754 replies and 44 files omitted.
Assuming a degree of privacy and whisper -adviseabke cuz lets not think that NPCs were meant for this exchange.
"There has been an extra-ordinary effort to keep these alive. Delightful, but can we stop leading with the Disney channel?" He says gesturing to the far too-nice Kira. Bless her heart (in the southern sense) shes being friendly. Isn't it adorable? Meanwhile we have god-things to kill."
Sorry, it was me
>>188756I dont olan tbat my ID will shift frequently
And yes, I apologize for my spelling mistakes and for having neglected to orange-text the spoken bits. But seriously - and I'm taking a stance now - we are past the time to be adding to our facebook friends list. We are far PAST time to get a move on on the ABONINABLE THREAT - which yes, we can be said to be insulated by GM suggestion, nothing is blowing up at the moment - but we're SUPPOSED to be pretending to be characters who are pretending to have a sense of urgency/mortality.
Meaning, beyond personal plans, I wouldn't be bothered if Brie died.
And that's how the characters should feel, just saying. This probably could have gone in OOC, but the OOC thread is just an excuse to disregard posts.
Yes, this is a sperging. And its out of character.
Kira, yoy're adorable, but stfu.
Garv, you havent said anything
Dusty hasn't said fucking ANYTHING, ostensibly cuz rhyming is a chore.
And then theres the 3 of us.
Silver doesnt want to get to the bottom of anything. One assumes this is delightful for Silver, but its not. For everyone. Get a fucking move on.
Rosey is actually in my 'exalted' list, in that he seems to want the game to proceed. Hopefully it will.
Thats all, for now
"That's a bit...
imprecise... 'capitalist' refers to a specific role in a specific system, but uh," He looks down, and then back up "the lesson is this: every creature, every one of them, has a kind of primitive side to them. A reptilian, vestigial part that looks out for their own self interest. Greed. Hunger. Hate. Fear. And this side comes out especially when resources are scarce. When you need to compete to survive. But every creature also has better angels in their nature. A capacity to work together, to place the good of the other above their own. Now, it doesn't always have the chance to come out. But with the right education, and the right environment, we can make better creatures, and we can make a better world. And it's a virtuous cycle, because the better things are the better they can become.
Understand that in every society, most aspects of that society, from religion to the economic system and especially the political system, are all designed to benefit the few at the expense of the many. And where someone ends up in life usually depends on where they begin. But if we are willing to change things, we
can make a better world. And slowly bring about a better life - this, our only life - for all. And that is what we strive for."
>>188746"I see..."
[Read more] >>188723>>188740>>188759>>188760Finally Cavaliere answers,
"Your respective economic statements, which are–forgive me for saying this–steeped in paranoia, help to shed some light on your personalities. Still, we should put off this conversation for the sake of this 'better world,' which we can help along at this moment. The time is now for a plan of action."He gestures to the direction the crashed airship is thought to be, and starts scratching out a crude map of the island with a talon.
"We need to look for survivors at that vessel. I, our reptilian friend, our batpony, and our zebra will head directly there. The unicorns, the griffons, and the Stalliongrad ponies should grab the munitions from this plane and haul them to just outside the Kostroma. You have experience with earthworks and machine guns, so you should set up a defense there, expecting the entity to attack. You implied that it knows your location at all times, Commissar." He draws a line close to a circle and draws an X at the end, and then draws another line from a different direction approaching that circle.
"With fighting-capable survivors in tow, we will attack the ship from another angle, finding a breach through the hull.
Then, we converge and sweep the lower decks to the cargo bay."Leaning back, Cavaliere queries,
"I'd welcome your feedback on this plan."Is Dust kill? [Read more] >>188760Kira nods along to Black Heel's explanation. She raises an eyebrow and looks back at her snake tail as he mentions how every creature has a 'reptilian, vestigial part'. She does the same again, this time looking down at her own pony half at his mention of 'better angels in their nature'.
Silver pipes in. "We can likely continue these conversations along our route. We really should get moving, however. No telling how long until Traveler decides to turn his attention towards you again, Black Heel."
>>188760Posey nods along, smiling and raising the occasional eyebrow; feigning interest in and receptiveness to Blackheel's moral and political philosophy. She does this deliberately, so as to make herself a more appealing as a potential comrade and to gain the Commissar's trust, not unlike a pretty white girl getting a commie to splurge incriminating secrets for Project Veritas.
