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Occupied Equestria - Plane Crash
GM Pony
507 replies and 32 files omitted.
The smell of cheese belies the presence of a bat
I'm going to bed, but feel free to RP without me.
188018 188019
I see…

188022 188023
I was on standby all day, GM. I can't stay up to midnight every night.
Thanks for acknoweding my persence. I wouldnt have played well, the suddenness of Wanda triggered some unresolved psychological shit.
GM Pony
188023 188024 188025 188026 188030 188034 188042 188128
To proceed with the group with the Commissar, I need to write a dialogue between him and the Spetsnaz announcer. To proceed with Cavaliere, I need to write out a set of journal entries that tells a mini story of its own. And even for Sven, I need to not only write out Moonlit Meadow's reaction to her, but also three different little stories that are their own investigative trails. Each of those would require probably at least an hour of sitting down and writing it out, which is on its own difficult to do when you're borderline ADHD like I am (I was medicated for it for much of my adolescence). But more importantly, it requires making decisions and commitments that I just really don't feel up to.

Every session, or at least, several times a week, I will get posts directed at me either in thread or on discord that are just negative. Passive aggressive posts like >>188018 and the other one just a week ago, or one I got from Cavaliere this morning telling me I fucked up scheduling. And this is besides the outright aggressive posts towards me like on discord from you-can-guess-who, telling me I am "sucking Posey's cock" On Saturday night. And of course it hasn't even been a week since I have been told to go fuck myself. Basically I am guaranteed to get some kind of out of character negative remark hurled my way more often than I have sessions. Much of this is Brie, who wants to complain that I'm not giving him attention but still refuses to respond to my post telling him the skill check succeeded, but it is not limited to Brie. There are no small comments of praise anymore. This isn't fun for me anymore.

I've been extremely un-confident in a lot of my narrative decisions in a way that I can't really convey or make felt. I spent much of Friday night going back and forth over whether the encounter with the commissar should have him already in combat, or just approach and then he gets attacked, and that is the main reason nothing really happened until Saturday. And there's a thousand small decisions like this that weigh me down and make it difficult for me to proceed. I have had the idea for this quest since the September of 2022 and have wanted it to go as well as possible. But there's never any positive feedback, just "you screwed up scheduling" or "quit sucking Posey's cock" or "the trucks should be Canadian Military Patterns and not American." Would you want to sit down and devote at least an hour to something if that were the only "thanks" you get? And if I should just forget about the posts - if the narrative I'm trying to tell is so meaningless that I should just skip the logs or the dialogue or the little trails - then what is my purpose here?

I remember the spoiler quote "A+ story telling" when Amber was told the story of Flash Prance at Fort Prance four years ago; the "oh no" remark from Dark Star (out of character) when a rifle threatened to go off accidentally and blow everyone's cover in that first quest six years ago; the "nope" response that Amber had to a statue in a basement; the "spooky" remark from Posey after the micorburst in the swamp; or more recently the "that's creepy as shit. Fucking Posadists" from Posey after reading the dream journal of Light Water. These are what I work for, and I remember them long after the person who first said it has forgotten. But It isn't hard to see these are much rarer now than the bitching about scheduling or how I respond to a skill check or about loot or the combat encounters, or if a depicted plane is of an American or British airframe. And those remarks have as much staying power in my mind.

I get hate periodically - actually somewhat often - with my job, but the thing is, I'm paid to do that, and in any case I have to do that. I don't have to do this, and I certainly don't get paid for it. It's getting hard to find the motivation to do this...

