Iron got his ass beat and has pissed off a whole criminal syndicate, Amber is doing some shady shit at the police station, Silver is making friends, and Spark is enjoying Whinnysotan hospitality.
1547 replies and 17 files omitted.
>>146763"Aw..." Iron lets out, utterly defeated by the smallest of scrunches before plopping his butt down against the floor and his posture sagged considerably "but I want both of you to have fun."
>>146761He smiles at her.
"Heh. Admittedly, it can get expensive eating at places like here all time. I am not yet millionaire."
>>146764"Oh. This? This was built seventy three years ago as an expansion of the Zizka Reformed Church on Andausian. It's in a fairly austere style of the time, but still built of stone and built to last."
She smiles
>>146765It's clear thus far, and Spark is undisturbed
>>146766"But this is fun" She says, and takes a drink directly from the bottle
>>146767"Hmmm..." She twists her beak
>>146768"But, maybe few more jobs, I will get there. We can live in lap of luxury."
>>146768Such a response caused Iron's eyes to widen before quickly turning his head back towards Cauldron to see if it was indeed true or not.
>>146768Ah reformed
"I see... Are you the one in charge here, or is there another?"
>>146769"More... jobs?"
>>146770She looks almost confused by this scene
>>146771"Yes, I am the main shepherd of this branch" she says
>>146772Seeing the contradiction present, Iron soon turns back towards Sands with a bigger snout scrunch and, with renewed efforts, started to gently take the bottle away from her hooves/magic, to the point of pressing his body against hers in his quest for the magic sleepover liquor.
>>146773White Sands scrunches, trying to keep hold of the bottle
>>146772"It is nice to meet you."
Midnight gestures to the seat beside her
"My name is Midnight"
>>146768Spark tries to keep from nodding off.
>>146774Iron grunts softly as he attempted to both take hold of it while also being extremely careful so as to not damage any furniture or, even worse, Sands herself in his quest.
Hurting mares needlessly is wrong! his currently sugar-filled mind firmly asserted.
>>146775"My name is Chipper Chalice" she says
"What brings you here?"
>>146776If Spark is super eager for someone to come...>>146777But if it's necessary to hurt a mare in the pursuit of alcohol, that's another thing.
Iron slowly grasps the bottle, and pulls it away
>>146778"I was wandering the town and the church caught my eye. I thought I might come in for a while.
How about you, how is the church doing?"
>>146778Finally obtaining the bottle in question, Iron soon lifted it up with a foreleg while proudly posing at nopony in particular akin to a heroic figure celebrating his most recent accomplishments. "I have done it!" he cheered in an admittedly foalish manner before glancing over to Cauldron to see if she wanted some more liquor.
>>146778Well, I don't know. Maybe there is a couple of other things I can do first? I am just having trouble thinking of them.
>>146779"Well... This church was built for the Earth pony inhabitants of this city. There are now migrants from Severyana, from further south, and from across the sea. The make up of the neighborhood has changed a bit, and the younger generations... well, they aren't as enthusiastic. But we are doing okay here, given how things are."
>>146780White Sands scrunches, and crosses her hooves.
Black Cauldron is somewhat entertained by this spectacle, it seems, trying not to laugh.
>>146781Roll die
>>146782With that in mind, Iron quickly and (hopefully) gracefully scurries over to Cauldron, sliding softly into a kneeling position while presenting the liquor bottle with a foreleg. "I have obtained the sleepover activity," he proudly yet respectfully offered with an overly royal tone.
>>146782"I am glad to hear things are going well at least, but I am sorry to hear about the younger generation."
Midnight sits in silence for a little bit
>>146786Iron quickly lowers his head while softly jiggling the bottle in question, almost as if he had just brought back the most beautiful flowers from the pits of Tartarus itself for a fair maiden. "Please," he continued on with his royalty accent "do not privy yourself."
>>146772"Like when I was hired to go into Hoebuck. Jobs such as that."
