Iron got his ass beat and has pissed off a whole criminal syndicate, Amber is doing some shady shit at the police station, Silver is making friends, and Spark is enjoying Whinnysotan hospitality.
1697 replies and 17 files omitted.
>>146068"Oh, it was miserable, in a section up and down the center, and at each rib. you know I fell off a rock, a large rocky outcropping up on the trail, when I was a foal and I broke a bone and that was terrible, but this was something else all together. Course they gave me drugs and potions and all sorts of things before I even woke up but they had to try to keep me under most of that day. It's been a dull pain nearly continuously since then. These pills help a bit but it's when my chest moves in the wrong way that it becomes near unbearable."
>>146070"Hopefully this potion fixes you right up. How are you feeling now?"
>>146071"Some..." He grits his teeth "Some pain. That potion is doing something right now. Putting pressure on the wounds."
>>146072"Considering what state your chest was in, I imagine it is normal feeling for healing."
>>146073He grits his teeth
"I hope. I think I'll... I think I'll lay down for the moment." He attempts to lay on his back on the living room's main couch.
>>146074Are there any throw pillows on the couch?
>>146075Yes. Four pillows in total, two square red pillows with geometric shaping and green frills, and two slightly larger rectangular white pillows.
>>146076Silver takes one of the white pillows, fluffs it, and places it under Clip's head.
"Please do. Get some rest, let potion do it's work, heal up."
>>146077He smiles and lays his head on the pillow, looking up towards the high ceiling. He coughs, and moves his chest in various ways, placing his forelegs beside him, moving over further away from the back of the couch, then moving closer back after his other foreleg falls off, then placing his hoof on his belly.
>>146079“Well, uh, a drink, maybe.” He says
“And a blanket....”
>>146080"That I can do! What drink would you like? Water? Milk? Alcohol?"
>>146081“Uh, sure, yeah. I’d love alcohol right now but... does that go well with the painkillers and whatever this potion is? I don’t know, something with water in it.”
>>146082"Hmm, that is true. Let us stick with water for now, avoid any possible complications."
>>146082>>146083Silver goes to fetch and bring Clip a glass of water and a warm blanket.
>>146083>>146084D’awwwThere’s an extra blanket inside of a wooden chest in the living room, and water is to be had simply enough from tap (there are no bottles... unless Silver brought the cans of water he bought a week or so ago). The glass can be placed on the table next to the couch. Paper Clipping quickly takes a long drink, and then tries to spread the blanket over him, keeping much of it high on him around his neck.
“Thank you. I had to get that taste out of my mouth.”
>>146085Silver smiles down at him.
"You are welcome. Rest now, and remember if you need anything, do not be afraid to ask."
>>146086“Sure. I’ll remember” he says, trying to adjust the pillow under his head
>>146087Silver smiles down at his form once more, before leaving him to go to Jubilosa.
>>146088Jubilosa is leaning over the side of the railing, and is speaking
“And so then the manticore-“
She stops when silver opens the door, and turns back to him.
“Silver! You’re back!”
She comes up to him to hug him.
>>146089Silver hugs his griffon back gladly, enjoying her soft fur and feathers.
"I am back. What are you up to?"
>>146090She smiles, and wraps her claws around him. Then the smile fades.
“Oh. So... I kind of maybe told Khoi that you had said it was okay to do, uh, improvements to the yard and property. She was bored and homesick and she gets anxious when the gnoll is idle so I thought I would keep her occupied by telling her that you said you wanted a garden and she missed some kind of garden thing she had in the Kirin land. I don’t really know what it is, I wasn’t paying attention when she was talking about it, but, uh, there isn’t really any soil in the backyard so... that’s why there is construction in the backyard. I just thought I would tell you before you saw it.”
>>146011"We've tried. They want to impose, saying it's 'urgent' and not trusting us. But it's none of their business in the first place. This isn't just about 'who can do the job better.' It's about who has the right to administer justice in the first place. After the creatures of Baltimare rose against the central government twenty years ago, Princess Celestia made the Baltimare region a semi-autonomous region, with the right to, among other things, make and administer it's own criminal laws. This,
new administration, agreed to the same delegation of power as the old Monarchy. This is something very important. We are dealing with matters of justice, public safety, and the freedom of individuals. We've been free as a city and a region to make our own laws and administer our own laws for twenty years now, and this is a right we ought to protect. So now these ponies, many of whom themselves come from across the Ocean in the Dominion or across the gulf in Manehattan, want to try to claim that these crimes are ones of 'terrorism' or 'immigration' or that they involve local leaders so we are biased. But really it's a power grab. They want to put their foot in the door so they can burst in. We can't sit idly while they do that."
>>146093Amber came here to start an argument and probably was close to succeeding. However, her mind addled by a need for sleep cannot very well come back with a counterargument.
"...You're right. They gave their word and they ought to be held to it. But what can you do to protest?" >>146096"I know, but they are in the evidence room right now."
>>146032She keeps going, though she slows down.
>>146098"Trying to take evidence and what they think is relevant."
>>146100"That... would be true. But they'd accuse of of hiding it."
>>146102“That... well... that would be risky because they may find out and there may not be a good enough excuse, but.... I can see why a pony might be motivated to do that. But that has to be done ahead of time, and they haven’t given us much time. They came at 1:30 in the morning for a reason.”
>>146099After three last potent shots more for Sands' efforts, Iron's weapon of war stopped providing anything more as he grunts softly.
>>146105She nods, simply
>>146104She opens her mouth and pulls up, letting it fall out. Her magic ceases. She moves her eyes upwards and towards Iron, saying nothing. Iron doubtless feels more tired, and perhaps a little sad, maybe for only getting so far with Cauldron.
>>146106Iron could only huff softly at having been spent in such an unorthodox yet effective manner, groggily pushing himself back up into a sitting position with a dumb grin on his face. "You know... your ways, seductress..." he breathed out, his satisfaction temporarily taking over his small bout of sadness.
He looked down at his now soft yet unsheathed rifle, wondering how much of a mess it looked after that.
>>146107"What do you want now?"
>>146108A bit wet, but otherwise not messy. Not messy at all.
>>146109Iron puffed out some more air before looking back at Sands. "Are you alright?" he asked the unicorn seductress, offering some petting by extending a foreleg towards her head.
>>146110She smiles, closes her eyes, and leans her head into the pets, though the horn gets somewhat in the way.
“Yes. Why wouldn’t I be?
>>146111“What are you waiting for?” She asks
>>146112"I did not get to warn you," Iron replied, gently caressing her smooth mane of hers. "I have drank water fast before."
>>146113roll die>>146114“It was to be expected.” She answers simply
>>146115Iron nodded before sighing in relief, opting to actively and lovingly pull Sands close for a big, amorous hug.
>>146116She has to be pulled up, but it is done. Iron has Sands in his embrace. She's like a big, fluffy pillow. One with a heart beat that can move.
>>146117Down the hall there is disruption within the evidence room, and it looks like the ponies (and diamond dog) inside are about to leave the room.