734 replies and 41 files omitted.
>>187632Damn, that's pretty fluffy. Silver smiles as he can
feel Mala's happiness. "I would like you to be with us."
>>187633Silver feels Mala’s neck raise slightly as Mala moves a step forward. He can also feel Mala’s tail hit him again.
“I can go, if you don’t need me to watch the prisoners or… work on the torpedo.”
>>187634Mala repeats to Brie,
“I can carry things.”
>>187635Silver: "Heh. But if you come with us, maybe you could see what those monster starfish actually taste like."
>>187636Mala’s head turns towards Silver, and with a more plain expression.
“We’ll be fighting more of those things as we go?!”
>>187637Silver nods simply. "Possibly at some point, yes."
>>187302Suddenly, Vir just straight up back
handshoofs the bap.
"Nye heh heh heh," Vir chuckles. "I know another naughty bap who could put to use a sweetie's, like yous' lil' bap wings into good money. Heh heh heh."
"...I'm not naughty," the bap says but not with much force and she doesn't look up from the floor.
Vir slaps her again, this time with her pimp cane.
"Shud up! Don't talk back, wings don't do that."
Vir puffs a cloud of smoke from her cigar.
[Read more] >>187606"I can do that. Would you like to carry the camera? Otherwise, maybe Dust knows how to use it. Bøkli speaks Ponish, but I can ask him."He turns to the griffon followers.
"Would you like to stay here and help move some heavy equipment we're getting from the plane? Zou je hier willen blijven en helpen met het verplaatsen van de zware apparatuur die we uit het vliegtuig halen?" he asks, repeating the question in Feathesian to Sørvik.
Off to side, out of sight and out of mind, Dust sneaks a quick grass tasting in between his prayers.
Hopefully the next place his missions take him has better grass.
>>187691Kira comes over, wondering what her zeeb friend is doing so far away from the group. "Hey Dust! You're missing out on Silver talking about the group's plan." She tilts her head at his grass munching. "Are you hungry or something?"
>>187641Silver takes the offered camera, nodding at the griffon.
>>187644Silver: "We will take possessed ponies with us, so you do not have to worry about wrangling with them. It will also let us keep close eye on them."
>>187692Dust's eyes open as he looks at the lamia who has caught him slacking in his prayers.
"Hello Kira my lamia friend,
My prayers have just come to an end.
I am glad to hear that our group
Is coming to plans like a troup.
As I had nothing to say
I decided to come and pray"
He looks down at the grass and back at her
"I am currently fine
I can assure this is not hunger's sign
My tendancy is to roam and graze
Rather than take set meals and laze
I hope my snacking does not faze"
[Read more] >>187693>>187695Silver: "Do not worry, I am no so unfamiliar with camera. I appreciate concern, however."
>>187694Kira giggles. "No need to worry, Dust! Did you want to come over and hear the plan from Silver, so you're not lost about what we're doing?"
>>187698Breathing a sigh of relief, having picked up several coils of wasted film reel, Brie breathes a sigh of relief. In his mind, he was imagining trying to explain the Traveler to Captain Waters, with foiled evidence ;_;
>>187638“Uh, okay” Mala looks down to the right, then back up, then back down, then back up to Silver in quick succession. Presumably, Silver has stopped stitching her neck.
“And what is the alternative?”
“ Waar ga je heen met dit? Deze monsters zijn verschenen en deze soldaten, en we zien geen uitweg uit dit eiland - Where are you going with this? These monsters have appeared and these soldiers, and we see no way out of this island”
“I can make the prisoners drag each other.” He answers
>>187691He’s had better, to be honest
[Read more] >>187698Dust smiles and nods. He stands to his hooves and follows his slithery friend over to the group.
>>187699"Ay,..." Stern-face, even through mask, "We have a job to do. No dying until then, not without orders," Brie says, as deadpan as he can
>>187700Silver resumes scritching Mala's neck. "So, how about it? Want to come with us?"
>>187701Kira leads the zeeb back to the group, who has gathered around near the plane. Silver looks over to Dust, and smiles. "Good to see you are still with us, Dust. Did you hear plan, or do you need to be filled in?"
>>187704Dust nods to Silver
"I must confess the plan I have not heard
However it would be nice to hear before we move forward"
Dust takes a seat as he waits to be filled in on the details.
