Unless advised otherwise, Brie will continue to work on the torpedo, as that seems a feasible resource/asset for deployment against something that as yet the party isnt sure can even die.
"Oh. If I'm to be making this into something we can use," Brie actually looks up from the circuitry and hardware, "Somepony will need to take this," he says, unwinding the camera from his neck.
"Since everypony is still standing around, I'll suggest that looking into the commissar might be fruitful," Brie says, wondering just how long this "20 minutes" will turn out to be
" While we're here, lets lay some ground rules. I will try to help you if I think I can, thats just what you do in a party. Havind said, if anyone is inclined to heroics," Brie's eyes dart to Silver, " They occurr at one's own risk,"
and just to reephasize that I am that 1 nigger in 10000 "Unless you're all trying to buy me some time - good of you if the case - Ms. Kiraifiki seems particularly suited to tracking either the Commissar or the marines, either of which seem to be of benefit to us. So!" He glances up, while prying off a piece of metal and flinging it over his shoulder "I know we're all tired, but lets muster up a bit of good, old-fashioned gumption and (in this little universe) save fucking Equestria, unironically?"
I do hope the audience intuits all the expressive gestures, the artificical pleasantness, and fake charisma written into Brie, he's literally the worst
Sweat beginning to bead on his forehead, Brie pulls out another cigarette, lights it, and continues working. In that it's a military explosive, it tbankfully will be insulated to not be set off by sparks or firearm damage. Still, any one of these wires could be catastrophic if disconnected at the wrong time or in the wrong order. Now because it's military that means the production level will be a standardized corporate bid, which explains why these wires ARE ALL THE SAME FUCKING COLOR... Brie rees in his head Yes, Brie fucking with the torpedo is what Im gonna be doing until further notice
Brie thinks back to the dozens of times hes deployed a frag grenade, particularly because he's anticipating having to deploy both of the ones on his bat. In that his player has an autistic obsession with realistic detail (in a pony game ffs) heres 2 pics and a video depicting a frag grenade in use. Notice the gas pattern (including 12 o'clock, tho I didnt do that line). The supposition then would be that a frag might not be effective against diagonally adjacent opponents, but only directly perpendicular opponents https://youtube.com/shorts/uJLk7x-4asI?si=5nAqW8g-FbM8_DR_
But then he chastizes himself for thinking of little explosives while dealing with,....
>>187241 "What are you curious in the logbook for? Is there any information you seek?"
This is the fourth airplane Posey has seen in her life, she examines it curiously, giving one of the wings a soft kick, testing its durability "It's no siege crab or driver beetle, but perhaps these new flying engines of war have something to offer..." she says, mostly to herself >"Imagine if a ghost or other entity haunted one of these. It would make a formidable minion. I will have to note the potential for animate flying contraptions in my report to the masters." She thinks to herself.
Somewhere over that stretch of water the party flew over you remember flies the oversized fly, atop which rides the red-maned cow, speeding toward Mended Hoof. Anyone curious as to "why dredlocks" is getting their questions answered, but even as a narrator, I digress. But as they speed along their way, a sudden impulse occurs, and she pulls on the makeshift reins designed for the ancient fly. Sensing first the release of tension in the cow's legs, followed by the slight tug on the carapice harness, she likewise responds immediately, spinning to a halt. Addy can't get sick, its fine. The fly hovers for a moment, waiting for some form of instruction. After a few seconds, she looks up at the cow. Her expression hidden behind her sunglasses, and her deadpan expression BASICALLY giving her a nat 20 on "defeating sense motive checks" (you can read her easily, but its in character behavioral analysis), the fly can't tell what she's thinking. She takes a long long drag on her cigarette, 'stands' up in the stirrups and throws her cigarette away. <No girl, it looks like everything's gonna be okay. Let's go play in the clouds! She says, jumping up out of the stirrups and onto the saddle, her hand grabbing the reins. Knowing that tone of voice, Uatchit wastes no time speeding off toward a big-ass cumulonimbus in the background. As among other things, a 5e shadow monk, Addy can bamf 60' per round when fully obscured, so theres no REAL threat of dying from falls. And even magical creatures like a good game of tag. <Fookin incorrigible ain' 'e?? Addy calls out to the audience, as she do speaking of course of yours truly.
Meanwhile, Brie's leg is beginning to cramp, so he shifts his position to be a more stable-posture.
>>187242 "Information happens to be very valuable. I would also like to know what an armed naval bomber was doing all the way out here, and what happened to the crew."
>>187250 It's bizarre but not undesired. Let your creativity shine through.
"Not to be a nuisance, but the camera?" Brie says, still fixated on the bomb, but holding up the camera with one hoof, waving it slightly so the motion draws the eye
Ahem. Brie looks up with a slightly.less irritated expression, having just shat the bed. Again. Emphasis added. "One assumes that if the lot of you will be doing tactical things while I am... busy here,... perhaps you can take some photos for instagram?
Oh hey, Brie wont be able to operate the camera while hes doing th torpedo
>>187241 "There was a book, yes." Pipette turns to Cavaliere, with little bits of her disheveled mane dipping out from under the makeshift helmet, and the skin around her wine-red eyes sagging in sleep deprivation or possibly age.
"We put it to the side when it didn't say anything about the radio."
>>187048 → "Yes, he was not careful to use protection. He did not sleep though, so he was not lost. He was always not trustful of Light Water. The entity never liked or trusted him. But yes... Though he does not think he can defeat it on his own, he is looking for help that can." She blinks
"Yes, they will want to speak with him."
>>187065 The warhead of the Torpedo weighs about 550 pounds. Worse, the whole torpedo is hanging in the air as it is stuck on a rail. It is inside of the bomb bay of the bomber. Concerningly, the torpedo seems to be armed, and there is fuel in the torpedo's propulsion system.
>>187257 Is that a book? No, it's an oxygen mask. Is that a book? No, it's a head set. Is that a book? No, it's a seat cushion.
>>187261 There it is. On the ground, behind the Pilot's seat and near the Radio Operator's seat.
>>187262 >age Imagine not ritually crucifying yourself at 21 so you can be young forever eyeball falls out gets rigor mortis after sitting too long gets attacked by vultures It's totally great and not ripe with omnipresent existential dread. >oxygen mask That could be useful for one of the players who needs to breath. >There it is. On the ground, behind the Pilot's seat and near the Radio Operator's seat. Nice. Posey levitates the book and flips through the most recent entries as she brings it over to Cavalier.
>>187266 >if that is what she is looking for. No, she's looking for relevant information to the planes recent travels. >See Oops >>187262 >He did not sleep though, so he was not lost "How long has he gone without sleeping?" She paused "How long have you and the Kostroma been here?"
Cavaliere will take the camera for now. >tfw no points in photography
>>187262 "Thank you, Miss Pipette. It's understandable why you did that. As interesting as the logbook is, I strongly encourage all of us to get away from this aircraft, now." He looks around. "Any of you want any supplies from here before we leave? Any of them could be useful, from a spare firestarting kit to a machine gun."
>>187264 >>187266 "Thank you Miss Ring," he says with a nod. He first tries to find the designation of the aircraft, and then looks at the latest comments about air lanes and the War. There will be time enough to read the rest after this mission.
>>187269 "If you can shoot a gun, you can shoot a camera," Brie offers casually. >>187262 Asking for clarity. So thats a hard "no" on any pictures before the surprise round? The one with the stilts dude and the 2 starfish?
Absentmindedly, Brie purses his lips, and softly whistles a tune as he works. He had heard it previously in occidental encounters, but only recently had it struck his mind and awareness to the point that dammit, sometimes it just plays in head. >>187265 → After at least one full rendition of the song, he realizes what he is doing. If he wasn't wearing camo makeup, you could see he is blushing, and he looks angrily around at everypony/creature, as though his embarrassment is their fault. "Don't look at me, I'm working!"
>>187165 I am going to reiterate that I am outside the blast radius of the torpedo when the rogue auto-fails the check to disarm it by trying to take 20 on it instead of taking 10. https://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/usingSkills.htm >>187269 >>187266 >>187257 Anyone who wants to talk to Posey should meet her outside the plane, in fact, she specifically insists so: "I would prefer to speak about these matters outside this cramped plane. Let us ALL go outside, RIGHT NOW." One of her Dreads pick up her bags, and the other gingerly leads Pipette by the hoof as she bolts out the door.
>>187266 "You know, I am something of a scientist myself." Posey says to Pipette "But, research grants are so hard to come by these days, so piracy it is."
Its been a long time since she's been able to let go, she thinks as she free-falls, gingerly intercepted by a very happy Uatchit. Their game, for visualization purposes, is kind of like Marco Polo. Anyway, in REAL time it's been probably only 6 months, but as time dilation fucks you, its been close to a decade. Theres alot that she hasnt had the time to process. And so, as she swirls into the clouds with her flyfren, a few tears drop
Meanwhile Brie is STILL ON THIS FUCKING TORPEDO Not a criticism, just,... ready.
>>187269 >Any of you want any supplies from here before we leave? Any of them could be useful, from a spare firestarting kit to a machine gun "Take whatever you need quickly! I am not confident in how much longer that plane will be here!"" Posey shouts from outside the plane
>>187333 Still and otherwise entirely focused on the Torpedo Brie chimes in, "No need to be alarmed Miss Ring. If this were the Kirian Type 91 torpedo, your concerns would be warranted, they are notoriously easy to set off, to compliment their kamikaze tactics. This however, is a...."
>>187344 "No no, you seemed quite intent to stand clear just moments ago. I'd advise remaining with,..." his voice strains as he is struggling with something, which PA-TING flies loose, "THAT," he simultaneously emphasizes as the metal piece flies loose.
>>187351 >You cannot take 10 on knowledge checks Where is that written? I can't find a rule saying that, under the description of the knowledge skill or the description of taking 10. I know you can't take 10 on the Knowledge (Religion/Nature) check to sacrifice a creature, but I am unaware of any other restrictions.
I don't really care either way. I just made the check because others requested it.
If you wanna get technical, the only rule that really matters is the DMG final note (page 4) which reads <The power of creating worlds, controlling deities and dragons, and leading entire nations is in your hands. You are the master of the game-the rules, the setting, the action, and ultimately, the fun. Oh wait. Thats addressed to GM
I don’t believe a disarm device check can or should be a “take a 20.” That’s a skill where a critical failure is very much undesirable, and technically taking a 20 is doing it continuously until you succeed.
The torpedo weighs about a ton, and the warhead is about 550 pounds. The warheads is percussion detonated. The remaining portion includes a tank of compressed air, fuel (either gasoline or methanol, I’m not sure), an engine and depth measurement equipment. The torpedo is hanging on the rails suspended above the ground, stuck, I kind of think a use rope check may be advisable.
>>187360 Making an improvised explosive out of the warhead and using the plane's radio to make a remote detonator, then when we get to the Traveler we force him to swallow the explosive before we detonate it. To assist with making it more likely that the explosive will kill him, Posey can use her freaky touch powers to weaken him.
>>187368 >>187369 It would absolutely be a great time to suggest it. We also don't need the whole warhead, just the explosive bits. Like, I imagine removing the percussion detonator and outer shell would shave off quite a bit of weight.
>>187268 “The night, besides micro sleep… The ship arrived before dawn.”
>>187296 >>187303 When she hears Posey call herself a “pirate,” she has serious concern. Then when she sees a floating, severed diamond dog arm, she screams and runs.
>>187236 Why do you have a random post of an oekaki of a ticktacktoe with the word “nape” in the center? What does a nape have to do with anything?
>>187372 Kira rushes after the fleeing Pipette, carrying an oxygen mask, a headset, and a book. "Wait! I know she's a little weird and scary at times, but she's actually not! Come back!"
>>187371 Silver: "Are you sure there is nothing you or that scroll could do to help us at all? Anything at all, no matter how small?"
>>187372 >What’s with all the focus on buttholes? You GM for ponut-obsessed bronies. >>187372 >she screams and runs Where does she run to? Posey stifles a giggle. She does enjoy a caring ponies.
>>187378 Admittedly we wouldn't be the first D&D party looking to kill a large creature via it's anus.
Kira slithers over to the tripped over and helpless mare. "Oh no! Are you okay? You took a nasty fall there." The helpful noodle helps Pipette back up to her hooves.
