>"Why are you here?"Posey speaks up, with her usual flat tone
"We came to plunder a ship that we heard may have crashed here, take the airponies hostage, and maybe steal a ship while we were at it." she says, with her expression neutral
"We are what you might call 'swashbuckling treasure hunters'. We came because our sources said we would find an opportunity here, and we traveled here with a transport talisman, to evade scrutiny, but the naval ship and the Traveller complicate our plans." She continues
She takes a step forward
"I am sure that you have your criticisms for our way of life, but before you open your mouth, know that we have all heard it before. We care not how society sees us, because society never cared for us."
She gestures behind her to the party
"A grisled veteran, with no decorations to show for it. A zegro shaman, far flung from his ruined homeland, viewed with suspicion and superstition. A serpent, seen as a monster by anypony's standards. A thestral native, doing what he can to survive in a society that crushed his people. A griffon slinger, heraldic by nature but a grunt in a chaotic time where noble causes are few and far between....."
She pauses
"...And a blackweave warmagus, forced to find a new life when the magic she defiled herself to learn was suddenly considered forbidden by the council of warmagi in her nation..."
She raises her head
"Society never did anything for us, so we care not for their ethics or property; I am certain that the Stalliongrad propagandists informed you that nothing matters in the outlands unless you have money. We all came from separate backgrounds, and have separate motivations and dreams. I would be lying if I said we trusted eachother, but in spite of our differences we cooperate as equals. We work together for our booty, and we divide by rule of hoof."
[YouTube] "Time Flyes When You're Having Rum" Doge Music Video
[Embed]She puffs out her chest proudly, the bones on her armor rattling
"I am the Dread Pirate Rosey Ring, Lurking Terror of the Northern Coast, and this is my crew. Will you cooperate with us, Commissar Blackheel?"
She raises a hoof towards Blackheel
Bluff, to lie
[1d20+16 = (15+16) = 31]Diplomacy
[1d20+10 = (16+10) = 26]