Have you seen Dusk's Dawn, the fan animation? It's a full episode-length animation, and it's great to watch, if only because it's bad in a hilarious way. If you read the comments, you can see that it was made fun off mercilessly at the time of its release. And I know one thing for damn sure, the team never made a sequel. And I think that's a shame, even if entirely expected. No one would put time, effort, and especially their heart, into a project if they know they will receive only shit for it.
>Passive aggressive posts like >>188018
Bro, that wasn't be passive aggressive. I was just responding to your perceived disappointment in me going to bed last night and explained that I did all I could.
The Floof and The Noodle
I've really liked the quest...
>Each of those would require probably at least an hour of sitting down and writing it out, which is on its own difficult to do when you're borderline ADHD like I am (I was medicated for it for much of my adolescence). But more importantly, it requires making decisions and commitments that I just really don't feel up to.
I know that feel. Writing content is hard. I DM'd last weekend and had to climb the same hill.
>on discord
I don't know what's going on on discord, so I can't comment.
>one I got from Cavaliere this morning telling me I fucked up scheduling
Scheduling is a group effort: we could all do better.
>And this is besides the outright aggressive posts towards me like on discord
That's really unacceptable, and you should not have to put up with that. You should at least block them.
>telling me I am "sucking Posey's cock" On Saturday night
Wtf? All we did was fight an ettin-thingy on Saturday. Nothing even remotely resembling that.
That sounds like baseless faggotry, not constructive criticism.
I think I can guess....
>I am guaranteed to get some kind of out of character negative remark hurled my way more often than I have sessions
Must be demoralizing.
>Much of this is Brie, who wants to complain that I'm not giving him attention but still refuses to respond to my post telling him the skill check succeeded, but it is not limited to Brie.
>There are no small comments of praise anymore.
I, for one, am having fun. This quest is cool. It keeps getting more complex whenever I feel like I've figured out where it is going.
>This isn't fun for me anymore.
Are you saying you want to stop?
I would be disappointed, but I wouldn't hold it to you. I have stopped Gaming games in the past because I just lost the will to keep doing them. No hard feelings or shame if you're just tired of it.
>I've been extremely un-confident in a lot of my narrative decisions in a way that I can't really convey or make felt
I've been there...
>These are what I work for, and I remember them long after the person who first said it has forgotten.
Oh, I didn't know you appreciated feedback that much. I can be more vocal in my enthusiasm.
>there has never been positive feedback
Get thee behind me satan, thou speaketh lies
Don't be a nigger
On the one hand, the pot calling the kettle, on the other hand, okay,

But saying, I have gone to extreme lengths to show GM how much I appreciate his efforts and time, to an increasing degree, The idea that theres been no positive feedback is literally of the devil, because it is a lie
>you're sucking posey's cock
Oh, one time I said that, not repeated, but okay, let's have it out. Yes, you're more responsive to less effort posts, especially in a happenstance spray "All the inputs" manner, NGL, it gets results,
Yes, it pertains to the dopamine receptivity of anonboard rp posting.
Its a thing, become aware, and learn from. No one will hate or criticize you, its part of the process.
<Or what, yer gonna not let me play cuz Ahm speaking the real?
188035 188047
>And even for Sven, I need to not only write out Moonlit Meadow's reaction to her, but also three different little stories that are their own investigative trails.
Hope you start to feel better soon. <3
Don't feel like you have to do anything special for me scratch that, I don't want you to do anything special for me. No, big stories for for trails and not several ones either.

I don't believe in responsibility. If a tree falls on you, don't jump out the way. Take a breath and step aside and if you're too late, at least you were at peace both in life and death. ^^

Just keep her thinking that Vir is a crazy pone. Give her a location to seek out and she will do so. There's no need to overthink it with me. I know you want to do it good but this reminds me how DWK ruined his own fun in making pony videos. He cared so much about making it good that it became a burden for him and while I get that it's us players that causing you most(all?) of your stress, it's better to "not even try while trying" and give me that level of effort. I feel like you know me, I will literally role-play with a rock if you put one before. Imo, Fren.^^
Fucking A right, Vir is pure
"The Traveller could be scrying on the prisoner." Posey says, gesturing to the bound commie on her floating disk
>one I got from Cavaliere this morning telling me I fucked up scheduling
I'm sorry, GM Pony. I really wasn't intending on being negative or passive aggressive. What I wanted to convey was that it would be a nice courtesy to post if a game isn't happening one night, or alternatively to post when one is happening. I tend to be too direct rather than gentle in my approach.
>"the trucks should be Canadian Military Patterns and not American."
Had I known this remark would have a haunting effect I never would have said it. Being snarky and critical is second nature to me, as I grew up watching MST3K and Cinema Sins, and to me pointing out flaws in something helps to improve it down the line I also started in this thread making sardonic comments about the game and its players, and though that was very silly it never harmed anyone's willingness to continue. I also like the game's setting of Equestria at War and this manifests partly as wanting the game to be consistent with that setting in various ways. I'll refrain from doing anymore of that.
>But It isn't hard to see these are much rarer now than the bitching about scheduling or how I respond to a skill check or about loot or the combat encounters, or if a depicted plane is of an American or British airframe.
But I have enjoyed this quest and all its little details. It's why I keep notes so that even after it's over I can explore hints and plots that are left over. The atmosphere of this quest has also been incredible and you should be confident in it enough that you don't have to ponder, "how will this be received by the players?"
This post came off a bit commanding but it's not meant that way. You do you of course. I just want to relieve you of that pressure you feel. ^^ And my suggestion is based on personal experienced too. The way I get started doing things that are hard to do is by doing one metaphoric step in that direction. If I want to do the dishes, I only make myself turn on the tap.

