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>>188854>Are you certain whatever you're doing is worth it?"Yes, I am certain."
She brandishes her scroll: an ornate black manuscript sealed with ivory stoppers.
"This scroll is a memento from my old master. It is a testament to his powers, and represents heights I have not yet reached. It is important to me, I would not be expending it if I did not believe that it would be pivotal to this upcoming battle."
>>188854>>188858Brie taps his throat a few times before saying
"Is this thing on?" He then very loudly clears his throat before saying, unnecessarily loudly, "Fillies and gentlecolts! Sorry, I always wanted to say that. Starfire was it? How do we convey that your disapproval is not going to dissuade our course of action? Are you going to ask to audit our books next? This is happening whether you're onboard or not," he finishes, muttering something about 'overboard'.
"Captain, I think we are set," Brie nods to Rosie. Oh just go with it, it'll be fun.
"So, where do we meet up?"
"Is that acceptable? We rendesvous at the airplane once we've accomplished out respective agendas?"
>>188876"It is an esoteric matter, but the principle is simple enough to be explained. The Leviathan was a primal sentinel tasked with the sacred duty of devouring the servants of Dagon: attacking aberrant and demonic forces is its nature. That duty is imbued into its very bones. With the powers of my master, its powers can be drawn on once more, to conjure a spiritual warrior that is an ally and natural weapon against the farspawn." She says
"In other words, it is calling a favor from a friend."
>>188877Cavaliere looks cautiously intrigued.
"You are an occultist? Who is your master that you have brought up time and time again?"Also, arcane knowledge check to gain extra insight into her description:
[1d20+7 = (8+7) = 15]