"Fascinating. You can tell us more about it on the way to the Kostroma."
>>188761Blackheel raises an eyebrow at Cavaliere, and takes a moment before replying
"You wish to split up your forces. I suppose we did the same... not exactly by choice, and it hasn't worked out very well... But yes, I suppose it would try to attack me, specifically."
I'm a bit confused. Are we currently travelling while walking, or are we in one location and staying there?
>>188767Cavaliere takes Brie aside momentarily.
"It's a difficult decision for us to make. We were hired to make sure no foreign eyes would see the contents of that crash site and I intend on following that contract through. This includes keeping the griffons away, and especially the Commissar. They will be a risk if they don't leave with us, and if they do you can bet the fascists will not be fond of them being privy to their secrets. We can't leave them unescorted either, but I have faith in our team members to be able to protect them." "I intend to visit the site of the Leviathan skeleton to draw on the arcane powers of my old mentor in preparation for battle. I will go alone if I have to. In fact, I would appreciate some privacy, for my mentor's practices are not public information."
Posey announces
"Yes, let's go."
"You haven't extracted the explosives yet?! Then what in Tartarus are you doing here yapping?! Get going!"
>>188775ears swivel>>188776Blackheel:
"Oh, so now you want to split off too? Who else is splitting off?"
"Literally who?"
[Read more] >>188778Oh no you don't. I can link you all the posts where I was attempting to get a skill check, or something associated with disassembling the torpedo, culminating with this post. If we missed out on the opportunity to take photos and such,....
>>188334"Clearly someone ought to have taken advantage of the ample opportunities to subject me to skill checks over the past few months."
>>188778Brie adopts a more polite demeanor.
"The explosives involved, while safe and stable in their deployment chassis, are soft and a bit volatile to impact when in their pure form, which it will be with just a few turns of a few bolts. However, it will need to go directly into the... hooves?... of whatever will be carrying it. This is not a load we can just pull out like it's an engine and put on blocks."
>>188778>Blackheel:>"Oh, so now you want to split off too? Who else is splitting off?""That was my intent, yes. The powers of my master take time to culminate." She replies
"My ritual will certainly be helpful in the boarding of the Kostroma. You will thank me later."
Unless somebody wants to propose a reason for others to follow Posey to the skeleton, I would like Posey to depart and make her preparations.
>>188761Silver: "Hmm...well, pro of this plan is that we can complete all of our objectives all together, saving on time. Con is that we will not be able to help other groups if one of us gets attacked. If Traveler is smart, he would use opportunity to divide and conquer. We already almost lost you and Brie to creatures disguising themselves as terrain, when you chased after that one fleeing pony. I would say only go with this plan if everyone was completely confident with their ability to survive battle."
>>188792Mala moves his head sharply, looking up and over towards Brie. He clearly wasn't expecting his name to be called.
"Uh... Uh, do you want me to guard the prisoners? Or uh, your, your uh, new friends?"
He makes an awkward smile that shows off his sharp, jagged, yellowed teeth.
"Don't assume the spetsnaz will just sit idly."
>>188788Blackheel moves closer, tilts his head, and smiles
"Isn't that dangerous? If it isn't, shouldn't you take along some of our less combat ready ponies, so that they may stay out of the fire? And if it is, wouldn't our time be better spent elsewhere?"
[Read more] >>188803Mala closes his lips and tilts his head down as he looks to the ground
Mala is Silver's cohort. Shouldn't he be with him?
>>188801Posey tosses her mane and kicks the soil a a bit with her hoof
"The specifics of the arrangement do not matter to me, so long as I get to those whale bones."
She looks towards the group
"If any intend to follow, say so now."
>>188788>>188791>>188801I had forgotten about Mala. Sorry.Cavaliere looks troubled after Posey makes her announcement.
"Each group, roughly equally split in two, can defend against the threats we've seen if we're cautious. Being split into three makes things much more dangerous. The commissar is correct, the special forces are also looking for us and we have to avoid detection as well. I have faith in our veteran here," he says as he nods to Silver,
"but having him safeguard the griffons, the prisoners and the escaped crew all on his own against these threats is a risky move. One of us, probably myself, would have to be split from the airship search party. Would three be enough to help, protect, and escort them?" >>188804Silver gives Mala some much needed headpats
>>188808Brie REALLY wishes we weren't having this conversation in front of the commies.
