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Occupied Equestria - Plane Crash
GM Pony
734 replies and 43 files omitted.
And lastly in GM we pray
188234 188265 188308
Posey does not speak the language, but as a warmagus in a despotic army herself, she recognizes the telltale monotonous sound of a messenger repeating the same unreasonable orders over and over and ignoring extraneous circumstances.
"Let me guess: The higher ups were unhelpful?"
The Floof and The Noodle
188238 188265
Silver: "That is basic idea. They ignored any of Black Heel's concerns and kept repeating same order for Kostroma crew to come to their landing site at North Beach."
"I don't know about you, but I do not trust them. I intend to leave this island in one piece."
188251 188263 188308
"This island attracts nothing but the worst kind of attention. It reminds me of the common ant lion, which digs a pitfall where it waits at the center. Prey falling in only get closer to its maw from their struggles. I'm hoping this island more easily relinquishes its arrivals."
>presuming to be smoking a cigarette
"Is it a griffon thing to over-embellish things? Forget I said it. How are we with our friends, while I... oh dear. I really don't know how many dicerolls it will take. OOPSIE I just made an ooc post, but it was in character so I really dont know
Sometimes unable to restrain himself, Brie is simply trying to occupy his mind. Very grateful for his mask, he's never felt so off-put before. For one, there's this traveler and all this mind control nonsense, which does NOT sit well with him, as a pony who very much values his autonomy. Then there's the fact that WHERE'S THE FUCKING MILITARY?? Oh, yes, there's that one group, but they're obviously not here to mend sails. All the while, all we have is a rag-tag band of misfits,....

Brie looks up from the bomb
"Anything needing to be addressed?"
GM Pony
188266 188267
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The Floof and The Noodle
188271 188308
Silver: "Knowing GRU, they likely know more than they are letting on. Enough to know, not enough to understand. But regardless, to condemn all of Kostroma crew to same fate, even for sake of security, it is sacrificing that bit of equinity which separates us from common animals. Caring for each other, wanting to see whole herd succeed, that is just one of many things that make us special, and to throw that all away for anything, especially safety..." Silver breathes in, and lets out a sigh. "Those few 'potentially treacherous, likely infected' ponies and creatures...you made pledge to them just as they did to you. That you would have their back, support them just as they support you, and that you would trust each other through thick and thin because that is how cohesive unit operates. They need you now, more than ever, as they can not speak for themselves as to their guilt or innocence. GRU believes what they are doing is securing mainland, but we know there is better way that will secure mainland and save these lives that depend on you. And they certainly will not see to that better way. They will stick to their flawed plan, no matter cost."
Posey nods in understanding
"It is probable that they are this stage have no intention of letting anyone leave this island alive, let alone get back to the mainland."
She gives a wistful sigh
"It feels like home. The military back in Farbrook used to blow up bridges and shell ships to contain wight, shadow and specter outbreaks after contact with the undead legions, even at the cost of loyal fighters. It was rather wasteful." she says, faking a pained expression
Unsure if he's even within audible range of this conversation - though he is a bat who isn't wearing earplugs atm, so he does have a bit of an advantage - Brie would think "affect is a better term than fake" while analyzing the torpedo he will eventually hopefully not die in a fire because of. It's military hardware, designed to be triggered in a specific way, so his first task would be to disable the activation-function, after which he can work to extract the explosives, then finally to rig a detonation switch or trigger of some kind when the device is squarely in the Traveler's posterior, much like /mlp/ just did with the 4chan cup.
Probably one of 'these' hoof grenades, he surmises, deliberately being a chode and double-posting for the last time
"So, what are we going to do?" Posey says
"The GRU seem intent on their plan of action. The real question is how do we respond?" She says, with a calm, professional demeanor as she polishes her sword
"I do not intend to lay down and die, and I certainly do not intend to go home empty hoofed." she adds
The Floof and The Noodle
Silver: "Taking on army is different beast entirely from taking on eldritch horror. We should strive to avoid getting into conflict with them for as long as possible while they are distracted. They are not our enemy as of yet, but they will be once we come into contact. It is also best for getting everyone off island safely if we avoid conflict as well."
"We have a clear picture of what we're doing on this island, yet not how to leave. Whether we are able to escape tonight is a matter of guesswork. Yet we must carry on."
"I'm fairly certain that our escape is precisely what this here is intended to potentiate," Brie says, indicating the torpedo "Difficult though it may be to implement," he acknowledges
"Perhaps 'confident' would be a better term than 'certain', but you get the idea. This is a scenario in which we won't be asking questions (though I have a few)," Brie acknowledges
Brie carries on because A. he has something he's been dying to say and B. because his poster is an asshole. No, this doesn't count as double-posting, as it is tangential and geared to reference a wider context.