>>187378 So what is the status? Brie seems to not be facefirst with the bomb (yet :3), and since his previous listen checks related to the contemporaneous firearm usage was over a mile away, he will be on scene for the investigation of the torpedo, specifically related to any familiarity.
>>187373 >there is nothing you or that scroll could do to help us at all? "I did not say that. This scroll contains the powers of my master. The secrets hidden in it are more than helpful."
>>187388 Silver: "Well, we will soon be facing off against eldritch deity from another dimension. If there was ever time to tap into your master's power, it would be now."
>>187384 It’ll take a while to deconstruct the torpedo, especially with it hanging in air. I want to see what, if anything, other players will do in that time.
>>187393 Well, the Commissar is just nearby. The rest of us could go and meet up with him, save him if necessary, hear him out and recruit him and the soldiers with him to the growing party. If I can convince Posey to reanimate the leviathan whale skeleton after, it would be a huge help across many different areas, such as combat, disabling the GRU ship, and helping carry the improvised explosive. Then we would go to the marines/airponies, then finally the last and most distant group of soldiers. Somewhere along that path, Brie can rejoin with us with the explosive.
>>187395 Based. Silver will get in on the buttstuff action eventually, just you wait.
>>187397 Silver: "I think that can be managed. It should be on way to marines, same with Commissar. More we can do to make ourselves stronger, better we will do when we face off against Traveler."
>>187393 Without committing anyone to anything Brie,... is still on the table about the torpedo, ngl. I was committed to motion before, but wow did THAT get awkward. Kinda over the torpedo unless somepony makes a compelling caseYes, one more time, after all the shit, or we can fuck off after the commossar as a big happy family ^_^
>>187409 The frag grenades we have are nice, but I wouldn't bet my life on their ability to kill a god. The infantry demolition kits we have are primarily intended for the airship's engines, if it's in a state where we're unable to reasonably fix it. The harpoon head you found is kind of in the same boat as the frag grenades, especially only having the one of them. Having something like the explosive power of the torpedo, which is designed to sink sturdy metal-hulled ships, would be very useful for trying to kill the Traveler.
>>187412 "Silver, you're auggesting that deliberate demolition charges - yes intended for the circuitry, but you know where my head is about the airship - will be insufficient. I've been giving all of you a pass on all tjis magic stufff. Not gonna lie, I have dozens of questions. But if I'm gon a risk my/pur lives on a high explosive youre gonna need to do better that," Brie ends, with a waifish gesture, as though this sounds dubious.
>>187412 If it was able to survive impact from the upper stratosphere, I don't believe any kind of explosive will kill it. It is demonstrably resistant to extreme heat and physical trauma. It probably has some form of damage reduction and/or regeneration that would make it impervious to mundane damage.
>>187415 That's where you come in. Posey, with all respect to the scope of her powers, doesn't have the magical ability to kill the Traveler outright using her freaky necromantic touch, but I believe it will be enough to weaken the Traveler which, combined with him being subject to the laws of this universe, will make him more than vulnerable enough to the explosive force of a torpedo, and a few hoof grenades just to make sure. Especially as the explosion will be from inside the Traveler's body, bypassing the extreme damage resistance his hide has shown.
>>187414 Silver: "I did not say that demolition kits will be insufficient, I said that hoof grenades will be insufficient on their own and that demolition kits will be needed for airship if it can not be fixed as you hope."
>>187417 I agree with Silver's plan. If Cavaliere has finished tying up the torpedo, he debates to himself about going to comfort Patient Pipette, but he will have to rely on his eclectic fellows. Instead, he removes one of the .50 cal machine guns from a mount, and attempts to find a more mobile mount that could hold it.
>>187420 Silver goes to help Cavalier out with the MGs. "We can give these to others we have rescued along way. Their high rate of fire will let them cover us, preventing Traveler from swarming us with summoned monsters while we face him."
>>187418 I thought we already discussed this in-character. Maybe I am mistaken. >>187417 "What would a torpedo do against an organism that survived impact from beyond the firmament? It has already demonstrated resistance to extreme heat and physical trauma. It must have a form of supernatural damage reduction or regeneration to survive such extreme circumstances. Mundane weaponry is unlikely to be useful against it." Posey says
>>187424 Silver: "That is where you come in. Your ability to wither and rot things through touch, with all respect to your power I do not think it is enough to kill Traveler on its own...but it might be enough to weaken him. Then we follow it up with forcing explosives inside his body, bypassing his unusually resistant hide and damaging him internally, where he is likely less resistant. Doubly so with your magic affecting him."
>>187425 Silver: "That as well, of course. Especially against stronger summoned monsters, like that Abomination."
Kira comes back, holding a trembling Pipette in her coils.
Kira: "Uh...sort of? She tripped and took a big spill and...uh...I don't think she likes being held in my coils very much. Sorry, Ms. Pipette."
>>187429 Breaking this down as an ostensible explosives expert. 1. Make sure no boom 2. **make sure no boom** 3. Fucking 1 and 2, yall swear Im an amateur
>>187432 >>187433 I appreciate the criticism, but being ex-military is only one part of his character, and honestly not even that big a part. There's also more ways to portray someone who's ex-military other than "ultra-disciplined hardass" or "jaded PTSD burnout". So far I've received no other criticism from other people besides you. I apologize if you're ex-military yourself and it's something you hold dear to your heart, but I've liked how I've played Silver and it's how I'd like to continue to play him.
>>187438 Fine. But at the moment Brie - who I assure is a hairtrigger if anyone is thinking - especially in that hes contemplating dissectibg a warhead
>>187440 D'awwwww, thanks. I personally hope we get to see more of your character and get to see the deeper sides to her in the near future. I think Posey is pretty cool.
Brie contemplates cutting the wrong wire on the torpedo Just saying, and not intended as a threat (though how do you intuit it otherwise?) I figured out how to kill Brie off outright and still make Lacey work. So Im good with killing him pff now if it means not getting cucked by absentee players And yes, I would be okay with waiting until Mended horn is over to actually do things. I'll still be in the comments tho :3
Id still like to get his CM, but I'm more interested in not wasting my weekends hoping for something that just doesnt happen, but theres no way to know until its already wasted. I know, dnd and player being available, thats expressly why I was leery about going on a 5 player and 1 gm mission.
virtually impossible to get a solid, "shake your hand in good faith" dnd group of 5-6 reliably. With anon-board "lol Im a shitposter" shenanigens, you're inviting a nightmaee,... that doesnt have a moon on its flanks
>>187475 >>187478 It takes a moment, but eventually Silver and Garv (who is currently absent) arrive carrying the plane's MGs and their ammunition. "I think we are ready to go find Commissar Black Heel, now."
Kira, meanwhile, still has her head set and seat cushion, and is currently wearing the oxygen mask with its dangling, trunk-shaped breathing apparatus. Kira giggles to herself as she shakes her head from side to side, causing the apparatus to swing around. "Hehe, I look like an elephant!"
>>187483 When it’s appropriate to the story and world such that its appearance feels natural and not contrived. The Grootslang is an African myth. There’s a reason it showed up in Season 10 in Zebrica
Whelp, let’s see. It’s a legend from South Africa specifically. In fact, “Grootslang” is a Dutch phrase, and it’s a creation of the Afrikaans people. “Grootslang” literally means “big snake,” and the legend is basically of the Afrikaans people imagining a giant snake inhabiting a cave full of diamonds. So basically no, I don’t think Kira would know what a “Grootslang” is.
>>187486 The Grootslang is a magical beast, so roll Arcana, or Nature at GM's discretion. It's a rather obscure and powerful one though, being a creature that was able to evade the wrath of the gods, so the DC might be pretty high.
>>187487 >big snake,” and the legend is basically of the Afrikaans people imagining a giant snake Kira has not heard of a grootslang cause Kira IS the grootslang
>>187493 I know, but taking into account the universe that this game takes place in, lamias are pretty impressive, probably impressive enough to inspire such legends.
"Quick reminder, there was gunfire anout a mile that way. Whether it relates to the Commissar, the Marines, or the ostensibly time-sensitive situation between the Traveler and the military, in all cases, we should endeavor to waste as little time is possible."
>>187500 >>187502 Silver: "It sounds as if it is not far. Gunfire seems to be in direction of GRU landing party, so I imagine that Traveler has sent welcome party."
OOC: GM pone is wanting to reply to some posts before we proceed, give him some time.
>>187427 >>187430 "It is also plausible that The Traveller regressed into a state of dormancy in anticipation of or in response to its impact in our world. I believe that its current, immobile form is only a transitory stage in its metamorphosis. Once it discovers that supernatural attacks are still able to damage it in its dormant state, it is unlikely that it will simply surrender to being destroyed: at that stage, it may reveal its true form, much more dangerous, but also physically destructible." Posey say "Time will tell."
>>187508 I'm on the tail end of a stomach flu(?) and am cozy in bed with soda and sherbert (and energy drinks, but no alcohol ~_~) Anyway, Im not on any schedule
For those trying to take a machine gun, please understand that these are decidedly heavy machine guns, purpose built to kill small aircraft like fighters, and not to fight against infantry. The bullets are .50 cal, which is to say, several times the size of standard .30 cal bullet. 250 rounds weighs about 75 pounds. The gun itself is 84 pounds. But please understand that the rate of fire of this, the aircraft version, is twice the rate of fire of an infantry or vehicle mount version. That is to say, its rate of fire is just under that of an MG 42. It is physically impossible to hip fire. And further more, it and its ammo feed is screwed into the turret. It can be removed to be sure, but that would take time.
>>187381 >>187426 “Ahhh!!!” Puppets waves her hooves around, and tries to get back up and continue running. She’s trembling, but in fairness, she’s been doing that continuously.
>>187508 >>187502 To get the torpedo warhead, Brie would probably need to be continuously working on it while the others are trying to meet with the commissar, or what have you.
>>187500 >>187508 The party members should have a vague idea of where the commissar is supposed to be, but Pipette knows more.
>>187512 >>187511 "Pipette, you know where the Commissar is, right? Lead us to him." >She’s trembling "And if you do it quickly, you could have us all out of your mane soon enough."
>>187511 This is why Cavaliere was hesitant about grabbing the gun. He simply cannot carry that much weight. Does anypony volunteer to carry either the gun or the ammunition, and does anypony object to waiting for the gun to be dismounted?
"Miss Pipette, none of us intend to hurt you. Lack of sleep has made you jumpy, but please get a hold of yourself. We need your help," he says gently.
>>187521 "I could probably extract the explosives, but I would need to stay behind. But even then, I couldnt possibly carry it with my girlish fogure, so I'd be unable to even move it effectively."
>>187518 Hey, psst. This is a good place to mention exactly that you're planning on raising a flying whale skeleton. It will make transporting the explosive a breeze.
>>187519 We should have asked Captain Waters for a Talisman of The Disk. It's only 500 gp for at-will Floating Disk. I think I'll buy one after this adventure. >>187525 Let's find the commissar and the Marines first.
>>187528 No, I mean it would be a huge help to smooth over Brie's IC concerns about the plan if Posey explained (again, in character) in a bit more detail about the scroll. She's explained she would need the leviathan whale skeleton, but not what she would need it for or what it would do. >inb4 "Posey wouldn't so willingly divulge this kind of information" The party is in a life or death situation against a god with the ability to summon monsters seemingly without limit and control an unknown number of creatures at any given time. For Posey it's especially a case of life or death because she has 0 Constitution, so if she goes down that's it, no bleedout period or anything like that where the rest of the party can save her. Information isn't at a premium here, we need to communicate with each other if we wish to survive and succeed.
"I'm certainly not going to be able to.convince the science mare, even when bartering or engaged in diplomacy, there's an aire of intimidation to it. Still, she does seem to require some degree of convincing, and since I'm quite certain thar several.of you will be very cross if I try to force her at gunpoint. So! I'm going to whipnup a fresh batch of tea, and maybe we can get her a bit more settled hmm?" Brie first reloads his revolver from the 3 potshots, before making a full pot of tea.
>>187531 Kira: "Is there an aire of intimidation to headpats," the noodle asks, as she continues to give the scared science mare comforting headpats. "I like giving pets and headpats to friend-shaped creatures."
>>187533 "The 'headpats' (an innuendo?) I give that are not implicity intimidating are unfortunatrly not the sort onr engages in and speaks of," he says with a wink."But in Ms. Pipette's case, I think releasing her is the best first step." Brie tilts head and rocks it around, as if to imply: "Where is she going to run to?"