"Well here is what ISN'T going to happen. Our one provided method of getting off this island is NOT going off on a solo mission," he's referring to the feather token, which he assumes to be in Rosey's posession since she's the one who keeps mentioning it.
"So whether one of us accompanies Captain Ring, or she hands off the expandable boat."
>>188809Mala smiles and moves his head upwards, into the headpats
Okay, so who if any is actually following Posey to the leviathan skeleton? You don't need to come, but others expressed intent to come for reasons I am not quite sure of. Whatever the situation is, I would like to move the story forward now.
I am adamant about following through with this part of my plan; I compromised on other parts, but this is the thing I want to do: my contribution to the adventure as a necromancer.
Posey gallops off into the mist unless otherwise obstructed.
>>188813It would take only a couple of sentences from the each of us to figure that part out. There is no need to be so reckless.
Since there is nopony chomping at the bit, Cavaliere would pinch his beak in frustration and then hurry to follow her. That might be something she decidedly does not want, depending on the magic she intends to use.
>>188811D'awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Silver also scritches around Mala's ears.
scritch scritch scritch >>188814If you would like to tag along you could go ahead and roll Survival to help us get there more smoothly. You are a Ranger afterall. We've been there before, and you have a bird's eye view, so it shouldn't be too hard.
Posey takes a few rounds to get up to full speed. She eventually gets to full gallop, and maintains that speed with uncanny stamina...
Wow, that mare can run.
Posey notices Cavalier following her
"Oh, you are coming with me? While you are here be a dear and make yourself useful by making sure we head in the right direction." Posey says, looking back, still running
>>188827If you're gonna meta-critic him, I'll meta-critic you. Lets not go there
>>188828It's not criticism. It's a request. I'm asking him in-character to use his skills to help me with my task.
Maybe instead of "If you would like to (ahem) tag along" (kinda a douche way to put it) then consider "It would be helpful to me if you did this"
>>188829No, you're being a pretentious asshole
clippity clopping sounds
"You know, the frigid night fog on this island reminds me of home. I wish this visit could have been under less urgent circumstances. The weather is so delightful it makes me want to dance." Posey says, skipping and prancing through the fog with grace, the cold weather making her undead sinews limber
I trust you're done with that
>>188842>>188827Your character’s not getting off this fucking island without an agreed meeting point or means of communication, and I am 100% enforcing that. >but we’re meeting on the ship. You wouldn’t even try to meet a friend at a bar without a cell phone or at least a semi-specific time, nevermind assault a fortified position filled with an unknown hostile force. That would be like if Eisenhower told the Canadians and the British “hey, let’s group up at Normandy” without a plan, a more specific location, or even a date
>>188831>>188828>>188829>>188830>>188831Shut the hell up
[Read more] >>188844Okay.
I would like to go back to the leviathan skeleton though. I guess we should figure out a way to communicate first.
Posey makes an abrupt about face mid-gallop as she realizes this.
"On second thought... We should establish where we are going to meet, and how we will stay in contact."
>>188827>>188842>>188844>>188847Cavaliere stares in exasperation, and wonders if he should use the rest of his rope to physically tie down every party member until a plan is agreed upon.
>>188848Mala looks over to Cavaliere, takes his shotgun which thus far has been resting on the sling, moves it to a ready position, and nods.
>>188849Cavaliere glares sternly at Posey, then at the rest of the party.
"Captain, we almost mistook your eagerness for desertion. None of us leaves until we figure out how we handle this situation and when and where we will regroup. Running off not only risks your own life but that of every other creature here."On top of all his other concerns, now he has to worry about loss of confidence on the part of the griffons and the
Kostroma crew, who were already reluctant to tag along….
I don't recall asserting myself as Captain of the (fake) crew, but I guess you're free to go with that.
>>188850Posey turns around
"Alright then, where shall we meet again?"
I have to sleep. I am not picky about the plan so long as I get to visit the whale bones. If you guys decide on something I will just go along with that.
>>188851Starfire moves forward, tilts to the left towards Posey, and with a stamping motion, moves his two forelegs slightly apart and whips his tail
"You know Chernobog can summon monsters from the air? And the Spetsnaz, I have not met them, but I cannot imagine they will be so trusting of foreigners. Are you certain whatever you're doing is worth it?"
He tilts his head and moves his lips apart in an awkward smile that shows off mostly white teeth with one silver tooth. A closer look reveals he is shaking.