"While not knowing the first thing about anything "eldritch" - first time I'm hearing the word - I happen to exist in the mind of someone who does. From what I am able to gather, it's likely not an issue of KILLING this "our fellow" (laughable) Traveler, it will likely come down to rupturing whatever method it is using to tether its self to this plane of existence; such things do not by nature exist in this sort of cartoon pony (with guns) world, and whatever means it is using to be 'present' is more than likely our target," he says, again turning to the torpedo that he's VERY keen to get started on, and NOT trying to jump on anyone's nerves by indicating, he's just that excited
"I believe that we should secure the air ponies as soon as possible."
GM, if I haven't made clear, this is where Brie is going with things. He doesn't think he's going to survive, but he will make the Traveler sorry for coming into his neighborhood.
Theme song
[YouTube] Bury the Light - Vergil's battle theme from Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition [Embed]
"I have been told of Youma, and a number of other creatures or entities. Not technically physical, they still maintain a presence. We may be unable to kill this one in "particular" (the traveler), but it could be rendered unable to visit this dimension, for at least a few minutes. (by "minutes" he means lifetimes
188293 188296 188301
Cavaliere can't help but smirk as he undos some bolts. "You are very confident like the others. I hope nothing happens to dampen those spirits. I just hope our friend the Captain stays true to his assurances."
"Not a diceroll I'm entitled to, even ironically," Brie says, now literaly upside down fuckoff he's a bat, its normal ish
BTW, "fuckoff" is a very irreverent way by which I attempt to say "That's ridiculous", I'm not trying to be a dick, even though I will do more to be a dick than most people who ARE deliberately trying
>you're doing it again
"Oh come now, you have the appearance of a gambler, it was just a choice of phrase, nothing OOC about it other than this mention. Speaking of which, I have heard of a place opening up in Baltimare in the future - assuming we survive this of course - if you ARE particular to gambling.
But to your point, there is quite literally nothing short of terminal demise that could dampen MY spirits, if ever that crosses your mind again. No, I'm the sort," he pauses, assuming to be struggling with a bolt or sprocket, "Ergh, that throws themselves at the problem, confident that it will all work out, resigned that it may not and life always ends one day, but unwilling to step outside the shelter of my own self-respect which -dubious that that may be by common standards - neither involves running away, nor failing to rise to a/the challenge."
He pauses, as if gathering his thoughts.
"Are you familiar with,... its an old and antiquated term, but are you familiar with ninjas? They were quite impressive, by all accounts. Much like samurai but dispensing with foolish notions of fighting fairly. That's more my bailiwick, as they say."
He continues, undaunted, almost in spite (but a thinly veiled pretense of "I do love you, honestly")
"I speak to this specifically, as I happen to know one. Or at least, her family has all the traditional hoobedy-bla that one might expect. I think it's all quite pretentious (and that's saying something, coming from me) but they have an ancestral lineage dating back to some several-hundred years ago, dealing with just such a problem as what appears to be this "Traveler". I though it was just filly tales and superstition, but now I'm given pause. That doesn't happen to me much!" he exclaims, turning back to the torpedo.
"Sorry, I tend to digress, but the point of this spiel was to emphasize that in spite of my superscilious manner, I am taking this matter as seriously as I am able." You can't tell because of the mask, but he accentuates the last bit with a warm smile.
>He's still fucking going
Its been more than half a day and no one is posting. Ahem, thats ridiculous, I'm posting again.
"I appreciate your seeming skepticism; I will admit to a bit of presumption, as I'm not as good as interpreting griffon facial expressions as that of ponies. But, let me just say this one is special; in alot of ways. I digress, I was told of and read of something they called a dread. Again, I thought it was nonsense, yet it hauntingly comes back to me as if it was all in preparation. So yes, lets rightly kill this thing, or whatever happens to its butthole." Again, with the mask you cant see it, but his smile and enthusiasm are undeniable
Sorry for the lack of posts. There's not much to say until the plot is moved forward.
"If there is such a thing as fate, it has led us to this place. We will fulfill our purpose no matter the cost."
"The whole concept of fate is a difficult concept for a bat of my experience. Not to suggest that my experience is in any way exhausting, simply to indicate that I have a particular set. In contrast to that experience, the idea of fate has different connotations. In one sense, one assumes that their every experience is in preparation for something meaningful; an idea I'm partial to. On the flipside, there's the suggestion that one's every experience is in preparation for something irrelevant, unmeaningful, and dismissible. There's a concept in chess, though the name escapes me. It is where one player perceives that they have inevitably lost the match no matter what move they chose, and must either concede or decide how irritating they wish to be to their better. Sugs? Zugs? Something about a wang? Oh that's right! Zugsvang! Oh, you may hear some say Zugs"wang", but come on now, its a changeling word, you're supposed to pronounce the w's as v's. Anyway. If Fate can be said to exist, then we are all irrevocably where we need to be, for whatever reason that such a force can determine, because it's beyond me. Having said, I MUCH prefer to focus on what I CAN control. That can include my mouth if you're tiring of it."
GM Pony
188309 188310 188326
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The Floof and The Noodle
188311 188326
Silver looks over at the orange stallion, and tilts his head. "How you say this...is Traveller still dormant? Has he not fully awoken?"
"Then the GRU are well aware of how dangerous this entity is. Often what is dangerous also holds great value–manticore stingers, for instance. Like the Buyan of folklore, getting bringing home the entity from this island is a tantalizing prospect for them. It might well know this and subtly discourage any inclination for them to destroy it on its part. We have to be the ones to act before it is too late."
GM Pony
188312 188314 188326
Orange Stallion:
"It's... I don't know. I have never seen it move. The last I saw it was yesterday morning. It was still laying there, covered by its tarp like a body in a morgue. After that it was too dangerous to go near it, with the influence it had over the other crew members. It does not seem to have moved from where it landed in that forest. Not that we could tell, anyways. What I mean is that it wasn't - it wasn't making things with its mind. It wasn't summoning things, or making them out of air. That came later. I do not know how powerful it becomes, or can become."