>>187530 >it would be a huge help to smooth over Brie's IC concerns about the plan I missed the part where that's my problem. >She's explained she would need the leviathan whale skeleton, but not what she would need it for or what it would do. The nature of the magic in the scroll is purview to her master's practices: it is as much of a military secret as the sensitive systems that Captain Waters is having us destroy. Adhering to the privacy of her masters is part of her code of conduct, which is why she cannot reveal it to outsiders so easily, even at the expense of her own safety. Until her apprenticeship/enslavement is over (level requirement), death is preferable to slighting the masters. >if we wish to survive and succeed You say that, but Posey also have my secrets to keep. She did request to break off and perform the magic in privacy. I guess it wouldn't hurt to witness the results of the spell if you didn't witness its casting.
I'll consider it. Let's talk about it again after we find the Marines and Commissar. >>187541 "Stop chasing her. This is counterproductive."
>>187541 As Brie approaches, Kira first, he pauses. "Ms. Kubana, our guest will need to be able to move to be able to sip her tea. If she runs, she won't get far," And Brie deli erately makes eye contact with Pipette, "but for now let's just take a moment." His head tilts as a thought occurrs. But he finishes his motion, holding out a small cup of calming tea to the frightened science mare.
>>187540 Pipette is less grappled and being offered tea by a crazy bat in a camo murdersuit that yes, has blood on it. "Go on Miss, youve been through alot. It isnt poison, and we're not here to hurt you. I brought biscuits as well.: "
>>187543 So Brie is taking the time to boil water?
>>187544 >I missed the part where that's my problem. Also rude
>>187545 >>187544 >>187541 Sure, we’ll assume that Kira, despite never rolling for it an only stating the action as kind of post hoc fait accompli, has grappled and coiled Pipette after she tripped.
When Kira loosens her grip, Pipette jumps out of Kira’s coils. She fails to clear Kira’s body and trips over it, falling on her belly with an “yumph!” squeal, eyes closed forelegs spread in a y shape forward, and chin against the ground. Her tin-hat slumps down, though the horn stops it from covering her eyes, and she looks upwards towards whomever approaches, presumably Brie
>>187544 Silver: "We have time at moment because of distraction to be able to go to Commissar, whale skeleton, and airponies without worrying about GRU or Traveler. I highly doubt, however, that distraction will hold long enough for us to backtrack all way across island multiple times to go to airponies, come back for skeleton, come back for torpedo, then go to Kostroma. Whatever secrets your masters have bid you to hold, they would surely understand that needs and circumstances of current moment outweigh need for secrecy. I also doubt any of our original party members will divulge any secrets we discover."
>>187551 Did you want a roll for it? I didn't know if you did or not.
Without waiting for a response, Brie simply shrugs and starts laying out teacups and biscuits. First to Pipette, then Kira, Silver, Dust (hes the lankier), and finally Garv. Somehow, Brie intuits that Rosey would decline tea and biscuits. All the same, he only has a dozen and with those six he can only offer 2 per pony without breaking them. "Ms. Pipette, please be at ease. In spite of our colorful and outlandish nature and appearance, we are here to be of service to you. And not just to you, but the good locals of stalliongrad, and whoever else has been caught up in this messy little scenario," he's quite upbeat at this point, wriggling his nose and shaking his head a bit at 'messy little scenario'. "Its quite absurd, and not what the lot of us were expecing when we took this mission. You're a mare of science, I assumed you would benefit from a more detailed and HONEST level of disclosure," he smiles, finally bringing his own tea to his lips. "The tea it's self.is wonderful, but consider dipping the biscuits in for a moment, not too long or they'll crumble. Anyhow, where I was going with that is to say that we are a privately contracted, paramilitary group tasked with recovering Equestrian personnel and either sabotaging or running off with military vehicles. However, as you are no doubt aware," he gestures to the bags under her eyes, "There is more going on here than a simple territory dispute between rival militaries." His voice grows deeper and more deliberate. "Something foul is going on here, and it is not implausible to say that the few here, offering you tea,... may be the kast kine of defense that Equestria has." His voice jumps back up in pitch. "Life is so erratic and unpredictable isn't it? So, while appreciate what given the circumstance a slight disinclination to trust us, it would behoove our survival if you would help aid us in locating the commissar."
>>187552 >>187553 >>187554 >>187555 Pipette lies collapsed on the ground on her belly. Her hind legs are propped up against Kira’s body, slightly raising her hindquarters, even as her chin presses against the grass. Her wine-red eyes look up at the creatures around her. She moves her hooves closer to herself and tries to push herself upwards. She manages to pull herself off of Kira, and is only just able to stand up, still trembling and dirt on her white coat jacket.
She looks over to the biscuits (I’m unsure if the biscuits are actual biscuits or if these are cookies), and sniffs one. Then she uses her magic to take it, and starts eating it. She eats it rather quickly and not exactly in the manner befitting what is presumably a professional. She takes the tea with an aura of red purple magic, sips it, then drinks it quickly, with the only limit being an aversion to having her mouth burned by hot liquid.
>>187562 Brie acknowledges Garv's glance, and tips his head to suggest he has a plan, but acknowledges we cant discuss it now, wat matters is getting this cunt to.gove us the next waypoint
Tentatively, I don’t think a character can both try to take a machine gun or disassemble the torpedo, and go to find the commissar, unless some other measure is taken.
>>187565 Agreed, and without the aid of a sufficient load-besring device, it simply isnt feasible. If only it were someone else's problem. But anyway, since Pipette is gratefully obliging "Splendid. You'll be in fine care. Lead from the middle, let us protect you.:
>>187565 Then let us nix the machine gun retrieval. Unless if we seriously split the party, losing time in the process, Cavaliere cannot have it moved which makes the whole effort worthless. If Brie is going to stay behind and work on the torpedo, the party will have to come back for them anyway which would make the machine gun worth it. It's dependent on Brie's decision.
>>187568 Brie is not going to stay behind, because as said he would be unable to move the extracted explosives and no option for moving them is forthcoming
But now would be a good time for Rosey to maybe say something vague like "If I can come up with a load-bearing,... device, can these weapons be utilized?" Just a suggestion
>>187577 I think that everyone has agreed they are not going to try to salvage the warhead, or the machine guns, and they aren’t going for the leviathan skeleton.
>>187578 No, I am so fucking pissed off at this bullshit. For fuck's sake, I never had a problem with OOC posts until now. You two are aware we are going to fight a fucking god, right?
>>187579 Wha? I thought I could go to the skeleton after the commissar and the airponies. Was I mistaken? Oh well. >>187577 I'm confused. What agreement?
>>187582 Yes, but Brie and Garv wont assume to be able to.move heavy equipment unless Rosie offers that she can make that happen. Digging in your heels is still fighting
>>187580 Yes. While you suggested the warhead plan and the GM forcefully hinted at the machine guns, the actual logistics of bringing them, and the opportunity cost of the time spent, raises a lot of challenges. If we all stay at the plane we risk losing the Commissar and the airponies. Splitting the party can accomplish both objectives, but at greater risk. The GM suggested that maybe there could be a workaround but I don't know what that could be.
>>187580 You have not one, but two player characters. You are the only one to have two. And neither of them give a shit enough about the bomb, the machine gun, or the scroll to put a hoof down and refuse to progress until this concern is addressed.
If your characters don’t care, just play your respective characters. If playing your characters true means they sleep walk into oblivion, as you seem to think they are, then let them do so.
>>187583 No, but no one knows what anyone’s plans are after going to the commissar. Actually, based off of statements from you and or Posey, it seems like that’s abandoned and you all are going to the airship.
>>187586 I was under the impression that GM didn't want me to reanimate a giant flying skeleton, so I decided not to talk about it until there was an actual opportunity. I was also under the impression that people didn't want to handle the skeleton stuff until we found the airponies, so I was waiting until after that.
I do want to do the skeleton thing though.
I don't actually need to do it with a whale skeleton, btw. I just need a sufficient amount of bones, maybe from ~6-9 medium sized creatures. >>187585 I wanted to split off to reanimate the monster while the party handled other matters, but I was told that wasn't desirable.
Silver: "We are not being stupid about this. There are MGs that those we have rescued can use to fend off Abominations, there is torpedo that can be turned into explosive device to try to kill Traveler, and you have scroll you still have not explained what it even does. We are not going to march straight to our deaths unprepared."
>>187589 It wasnt desirable for you to run off not saying anything but "trust me". Be as vague as you want, but pretend Rpsie is a LITTLE bit of a team.player, given the open discussion of extracting the 1/4 ton explosive, and the heavy machine gun(s?) Unless you WANT brie tagging along ;3
Last chance. You get ur skeleton, we get bombs and guns. Brie looks back at the plane, reservations forming in his mind. "While ordinarily not one to out too much stock in such extreme levels of ordinance, I have a sinking feeling we might benefit from both the torpedo and the machine guns. It seems a shame to let them go to waste, if only we had a way to move them,...."
>>187589 In-character, no it's not desirable. You can split off at any point (you are not compelled to stay with the party) but it will raise even more questions. I think GM's objections were regarding the stats of the giant flying skeleton, but I don't recall these objections being resolved. Transporting the warhead is a perfectly fine way of using that creature, and otherwise we would need a harness and a team to move it.
>>187590 "I agree, but let's get the logistics of these weapons squared away. How will we move them, and can we ensure our charges will survive by the time we reach them?"
>>187592 "It's a conjuration scroll? That's useful. Why didn't you explain what it did sooner?"
>>187593 "You can never really be sure what it is until it appears, but I had in mind something large and durable, that also flies." Posey replies "I was looking to use my masters scroll for something to carry me to the top of that mountain, where I could make an appeal to the spirits of the north to send us something to fight alongside us." >>187595 >You can split off at any point (you are not compelled to stay with the party) but it will raise even more questions. That's what I was originally going to do, but people got mad so I didn't. >I think GM's objections were regarding the stats of the giant flying skeleton, but I don't recall these objections being resolved. Yeah. I want to know if it's allowed before I go there to do it. >onjuration scroll "Not quite..." >Why didn't you explain what it did sooner? "I did explain it though."
>>187600 "I would not know. I have never tried it before. It is my master's magic, not my own. But...." Posey unfurls her scroll and squints at the spooky glowing sigils running across it "...I think so?" She pauses ".... It would probably expend my entire scroll to produce a minion that huge though..." she adds, slightly disappointed "I will just bill Captain Waters for it."
>>187589 >>187598 You can split off any time. What you can’t do is find the party again.
I asked “how will posey find the party again?” Twice. The first time the question was dismissed as irrelevant, and the second time I was just outright ignored. I thought that she could do some extremely basic shit like saying “hey, can we meet at this place or time?” Or taking one of the two-way radios so that they can keep in communication… But no, you didn’t want to do this. This did not please me and I wasn’t going to allow a party split when players refuse to acknowledge very obvious, basic, serious, and ultimately easily resolved logistical problems.
>>187603 "I mean, theres the question of meeting back. I MIGHT be able to drag it some distance, but nothing effective; Garv seems a bit stronger but even so, this is heavy and awkward equipment. Can you find your way back in time?"
>>187602 >how will posey find the party again?” Twice. The first time the question was dismissed as If she were at the top of Mended Horn, wouldn't she be able to see the Kostroma from there? That's what I said last time. >“hey, can we meet at this place or time?” I mentioned meeting at the Kostroma >Or taking one of the two-way radios so that they can keep in communication… Oh wait, I forgot we had those. That's a good idea. >But no, you didn’t want to do this. This did not please me and I wasn’t going to allow I thought you just didn't want me to make a flying whale monster, so I low-key just gave up on it and stopped thinking about the logistics.
>>187604 >>187595 Silver: "If it flies, you will be able to attach explosive, MGs, and ammunition and fly with alongside it back to us. We will give you two-way radio so you can maintain communication, and agree to meeting point, likely near Airship. Perhaps Cavaliere can be convinced to stay with you as well, both to provide backup and to work on MGs while you work on explosive." Silver turns to Cavaliere, expecting an answer.
>>187606 "Wait, theres something we're overlooking. What about the Griffon whalers? Could you convince them to help us move the equiipment? I forget theyre there sometimes."
>>187610 "Only as a last resort. Your job is to be adorable when needed. You will probably be joining them, I think," Brie says pointing a waving hoof in the direction of,... not the plane."