>>187707Silver nods at Dust. "Cavaliere and Brie will stay here at plane with rescued griffons, getting machine guns and explosive we will need for our fight against Traveler. Rest of us are going to Commissar, saving him if needed, and recruiting him and his soldiers to our growing army. After that, Posey has scroll she can use to summon ally using that leviathan whale skeleton we found at whaling village. She will use it to create or summon whatever ally she has in mind, it will fly back here to plane to pick up guns and explosives, and then we all will meet back up at airship."
>>187710Brie nods turns toward the torpedo, pulling out his thieves kit. He misses his masterwork set, but they were too hard to replace.
>>187700I will wait for a prompt from you about what to do with the torpedo, not knowing which skill you would have me start with.
>>187710Dust listens carefully. He betrays a small twitch at the mention of Posey summoning, but does not say a word
"Of the plan I think it sounds fair
Before we beseige the Traveler's lair.
I shall plan to travel with you
And hopefully see this mission through."
>>187712Silver: "Good. We will desperately have need of you coming up. It is good to have you with us."
I had to work all day, and I have a poor headache. Did Dust address Posey in this thread? Where is that post.
>>187712>He betrays a small twitch at the mention of PoseyPosey smirks
"Is there something on your mind, ~Dusty? Any questions?"
>And hopefully see this mission through.""Excellent. I am sure Captain Waters will compensate us for performing above and beyond call of duty."
>>187710"Silver. I would like to carry one of those two-way radio thingies."
>>187719>>187700Hmm...how many two-ways did they get?
Oh, I found out a way for the party to meet up again if they split up: if you cast Light on a pebble, and sling it 250 ft in the air, it's a bootleg flare. This way the party can reveal their location to characters across the island.
Also works with an arrow, which can be shot 500 ft in the air.
Dust has Light prepared, iirc.
>>187719Mommy Vile temptress.
The zebra hisses through his teeth
"I have no other questions for now
We'll all find our way somehow."
>>187723I do infact have light and a sling
>>187700On the subject of radios, I was very sure we had one to coordinate with captain waters by. There is no "two radios"
>>187725Brie wanted to take that radio, but Silver was VERY insistent
Sorry. Gonna emohasize a quick point
Have we even radioed Captain Waters ffs?
>>187728Be nice or you're getting flirted with next
>>187729No one said anything my guy, chill
"The fuck you think the radio was for? Military grade backup. Amateurs!"
>>187724>We'll all find our way somehow"That is the spirit!" Posey says, with a wink
>I do infact have light and a slingPerfect. I can rely on you.
>>187720I thought GM said we had two yesterday, since he mentioned it as one of the possible ways for the party to meet again.
I could be mistaken. Idk.
>>187730He's just jelly.
>>187730You literally volunterred to communicate with Captain Waters via the radio. And?
>>187731>>187732Well, first off, no, Brie can't just deft hands the radio away. Second:
Silver: "Radio is for calling for extraction. Entire point of us being here is to avoid starting war. That all goes out window if we call for troops, planes, warships, or whatever."
>>187733That's what I had intuited as well.
>>187734Followup, already stolen, cuz Bries modifier is high enough.
"Mayday, mayday pirate bay CQ Captain Waters"
>>187735The fuck he cant? He knobbed y'all earlier
>the radio is for extractionOh right. Cuz the military isnt gonna wanna hear about the FUCKING GOD YOU KNOB
>>187734????? My guy are you having a stroke? I don't, nor have I ever, have any of the radios. I don't even know who captain waters is, much less have I volunteered to contact him.
>>187739Sorry. Everyone has a green id this time
>>187710Theres the one
could inform Captain Waters about the Eldritch demigod and the mind controlled thralls and the summons and whatnot, and ask him to confirm that he would be willing to compensate us for all of the extra efforts. I believe it could make or break our team's morale to know if we found out whether or not we are doing this for free."
Before anyone actually does anything, let's just wait for GM pone, because we're gonna need him to adjudicate this whole new ordeal.
>>187739Captain Shoal Waters is the pony from the New Mareland Navy who gave us this mission. Not to be confused with Light Water, the scientist on the Kostroma who kickstarted this whole disaster.