734 replies and 42 files omitted.
>>187354What is the plan for this thing, btw? It's too big for any of us to carry.
>>187359I thought Posey was staying what she thinks is a safe distance away?
>>187360Making an improvised explosive out of the warhead and using the plane's radio to make a remote detonator, then when we get to the Traveler we force him to swallow the explosive before we detonate it. To assist with making it more likely that the explosive will kill him, Posey can use her freaky touch powers to weaken him.
>>187362He doesnt have to swallow it, his butthole will suffice
>>187365Or his butthole, whichever orifice is most accessible and open.
>>187366Whichever one we dont stuff it in, I have grenades for anything unoccupied. And theres the shape charges
>>187362Who is going to carry it? The warhead weighs 550 pounds.
If only we had a huge flying whale skeleton....
This would be a great context to suggest such a thing while.remaining explainably not creepy ...
>>187368>>187369It would absolutely be a great time to suggest it. We also don't need the
whole warhead, just the explosive bits. Like, I imagine removing the percussion detonator and outer shell would shave off quite a bit of weight.
>>187370"We should keep moving. We need to locate the airponies."
What’s with all the focus on buttholes?
>>187268“The night, besides micro sleep… The ship arrived before dawn.”
>>187296>>187303When she hears Posey call herself a “pirate,” she has serious concern. Then when she sees a floating, severed diamond dog arm, she screams and runs.
>>187236Why do you have a random post of an oekaki of a ticktacktoe with the word “nape” in the center? What does a nape have to do with anything?
>>187372Kira rushes after the fleeing Pipette, carrying an oxygen mask, a headset, and a book. "Wait! I know she's a little weird and scary at times, but she's actually not! Come back!"
>>187371Silver: "Are you
sure there is nothing you or that scroll could do to help us at all? Anything at all, no matter how small?"
>>187372>What’s with all the focus on buttholes?You GM for ponut-obsessed bronies.
>>187372>she screams and runsWhere does she run to?
Posey stifles a giggle. She does enjoy a caring ponies.
>>187374And yet, none of the character have done any butthole stuff with either mares or stallions.
Yet. >>187376Nah, Silver's butt-virginity isn't for Posey
>>187373>>187374“Ah!” she look backwards at the pursuing 20 foot constrictor snake, which for some reason she’s not comforted by.
She runs out and away from the plane. But as she’s looking backwards towards Kira, she runs into a rut, and trips over it.
>>187375>>187374So you want to start with The Traveller. I see….
>>187372It says nade. As in grenade. As in the subject of that post and the previous post. Why do I bother?
>>187378Admittedly we wouldn't be the first D&D party looking to kill a large creature via it's anus.
Kira slithers over to the tripped over and helpless mare. "Oh no! Are you okay? You took a nasty fall there." The helpful noodle helps Pipette back up to her hooves.
>>187381Oh lord no, anal destruction is a classic ^_^
>>187378So what is the status? Brie seems to not be facefirst with the bomb (yet :3), and since his previous listen checks related to the contemporaneous firearm usage was over a mile away, he will be on scene for the investigation of the torpedo, specifically related to any familiarity.
>>187373>there is nothing you or that scroll could do to help us at all?"I did not say that. This scroll contains the powers of my master. The secrets hidden in it are more than helpful."
>>187388Silver: "Well, we will soon be facing off against eldritch deity from another dimension. If there was ever time to tap into your master's power, it would be now."
>>187390"Perhaps. I want to ensure that the Marines are found first though. Besides, it would be of no use without... Materials..."
>>187384It’ll take a while to deconstruct the torpedo, especially with it hanging in air. I want to see what, if anything, other players will do in that time.
>>187392Silver: "And what are those materials? Could we acquire them for you on island?"
>>187375No one will be informed of the buttstuff between Lacey and Brie. But oh yes, there will be buttstuff :3 (butt-stuff?)