>Fucking A right, Vir is pure
Indeed. ^^
Though, she immediately tried too preen the wings of a bat-pony upon seeing one without asking consent so, I guess, Brie & Lacey wouldn't be safe.^^
Lacey likes feeling unsafe :3
>Being snarky and critical is second nature to me
"Something we have in common," Brie offers casually, attempting to turn a meta OOC comment into an IC topic for banter,... its fine if you don't wanna, but I have lots of things for Brie to say to/with Garv, when you're ready. ^_~
Yes, playfully trolling GM and all with this. Shut up, its funny
Ostensibly and presumptively, Brie is preparing to fuck with something that could eviscerate his face. He is not going into this with his usual cavaliere attitute, with flippant quips to fire out. No no, this is a very serious matter that will require the utmost of care. In the meantime, he's happy to make all sorts of jibes and comments, never with any ACTUAL malice, just a general sense of "I'm bored, and fuck you, its funny".

Oh don't look at me like that, I haven't even started putting ornaments on Posey!
Unbidden, but unable to refrain, Brie blurts out:
"This whole fucking thing stinks. Mind control? What the fuck?? I've dealt with mafiosos with their heads up their ponut, but this? I dunno mare,...."
Alright time to come back to this one.

GM, let me be the first to say "All hail". I came back to this fucking SITE because I wanted to play more. Yes yes, I'm a crass asshole, who flippantly likes crossing lines/boundaries. Yes, we can speak to "the issues" but I came back here expressly and intrinsically for the game. Having said, let me be the first on record to say "tell me what to do and I will do it".
Ngl, I'm NOT good at intuiting what do do without express explanation, but I AM good at doing what needs doing, when I know what that is.

I'm sorry I said the heinous things. I say heinous things. Maybe someday I can stop saying heinous things, idk.
And SINCE no one has responded yet, and SINCE I am that one nigger,...

Lacey is the sort that is quick to diffuse a situation if at all possible. Why? Because it generally leads to more profit, and she wants to have done everything to prevent having to kill everyone in the room. She's not opposed to it, it's just troublesome to have to literally clean up after. Wink.
"Body 'squads' cost bits, bits I could redistribute elsewhere. Are we done here?"
You're objecting?
188140 188143
>9 consecutive posts
>clears throat
Dont Stop is my last resort. From here, I get creative ^_~
While you're being buttmad, notice that the first of the posts you're objecting to was on the 28th, and the rest are from today. So if you're mad that I posted today, lets talk about it and see if we can come to a resolution. But if you think you're gonna >imply and I'm gonna start towing the line you think I should, well I'll give you three guesses how THATS likely to turn out
Yes, not enough skeletons, we know. Moving on
>unintended dubs
Not gonna delete this one ^_~
(yes, I think ur dumb)
This is my song, it was made for me. It makes me happy-cry to be so recognized by my team. I want to get back to that here too.
I think we're telling a really good story. I hope we can see it to it's completion
<In the waaaaaaaaater's deep embrace, Addy find her special place
This incessant song has been stuck in Brie's head for a very annoying minute. He really hopes it doesn't affect his disable device modifier, this is an awfully big bomb,...
<Gems and ore in a fluid race, a druid's calm in nature's grace
Yeah, you're lucky no one has called you out for playing a druid
<Feck off, its cooking-related
GM Pony
188218 188233
Blackheel stands there, seven or so feet from the edge of the cliff, staring at Silver and making eye contact with his blood red eyes. Though his mouth gives no expression, and though his thick, fur-tufted legs stand solid and firm, a closer examination reveals signs of trembles - lesser, to be sure, than in the others, but present all the same.

