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Please, for the love of god, can you two come to an agreement for the good of the game, the party, and the GM?
>>187577I think that everyone has agreed they are
not going to try to salvage the warhead, or the machine guns, and they aren’t going for the leviathan skeleton.
No, I am so fucking pissed off at this bullshit. For fuck's sake, I never had a problem with OOC posts until now. You two are aware we are going to fight a fucking god, right?
>>187580Oh, Im aware, I laid the groundwork. He doesnt have to llay mice with me even, he just has to pretend his character is
>>187579Wha? I thought I could go to the skeleton after the commissar and the airponies. Was I mistaken?
Oh well.
>>187577I'm confused. What agreement?
Yes, but Brie and Garv wont assume to be able to.move heavy equipment unless Rosie offers that she can make that happen. Digging in your heels is still fighting
>>187580Yes. While you suggested the warhead plan
and the GM forcefully hinted at the machine guns, the actual logistics of bringing them, and the opportunity cost of the time spent, raises a lot of challenges. If we all stay at the plane we risk losing the Commissar and the airponies. Splitting the party can accomplish both objectives, but at greater risk. The GM suggested that maybe there could be a workaround but I don't know what that could be.
>>187580You have not one, but
two player characters. You are the only one to have two. And neither of them give a shit enough about the bomb, the machine gun, or the scroll to put a hoof down and refuse to progress until this concern is addressed.
If your characters don’t care, just play your respective characters. If playing your characters true means they sleep walk into oblivion, as you seem to think they are, then let them do so.
>>187583No, but no one knows what anyone’s plans are after going to the commissar. Actually, based off of statements from you and or Posey, it seems like that’s abandoned and you all are going to the airship.
>>187586Unless something is said, Brie will be staying with the party, Ive just been illustrating the possibilities
>>187586I was under the impression that GM didn't want me to reanimate a giant flying skeleton, so I decided not to talk about it until there was an actual opportunity.
I was also under the impression that people didn't want to handle the skeleton stuff until we found the airponies, so I was waiting until after that.
I do want to do the skeleton thing though.
I don't actually need to do it with a whale skeleton, btw. I just need a sufficient amount of bones, maybe from ~6-9 medium sized creatures.
>>187585I wanted to split off to reanimate the monster while the party handled other matters, but I was told that wasn't desirable.
Silver: "We are not being stupid about this. There are MGs that those we have rescued can use to fend off Abominations, there is torpedo that can be turned into explosive device to try to kill Traveler, and you have scroll you still have not explained what it even does. We are not going to march straight to our deaths unprepared."
>>187589It wasnt desirable for you to run off not saying anything but "trust me".
Be as vague as you want, but pretend Rpsie is a LITTLE bit of a team.player, given the open discussion of extracting the 1/4 ton explosive, and the heavy machine gun(s?)
Unless you WANT brie tagging along ;3
>>187590>you still have not explained"I already told you that I intended to use it to conjure an ally that could help us with the battle."
>>187592Silver looks over at Posey. She notices that his face has become rather stern. "Good, what kind of ally? Describe him."
Last chance. You get ur skeleton, we get bombs and guns.
Brie looks back at the plane, reservations forming in his mind. "While ordinarily not one to out too much stock in such extreme levels of ordinance, I have a sinking feeling we might benefit from both the torpedo and the machine guns. It seems a shame to let them go to waste, if only we had a way to move them,...."
>>187589In-character, no it's not desirable. You can split off at any point (you are not compelled to stay with the party) but it will raise even more questions. I think GM's objections were regarding the stats of the giant flying skeleton, but I don't recall these objections being resolved. Transporting the warhead is a perfectly fine way of using that creature, and otherwise we would need a harness and a team to move it.
>>187590"I agree, but let's get the logistics of these weapons squared away. How will we move them, and can we ensure our charges will survive by the time we reach them?">>187592"It's a conjuration scroll? That's useful. Why didn't you explain what it did sooner?" Mala sits back and watches like a child whose parents are fighting.
>>187593"You can never really be sure what it is until it appears, but I had in mind something large and durable, that also flies." Posey replies
"I was looking to use my masters scroll for something to carry me to the top of that mountain, where I could make an appeal to the spirits of the north to send us something to fight alongside us."
>>187595>You can split off at any point (you are not compelled to stay with the party) but it will raise even more questions.That's what I was originally going to do, but people got mad so I didn't.
>I think GM's objections were regarding the stats of the giant flying skeleton, but I don't recall these objections being resolved.Yeah. I want to know if it's allowed before I go there to do it.
>onjuration scroll"Not quite..."
>Why didn't you explain what it did sooner?"I did explain it though."
[Read more] >>187598Silver: "Large, durable, flies, okay. How strong is it? Could it carry explosive, MGs, and ammunition?"
>>187600"I would not know. I have never tried it before. It is my master's magic, not my own. But...."
Posey unfurls her scroll and squints at the spooky glowing sigils running across it
"...I think so?"
She pauses
".... It would probably expend my entire scroll to produce a minion that huge though..." she adds, slightly disappointed
"I will just bill Captain Waters for it."
