734 replies and 41 files omitted.
I'm hearing no objections, so I'm assuming we are.
>>187798>>187797>>187795>>187791>>187790Silver: "Okay, time to move out. Brie, Cavaliere - good luck. Rest of us, on me. Kira, scout ahead. Pipette, show us way to Commissar Black Heel."
Kira: "Yes sir!" Kira gives Silver little mock salute before taking point, scouting ahead of the party for danger.
>>187798>>187801Dust breaks his embrace of the mare as the party prepares to move out. However, he stays next to her as she moves.
>>187801As everypony filters out, brie takes the briefest of moments to enjoy the silence
"I, I can take you there." Pipette says, looking first back towards Silver and anycreature else who speaks, and then ahead into the fog. She walks to into the mist, around the edge of what must be the summit of the hill, and then down the edge of the hill to the north, with the mist continuing to obscure vision beyond maybe 50 or so feet.
>>187803The "eeeee" of tinnitus both persists and pervades
>>187804Silver: "Everyone, stay close. It is too easy to get lost in this miasma."
Silver and Kira keep close to Pipette, both to avoid getting lost and to avoid losing her in the fog.
>>187804Posey puts her Dreads in the air, so they can see over the hill and spot any potential incoming threats.
>>187744So since Garv already succeeded on his rope use, thanks for that prompt, its just a disable device, correct? On second thought, better to take a 10. At +12
>>187804"Good luck to you all. We will meet again soon."And then he returns to working on getting a machine gun ready for transport.
>>187804>>187805>>187806Dust follows closely, glaring at Posey occasionally to make sure she's behaving
>>187810>glaring at Posey occasionallyPosey notices him sneaking glances at her
"~Hmm, see something you like, ~Dusty?" she says, swishing her tail
I got a know if we're doing stuff tonight, or if I should go to bed. Work tomorrow.
>>187812Tentative no (I guess no one wants to role anything or announce any actions but just wants to walk into something...). However, I will be available all of tomorrow and Wednesday
>>187813What was the response from the griffons regarding whether they should stay or go?
>>187813Role anything? Role.... Roll?
[1d20 = 12] >>187813I will roll perception
Posey Spot
[1d20+3 = (1+3) = 4]Posey Listen
[1d20+3 = (11+3) = 14]Dread 1 Spot
[1d20+5 = (3+5) = 8]Listen
[1d20+5 = (2+5) = 7]Dread 2 Spot
[1d20+5 = (5+5) = 10]Listen
[1d20+5 = (18+5) = 23]Dreads are in the air scanning for threats. Posey has her bow drawn.
>>187814I think the Griffons should stay where Cavalier is, since he speaks their language.
[Read more] >>187816Oh yeah, I can declare actions.
Posey uses a readied action to charm the first humanoid she sees with her gaze.
>>187813>>187814I will be available, if conducive.
>>187813>I guess no one wants to role anything or announce any actions but just wants to walk into something...I readied an attack (charm gaze) and made perception checks. Is there anything else I can/should roll?
The Dreads have higher perception than Posey, but they have no mouths or any ability to communicate verbally, so Posey instructs them to make Elon salutes in the event that they spot anything from their elevated position.
They should be able to see over the crest of the hill, and are on the lookout for ambushes, since we all know monsters love to hide behind hills.
I had declared that Brie would start by taking a 10 on disarming/extracting the payload. It wouldn't (I hope) be a low enough roll to set anything off, in that it was a military contract for industrial production, and would inform him if he will have to try harder.
See what my younger brother did to my car?
Point of authenticity, Brie's disable check will only make sure the explosive doesnt go off in extraction and transport, until reenabled later. He may not have the mechanical skill (different check?) To remove it
>>187813Sorry, but serious side-question. Is the explosive composition of the torpedo going to be something that can be factored into a/the plan?
A common composition for bombs and ordinanced explosives was an explosive detonator and a big bucket of aluminum shavings.
Might that be the case here, and is there a possibility of utilizing that knowledge in some capacity other than shoving bomb up butthole, set off bomb, profit?
>>187813Is there anything else you want us to roll?
>>187824It is not aluminum shavings. There is insufficient oxidizer for aluminum. It's amatol. Amatol is a mixture of 60% TNT and 40% ammonium nitrate, which is significant in that it works well in aneorbic environments, like underwater. I could not figure out exactly what state of matter it is, but I believe it is a soft solid and likely start to collapse under its own weight. The most significant detail to know is that it will absorb moisture out of the air. Also, don't hit it too hard.
>>187822And what is his modifier?
>>187831>>187824I'm skeptical but good enough.