"From what I've seen, it likes to make bargains more than to fight. Until you piss it off. I think the GRU knows they must kill it. Kill it and dissect it. Take its body parts. What we should have done or would have done if we could have. I still think it failed mostly for want of effort."
The Floof and The Noodle
188313 188326
Silver lets out a concerned "hmmm" before resuming. "Posey here had theory, that his current form is not his final form, perhaps that this form is necessity for surviving in dimension that is hostile to him and that, if threatened, he may transform into something more dangerous and active, but also more vulnerable."
GM Pony
Orange stallion:
"I don't know... I have only seen it in the one form"

Pipette moves closer
"When I tried to cut it, it melted my scalpel. Melted it. And only the scalpel."
"You think? Would you bet your life, and the safety of all your countryponies, on that assumption?" Cavaliere looks at the commissar with a neutral expression.
GM Pony
188316 188317
"I suppose we could leave it to the GRU. Or you can join... Light Water."
With that last statement, he pulls his lips up, unable to hide his disgust
The Floof and The Noodle
188320 188326
Silver looks over at Pipette. "Ah, it was you that briefing mentioned. We pulled some notes off of one of possessed ponies we captured that talked about that. We will see how resistant its insides are to damage, at least."

Looking back at Black Heel, Silver finally replies to him. "We are moving to whaling station, where Posey will use scroll of hers on leviathan whale skeleton we found to summon ally to help us, then we are going to gather anyone else left on island not possessed who will help us in killing Traveler. I would ask you to join us in this aim, as your help and leadership would be invaluable. We have no intention of joining Light Water, and I do not believe GRU is here to kill Traveler, only subdue him to bring him back alive."
188318 188324
Cavaliere's face does not betray any judgement. "You unequivocally believe we should leave this island and trust that the GRU will destroy this mind-controlling threat instead?"
GM Pony
188319 188320 188326
"Yes, but what in Tartarus is the phrase 'summon an ally' supposed to mean? I understand that you are saying words, but I do not know what you mean by them. The last allies I tried to summon are very possibly here to kill us. The ones before that betrayed us to some kind of outer-worldly thing."

"No. As I said, killing it and dissecting it has never been properly tried."
The Floof and The Noodle
188321 188328
Silver: "Posey knows more specifics about that than I do. But I assure you, we are not GRU and we are not Light Water; we are just regular, decent creatures, here because we must be, because no other creatures can do this, and because if we do not, millions will suffer for it."
GM Pony
188321 188322 188326 188327
Blackheel sighs
"While I don't know exactly what you mean by that, I know enough to know that you're referring to some kind of atavistic practice akin to religion or fetishism where you hope to make some kind of pact with some kind of untamed something in the hopes that it will damage your enemy more than it will damage you. No. I am currently living out the results of the last magical entity that someone decided to bargain with. And I know more generally, where this train of logic leads. The socialists of Aquelia finding themselves betrayed by the Republicans. The Communist Party of New Mareland siding with the Nationalists in a war to "contain the fascism of Wingbardy," just to find themselves subsumed. Besides so many pacts with so many 'gods' and princesses that found their followers become slaves at best, if not livestock to those they trusted. No. I have had enough of mercenary allies. If I must die to violence, I will die facing my enemy, not stabbed in the back."
188322 188326 188328
"I should hope we have no need for such 'pacts.' Modern weaponry has not been tested against something like this, but it's the best we have. As for your case, we just need to curb this threat and get off the island."

I should question how Silver learned of Posey's real name and why he would be telling it to a foreigner. I've been avoiding mentioning the other party members by name for a reason, and we probably should have come up with aliases beforehand.
The Floof and The Noodle
188326 188328
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Pardon my tardiness. I was preoccupied working overtime.

I'll be available to RP in a bit, just let me backread.
Brie's head pokes out sideways from inside the machinery
"Sorry to interject, but I quite tend to agree. I'm still of the mindset that the GRU are about to join in the fun of unwanted thralldom, but even if they avoid that fate it sounds like bullets will have a similar effect to scalpel."
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Bat head pops out from a different section of machinery
"Oh, Blackheel I think I heard it was. Are you armed in any capacity? I can spare a blade or two if you're in any way proficient."
GM Pony
188330 188331 188333
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