>>187393Noted, on standby (fucking lurking)
>>187394"I believe I could make some use out of those leviathan bones. It was such a magical creature; it's body should have some magic left in it."
>>187393Well, the Commissar is just nearby. The rest of us could go and meet up with him, save him if necessary, hear him out and recruit him and the soldiers with him to the growing party.
If I can convince Posey to reanimate the leviathan whale skeleton after, it would be a huge help across many different areas, such as combat, disabling the GRU ship, and helping carry the improvised explosive. Then we would go to the marines/airponies, then finally the last and most distant group of soldiers. Somewhere along that path, Brie can rejoin with us with the explosive.
>>187395Based. Silver will get in on the buttstuff action eventually, just you wait.
>>187397Silver: "I think that can be managed. It should be on way to marines, same with Commissar. More we can do to make ourselves stronger, better we will do when we face off against Traveler."
[Read more] >>187400Oh, not with Brie and Lacey; with other characters, don't worry.
So, are we going to the commissar next?
>>187403I believe so. We just need to hear from at least one other person first. Same with actually sitting down to play.
>>187404I thought we decided on seeing the commissar last week.
>>187404Im skeptical that even with another player that theres much likelihood of any gaming. Im here for it. Just being real (no offense)
>>187393Without committing anyone to anything Brie,... is still on the table about the torpedo, ngl. I was committed to motion before, but wow did THAT get awkward. Kinda over the torpedo
unless somepony makes a compelling caseYes, one more time, after all the shit, or we can fuck off after the commossar as a big happy family ^_^ Also, while Im gonna be lurking, consider me a currently non viable character, cuz Im not trying to stay up
>>187409The frag grenades we have are nice, but I wouldn't bet my life on their ability to kill a god. The infantry demolition kits we have are primarily intended for the airship's engines, if it's in a state where we're unable to reasonably fix it. The harpoon head you found is kind of in the same boat as the frag grenades, especially only having the one of them. Having something like the explosive power of the torpedo, which is designed to sink sturdy metal-hulled ships, would be very useful for trying to kill the Traveler.
>cuz yes this is also.my life
>no crying
Am active again
>>187412If it was able to survive impact from the upper stratosphere, I don't believe any kind of explosive will kill it. It is demonstrably resistant to extreme heat and physical trauma. It probably has some form of damage reduction and/or regeneration that would make it impervious to mundane damage.
>>187415That's where you come in. Posey, with all respect to the scope of her powers, doesn't have the magical ability to kill the Traveler outright using her freaky necromantic touch,
but I believe it will be enough to weaken the Traveler which, combined with him being subject to the laws of this universe, will make him more than vulnerable enough to the explosive force of a torpedo, and a few hoof grenades just to make sure. Especially as the explosion will be from
inside the Traveler's body, bypassing the extreme damage resistance his hide has shown.
>>187414Silver: "I did not say that demolition kits will be insufficient, I said that hoof grenades will be insufficient on their own and that demolition kits will be needed for airship if it can not be fixed as you hope."
>>187415>>187417Would it kill you to have these conversations in character?
>>187409Is he messing with the torpedo or not?
>>187417I agree with Silver's plan. If Cavaliere has finished tying up the torpedo, he debates to himself about going to comfort Patient Pipette, but he will have to rely on his eclectic fellows. Instead, he removes one of the .50 cal machine guns from a mount, and attempts to find a more mobile mount that could hold it.
I did it again...>>187420Silver goes to help Cavalier out with the MGs. "We can give these to others we have rescued along way. Their high rate of fire will let them cover us, preventing Traveler from swarming us with summoned monsters while we face him."
>>187418I thought we already discussed this in-character. Maybe I am mistaken.
>>187417"What would a torpedo do against an organism that survived impact from beyond the firmament? It has already demonstrated resistance to extreme heat and physical trauma. It must have a form of supernatural damage reduction or regeneration to survive such extreme circumstances. Mundane weaponry is unlikely to be useful against it." Posey says