Iron got his ass beat and has pissed off a whole criminal syndicate, Amber is doing some shady shit at the police station, Silver is making friends, and Spark is enjoying Whinnysotan hospitality.
1697 replies and 17 files omitted.
>>145463He whispers back, entering into the room.
"Not yet. You may have to carry something out."
>>145464She follows him in hastily, practically barging past him.
"It's nothing big or dangerous, I hope?" >>145462"It's not your fault, I know. I would have assumed she had authority as well. Frankly I wouldn't be surprised if her underboss ordered her to. But any time things go wrong they are always looking for a scapegoat and you're not in a great position. Get well and get help. If you finish this - or even if you don't, but you leave it in a better situation than if you never did anything - I think this will do a lot to help unite us."
>>145465She enters into the office, causing him to look up at her for how she entered. He closes the door.
"I'm not sure what it is yet." He says, unfolding the paper
"In any case don't get caught with it,
>>145467"Not up here. Not in this building. The bathrooms are back there."
He tilts his head to the left.
>>145466"I have no clue what kind of help is best for this," Iron admitted, now looking back at Cauldron with fears about being judged cleared. "Do you have any suggestions?"
>>145469"It's less dangerous to use somepony outside of our thing to do it. Less dangerous for us, less dangerous for you. Especially if it goes wrong. Didn't you work with ponies on...
other projects?"
>>145470"There are some offices, but I think you'll be less suspicious leaving through the front door than out a second floor window. They only really search ponies when they enter the building, and even then, only for explosives and weapons."
>>145471"I did..." Iron muttered, looking to the side in a mix of doubt and uncertainty "but I have no clue how to contact almost all of them."
Okay, I have to sleep now. I'm actually available this weekend, so feel free to stop by tomorrow and the next night, and probably the next after that.>>145472"Well, something like that, I think, is your best bet. Private help, I mean. I can help locate ponies, if need be. Just... not from
my group."
>>145473"Not long"
He says, while reading the paper unfolded in front of him
>>145474Goodnight! I should be more regular tooAmber won't distract him any longer but will listen for the sound of hoofsteps.
>>145474NeatIron visibly brightened up at Cauldron's offer, nodding in appreciation. "Thank you," he offered with a thankful smile. "It would mean a lot."
>>145475Roll Listen
>>145476"Do you... have any ideas?" She asks, and turns her head back to the pot.
"It really is impressive, going in there alone. Well, with just your
friend I mean. Trying to take on the whole of the Ginoviccis. What remains of them, anyways. That's great courage, and great toughness to come away from that. I don't know anypony who would even attempt that, much less survive it. But it looks like you took on a
little more than you could handle."
>>145363"Yes... Uh, I don't know ponies who work in the paper, but I know somepony who distributes the paper."
>>145337If Waabishki had any reply, she doesn't make it before Petal makes a comment of her own
"You must be very careful about that talk here, It's very dangerous."
[Read more] >>145480“The, the Changelings... they don’t really, well, tolerate it.”
>>145481"None of you are changelings, are you?"
>>145482She answers
“No... Still, it’s best to be careful, and don’t repeat any of that in public. You never know...”
>>145484Three seconds of silence, and the phone rings.
>>145479Iron took a deep breath at the question, only to stop and think about it as Cauldron took her time praising his efforts. It did cause him to puff his chest out slightly as he pondered, recovering some of his lost pride after his close defeat against Koptis.
Despite this, the native seemed a bit at a loss on what sort of help he'd really want. A spotter would be a no-brainer in order to see the hitsquads coming, but he didn't really recall anypony he's worked that had such a skillset. Maybe another set of hooves to fight alongside with? He didn't know other bruisers like he was, unless killing was on the table or he could convince some of the boxers in that underground fighting ring to fight with him.
>>145485Spark looks over to the phone.
>>145479"That is excellent place to start. Who distributes papers"
>>145486"It's ready!"
Black Cauldron proclaims
>>145487Waabishki stands up, and then after a moment, Ply Press goes forward to answer it
He places the phone down to his side, and says to the other creatures in the room
"It's the hospital"
Waabishki, already standing up, rushes over
He continues talking into the phone
"Uh huh. Alright -"
After more words, he says
"Well, it's confirmed. Cancer, mesothelioma apparently. They want to do a treatment while he's here. Over night at least."
Waabishki's ears go down
>>145488"Well.. There is a pony I know..."
[Read more] >>145490That got Iron's ears and to perk up considerably, akin to a dog conditioned to think food was on the plate when the bell rang, and was about to practically jump out of the couch only to be reminded of the midly stifling
bugmare currently on top of him, causing him to look at Sands with a small, sheepish smile. "You do not mind if I go eat and then come back, right?" he promptly asked the unicorn.
>>145490"I see. We will check back on him in the morning."
>>145491Her eyes meet his, and seem to convey a particular laziness. After a moment, she answers “alright,” as if moving is a burden. She unfolds her legs from under her, and gets off of Iron, making it a bit easier to breath.
>>145492The Doctor:
“Yes... I know those treatments. Well, sort of. It’ll be until the late morning at the very least.”
>>145493Finally free of Sands' fluffly prison, he soon gives her a quick hug her way before dashing off the couch and towards the prepared meal.
>>145493"Alright. That gives time for me to run by the store and see about some supplies."
>>145494squeakySmall and very huggable.
Iron goes over to see Black Cauldron placing the food on plates. It’s a good item Iron has had before, noodles made out of Casava
>>145497“Uh, yes, that should be done sometime.”
>>145490Silver looks at the pony expectantly.
>>145498Iron gingery yet carefully stomped the floor in applause, smiling brightly as he did it before leaning just enough for his face to be just in front of the delicious meal he had before. "Ooo~" he let out in awe. "It looks brand new."
>>145499“If you... want to meet him...”
>>145500“Heh, I’m glad you think so.”
White Sands walks up, and asks
“Do you have tea?”
Black Cauldron turns to Iron and asks,
“Who is she, again?”
>>145501Iron blinked out of his food trance to lean back up to normal and turning to face Cauldron with a happy smile. "She's White Sands," he replied gingerly "a unicorn in need of help to establish herself in the concrete jungle after a tragic series of events I do not really know about."
>>145502“Uh huh. I’ll start water boiling.”
>>145503Iron nodded, not sensing the disbelief in Cauldron's voice as he eagerly waited for the food to be ready.
>>145505She breathes a sigh of relief and waits for the detective to finish.
>>145506The food is placed in front of Iron, steaming from the heat.
>>145507He reads it, and crumples it up, placing it back in his jacket pocket.
“Alright. I got it.”
>>145508She looks toward him, heart beating wildly.
"Yes. I'm ready." >>145509“Alright kid”
He leaves the room, going right
[1d20 = 14] >>145511>>145512He goes to the end of the hallway to a steel door that he places a key in to unlock
roll die for luck >>145514Amber can hear that behind them, not far, are the two new officers and Stalwart
>>145516He opens the door. Amber can see inside is a room with many many metal shelves filled with many small bags and various items ranging from pots to firearms.
Red Scabbard rushes forward, while the ponies behind them seem to take notice.