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>>187935"I got that epithet from my military service. I learned to reinforce my body with magic to resist blows: I am very hard to kill." Posey says
>>187934Gonna roll bluff to right the ship here
[1d20+16 = (4+16) = 20] Roll Spot
>>187935He lowers his ears
"Are you an emigre? I would say it does matter. "Traveller"? Has that damned sea pony talked to you?"
>>187936"I see... I'll abstain from asking which military."
[1d20+3 = (8+3) = 11]Kira:
[1d20+8 = (14+8) = 22]>>187937Silver: "No, but some of possessed ponies we have captured have. It is pretty catchy name Light Water came up with, I have to admit. 'Our Fellow Traveler'. At least it gives name for it to be referred to, other than just 'entity'."
>>187939"It's a phrase that means a non-communist who moves towards allegedly the same or similar ends as communists and thus is a useful ally." The ends of his lips go down. "The phrase and practice has fallen out of favor in more recent years due to...
mixed results..."
>>187938>>187939Out of their peripheral vision, a set of mist starts to swirl in the wind, like a small tornado, twirling in place and darkening.
>>187940Can Kira feel the static feeling that Hazel told her about?
Static pours out of the green stallion's radio, and he turns towards the mist, as the grey stallion does the same
>>187941Yes. Yes she can
>>187942Kira: "Uh, guys? There's a monster about to spawn in!"
Kira draws her bow, while Silver draws his greatsword. How far away are the swirling mists?
>>187932>"She's too conventionally attractive to be a conventional Lich." He smiles to her, as if genuinely trying to be charmingOh, you flatter me sir."
>>187940"I think we have company."
Posey draws her bow
It starts to solidify, being more than 15 feet tall and dark grey in skin, or perhaps fur. It's form is alien and yet to Silver and Posey, too familiar. You could say it is like an elephant, though one that is very lanky. It has two, more or less, pony-like heads, even if the one on its right seems dead. Though its second head could be looking at Posey or maybe Silver, it's primary, upright head is most certainly staring at the black stallion.
It roars
[1d20+3 = (14+3) = 17][1d30+3 = (19+3) = 22][1d20+2 = (15+2) = 17][1d20+1 = (12+1) = 13][1d20 = 1]>>18794330 feet
>>187944He manages to turn to her and say
"I'm sure you hear that a lot"
Before the grey stallion catches his attention, and directs him to the new threat
[Read more] >>187945Silver: "МЕРЗОСТЬ!"
[1d20+4 = (8+4) = 12]Kira: "Oh, not this creepy thing again! That is very much not friend-shaped!"
[1d20+3 = (10+3) = 13] >>187945Let's remember to take the picture this time
[1d20+7 = (14+7) = 21] The black stallion looks at the tall, lanky creature, lowers his head, directing his horn at it, letting it glow, then firing a red laser at it.
[1d20+5 = (5+5) = 10]
[4d6 = 14]
It is hit, and its elephantine skin is a lit. It roars again.
Posey's turn
[1d20+2 = (11+2) = 13]
>>187949Posey fires an arrow
[1d20+5 = (4+5) = 9]She whistles and her Dreads fly up from over the hill and also fire
[1d20+5 = (16+5) = 21][1d20+5 = (2+5) = 7] Posey uses her remaining move Action to move 30 ft to the opposite side of the monster to the black stallion, trying to confuse the two-headed creature
The grey stallion takes his rifle and shoots it twice in quick succession
[1d20+5 = (9+5) = 14]
[2d8 = 6]
[1d20+5 = (11+5) = 16]
[2d8 = 6]
But the abomination is undeterred by the fire, nor does it pay any head to Posey.
It moves forward, and takes a swing with what seems to be a hammer of some kind.
[1d20+12 = (1+12) = 13]
[2d6+6 = (3+6) = 9]
>>187955Silver will, it's not his turn yet and he has the camera.
It swings at the black stallion, moving past the grey pony and presumably Silver to do so. But it swings too low, and hits the soil near him, giving him time to dodge out of the way.
The orange stallion lowers its head at the abomination, and sends a bolt of blue energy at its side
[1d4+1 = (1+1) = 2] [1d4+1 = (1+1) = 2] [1d4+1 = (3+1) = 4]
Kira's Turn.
Silver can go as well, and also direct Mala
>>187958Spellcraft to see if Posey recognizes this as magic missile
[1d20+11 = (3+11) = 14] >>187958Kira takes the opportunity to taunt the abomination, hoping to draw its attention away from the commies. "Hey, poopy-butt-head! Your heads are butts and your butt is a head!" She then slithers to be around the abomination in point blank range and away from the commies, knocks an arrow in her bow, draws, and releases the shot aimed at the abomination's head.