Brie quickly discerns that the only serious danger, aside from maybe accidentally turning the engine on, is the warhead falling onto its end and activating the detonator. Thus Brie inserts a makeshift pin that disarms the warhead, and then removes the detonator. After that, it's a matter of removing the warhead. Of course, all of this assumes that the warhead and the remainder of the torpedo have been secured separately before hoof. Once the warhead is removed, it may be lowered to the ground and then taken apart, Eventually, the active materials may be taken out separately.
>>187835I am. What did the griffons decide to do: stay at the plane or go with the bulk of the party?
>>187836The griffins speak amongst themselves in their own language. Bøkli answers for the lot:
"We don't like to travel in the fog, and this plane is the only cover we've seen in a while. We'd prefer to stay here."
>>187835I am, but only for a while.
>>187838Sorry I didn't respond earlier.
I have to sleep soon.
>>187839Bøkli moves his head and claws backwards, but not his hind legs. His back arches upwards, fur and feathers stand up, and he unfolds his wings, partially expanding them to an “M” shape
“There’s explosives here?!”
>>187840>>187838I don’t think it’s possible to do much for that group without most of the players…
I work tomorrow, but I'll check in during the day if anything is posted. Preferably post a little earlier next time, it you want more players to participate.
Goodnight everypony.
>>187841Cavaliere nods slowly and motions with one of his claws for them to settle down.
"I won't hide this information from you. This plane was a torpedo bomber that was still loaded when it crash-landed. We've secured a torpedo and are disarming it, and we'll use its warhead to destroy the source of those monsters. It's our best bet at getting off this island safely.">>187842Goodnight!
>>187842scrunch>>187843“Is this safe? How experienced are you with explosives” there is a whisper, and Bokli looks back towards the black griffin before looking back to Cavaliere. “And what is the plan if those monsters attack?”
>>187844Cavaliere is presumably looking down at them as he's up in a turret, unscrewing various mounts. He looks briefly at his busy ally before replying.
"Considering we're still here, experienced enough. If we're interrupted we'll have to fight. Once I get this gun off, would you mind helping to carry it?" >>187845Hmmm…
Cavaliere should either make a diplomacy roll, or make a persuasive argument for why they should stay. That is, if he wants them to stay. Considering that they have experience that could have some applicability to working on the plane, torpedo, and turrets, they could be useful. Certainly they are several rather large males who could help with the manual parts.
>>187847Bøkli nods, and then steps forward.
"Very well, I will help.
Sorvik, however...
"En om ze van het eiland te krijgen, mogen we niet sterven. Zullen we hier gevangen zitten. En een torpedo!"
He gesticulates his claws upwards
"Hoe weten we dat dit niet onze bepoederde tombe zal zijn?"
>>187833Coming back to it, you know me
>>187833>Im skepticalYou have no cause to be, after I painstakingly walked you through my character creation and skill allocation.
Politely, get fucked. You may not REMEMBER, but no, I played 100% by the rules AND you were there for it, and I spelled it out for you at the time.
>>187851>Im skepticalUnironically mad about this
>>187639Last response:
>>187040 →Vir's hoof slapped Sea Breeze's cheek.
"Heh heh heh," she laughed evilly. "What a cute lil' colt. You come to this office often?"
Sea Breeze had tears welling up in his eyes he tried to cross his legs as one of Vir's hooves snaked down between them.
"Please," he sobbed out. "I'm saving myself for the right mare."
"Not for long. Wlegh. Heeh. Ooogh. Heh."
She let out a croaking chuckle that made her sound as if she had relatives straight out of Innsmouth.
[Read more] >>187854Oh look! Look who else didnt know to play a game of availability
Morning Sven
>>187856Mornin'! ^^
>Politely, get fucked. Seems a bit harsh, or mean. Perhaps, not the best way to present critique but I don't really know what this is about either, maybe it's earned and you did say it in a kinda playful manner as well.
I guess one shouldn't worry about who take offence and such and only the degree of truth in statement but idk. And it's not like GM doesn't butt heads himself.I guess, I'm not really in the mood for more conflict despite it might be accurate criticism, due to the fact that the group has almost turn toxic at this point. But we also need to be honest with our problems or they become niggling issues in the back of our minds. Hmm, imo idk.
Maybe, you're right. It's just that this thread, I feel, is hanging on a thread. ^^ It's just constant fighting. I don't get to play. And it's not fun (in general to be here) which is the main goal of the thread after all.
Yes, you might be right and it might be warranted for all I know but I'm just afraid that this will start up another dozens of posts with arguing. And while we need to air our problems with each other, I feel that there is a constructive way of doing this and more destructive manner.