>>187611 "Ahhhhhhhhhh. You are correct, Griffonian and Severanyan sound so similar when youre unfamiliar. Then yes, it seems that this might work out after all. The 5 of you," Brie casts a squinty eye at Mala, "... maybe 4,... we'll see what Cavaliere thinks, may be able to depart post haste, as he can do the translating and we can do the dissection. I'm far less familiar with large-calibur weaponry, but I'm confident that I can dissect the torpedo in as long as it takes him to extract one of the guns, after which I could then assist if at all on the second. With the walkie, we can status when we are finished, and decide where to recconnoiter."
>>187615 Silver: "Good. We will first go to Commissar as it is closest, see if he needs rescuing and recruit him to our growing army. Then we will go to leviathan whale skeleton so Posey can summon her ally."
“I can also make the prisoners do things if you need them to, and to watch over them.” He holds up his shot gun with evident pride. “I have experience as… as a - as a jailer.”
>>187617 >“I can also make the prisoners do things if you need them to, and to watch over them.” He holds up his shot gun with evident pride. “I have experience as… as a - as a jailer.” "Oh, really? So do I. Enhanced Interrogation is one of my specialties. I do not think that is necessary yet though." >>187616 "I would prefer to go to the skeleton alone, or at least use my master's scroll with some degree of privacy."
>>187619 Mala’s tail stops moving side to side, but stops midway, and then slowly moves down. His lips, likewise, slowly move down at the edges as his smile fades.
Brie turns to Garv and with a respectful nod to Mala who all this time he thought was a valet or some sort. "Gentlecreatures (none of them ponies, technically), shall we to business then?"
>>187621 Silver goes over to Mala, and gives him a much deserve headpat. "How about you, Mala? Are you staying with Brie and Cavaliere to help them out?"
>>187625 “I…” his head turns in a circular motion as he holds the syllable. “Think so?” His head and eyes move back up and lock on Silver. But he closes his eyes and smiles as Silver pats his head.
Silver: "I am sorry that I have not been giving you attention as I should. You are my friend, I should not be ignoring you so. I could say that this mission has had me distracted, but it sounds more like excuse than anything."
>>187630 neck is scritched Mala rivals Silver for fluffiness.
He opens his eyes and tries to look back towards Silver, with one of his big, triangular ears making its way past Silver’s foreleg and standing up. He leans towards Silver, and Silver can feel Mala’s moving tail hit his back.
>>187632 >>187633 "I wouldn't begrudge if you did venture with them. Theyre likely to.need the help, and as lomg as I can have help, carrying the explosives won't be so bad. Though Im hoping that 2 can do the bomb and 1 each can carry an MG. We'll see. I dont mind holding the leash if it means not having to carry things."
>>187302 Suddenly, Vir just straight up backhandshoofs the bap.
"Nye heh heh heh," Vir chuckles. "I know another naughty bap who could put to use a sweetie's, like yous' lil' bap wings into good money. Heh heh heh."
"...I'm not naughty," the bap says but not with much force and she doesn't look up from the floor.
Vir slaps her again, this time with her pimp cane.
>>187606 "I can do that. Would you like to carry the camera? Otherwise, maybe Dust knows how to use it. Bøkli speaks Ponish, but I can ask him."
He turns to the griffon followers. "Would you like to stay here and help move some heavy equipment we're getting from the plane? Zou je hier willen blijven en helpen met het verplaatsen van de zware apparatuur die we uit het vliegtuig halen?" he asks, repeating the question in Feathesian to Sørvik.
>>187635 >>187636 >>187637 "This is more in lone with what I am thinking. The Commissar and the Marines are probably much closer to danger than we will be. The traveler doesn't know the first thing about this technology I'll wager, and we will probably be able to work relatively unmolested. Whereas with the marines - and I'm hoping likewise the downed airship - there is strategic value of both to the traveler. Oh, it's not likely to specifically comprehend an airship, but flying transport isn't much of a stretch. We still know so little,... in any case, I suspect that Silver will need the muscle more than we do. We don't have to necessarily be striding casually when we're innbound with the payloads, just as long as we can move them in a reasonably timely manner. The only question then is the prisoners."
Off to side, out of sight and out of mind, Dust sneaks a quick grass tasting in between his prayers. Hopefully the next place his missions take him has better grass.
>>187691 Kira comes over, wondering what her zeeb friend is doing so far away from the group. "Hey Dust! You're missing out on Silver talking about the group's plan." She tilts her head at his grass munching. "Are you hungry or something?"
>>187641 Silver takes the offered camera, nodding at the griffon.
>>187644 Silver: "We will take possessed ponies with us, so you do not have to worry about wrangling with them. It will also let us keep close eye on them."
>>187641 >>187692 "Its a brand-new-style camera, there's a lever under the shutter button, you'll need to wind it between photos. Theres a flash switch on the side, in case it gets dark," Brie offers, assuming hes the only one in the thread that has used a ww2 style camera Xp.
>>187692 Dust's eyes open as he looks at the lamia who has caught him slacking in his prayers. "Hello Kira my lamia friend, My prayers have just come to an end. I am glad to hear that our group Is coming to plans like a troup. As I had nothing to say I decided to come and pray" He looks down at the grass and back at her "I am currently fine I can assure this is not hunger's sign My tendancy is to roam and graze Rather than take set meals and laze I hope my snacking does not faze"
>>187698 Breathing a sigh of relief, having picked up several coils of wasted film reel, Brie breathes a sigh of relief. In his mind, he was imagining trying to explain the Traveler to Captain Waters, with foiled evidence ;_;
>>187638 “Uh, okay” Mala looks down to the right, then back up, then back down, then back up to Silver in quick succession. Presumably, Silver has stopped stitching her neck.
Sørvik: “ Waar ga je heen met dit? Deze monsters zijn verschenen en deze soldaten, en we zien geen uitweg uit dit eiland - Where are you going with this? These monsters have appeared and these soldiers, and we see no way out of this island”
>>187700 Silver resumes scritching Mala's neck. "So, how about it? Want to come with us?"
>>187701 Kira leads the zeeb back to the group, who has gathered around near the plane. Silver looks over to Dust, and smiles. "Good to see you are still with us, Dust. Did you hear plan, or do you need to be filled in?"
>>187704 Dust nods to Silver "I must confess the plan I have not heard However it would be nice to hear before we move forward" Dust takes a seat as he waits to be filled in on the details.
>>187707 Silver nods at Dust. "Cavaliere and Brie will stay here at plane with rescued griffons, getting machine guns and explosive we will need for our fight against Traveler. Rest of us are going to Commissar, saving him if needed, and recruiting him and his soldiers to our growing army. After that, Posey has scroll she can use to summon ally using that leviathan whale skeleton we found at whaling village. She will use it to create or summon whatever ally she has in mind, it will fly back here to plane to pick up guns and explosives, and then we all will meet back up at airship."
>>187710 Brie nods turns toward the torpedo, pulling out his thieves kit. He misses his masterwork set, but they were too hard to replace. >>187700 I will wait for a prompt from you about what to do with the torpedo, not knowing which skill you would have me start with.
>>187710 Dust listens carefully. He betrays a small twitch at the mention of Posey summoning, but does not say a word "Of the plan I think it sounds fair Before we beseige the Traveler's lair. I shall plan to travel with you And hopefully see this mission through."
>>187712 >He betrays a small twitch at the mention of Posey Posey smirks "Is there something on your mind, ~Dusty? Any questions?" >And hopefully see this mission through." "Excellent. I am sure Captain Waters will compensate us for performing above and beyond call of duty." >>187710 "Silver. I would like to carry one of those two-way radio thingies."
Oh, I found out a way for the party to meet up again if they split up: if you cast Light on a pebble, and sling it 250 ft in the air, it's a bootleg flare. This way the party can reveal their location to characters across the island.
Also works with an arrow, which can be shot 500 ft in the air.
>>187719 Mommy Vile temptress. The zebra hisses through his teeth "I have no other questions for now We'll all find our way somehow." >>187723 I do infact have light and a sling
>>187730 "No, you dont get it! Now!" >>187720 >>187700 GM, I have a sudden feeling that we have been neglecting our military comrades, and if the radio is easily lifted, Brie would swipe it taking a 5 (what, he has +17, and hes not trying to hide it)
>>187724 >We'll all find our way somehow "That is the spirit!" Posey says, with a wink >I do infact have light and a sling Perfect. I can rely on you. >>187720 I thought GM said we had two yesterday, since he mentioned it as one of the possible ways for the party to meet again. I could be mistaken. Idk. >>187730 He's just jelly.
>>187731 >>187732 Well, first off, no, Brie can't just deft hands the radio away. Second:
Silver: "Radio is for calling for extraction. Entire point of us being here is to avoid starting war. That all goes out window if we call for troops, planes, warships, or whatever."
>>187735 The fuck he cant? He knobbed y'all earlier >the radio is for extraction Oh right. Cuz the military isnt gonna wanna hear about the FUCKING GOD YOU KNOB
>>187734 ????? My guy are you having a stroke? I don't, nor have I ever, have any of the radios. I don't even know who captain waters is, much less have I volunteered to contact him.
>>187735 "We could inform Captain Waters about the Eldritch demigod and the mind controlled thralls and the summons and whatnot, and ask him to confirm that he would be willing to compensate us for all of the extra efforts. I believe it could make or break our team's morale to know if we found out whether or not we are doing this for free."
Before anyone actually does anything, let's just wait for GM pone, because we're gonna need him to adjudicate this whole new ordeal.
>>187739 Captain Shoal Waters is the pony from the New Mareland Navy who gave us this mission. Not to be confused with Light Water, the scientist on the Kostroma who kickstarted this whole disaster.
I want to see ponies fucking, even if its an interracial couple and neither is technically a pony
>>187731 Not exactly. It's built into the plane and is lacking a power source. It's antenna is a part of the plane. Not impossible to steal, just difficult.
Unless you mean the short distance radios. I think the party already has those
>>187741 Okay, this is actually a decent point made by someone in character rather than just stealing a radio they already have and only saying "Let's call Captain Waters".
Silver: "That is good point. Let me see if I can contact him."
>>187744 Silver takes the radio he already has, adjusts the frequency for Captain Water and/or the plane, and calls in. "Island team reporting in, over."
>>187745 Patient Pipette looks over at Dust with a very wide smile shows all of her, more or less well maintained teeth. A stand of her blue hair comes out from under the foil and over her eyes and mouth
>>187744 >They got one. They captured a second Can the two be used to communicate with one another? >Requires decent visibility. Even with it going 500 ft in the air at night? >I think they also have a flare gun. Oh, that's good then. >>187745 Rolling Bluff (Seduction) to flirt with Dust [1d20+16 = (3+16) = 19] >>187746 Looks like it's too long distance for our radio to reach him, but it could be worth a shot. >>187749 Ooh, ooh, me! >>187750 Awww, beat me to it.
>>187700 "You can go with the rest of the group who are going to rescue some stranded ponies. We will need to find a different means of carrying this weaponry. As for the monsters, once we have the weaponry we will destroy their source and finally take you away from this place." He repeats this in Feathesian.
>>187710 "The three of us have only a vague idea of where the airship is."
>>187736 No code words to hide our contact's identity? That's just a basic precaution.
>>187744 Cavaliere already stabilized it with Use Rope.
>>187758 "I rhink at this point, we have a greater obligation to the safety and survival of anybponies we can to any prescribed pretenses of Piracy," Brie chuckles
>>187753 The stronk zeeb mind is resistant to your futile unicorn flirting! >>187754 Granted, I'm not exactly a high roller myself.... >>187756 Oh fuck you! That was MY good luck! >>187755 Dust's cheeks turn black (brown?) and white and red all over at Kira's insinuation "Hello Miss Pipette I am sorry we have not met You can call me simply "Dust" Or "Defiant Dust" if you must."
>>187760 She walks closer, a short mare with grey-purple coat, a blue mane, and a white coat jacket on, wearing a tin foil hat. Her eyes are wine red, and her smile still shows most of her teeth. She moves a few steps closer towards Dust
>>187765 Dust lowers himself a little to be more on Pipettes level "Are you okay? Although this is no play I do not like to see one in distress. Are you injured or sick, anything I can address?"
>>187769 “Ye-eh-es?” She speaks with a think accent that by now, Dust is probably learning to recognize as Severyanan. But she may have a speech impediment, or other peculiarity that causes her voice to sound off as well.