[1d20+12 = (17+12) = 29][1d8+6 = (8+6) = 14]Silver calls out to Mala, "Try to get it off balance! On those lanky limbs, it surely has uneven center of balance!" He then moves back a short distance, aiming to have a clear path between him and the abomination. Using the camera, he snaps a picture of the abomination, which should end his turn.
>>187961>>>/mlpol/380778 →Hoping you'll pardon the interjections while I
>groove >>187960You'll get 'em next time
>>187961The abomination looks down at the annoying noodle, and roars
clickMeanwhile, the green pony points at Kira with his hoof and yells
"Смотрите, вот еще одна его мерзость!"
Mala shoots at it twice with his shotgun
[1d20+7 = (12+7) = 19][2d10 = 7][1d20+7 = (3+7) = 10][2d10 = 8] [Read more] >>187963Silver: "Она дружелюбная, не нападайте на нее!"
Kira, who can't hear the green pony call her a monster, sticks her tongue out at the abomination and blows a raspberry at it.
The abomination is shot, and its limbs look like they are near falling off, with its colorless insides exposed and near spilling out. But it isn't daunted.
The black stallion moves a few steps back until he feels the edge of the cliff and looks back, then places himself in more firm footing. He lowers his horn, and shoots a set of blue bolts at it
[1d4+1 = (4+1) = 5][1d4+1 = (2+1) = 3][1d4+1 = (4+1) = 5]
It gets hit again, and again, and again, chipped away at until it looks away and roars. but that roar degrades with time, and it pops into black smoke, and fades
>>187966>>187967Kira: "Yay, we won! And I didn't get bitten by a hellhound this time!"
Silver lets out a sigh of relief, and returns to the group, camera in hoof and sword once again in its sheath. "I suppose Traveler is not too distracted to sent its monsters after you."
>>187966Posey looks at the fleeting most where the monster once was, with a bit of a grimace
"You you think these beasts actually die when they are slain? Or do they just go back where they came from?"
I guess I should roll arcana
[1d20+11 = (15+11) = 26] >>187964The green pony says,
"То есть аберрация, созданная Чернобогом"
>>187969This time...
>>187970Posey knows that traditional summons, and specifically outsiders, go back to whence they came. What is not as clear is if these are traditional summons. They don't quite seem to be, given the small differences
>>187969"No. How did it find us hear? I thought we had lost them." He tilts his head. "Has it been tracking you?"
[Read more] >>187971Silver: "No. It may be from Pipette. She is showing signs of being affected by Traveler's influence."
>>187971>Posey knows that traditional summons, and specifically outsiders, go back to whence they came. What is not as clear is if these are traditional summons. They don't quite seem to be, given the small differencesWell, I'm asking because I am tallying every time I destroy or desecrate a foe so thoroughly that it cannot be brought back from the dead, and I wonder if this counts.
Eh, probably not
>How did it find us hear?"It is a monster with long-range telepathy. If it also has mindsight, hiding from it would be futile." Posey suggests
>>187972He sighs,
“We have
all taken stress.”
>>187973“Well it left us alone for more than an hour. We are at the end of what we can handle. Let us meet with the Stalliongrad forces. They are here.”
>>187974Posey turns to Pipette quizzically, since it was her idea to meet with the commissar.
>>187974Silver shakes his head at Black Heel. "That is bad idea. I know it deep in my heart of hearts, they are here to kill any witnesses and reclaim Traveler, not save you and kill Traveler."
>>187977Silver: "I just do. I know what GRU is like. I know what Stalliongrad is like. They knew what this thing was before agreeing to trade fuel oil for it. They knew risks, and accepted it anyways. They will not stop trying to utilize it just because some soldiers lost their lives in process. Potential reward for them is just too great to accept otherwise."
>>187979"We really cannot know for sure." Posey says
"But it sounds like what the military would do back at home." she adds
>>187979>>187980He is silent, and stares at Silver with blood red eyes. He wears a cap, but it’s clear that under that cap he has a set of foil. Some of that foil wraps around under his neck.
He too shakes, though to a less visible degree than Pipette.
After Silence, he says
“The important thing is that what ever the Snow Ponies sold us ceases to exist, and its body, and secrets, serve International Communism,
not the False Revolution, the Sea Ponies, or whomever else.”
>>187975pony noises [Read more] >>187981>pony noises"Use your words, darling. You did bring us here. What was your plan?"
>>187981Silver sighs. "You all have clearly felt Traveler's influence. You all have first-hoof experience with it. They do not. Tell me, does anyone deserve this? Communist, Fascist, Harmonist? Having your comrade's minds taken over by something else, having them turn against you? Will they believe you if you tell them?"
>>187982She turns to her
"You asked to come to him. I took you. Our plan was to hold out until reinforcements came."
>>187983"They should." He answers
>>187985Silver: "They should. But they will not. How you have spoken, you seem to be possessed of great wisdom. Surely, with that wisdom, you can see that. You have radio. You can talk with them if you do not believe me. Hearing their voices, you know they are not here to help.
We are."