have to be scared"
As he hugs her, he tries to feel if there's anything wrong with her (goose eggs, bruises, infections, broken bones, sprains, etc) just to be safe
>>187781Uhm, the pretense is that Brke yoinked the radio, cuz he realized no one was fucking using it. Youre welcome to yoink it back A. Cuz its well beyond its use and B. Because nap
>>187783The party has two radios. One was already going to be given to Brie, so Silver would still have one in his possession.
>>187782squeakDust quickly discovers that she isn't averse to touch per se, just specifically to her tin foil hat being pushed off, as she is almost unreactive to Dust's hug.
While I don't want to say that she is "chubby," her build is closer to that of a true barrel, rather than a recessed belly, and she is stocky rather than thin or lanky. She is reasonably fluffy, although the clothing she is wearing prevents Dust from feeling the full extant. Individual ribs are not easy to feel, but the hug doesn't seem to cause her pain
>>187781No response
>>187785Any response from the griffons?
>>187758 >>187784Contested, I (seem to) very distinctly recall the briefing, where Brie swiped the ONE radio.
"Nog meer beweging? Elke keer als we bewegen komen we meer monsters tegen - Even more movement? Every time we move we encounter more monsters"
"What can we do to destroy this source?"
>>187784>>187787Ask.me how Brie knows. Cuz this is the second time hes stolen it. The radio was always for communicating witb military, that was in the briefing.
Are we getting to the commissar tonight?
>>187787>>187789We got one from Shoal Waters, and one from the first group of commies we rescued. GM pone has said as much.
>>187785Silver: "As Posey said, they may be out of range. Another possibility is that Traveler is interfering with radio's operation over longer distances. We are on our own for moment."
>>187792>one from the commiesOkay missed (prolly in all the russian I didnt translate)
>>187791I thiught we were adjudicating necromancy, but one never knows what actually goes down
>>187791As long as everyone's situated and on the same page now, hopefully. Let's see what GM pone thinks.
>>187785Dust rubs her back a little. The mare is not injured or ill. She is simply scared out of her mind and trying to stay strong.
Dust decides to let her break the embrace when she's ready. She's been through a lot it seems.
>>187797He feels her jacket move over her fur, unless he goes out of his way to get under the clothing or find an exposed spot. Presumably Dust has his hooves over her back while she stands still, and can't exactly break the embrace unless she moves. She stands there, trembling and breathing, and not directly reacting.
>>187791Are you?