It’s a set of symptoms are too familiar in the Kostroma survivors. She is shaking. Her mane is disheveled. Her pupils are shrunken. Her eyes are bloodshot and tired.
>>187770 I see... This is more severe than I thought. Dust moves slowly, very slowly, and places a hoof atop Pipette's head. And begins to pet. While he does this, he hums a soft tune, an old Zebra lullaby hoping to comfort the mare.
>>187770 >>187771 Hmmmm...Silver keeps an eye on Pipette and Dust as Dust hums his lullaby. "Do not let her fall asleep with your humming. Traveler's influence is strongest in sleeping subjects."
>>187779 Dust withdraws his hoof as she wishes. Instead, he tries hugging her "There, there Little mare You do not have to be scared" As he hugs her, he tries to feel if there's anything wrong with her (goose eggs, bruises, infections, broken bones, sprains, etc) just to be safe
>>187781 Uhm, the pretense is that Brke yoinked the radio, cuz he realized no one was fucking using it. Youre welcome to yoink it back A. Cuz its well beyond its use and B. Because nap
Dust quickly discovers that she isn't averse to touch per se, just specifically to her tin foil hat being pushed off, as she is almost unreactive to Dust's hug.
While I don't want to say that she is "chubby," her build is closer to that of a true barrel, rather than a recessed belly, and she is stocky rather than thin or lanky. She is reasonably fluffy, although the clothing she is wearing prevents Dust from feeling the full extant. Individual ribs are not easy to feel, but the hug doesn't seem to cause her pain
>>187786 Sørvik: "Nog meer beweging? Elke keer als we bewegen komen we meer monsters tegen - Even more movement? Every time we move we encounter more monsters"
>>187784 >>187787 Ask.me how Brie knows. Cuz this is the second time hes stolen it. The radio was always for communicating witb military, that was in the briefing.
>>187788 "It's an unknown, highly durable creature of magical origin. What we have to go on suggests that weakening it with magic and using explosives on it is the surest way to kill it."
>>187787 >>187789 We got one from Shoal Waters, and one from the first group of commies we rescued. GM pone has said as much.
>>187785 Silver: "As Posey said, they may be out of range. Another possibility is that Traveler is interfering with radio's operation over longer distances. We are on our own for moment."
>>187785 Dust rubs her back a little. The mare is not injured or ill. She is simply scared out of her mind and trying to stay strong. Dust decides to let her break the embrace when she's ready. She's been through a lot it seems.
>>187797 He feels her jacket move over her fur, unless he goes out of his way to get under the clothing or find an exposed spot. Presumably Dust has his hooves over her back while she stands still, and can't exactly break the embrace unless she moves. She stands there, trembling and breathing, and not directly reacting.
I'm hearing no objections, so I'm assuming we are.
>>187798 >>187797 >>187795 >>187791 >>187790 Silver: "Okay, time to move out. Brie, Cavaliere - good luck. Rest of us, on me. Kira, scout ahead. Pipette, show us way to Commissar Black Heel."
Kira: "Yes sir!" Kira gives Silver little mock salute before taking point, scouting ahead of the party for danger.
"I, I can take you there." Pipette says, looking first back towards Silver and anycreature else who speaks, and then ahead into the fog. She walks to into the mist, around the edge of what must be the summit of the hill, and then down the edge of the hill to the north, with the mist continuing to obscure vision beyond maybe 50 or so feet.
>>187803 The "eeeee" of tinnitus both persists and pervades
>>187744 So since Garv already succeeded on his rope use, thanks for that prompt, its just a disable device, correct? On second thought, better to take a 10. At +12
>>187812 Tentative no (I guess no one wants to role anything or announce any actions but just wants to walk into something...). However, I will be available all of tomorrow and Wednesday
Dreads are in the air scanning for threats. Posey has her bow drawn. >>187814 I think the Griffons should stay where Cavalier is, since he speaks their language.
>>187813 >I guess no one wants to role anything or announce any actions but just wants to walk into something... I readied an attack (charm gaze) and made perception checks. Is there anything else I can/should roll?
The Dreads have higher perception than Posey, but they have no mouths or any ability to communicate verbally, so Posey instructs them to make Elon salutes in the event that they spot anything from their elevated position. They should be able to see over the crest of the hill, and are on the lookout for ambushes, since we all know monsters love to hide behind hills.
I had declared that Brie would start by taking a 10 on disarming/extracting the payload. It wouldn't (I hope) be a low enough roll to set anything off, in that it was a military contract for industrial production, and would inform him if he will have to try harder. See what my younger brother did to my car?
Point of authenticity, Brie's disable check will only make sure the explosive doesnt go off in extraction and transport, until reenabled later. He may not have the mechanical skill (different check?) To remove it
>>187813 Sorry, but serious side-question. Is the explosive composition of the torpedo going to be something that can be factored into a/the plan?
A common composition for bombs and ordinanced explosives was an explosive detonator and a big bucket of aluminum shavings. Might that be the case here, and is there a possibility of utilizing that knowledge in some capacity other than shoving bomb up butthole, set off bomb, profit?
>>187824 It is not aluminum shavings. There is insufficient oxidizer for aluminum. It's amatol. Amatol is a mixture of 60% TNT and 40% ammonium nitrate, which is significant in that it works well in aneorbic environments, like underwater. I could not figure out exactly what state of matter it is, but I believe it is a soft solid and likely start to collapse under its own weight. The most significant detail to know is that it will absorb moisture out of the air. Also, don't hit it too hard.
Brie quickly discerns that the only serious danger, aside from maybe accidentally turning the engine on, is the warhead falling onto its end and activating the detonator. Thus Brie inserts a makeshift pin that disarms the warhead, and then removes the detonator. After that, it's a matter of removing the warhead. Of course, all of this assumes that the warhead and the remainder of the torpedo have been secured separately before hoof. Once the warhead is removed, it may be lowered to the ground and then taken apart, Eventually, the active materials may be taken out separately.
>>187837 "Very well. The safest place to shelter is inside the plane, but you will have to trust my associate's skill with demolitions. For what it matters, I'm putting my life in his hooves as well."
>>187839 Bøkli moves his head and claws backwards, but not his hind legs. His back arches upwards, fur and feathers stand up, and he unfolds his wings, partially expanding them to an “M” shape
“There’s explosives here?!”
>>187840 >>187838 I don’t think it’s possible to do much for that group without most of the players…
>>187841 Alright. I work tomorrow, but I'll check in during the day if anything is posted. Preferably post a little earlier next time, it you want more players to participate.
>>187841 Cavaliere nods slowly and motions with one of his claws for them to settle down. "I won't hide this information from you. This plane was a torpedo bomber that was still loaded when it crash-landed. We've secured a torpedo and are disarming it, and we'll use its warhead to destroy the source of those monsters. It's our best bet at getting off this island safely."
>>187843 “Is this safe? How experienced are you with explosives” there is a whisper, and Bokli looks back towards the black griffin before looking back to Cavaliere. “And what is the plan if those monsters attack?”
>>187844 Cavaliere is presumably looking down at them as he's up in a turret, unscrewing various mounts. He looks briefly at his busy ally before replying. "Considering we're still here, experienced enough. If we're interrupted we'll have to fight. Once I get this gun off, would you mind helping to carry it?"
Cavaliere should either make a diplomacy roll, or make a persuasive argument for why they should stay. That is, if he wants them to stay. Considering that they have experience that could have some applicability to working on the plane, torpedo, and turrets, they could be useful. Certainly they are several rather large males who could help with the manual parts.
>>187846 "Bøkli, you have a griffon waiting for you in Trottingham. The main obstacle to seeing her are the landing communists and the creature they're after. My group will do any fighting we need to do, but we need heavy weaponry and this plane is an Arcturius-sent gift for that purpose. With your knowledge of ship maintenance, could you help me get this job done?"
"Sorvik, jij hebt een verantwoordelijkheid naar je bemanning om ze van dit eiland te krijgen waar je ze hebt geland. Mijn groep zal de moeilijke delen verzorgen, maar we hebben jouw bemanning nodig om ons te helpen, want tijd is van essentieel belang. Kun je helpen om dit kanon hier weg te krijgen? Ziet u nog iets anders dat we van dit vliegtuig kunnen gebruiken?"
>>187847 Bøkli nods, and then steps forward. "Very well, I will help.
Sorvik, however... "En om ze van het eiland te krijgen, mogen we niet sterven. Zullen we hier gevangen zitten. En een torpedo!" He gesticulates his claws upwards
"Hoe weten we dat dit niet onze bepoederde tombe zal zijn?"
>>187848 "Luister! Heb je de poppenpony's gezien die we hebben gevangen? Ze zijn van hun vrije wil beroofd, net zoals die tiara jou tot slaaf heeft gemaakt. Het is een onvermijdelijk gevolg van het feit dat je in de buurt van dat wezen bent. En wat de communisten betreft die van plan zijn dat wezen te gebruiken, die staan er niet om bekend dat ze griffioenen uit hun klauwen laten. Dat zijn de twee alternatieven waar je voor staat als je over dit eiland dwaalt."
>Politely, get fucked. Seems a bit harsh, or mean. Perhaps, not the best way to present critique but I don't really know what this is about either, maybe it's earned and you did say it in a kinda playful manner as well.I guess one shouldn't worry about who take offence and such and only the degree of truth in statement but idk. And it's not like GM doesn't butt heads himself.
I guess, I'm not really in the mood for more conflict despite it might be accurate criticism, due to the fact that the group has almost turn toxic at this point. But we also need to be honest with our problems or they become niggling issues in the back of our minds. Hmm, imo idk.
>>187861 Maybe, you're right. It's just that this thread, I feel, is hanging on a thread. ^^ It's just constant fighting. I don't get to play. And it's not fun (in general to be here) which is the main goal of the thread after all.
Yes, you might be right and it might be warranted for all I know but I'm just afraid that this will start up another dozens of posts with arguing. And while we need to air our problems with each other, I feel that there is a constructive way of doing this and more destructive manner.
>>187859 >I guess, I'm not really in the mood for more conflict despite it might be accurate criticism, due to the fact that the group has almost turn toxic at this point. This to infinity.
I'm sorry for not replying... I will get to Vir soon(TM)
Do you want me to delete my post? Because I can delete it.
If you're going to be angry at me and at the other players any time I or we do anything or try to advance the game at all multiple times a week with no reprieve, to the degree that just trying to tell you your character has succeeded on a skill check results in you telling me to go fuck myself... Do you want to be here? Sure, I could have referred to your character sheet. I had forgotten you had posted it there. Mea Culpa. Just... do you want things to go on like this? We can't make it to Wednesday without you telling me to go fuck myself? Is this fun for you? Because it isn't for me. I am physically ill and can't keep food down. I have to deal with the house freezing over, my internet is constantly shitting out, and on top of all of that, it was 12 AM, time to sleep anyways. No, I don't think to try to awaken you on a post that was clearly reply at your leisure. My first thought is that you can reply when you want, so reply when you want.
Do you need to bite at all of us every few days? Do things need to be like this? I can understand feeling slighted at the skepticism towards the +12 modifier on disable device. I can't really understand why you're mad at me for replying to Brie at all when Brie isn't restricted by the presence of other players. I responded to Brie first, before any other character. I said he succeeds at his skill check and described how it happened. I have received no response on that, nor has brie tried to intervene with Cavaliere's NPC interactions. I just awaken at 3:30 AM to a dry mouth and an "eeeeeee"ing surge protector, and then to your acerbic posts. I can delete the offending post if you'd rather, and Brie can wait until later, I guess after other players have been addressed.
>>187863 >this thread, I feel, is hanging on a thread. ^^ It's just constant fighting. I don't get to play. And it's not fun (in general to be here) which is the main goal of the thread after all. This, so very, very much
I noticed that those who showed up all had negative things to say about me replying at around 10 PM. I have a feeling that I had just never posted at all and instead opened up that Stellaris save, I would have avoided any such criticism. I know I suggested that I would reply earlier in the day yesterday, but it's just so very hard to sit down and reply when I could be playing Hearts of Iron 4 instead, or just in a more general sense, when I could be interacting with friends at a pony convention in Canada or wherever.
