Welcoming new players, and raping welcoming back the old ones, itt continuing the RP Game threads. It's largely classic D&D 3.5e, but only as a baseline of rules and details and such. With every session something gets tweaked, added, pissed on, or thrown out the fucking window. We're right now introducing a new character, so anyone interested is welcome to follow along.
736 replies and 102 files omitted.
>>16705It was during the /qa/ raids, when Mlpol started getting 'counter-fire'. There was an akusa-spammer who was trying to 'not samefag' and I was goading them for info. Mod thought I was involved and hit me w/ the hammer. I was very sad. I didn't act sad, and the ban was immediately revoked, but it still stung a bit.
>>16708Shit, that happened to me too. I was using a throwaway IP though, but still..
>>16709Please accept my apology. The fault is mine, and I am truly sorry. I just wanted cheek.
>>16710>Please accept my apology. Wait, for what now? I'm the one who just unleashed Schulz upon the people of Europe just for keks.
>I just wanted cheekNo problem.
>>16708>>16709I think that was before I was on staff. The day of the thread purge I made a thread trying to rebuild the catalog, "Rainbow Dash is Best Pony," and got banned as spam. It happened again that night and I didn't notice because it was repealed immediately. I got a 3 minute ban for "duplicate thread" as effectively a warning and it pissed me off for a while (I hate to say this but that's where I got the idea of three minutes for earlier). I also was banned by mistake from a mobile much later.
The ban on 1ntr is the one that really pissed me off though, and that was for a trips. That was the day waifu thief died...
>>16714We've got like one Admin who reads these threads, and he doesn't give a shit about the conditions placed on me. Anyone who would care is inactive from staff. Anyone active probably doesn't care.
>>16713Was that the infamous /mlpol/ post? Many keks were had that day.
>>16716If admins browse, I hope that they do kek rightily.
>>16717Was what the famous /mlpol/ post?
>>16718I seem to have forgotten, but I'm sure it involved 7's
>>16719Are you talking about a deleted quid or quad? No, I never got in trouble for anything like that.
>>16720Wuz talking about trips tbh
>>16721A different guy took 7's, and he was not banned. I got 9's, I was, and there were zero keks from me
>>16722As you posted that, I spilled my beverage. Please don't mistake my lack of better response as negative.
>>16724>>16723Am i done making my character?
>>16725I think you have enough to start, but it's up to GM
>>16725No. That won't fully happen until she's been burnded in fire. I have a good enough idea tho. ^_^
>>16725Sounds good to me.
Character development is done thru. banter anyway.
>>16725Meet Thez. She's an egregore, 1/2 Pit Fiend, Legendary Fighter-Monk-Horizon Walker-Shadowdancer. She shares my mindspace, and has plenty of say in what happens. Normally she's a lifeguard of sorts, but isn't above killing shit (characters included). She's also incredibly vain, a world-class showman, and a rapist. You've been warned.
"I for one welcome our newest player/character!"
GM, how long does it take for a character to learn a language?
>>16730Its several days before 'murderous' gameplay; are you interested in making any stipulations, requests, or lasting requirements to do with your character? Will be accommodating, but hoping to flesh-out anything 'no-go' above and beyond the standing regulations (which currently stand at "No faggots", lit or fig)
... said can be "She would have his, would prefer this, is experienced with this, or otherwise favors this". Also, since many aspects of character are impromptu (we won't know till we've seen it) many details are indeterminable.
>>16731To the degree of fluency, at LEAST a week. Simple conversations ("I need bathroom" or "I want booze") less so.
>>16732Nothing i can think of really.
>>16734>Implying.. Where did you get that from?
>>16737Only three languages are spoken in game. English ("common"), Horse, and Elvish ("Sylvan"?). You character knows English and horse. So if you are asking to learn a language, I'm guessing it must be elvish, and for the purpose of communicating with the elves
>>16736K. You will have to go through the initial experience. but barring catastrphe
"Have you forgotten the dinosaur in the next building?"
there shouldn't be any issuel and anything that DOES come up can be remedied. Please, all kidding aside, welcome to the Mixed Nuts.
>>16738Nah. I assumed the elves would be on a boat back to their Homeland. If not, what would they be useful for as a "resource" anyway?
I got dumb and thought of wasting 3 levels on Dragon Disciple just for muh breath weapon. It's a dumb idea, after 1 minute of thought.
>>16736"He's being a shit, but you started at a weird time. Not that any time is 'normal' around here, but there's about to be an epic-level fight, assuming characters are done wooing one another," Thez says off-handedly.
>>16743"Its really not all that exciting," Lenos quips.
>>16745That sunk in as soon I saw there was also zero spell progression in the class...
>>16746"Yeah, if you're not already a spellcaster, ur not going anywhere." >L
>>16744Thez and i are gonna bang when?
>>16743>Allowing a war resource to escapeNah
>What would they be useful forTourcil suggested they be archers
>>16748Do you want to get grappled? Because that is how you get grappled
adorable filly Aprentice.
>>16752You could have rolled a 2 and won
>>16753>this is our PaladinKEK
By the way, GM. Since the elves are presumably broken as slaves, does that mean they can be taken as followers without taking up slots in under the leadership feat?
>>16755Yeah that was super weird. I figured it would be funny because fillies are adorable and I know the Norwegian. And then it just went on...
>>16757>does that mean...It means you're just one spilled saltshaker away from losing your righteous superpowers.