But for all the bravado, his lips pull back even as they remain closed. He picks up the mouthpiece with an aura of red magic, places it near his mouth, holds down on the send-button with magic, and speaks:

"Это политический комиссар Блэкхил, отвечающий за надзор за международной миссией помощи в Костроме. Вы слышали наш призыв к ответчику?" - "This is political commissar Blackheel, in charge of overseeing an international aid mission on the Kostroma. Have you heard our distress call?"

There is silence for a moment, and a hint of static. But the static cuts out, and is replaced with a crisp, clear message from a male voice that slowly, enunciates every word. A listener may suspect that the speaker either is not a native speaker and knows the language only from classroom lectures, or perhaps that the speaker expects the listeners to not be native speakers. But the pronunciation is crisp and the accent correct.

"Ваш призыв был услышан. Режиссер приказал спецназу компании «Хладон» провести операцию «Буян». Весь костромской личный состав должен прибыть к месту высадки на северном берегу." - "Your call has been heard. The director ordered the special forces of the company "Halon" to carry out the operation "Buyan". All Kostroma personnel must arrive at the landing site on the northern shore."

"Вы можете прийти к нам?" - "Are you able to come to our position?"

"Согласно Буяну, компания Halon должна обеспечить безопасность всего острова. Сопротивление было встречено и решается. До тех пор весь костромской персонал должен прибыть на северный берег." - "Per Buyan, Halon Company is to secure the whole island. Resistance has been encountered and is being dealt with. Until then, all Kostroma personnel are to come to the north shore."

"Это комиссар Блэкхил. К кому мне обращаться?" - "This is Commissar Blackheel. To whom do I speak?"

"К простому частному. Я всего лишь посланник." - "To but a simple private. I am only a messenger."

"Я являюсь старшим комиссаром. Я прошу поговорить с комиссаром по поводу компании «Галон»." - "I am a ranking commissar. I request to speak with the commissar over Halon Company."

"Вы можете прийти и поговорить с ней лично. Связи по радио не будет." - "You may come speak to her in person. There will not be communication over the radio."

"Знаете ли вы об опасностях на этом острове?" - "Are you aware of the dangers on this island?"

"Режиссер предупреждает о мятеже, внешних влияниях и неизвестной враждебной силе, присутствующей на Mended Horn." - "The director has warned of a mutiny, outside influences, and an unknown hostile force present on Mended Horn."

"Я командую отрядом верных моряков, мы готовы помочь, но в основном не можем. - I command a detachment of loyal sailors, we are ready to help, but mostly we cannot."

"По распоряжению директора весь костромской персонал должен прибыть на Северный берег." - "By order of the director, all Kostroma personnel are to come to the North Shore."

Blackheel lowers the mouthpiece, and in a smack, his tongue comes out of his dry mouth. He moves it back to his mouth.

"Моя группа лояльна Советскому Союзу. Все сотрудники Костромы под подозрением? - My band is loyal to the Soviet. Are all Kostroma personnel under suspicion?"

"Было объявлено, что на острове присутствует неизвестный псих, обладающий враждебным внешним влиянием. Первая задача компании Halon - обезопасить остров Буян. Вопросы лояльности и дисциплины будут решаться только после того, как угроза будет нейтрализована." - "An unknown but hostile outside influence has been declared present on the island. The first task of Halon Company is to secure the island per Buyan. Matters of loyalty and discipline will be addressed only after the threat is neutralized."

"Есть иностранные граждане и конфиденциальная информация." - "There are foreign nationals present among the passengers of the Kostroma, and sensitive information is involved."

"Директор и ответственный командир знают о предназначении Костромы. Операция «Буян» решит эти вопросы, как только угроза на острове будет устранена." - "The Director and the commander in charge are aware of the mission of the Kostroma. Operation Buyan will address these matters once the threat on the island has been neutralized."