>>187878 This seems petty and >youre doing it again with the uncondensed posts But I seem to be the problem. Maybe not "the" problem, but the very obviously and consistently adjacent problem. Which, by the way, is why I wanted Brie focused on something for a couple sessions; expressly, deliberately, etc. Anyway, considering the absurd levels of autism I have already displayed in and around this game, yes, I do struggle with a GM not intiiting to that such overly motivated players might want to know,... And yes, as days go by I detect an increasing list of asks on my part that are technical violations of the intended rules and guidelines.
But I dont think asking to get a "Hey, listen" is a huge reach
>>187877 I don't have any issue with you posting at 10 PM, or even if you play without me past 10. I was just suggesting doing it a bit earlier when you get the opportunity, because 10 PM for you is midnight for me, which is difficult for me to do on a weekday. No problem if you do it anyway though. I would prefer you advance the plot even if I'm not there, unless my participation is critical in the situation (major combat scenario; something involving the undead). Don't hesitate play without me. >>187876 This
>>187877 It isnt anger, its frustration. I can be here anytime, if I know to be here in advance. And I will be here the whole time, if I think there's a chance. And once I think there is no chance, I will fuck off and watch Joe Rogan. So help me not have watched Joe Rogan when there's something going on. Assume I will.drop everything.
I know, its beyond the pale, but so is this whole board Xp
Honestly, I wouldnt have said anything, but got aggrod by "Im suspicious"
>>187877 Even if I can't speak for the others, I'm always looking forward to the adventures my characters are having. I think everypony is being too negative. Even years back when I did nothing but make sardonic remarks about the game before I actually joined it, the atmosphere was much more fun-loving and didn't have this snappiness to it. Even Silver/Kira's player has lashed out and I've never seen him do that. We need to fix this.
GM, if you could do anything better, just give everypony a heads up on availability for the night. We had no idea you were sick and had to be late. I know we have a habit of playing fast and loose with time due to lots of solo players, but when there's a party quest there's an expectation that everypony should be "at the table." How is somepony going to know to make time that evening without any prior information?
Brie, please don't be so on edge. No, a GM should never say "I'm skeptical" regarding a skill check modifier because it should be evident from the character sheet that he has. He does have Brie's character sheet, right? He shouldn't have to check the Old Nuts discord just to see it. Also, be grateful that it was a Disable Device check and not a D20 Modern Demolitions check. Though, in that ruleset, Disable Device has synergy with Demolitions so Brie would probably be fine. And I doubt GM Pone would require a roll anyway and risk blowing up two PCs with significant time investment as well as a gaggle of NPCs. Anyway, just be nice.
>>187876 Yes, deal with other players first. I know its play as you can, post-style, but Im "special needs", meaning if I am unable to engage you when you're available I will seek to when you're not, which is part of lends toward me spamming in threads. I've gone to extreme degres to post singularly and only if given cause (until this morning), because I can be here any time. So perhaps as a favor that I can return by having extra degrees of confidence that enable me not sperging in any of the threads,... holla at yo boy >>187884 GM has a slightly out of date copy of the character sheet pinned in his DMs, but the skills are current. It doesnt break them down anymore, but it did for months and only got reduced when I started running out of characters in the post. But, you're right. I may never get over flipping out like a child when I'm upset, butnit's my primary target right now
>>187899 I'm GMing one of my in-person games this evening and weekend, but not for the whole thing. I'll have time to roleplay PBP at pretty much any time, but I apologize in advance for any delayed response
>>187906 I'm here. From what I understand, GM pone is deciding whether to just start with whoever is on just to get something going at least, or if he should wait until everyone's on.
Pipette looks around into the fog, and towards the ground. She extends a hoof out, and then leaves her ankle limp, letting her hoof fall inwards in a curl. She then looks back, and says to the creatures "Davai!" tilting her head. "This way."
She starts along, taking the party around what must be the summit of the hill. She leads them down, past small sets of rock and much grass with its yellow, brown and green tint, and down the slope of the hill. She looks around to either side, stopping at one point, but to the party there are no recognizable landmarks.
The fog thins, and thins more, and soon the wind picks up. As the party moves forward even more, they can see out beyond the hillside, which starts to level out further down, until they clear the cloud, and can see beyond the edge of the hill and the island.
Below them the green grass of the hill levels out until it ends at an exposed basalt cliff. Below that must be the sea, because the green-blue of the ocean and white capped waves moved by the winds are visible, with massive clouds low to the water looming in the far distance and to the right/east. In front of the party, and to the right, is another island very close to the party with a big, rocky cliff side, such that it looks like one conical rock, cut off and jaged at the top. Beyond this is still another smaller string of islands, if mostly obscured. Pipette looks around, and starts moving to the right, towards the north, along the cliff.
>>187897 "Huh?" She tilts her head. She does not wait for Silver's response. "No, I am... I am as good as I can be now. I am my own pony."
They continue along the edge of the cliff, hill to the right and a rocky beach endlessly washed by green waves to the left, until something is visible in the distance. Four ponies. An orange unicorn stallion with a red and yellow mane and a white coat stands, head lowered, and horn glowing light blue. A big unicorn stallion, with a coat black as night and a leather jacket of equal color, and a short, white mane and tail stands on the edge of the cliff with what seems to be a telescope, looking out over the water the opposite direction, towards the west. Near them are two more, a green earth pony in a blue uniform who sits and is handling with his hooves what seems to be a radio, and then a grey pegasus pony carrying a large, wooden rifle, looking around him.
Pipette says, "That's them. No unexpected visitors yet. Keep quiet until we are closer."
"Кто с вами?" The grey pony spots them first. The black stallion puts down the telescope and turns around, and the green pony stands up, and picks up a firearm of his own. The orange stallion does not move.
"Дружелюбны ли они? Они говорят на северьянском языке? Вы заложник?"
Pipette calls back "Они говорят, что они здесь, чтобы помочь нам убить сущность"
The green and the black stallion talk to each other, though what they say cannot be discerned. The group moves closer, until they are fifty feet away, or perhaps less.
>>187912 Somehow, Silver isn't particularly enthused by her response. He wonders how badly the Traveler is affecting her, and figures he'll keep a close eye on her just to be sure.
>>187913 Silver waves at the group of ponies as they approach, as it seems their presence is already known. He calls out to them in clear Severyanan, "Приветствую, друзья! Кто из вас случайно не комиссар Черная Пятка?"
>>187914 "Ik heb een van jullie nodig om te helpen dit kanon te demonteren en veilig naar beneden te brengen. We hebben geen tijd gehad om de rest van dit vliegtuig te doorzoeken; kun je zoeken naar andere nuttige artikelen?"
>>187913 >>187914 "What are they saying?" says Posey, who does not speak the language
>until they are fifty feet away, or perhaps less "~Yoohoo! Hello, my fine gentlecolts." Posey calls, waving a hoof and beckoning the stallions with a coquettish aloofness as she casually strides closer (30 ft), drawing attention to herself for the next maneuver: She then proceeds to charm any pony that meets her gaze DC 19 Will vs charm
Also gonna roll bluff (seduction) to break the ice and get them to let their guard down [1d20+16 = (11+16) = 27]
>>187915 The grey pony in his aqua uniform levels his rifle at Silver "Кто хотел бы знать? Пипетки, кто они?"
Pipette: "Они дружелюбны, я думаю."
>>187917 The orange unicorn is almost entirely unresponsive to anything, and the grey stallion keeps his eye and his rifle trained on Silver, or at least, so long as Silver is the closest. But the green stallion and the black stallion both smile at Posey, with the black stallion nodding and raising an eyebrow to her
>>187919 Silver holds up hooves. "Пипетка говорит правду. Мы услышали ваш сигнал бедствия, и мы здесь, чтобы помочь." He looks briefly over at Posey before readdressing the ponies. "Боюсь, мои товарищи не говорят по-северянски."
But the Black stallion holds out his leg, and motions downward
"Сталь, положите ее. Если есть проблема, давайте решим ее без насилия"
The Grey stallion lowers his rifle, and turns back to the Black Stallion as the two make eye contact. He seems to whisper something to him, with a small, muted conversation. The grey stallion and black stallion both turn back
"Ты кто?"
>>187920 The black stallion in particular looks over. But if he, or any pony else speaks Ponish, he's not willing to reveal it.
>>187922 Silver smiles at the black stallion. He seems to have found Black Heel, and hearing him speak, it seems as if he's possessed of good wisdom. "Меня зовут Серебряный Меч. Мы с друзьями услышали ваш сигнал бедствия и пришли на помощь. Мы спасли несколько членов небольшой группы в заброшенной деревне, а затем нашли Пипетту здесь, у разбившегося самолета."
>>187923 The Black Stallion moves forward, and says to Silver "А, вы должны быть с ГРУ. Мы думали, что вы приедете с севера или, может быть, увидите вас с юго-востока? Вы уже обезопасили остров?"
>>187920 The black stallion looks to Posey, and says
"You don't sound like an Equestrian. Or even an Aquelian."
>>187926 "Oh, that is because I am from abroad, from the other side of the world, actually. I moved here recently." She poses "I am Rosey Ring, the Undying Sorceress. I am a freelance Warmagus."
>>187926 Hearing Black Heel speak Ponish to Posey, Silver switches to the language as well. "Not...exactly. We are not with GRU, and they are on island, but I do not think they are so concerned with saving any of you. I think they are here to kill you, and reclaim control of Traveler to bring back for study." He looks over at the orange stallion. "Что вы делаете, что требует тишины?"
>>187928 The black stallion raises an eyebrow at "undying sorceress," and exhales more loudly than expected. He does not reply, and turns his attention to Silver
>>187929 He replies "Good, they are here. I hope it is not too late. No, they should know that we are still loyal. At least I hope so. We have been trying to call for them all day now. We need to speak with them and let them know fully what is going on."
The orange stallion looks surprised to see the set of ponies upon him, and turns towards them. He replies "Заклинание, я концентрировался на этом"
>>187930 Silver shakes his head. "We tried. We received message over radio sent by them when they landed, just after we saved first group of your soldiers. They did not say anything about rescue, only demanding that all Kostroma personnel travel to their landing location, and they did not sound as if they were here to save anyone." To the orange pony, Silver smiles. "А, я сам скорее воин. Какое заклинание ты произносил?" Back to Black Heel, Silver continues, "You will have to excuse eccentricities of my comrades. Posey here likes to add bit of showmareship to her introduction, as way of selling her services to those who would otherwise be concerned about hiring mares for this sort of task. But yes, she is fine sorcerer."
>>187931 "I can tell you're not from Stalliongrad. I don't think you're Nova Griffonian, they are too proud, too cheap, and too poor to hire from abroad. I'm going to guess that you were sent here by the Fascist confederation, seeing as you have a... Necromancer? In your group." Looking over at Posey. "She's too conventionally attractive to be a conventional Lich." He smiles to her, as if genuinely trying to be charming. Then he looks back to Silver "We always joked they would pay Dread League Necromancers their last bit if they thought it would put off the revolution by one day... We didn't think it was true. Still, I don't know who else would hire Barradian - or worse - black mages around here. Maybe Haukland, but I would have expected a few griffins among you."
The orange stallion replies: "Гадание. Я хотел увидеть северный берег залива"
>>187932 Silver smiles. Perhaps he underestimated the wisdom this Commissar possesses. "Funnily enough, there is griffon in our group. He is back at crashed plane with our bat pony, working on acquiring plane's MGs and turning its torpedo into improvised explosive. But no, we are not from Stalliongrad. I was born in St. Petershoof long ago, but that is beside point. It does not matter who sent us or not, to Traveler we are all just meat to be puppeted. It needs to be stopped, before it escapes this island. And knowing what GRU would do, we are only ones who can."
>>187933 Silver: "Well, you did introduce yourself as 'Undying Sorceress'. Anyone would get wrong idea from that."
>>187935 "I got that epithet from my military service. I learned to reinforce my body with magic to resist blows: I am very hard to kill." Posey says >>187934 Gonna roll bluff to right the ship here [1d20+16 = (4+16) = 20]
Silver: [1d20+3 = (8+3) = 11] Kira: [1d20+8 = (14+8) = 22] >>187937 Silver: "No, but some of possessed ponies we have captured have. It is pretty catchy name Light Water came up with, I have to admit. 'Our Fellow Traveler'. At least it gives name for it to be referred to, other than just 'entity'."