>>187589>>187598You can split off any time. What you can’t do is find the party again.
I asked “how will posey find the party again?” Twice. The first time the question was dismissed as irrelevant, and the second time I was just outright ignored. I thought that she could do some extremely basic shit like saying “hey, can we meet at this place or time?” Or taking one of the two-way radios so that they can keep in communication… But no, you didn’t want to do this. This did not please me and I wasn’t going to allow a party split when players
refuse to acknowledge very obvious, basic, serious, and ultimately easily resolved logistical problems.
>>187601>>187599Silver then turns to Brie. "Would that be enough to satisfy your logistical requirements?"
>>187596Kira slithers over to the poor boy, and gives him some ear scritches.
>>187602>how will posey find the party again?” Twice. The first time the question was dismissed asIf she were at the top of Mended Horn, wouldn't she be able to see the Kostroma from there? That's what I said last time.
>“hey, can we meet at this place or time?”I mentioned meeting at the Kostroma
>Or taking one of the two-way radios so that they can keep in communication…Oh wait, I forgot we had those. That's a good idea.
>But no, you didn’t want to do this. This did not please me and I wasn’t going to allow I thought you just didn't want me to make a flying whale monster, so I low-key just gave up on it and stopped thinking about the logistics.
>>187604>>187595Silver: "If it flies, you will be able to attach explosive, MGs, and ammunition and fly with alongside it back to us. We will give you two-way radio so you can maintain communication, and agree to meeting point, likely near Airship. Perhaps Cavaliere can be convinced to stay with you as well, both to provide backup and to work on MGs while you work on explosive." Silver turns to Cavaliere, expecting an answer.
>>187601Mala raises a paw.
“Uh… I can carry things…”
>>187609Silver: "That would require Cavaliere to speak to them. As far as I know, none of them speak Ponish. It is good idea however."
>>187610Kira: "Hehe, I know you can! Just look at all of those muscles under your fur!"
>>187610"Good. Carry those guns then."
>>187605Hey, if the bone lurker flies above the fog, I could use the stars above to tell which direction is which.
>>187611"Ahhhhhhhhhh. You are correct, Griffonian and Severanyan sound so similar when youre unfamiliar. Then yes, it seems that this might work out after all. The 5 of you," Brie casts a squinty eye at Mala, "... maybe 4,... we'll see what Cavaliere thinks, may be able to depart post haste, as he can do the translating and we can do the dissection. I'm far less familiar with large-calibur weaponry, but I'm confident that I can dissect the torpedo in as long as it takes him to extract one of the guns, after which I could then assist if at all on the second. With the walkie, we can status when we are finished, and decide where to recconnoiter."
>>187615Silver: "Good. We will first go to Commissar as it is closest, see if he needs rescuing and recruit him to our growing army. Then we will go to leviathan whale skeleton so Posey can summon her ally."
Mala smiles, and his tail moves side to side
“I can also make the prisoners do things if you need them to, and to watch over them.” He holds up his shot gun with evident pride. “I have experience as… as a - as a jailer.”
>>187617Brie raises his hooves in a shrugging gesture to the party, as if to ask "Did somepony else know this?"
>>187617>“I can also make the prisoners do things if you need them to, and to watch over them.” He holds up his shot gun with evident pride. “I have experience as… as a - as a jailer.”"Oh, really? So do I. Enhanced Interrogation is one of my specialties. I do not think that is necessary yet though."
>>187616"I would prefer to go to the skeleton alone, or at least use my master's scroll with some degree of privacy."
>>187619Silver: "We will not split up any further than this, but we can provide you with privacy if it is necessary when we get there."
>>187619Mala’s tail stops moving side to side, but stops midway, and then slowly moves down. His lips, likewise, slowly move down at the edges as his smile fades.
“Oh…” his head sinks down. “Okay…”
"Are we ready to see the commissar yet? What are we still here for?"
Brie turns to Garv and with a respectful nod to Mala who all this time he thought was a valet or some sort. "Gentlecreatures (none of them ponies, technically), shall we to business then?"
>>187621Silver goes over to Mala, and gives him a much deserve headpat. "How about you, Mala? Are you staying with Brie and Cavaliere to help them out?"
>>187622head is pat>>187625“I…” his head turns in a circular motion as he holds the syllable. “Think so?” His head and eyes move back up and lock on Silver. But he closes his eyes and smiles as Silver pats his head.
>>187627pat pat patSilver: "I am sorry that I have not been giving you attention as I should. You are my friend, I should not be ignoring you so. I could say that this mission has had me distracted, but it sounds more like excuse than anything."
>>187628Mala smiles, closes his eyes, and stretches out his neck as he moves both his head and his big, furry neck closer to Silver
>>187629Silver moves to giving Mala some neck scritches. "I will not lie, I would appreciate having you by our side."
I'm going to go to bed soon.
>>187630neck is scritchedMala rivals Silver for fluffiness.
He opens his eyes and tries to look back towards Silver, with one of his big, triangular ears making its way past Silver’s foreleg and standing up. He leans towards Silver, and Silver can feel Mala’s moving tail hit his back.
“Where do you want me?”
>>187631pets ze Posey