"Это враждебное влияние, оно обладает разумом управляемых костромскими пони. Они все еще верные пони, но под контролем плохого актера. Здесь мы имеем дело с магическим влиянием. Мало кто был вовлечен в настоящий мятеж. Можете ли вы распространить информацию о необходимости применения нелетальной силы везде, где это возможно?" - "This hostile influence, it has mind controlled ponies of the Kostroma. They are still loyal ponies, but under under the control of a bad actor. We are dealing with magical influence here. Few were involved in an actual mutiny. Can you spread the word to use non-lethal force wherever possible?"

"Мы знаем о враждебном влиянии. Весь костромской персонал должен явиться на северный берег." - "We are aware of the hostile influence. All Kostroma personnel are to report to the north shore."

Blackheel takes his magic off of the "send" button and lowers the mouthpiece
The Floof and The Noodle
Silver bows his head at the commissar, before looking back up at him with sadness. "They have their mission, and they have made it clear they will complete it, no matter cost. Those ponies and non ponies of Kostroma, those who are now playthings of this Traveler, they have no choice in matter whether they are to be anyone's enemy. But you all do have choice. You can follow their orders, head to North Beach, and hope they do not decide it is too much trouble to figure out if you all truly are loyal or not...or you can join us, help us take out Traveler, and try to save as many creatures as we possibly can as we escape this island. We have plan, we have means, and with your aid we will have numbers necessary to make our assault upon Kostroma just that much easier. I will not lie to you, it is difficult choice to be made. But it is necessary one. And it must be made."
GM Pony
Blackheel stands silently. He looks back to the orange stallion, then to the green one, and glances at the grey. Then he looks back to Silver, making eye contact. He tilts his head and raises an eyebrow.

"And what is your plan, and what is your means?"
The Floof and The Noodle
Silver: "Core of it as it pertains to Traveler is this: our explosives expert is turning torpedo from crashed naval bomber into remote detonated improvised explosive device. Our resident blackweave specialist will use her magic to rot Traveler from inside out. It will not be near enough to kill it outright...but it will weaken it. We will then force explosive inside its body, likely though mouth but any orifice will suffice. Its hide has proven resistant to damage, but its internals should not be, and combined with rotting magic and it being in dimension where death is unavoidable certainty it should be enough to make it vulnerable to conventional damage if not kill it outright. For dealing with any summoned monsters, we are also repurposing bomber's MG from its turret. While its high rate of fire means it will be unusable from standing position, from prone position it should be enough to turn any monster Traveler could summon to shreds. Once all that is done comes our plan of escape, where we send out message using magic across island to newly freed Kostroma crewmembers to return to ship ASAP. If needed, we can send rescue party to give aid to this objective. We will then simply use rising tide to unbeach ship and sail away to safety with as many creatures as possible. We are working on summoning ally to help with transporting explosive and MG from plane, but I am also hoping we can use this ally to disable GRU ship to prevent them from pursuing us as we make our escape."
"He's being nice, but butthole is on the table,....
And lastly in GM we pray
Posey does not speak the language, but as a warmagus in a despotic army herself, she recognizes the telltale monotonous sound of a messenger repeating the same unreasonable orders over and over and ignoring extraneous circumstances.
"Let me guess: The higher ups were unhelpful?"
The Floof and The Noodle
Silver: "That is basic idea. They ignored any of Black Heel's concerns and kept repeating same order for Kostroma crew to come to their landing site at North Beach."
"I don't know about you, but I do not trust them. I intend to leave this island in one piece."
188251 188263
"This island attracts nothing but the worst kind of attention. It reminds me of the common ant lion, which digs a pitfall where it waits at the center. Prey falling in only get closer to its maw from their struggles. I'm hoping this island more easily relinquishes its arrivals."
>presuming to be smoking a cigarette
"Is it a griffon thing to over-embellish things? Forget I said it. How are we with our friends, while I... oh dear. I really don't know how many dicerolls it will take. OOPSIE I just made an ooc post, but it was in character so I really dont know
Sometimes unable to restrain himself, Brie is simply trying to occupy his mind. Very grateful for his mask, he's never felt so off-put before. For one, there's this traveler and all this mind control nonsense, which does NOT sit well with him, as a pony who very much values his autonomy. Then there's the fact that WHERE'S THE FUCKING MILITARY?? Oh, yes, there's that one group, but they're obviously not here to mend sails. All the while, all we have is a rag-tag band of misfits,....

Brie looks up from the bomb
"Anything needing to be addressed?"