>>187939 "It's a phrase that means a non-communist who moves towards allegedly the same or similar ends as communists and thus is a useful ally." The ends of his lips go down. "The phrase and practice has fallen out of favor in more recent years due to... mixed results..."
>>187938 >>187939 Out of their peripheral vision, a set of mist starts to swirl in the wind, like a small tornado, twirling in place and darkening.
>>187932 >"She's too conventionally attractive to be a conventional Lich." He smiles to her, as if genuinely trying to be charming Oh, you flatter me sir." >>187940 "I think we have company." Posey draws her bow
It starts to solidify, being more than 15 feet tall and dark grey in skin, or perhaps fur. It's form is alien and yet to Silver and Posey, too familiar. You could say it is like an elephant, though one that is very lanky. It has two, more or less, pony-like heads, even if the one on its right seems dead. Though its second head could be looking at Posey or maybe Silver, it's primary, upright head is most certainly staring at the black stallion.
>>187944 He manages to turn to her and say "I'm sure you hear that a lot" Before the grey stallion catches his attention, and directs him to the new threat
Posey uses her remaining move Action to move 30 ft to the opposite side of the monster to the black stallion, trying to confuse the two-headed creature
It swings at the black stallion, moving past the grey pony and presumably Silver to do so. But it swings too low, and hits the soil near him, giving him time to dodge out of the way.
The orange stallion lowers its head at the abomination, and sends a bolt of blue energy at its side [1d4+1 = (1+1) = 2][1d4+1 = (1+1) = 2][1d4+1 = (3+1) = 4]
Kira's Turn. Silver can go as well, and also direct Mala
>>187958 Kira takes the opportunity to taunt the abomination, hoping to draw its attention away from the commies. "Hey, poopy-butt-head! Your heads are butts and your butt is a head!" She then slithers to be around the abomination in point blank range and away from the commies, knocks an arrow in her bow, draws, and releases the shot aimed at the abomination's head.
[1d20+12 = (17+12) = 29] [1d8+6 = (8+6) = 14]
Silver calls out to Mala, "Try to get it off balance! On those lanky limbs, it surely has uneven center of balance!" He then moves back a short distance, aiming to have a clear path between him and the abomination. Using the camera, he snaps a picture of the abomination, which should end his turn.
The abomination is shot, and its limbs look like they are near falling off, with its colorless insides exposed and near spilling out. But it isn't daunted.
The black stallion moves a few steps back until he feels the edge of the cliff and looks back, then places himself in more firm footing. He lowers his horn, and shoots a set of blue bolts at it [1d4+1 = (4+1) = 5][1d4+1 = (2+1) = 3][1d4+1 = (4+1) = 5]
It gets hit again, and again, and again, chipped away at until it looks away and roars. but that roar degrades with time, and it pops into black smoke, and fades
>>187966 >>187967 Kira: "Yay, we won! And I didn't get bitten by a hellhound this time!"
Silver lets out a sigh of relief, and returns to the group, camera in hoof and sword once again in its sheath. "I suppose Traveler is not too distracted to sent its monsters after you."
>>187966 Posey looks at the fleeting most where the monster once was, with a bit of a grimace "You you think these beasts actually die when they are slain? Or do they just go back where they came from?" I guess I should roll arcana [1d20+11 = (15+11) = 26]
>>187970 Posey knows that traditional summons, and specifically outsiders, go back to whence they came. What is not as clear is if these are traditional summons. They don't quite seem to be, given the small differences
>>187969 "No. How did it find us hear? I thought we had lost them." He tilts his head. "Has it been tracking you?"
>>187971 >Posey knows that traditional summons, and specifically outsiders, go back to whence they came. What is not as clear is if these are traditional summons. They don't quite seem to be, given the small differences Well, I'm asking because I am tallying every time I destroy or desecrate a foe so thoroughly that it cannot be brought back from the dead, and I wonder if this counts. Eh, probably not >How did it find us hear? "It is a monster with long-range telepathy. If it also has mindsight, hiding from it would be futile." Posey suggests
>>187973 “Well it left us alone for more than an hour. We are at the end of what we can handle. Let us meet with the Stalliongrad forces. They are here.”
>>187974 Silver shakes his head at Black Heel. "That is bad idea. I know it deep in my heart of hearts, they are here to kill any witnesses and reclaim Traveler, not save you and kill Traveler."
>>187977 Silver: "I just do. I know what GRU is like. I know what Stalliongrad is like. They knew what this thing was before agreeing to trade fuel oil for it. They knew risks, and accepted it anyways. They will not stop trying to utilize it just because some soldiers lost their lives in process. Potential reward for them is just too great to accept otherwise."
>>187979 >>187980 He is silent, and stares at Silver with blood red eyes. He wears a cap, but it’s clear that under that cap he has a set of foil. Some of that foil wraps around under his neck.
He too shakes, though to a less visible degree than Pipette.
After Silence, he says
“The important thing is that what ever the Snow Ponies sold us ceases to exist, and its body, and secrets, serve International Communism, not the False Revolution, the Sea Ponies, or whomever else.”
>>187981 Silver sighs. "You all have clearly felt Traveler's influence. You all have first-hoof experience with it. They do not. Tell me, does anyone deserve this? Communist, Fascist, Harmonist? Having your comrade's minds taken over by something else, having them turn against you? Will they believe you if you tell them?"
>>187985 Silver: "They should. But they will not. How you have spoken, you seem to be possessed of great wisdom. Surely, with that wisdom, you can see that. You have radio. You can talk with them if you do not believe me. Hearing their voices, you know they are not here to help. We are."
>>187988 Cavaliere looks down from his vantage point in the turret. "Survival gear, of iets dat gebruikt kan worden om van dit eiland af te komen, zou handig zijn. Is er een radio en heeft die stroom? Je mag alle wapens meenemen die je vindt."
To proceed with the group with the Commissar, I need to write a dialogue between him and the Spetsnaz announcer. To proceed with Cavaliere, I need to write out a set of journal entries that tells a mini story of its own. And even for Sven, I need to not only write out Moonlit Meadow's reaction to her, but also three different little stories that are their own investigative trails. Each of those would require probably at least an hour of sitting down and writing it out, which is on its own difficult to do when you're borderline ADHD like I am (I was medicated for it for much of my adolescence). But more importantly, it requires making decisions and commitments that I just really don't feel up to.
Every session, or at least, several times a week, I will get posts directed at me either in thread or on discord that are just negative. Passive aggressive posts like >>188018 and the other one just a week ago, or one I got from Cavaliere this morning telling me I fucked up scheduling. And this is besides the outright aggressive posts towards me like on discord from you-can-guess-who, telling me I am "sucking Posey's cock" On Saturday night. And of course it hasn't even been a week since I have been told to go fuck myself. Basically I am guaranteed to get some kind of out of character negative remark hurled my way more often than I have sessions. Much of this is Brie, who wants to complain that I'm not giving him attention but still refuses to respond to my post telling him the skill check succeeded, but it is not limited to Brie. There are no small comments of praise anymore. This isn't fun for me anymore.
I've been extremely un-confident in a lot of my narrative decisions in a way that I can't really convey or make felt. I spent much of Friday night going back and forth over whether the encounter with the commissar should have him already in combat, or just approach and then he gets attacked, and that is the main reason nothing really happened until Saturday. And there's a thousand small decisions like this that weigh me down and make it difficult for me to proceed. I have had the idea for this quest since the September of 2022 and have wanted it to go as well as possible. But there's never any positive feedback, just "you screwed up scheduling" or "quit sucking Posey's cock" or "the trucks should be Canadian Military Patterns and not American." Would you want to sit down and devote at least an hour to something if that were the only "thanks" you get? And if I should just forget about the posts - if the narrative I'm trying to tell is so meaningless that I should just skip the logs or the dialogue or the little trails - then what is my purpose here?
I remember the spoiler quote "A+ story telling" when Amber was told the story of Flash Prance at Fort Prance four years ago; the "oh no" remark from Dark Star (out of character) when a rifle threatened to go off accidentally and blow everyone's cover in that first quest six years ago; the "nope" response that Amber had to a statue in a basement; the "spooky" remark from Posey after the micorburst in the swamp; or more recently the "that's creepy as shit. Fucking Posadists" from Posey after reading the dream journal of Light Water. These are what I work for, and I remember them long after the person who first said it has forgotten. But It isn't hard to see these are much rarer now than the bitching about scheduling or how I respond to a skill check or about loot or the combat encounters, or if a depicted plane is of an American or British airframe. And those remarks have as much staying power in my mind.
I get hate periodically - actually somewhat often - with my job, but the thing is, I'm paid to do that, and in any case I have to do that. I don't have to do this, and I certainly don't get paid for it. It's getting hard to find the motivation to do this...
Have you seen Dusk's Dawn, the fan animation? It's a full episode-length animation, and it's great to watch, if only because it's bad in a hilarious way. If you read the comments, you can see that it was made fun off mercilessly at the time of its release. And I know one thing for damn sure, the team never made a sequel. And I think that's a shame, even if entirely expected. No one would put time, effort, and especially their heart, into a project if they know they will receive only shit for it.
>>188022 >Passive aggressive posts like >>188018 Bro, that wasn't be passive aggressive. I was just responding to your perceived disappointment in me going to bed last night and explained that I did all I could.
>>188022 >Each of those would require probably at least an hour of sitting down and writing it out, which is on its own difficult to do when you're borderline ADHD like I am (I was medicated for it for much of my adolescence). But more importantly, it requires making decisions and commitments that I just really don't feel up to. I know that feel. Writing content is hard. I DM'd last weekend and had to climb the same hill. >on discord I don't know what's going on on discord, so I can't comment. >one I got from Cavaliere this morning telling me I fucked up scheduling Scheduling is a group effort: we could all do better. >And this is besides the outright aggressive posts towards me like on discord That's really unacceptable, and you should not have to put up with that. You should at least block them. >telling me I am "sucking Posey's cock" On Saturday night Wtf? All we did was fight an ettin-thingy on Saturday. Nothing even remotely resembling that. That sounds like baseless faggotry, not constructive criticism. >you-can-guess-who I think I can guess.... >I am guaranteed to get some kind of out of character negative remark hurled my way more often than I have sessions Must be demoralizing. >Much of this is Brie, who wants to complain that I'm not giving him attention but still refuses to respond to my post telling him the skill check succeeded, but it is not limited to Brie. Ugh... >There are no small comments of praise anymore. I, for one, am having fun. This quest is cool. It keeps getting more complex whenever I feel like I've figured out where it is going. >This isn't fun for me anymore. Are you saying you want to stop? I would be disappointed, but I wouldn't hold it to you. I have stopped Gaming games in the past because I just lost the will to keep doing them. No hard feelings or shame if you're just tired of it. >I've been extremely un-confident in a lot of my narrative decisions in a way that I can't really convey or make felt I've been there... >These are what I work for, and I remember them long after the person who first said it has forgotten. Oh, I didn't know you appreciated feedback that much. I can be more vocal in my enthusiasm.
>>188027 On the one hand, the pot calling the kettle, on the other hand, okay,
But saying, I have gone to extreme lengths to show GM how much I appreciate his efforts and time, to an increasing degree, The idea that theres been no positive feedback is literally of the devil, because it is a lie
>>188022 >you're sucking posey's cock Oh, one time I said that, not repeated, but okay, let's have it out. Yes, you're more responsive to less effort posts, especially in a happenstance spray "All the inputs" manner, NGL, it gets results, Yes, it pertains to the dopamine receptivity of anonboard rp posting. Its a thing, become aware, and learn from. No one will hate or criticize you, its part of the process.
>>188022 >And even for Sven, I need to not only write out Moonlit Meadow's reaction to her, but also three different little stories that are their own investigative trails. Hope you start to feel better soon. <3 Don't feel like you have to do anything special for me scratch that, I don't want you to do anything special for me. No, big stories for for trails and not several ones either.
I don't believe in responsibility. If a tree falls on you, don't jump out the way. Take a breath and step aside and if you're too late, at least you were at peace both in life and death. ^^
Just keep her thinking that Vir is a crazy pone. Give her a location to seek out and she will do so. There's no need to overthink it with me. I know you want to do it good but this reminds me how DWK ruined his own fun in making pony videos. He cared so much about making it good that it became a burden for him and while I get that it's us players that causing you most(all?) of your stress, it's better to "not even try while trying" and give me that level of effort. I feel like you know me, I will literally role-play with a rock if you put one before. Imo, Fren.^^
>>188022 >one I got from Cavaliere this morning telling me I fucked up scheduling I'm sorry, GM Pony. I really wasn't intending on being negative or passive aggressive. What I wanted to convey was that it would be a nice courtesy to post if a game isn't happening one night, or alternatively to post when one is happening. I tend to be too direct rather than gentle in my approach. >"the trucks should be Canadian Military Patterns and not American." Had I known this remark would have a haunting effect I never would have said it. Being snarky and critical is second nature to me, as I grew up watching MST3K and Cinema Sins, and to me pointing out flaws in something helps to improve it down the line I also started in this thread making sardonic comments about the game and its players, and though that was very silly it never harmed anyone's willingness to continue. I also like the game's setting of Equestria at War and this manifests partly as wanting the game to be consistent with that setting in various ways. I'll refrain from doing anymore of that. >But It isn't hard to see these are much rarer now than the bitching about scheduling or how I respond to a skill check or about loot or the combat encounters, or if a depicted plane is of an American or British airframe. But I have enjoyed this quest and all its little details. It's why I keep notes so that even after it's over I can explore hints and plots that are left over. The atmosphere of this quest has also been incredible and you should be confident in it enough that you don't have to ponder, "how will this be received by the players?"
>>188034 This post came off a bit commanding but it's not meant that way. You do you of course. I just want to relieve you of that pressure you feel. ^^ And my suggestion is based on personal experienced too. The way I get started doing things that are hard to do is by doing one metaphoric step in that direction. If I want to do the dishes, I only make myself turn on the tap.
>>188035 >Fucking A right, Vir is pure Indeed. ^^ Though, she immediately tried too preen the wings of a bat-pony upon seeing one without asking consent so, I guess, Brie & Lacey wouldn't be safe.^^
>>188042 >Being snarky and critical is second nature to me "Something we have in common," Brie offers casually, attempting to turn a meta OOC comment into an IC topic for banter,... its fine if you don't wanna, but I have lots of things for Brie to say to/with Garv, when you're ready. ^_~
Ostensibly and presumptively, Brie is preparing to fuck with something that could eviscerate his face. He is not going into this with his usual cavaliere attitute, with flippant quips to fire out. No no, this is a very serious matter that will require the utmost of care. In the meantime, he's happy to make all sorts of jibes and comments, never with any ACTUAL malice, just a general sense of "I'm bored, and fuck you, its funny".
Oh don't look at me like that, I haven't even started putting ornaments on Posey!
Unbidden, but unable to refrain, Brie blurts out: "This whole fucking thing stinks. Mind control? What the fuck?? I've dealt with mafiosos with their heads up their ponut, but this? I dunno mare,...."
GM, let me be the first to say "All hail". I came back to this fucking SITE because I wanted to play more. Yes yes, I'm a crass asshole, who flippantly likes crossing lines/boundaries. Yes, we can speak to "the issues" but I came back here expressly and intrinsically for the game. Having said, let me be the first on record to say "tell me what to do and I will do it". Ngl, I'm NOT good at intuiting what do do without express explanation, but I AM good at doing what needs doing, when I know what that is.
I'm sorry I said the heinous things. I say heinous things. Maybe someday I can stop saying heinous things, idk.
And SINCE no one has responded yet, and SINCE I am that one nigger,...
Lacey is the sort that is quick to diffuse a situation if at all possible. Why? Because it generally leads to more profit, and she wants to have done everything to prevent having to kill everyone in the room. She's not opposed to it, it's just troublesome to have to literally clean up after. Wink.
>>188133 While you're being buttmad, notice that the first of the posts you're objecting to was on the 28th, and the rest are from today. So if you're mad that I posted today, lets talk about it and see if we can come to a resolution. But if you think you're gonna >imply and I'm gonna start towing the line you think I should, well I'll give you three guesses how THATS likely to turn out
<In the waaaaaaaaater's deep embrace, Addy find her special place This incessant song has been stuck in Brie's head for a very annoying minute. He really hopes it doesn't affect his disable device modifier, this is an awfully big bomb,... <Gems and ore in a fluid race, a druid's calm in nature's grace Yeah, you're lucky no one has called you out for playing a druid <Feck off, its cooking-related
Blackheel stands there, seven or so feet from the edge of the cliff, staring at Silver and making eye contact with his blood red eyes. Though his mouth gives no expression, and though his thick, fur-tufted legs stand solid and firm, a closer examination reveals signs of trembles - lesser, to be sure, than in the others, but present all the same.
But for all the bravado, his lips pull back even as they remain closed. He picks up the mouthpiece with an aura of red magic, places it near his mouth, holds down on the send-button with magic, and speaks:
"Это политический комиссар Блэкхил, отвечающий за надзор за международной миссией помощи в Костроме. Вы слышали наш призыв к ответчику?" - "This is political commissar Blackheel, in charge of overseeing an international aid mission on the Kostroma. Have you heard our distress call?"
There is silence for a moment, and a hint of static. But the static cuts out, and is replaced with a crisp, clear message from a male voice that slowly, enunciates every word. A listener may suspect that the speaker either is not a native speaker and knows the language only from classroom lectures, or perhaps that the speaker expects the listeners to not be native speakers. But the pronunciation is crisp and the accent correct.
"Ваш призыв был услышан. Режиссер приказал спецназу компании «Хладон» провести операцию «Буян». Весь костромской личный состав должен прибыть к месту высадки на северном берегу." - "Your call has been heard. The director ordered the special forces of the company "Halon" to carry out the operation "Buyan". All Kostroma personnel must arrive at the landing site on the northern shore."
"Вы можете прийти к нам?" - "Are you able to come to our position?"
"Согласно Буяну, компания Halon должна обеспечить безопасность всего острова. Сопротивление было встречено и решается. До тех пор весь костромской персонал должен прибыть на северный берег." - "Per Buyan, Halon Company is to secure the whole island. Resistance has been encountered and is being dealt with. Until then, all Kostroma personnel are to come to the north shore."
"Это комиссар Блэкхил. К кому мне обращаться?" - "This is Commissar Blackheel. To whom do I speak?"
"К простому частному. Я всего лишь посланник." - "To but a simple private. I am only a messenger."
"Я являюсь старшим комиссаром. Я прошу поговорить с комиссаром по поводу компании «Галон»." - "I am a ranking commissar. I request to speak with the commissar over Halon Company."
"Вы можете прийти и поговорить с ней лично. Связи по радио не будет." - "You may come speak to her in person. There will not be communication over the radio."
"Знаете ли вы об опасностях на этом острове?" - "Are you aware of the dangers on this island?"
"Режиссер предупреждает о мятеже, внешних влияниях и неизвестной враждебной силе, присутствующей на Mended Horn." - "The director has warned of a mutiny, outside influences, and an unknown hostile force present on Mended Horn."
"Я командую отрядом верных моряков, мы готовы помочь, но в основном не можем. - I command a detachment of loyal sailors, we are ready to help, but mostly we cannot."
"По распоряжению директора весь костромской персонал должен прибыть на Северный берег." - "By order of the director, all Kostroma personnel are to come to the North Shore."
Blackheel lowers the mouthpiece, and in a smack, his tongue comes out of his dry mouth. He moves it back to his mouth.
"Моя группа лояльна Советскому Союзу. Все сотрудники Костромы под подозрением? - My band is loyal to the Soviet. Are all Kostroma personnel under suspicion?"
"Было объявлено, что на острове присутствует неизвестный псих, обладающий враждебным внешним влиянием. Первая задача компании Halon - обезопасить остров Буян. Вопросы лояльности и дисциплины будут решаться только после того, как угроза будет нейтрализована." - "An unknown but hostile outside influence has been declared present on the island. The first task of Halon Company is to secure the island per Buyan. Matters of loyalty and discipline will be addressed only after the threat is neutralized."
"Есть иностранные граждане и конфиденциальная информация." - "There are foreign nationals present among the passengers of the Kostroma, and sensitive information is involved."
"Директор и ответственный командир знают о предназначении Костромы. Операция «Буян» решит эти вопросы, как только угроза на острове будет устранена." - "The Director and the commander in charge are aware of the mission of the Kostroma. Operation Buyan will address these matters once the threat on the island has been neutralized."
"Это враждебное влияние, оно обладает разумом управляемых костромскими пони. Они все еще верные пони, но под контролем плохого актера. Здесь мы имеем дело с магическим влиянием. Мало кто был вовлечен в настоящий мятеж. Можете ли вы распространить информацию о необходимости применения нелетальной силы везде, где это возможно?" - "This hostile influence, it has mind controlled ponies of the Kostroma. They are still loyal ponies, but under under the control of a bad actor. We are dealing with magical influence here. Few were involved in an actual mutiny. Can you spread the word to use non-lethal force wherever possible?"
"Мы знаем о враждебном влиянии. Весь костромской персонал должен явиться на северный берег." - "We are aware of the hostile influence. All Kostroma personnel are to report to the north shore."
Blackheel takes his magic off of the "send" button and lowers the mouthpiece
>>188217 Silver bows his head at the commissar, before looking back up at him with sadness. "They have their mission, and they have made it clear they will complete it, no matter cost. Those ponies and non ponies of Kostroma, those who are now playthings of this Traveler, they have no choice in matter whether they are to be anyone's enemy. But you all do have choice. You can follow their orders, head to North Beach, and hope they do not decide it is too much trouble to figure out if you all truly are loyal or not...or you can join us, help us take out Traveler, and try to save as many creatures as we possibly can as we escape this island. We have plan, we have means, and with your aid we will have numbers necessary to make our assault upon Kostroma just that much easier. I will not lie to you, it is difficult choice to be made. But it is necessary one. And it must be made."
>>188218 Blackheel stands silently. He looks back to the orange stallion, then to the green one, and glances at the grey. Then he looks back to Silver, making eye contact. He tilts his head and raises an eyebrow.
>>188219 Silver: "Core of it as it pertains to Traveler is this: our explosives expert is turning torpedo from crashed naval bomber into remote detonated improvised explosive device. Our resident blackweave specialist will use her magic to rot Traveler from inside out. It will not be near enough to kill it outright...but it will weaken it. We will then force explosive inside its body, likely though mouth but any orifice will suffice. Its hide has proven resistant to damage, but its internals should not be, and combined with rotting magic and it being in dimension where death is unavoidable certainty it should be enough to make it vulnerable to conventional damage if not kill it outright. For dealing with any summoned monsters, we are also repurposing bomber's MG from its turret. While its high rate of fire means it will be unusable from standing position, from prone position it should be enough to turn any monster Traveler could summon to shreds. Once all that is done comes our plan of escape, where we send out message using magic across island to newly freed Kostroma crewmembers to return to ship ASAP. If needed, we can send rescue party to give aid to this objective. We will then simply use rising tide to unbeach ship and sail away to safety with as many creatures as possible. We are working on summoning ally to help with transporting explosive and MG from plane, but I am also hoping we can use this ally to disable GRU ship to prevent them from pursuing us as we make our escape."
>>188217 Posey does not speak the language, but as a warmagus in a despotic army herself, she recognizes the telltale monotonous sound of a messenger repeating the same unreasonable orders over and over and ignoring extraneous circumstances. "Let me guess: The higher ups were unhelpful?"
>>188233 Silver: "That is basic idea. They ignored any of Black Heel's concerns and kept repeating same order for Kostroma crew to come to their landing site at North Beach."
>>188119 "This island attracts nothing but the worst kind of attention. It reminds me of the common ant lion, which digs a pitfall where it waits at the center. Prey falling in only get closer to its maw from their struggles. I'm hoping this island more easily relinquishes its arrivals."
>>188246 >presuming to be smoking a cigarette "Is it a griffon thing to over-embellish things? Forget I said it. How are we with our friends, while I... oh dear. I really don't know how many dicerolls it will take. OOPSIE I just made an ooc post, but it was in character so I really dont know
Sometimes unable to restrain himself, Brie is simply trying to occupy his mind. Very grateful for his mask, he's never felt so off-put before. For one, there's this traveler and all this mind control nonsense, which does NOT sit well with him, as a pony who very much values his autonomy. Then there's the fact that WHERE'S THE FUCKING MILITARY?? Oh, yes, there's that one group, but they're obviously not here to mend sails. All the while, all we have is a rag-tag band of misfits,....
Brie looks up from the bomb >>188246 "Anything needing to be addressed?"