>>146788"But that was.... You'd want to do
that again?"
>>146783Spark is met by more quiet in the night
>>146787"That's okay, Iron." She says
>>146789Feeling the bottle still on his grasp, Iron soon creaked a confused eye open looking up at Cauldron. "Wait," he uttered in astonishment "really?"
>>146790"Well, I don't need
too much to drink." She says, with a sly expression
>>146789"Perhaps not
want, but it helps others and makes us plenty of Bits."
>>146792"But it's.. dangerous" She says
>>146791Iron's vines started to swing at the playful reply, slowly turning his head towards the shot glass before a fire of realization set his mind ablaze.
Of course! he exclaimed in his head.
The native stallion acting like a knightly colt soon trotted over to the glasses to serve it before bringing it back to the striped princess with the same flair as the last time.
>>146794She takes a glass with her hoof, and swirls it around,
Then she takes a drink from it
>>146793Silver nods.
"I know. It is what I have been doing for much of my life."
>>146796"Uh.... how many fights have you been in?" She asks
>>146795Iron eagerly awaits Cauldron's response, still kneeling down in respect for the fair maiden
>>146797"More than I can count. Many of them have been forever marked on my hide, underneath my winter coat."
>>146798She lets it linger for a moment, before swallowing. Then she looks down to Iron.
"It'll do." She says
>>146799"That explains the scars..." she says
"Aren't you scared though?"
>>146785"Well, fortunately the return of the elements gave a bit of a revival some years back. It is that revival that sustains us."
>>146801"But then... why do you do it?"
>>146800Iron's chest puffed out in further pride at the rather lukewarm remark, all too happy to please in such a foalish, noble sugar-rushed state. "I am most elated," he dramatically offered Cauldron with his pompous accent while steel kneeling over. "Would there be anything else to satisfy our sleepover?"
>>146804"Well" She looks up, and bats her eyes
"I'm curious as to what
you would like."
>>146803"Because it is what I am good at, and because if I do not, no pony else will."
>>146806"You mean... fighting things?"
>>146807"Fighting things, saving people..."
>>146808"I suppose.. I appreciate it." She says, kind of smiling
>>146809"You are worried for me?"
>>146805Such question caused Iron's ears to swivel softly as his eyes looked up to meet her own. "You mean my sleepover activities?" he asked, a little dumbfounded, yet still kept his pompous accent regardless.
>>146810"Well.... Yeah." She answers
>>146811"Sure." She says
>>146812"That was mostly roughhousing and sparring," Iron replied with a hint of hesitation as he lost a tiny bit of his steam "and I doubt we should do such things at the present time."
Soon enough, he decided to rise himself up and looked at Cauldron properly. "I do not think it is a common thing here, right?" he continued.
>>146802Midnight nods knowingly.
"Has the church had any trouble from unrest?"
>>146812He smiles at her.
"D'awww. I appreciate that concern, but...I can promise you, I
will come back to you, after job."
>>146814"You mean like the Anarchists? Well... they've passed by this church. Mostly... We had fire damage in the uprising of 990 though, and some shrapnel from the most recent one. There's been some misfortune for some of our members, though."
>>146813"Depends on the roughhousing and sparring" She answers
>>146815She places a claw on his hoof
>>146816That caused Iron's hope to rise just a smidge if his growing grin was any indication. "You got any kind that we can do?" he proceeded to ask, eager to see his fighting tendencies satiated into a nice sleep.
>>146817"Well... I suppose... a....
Pillow fight"
>>146818She smiles
"D'awww. I.... I hope you do."
She looks down, and then back up to Silver
Pillow Fight?" Iron repeated as his heart started to pick up its pace from the excitement and danger. "What is that?"
>>146820"D'awwwww! Just... are you sure you can fight everything that you face?"
>>146822"If I find something I can not fight, you can be certain I will not deliberately try to get myself killed by facing it."
>>146823"Well... I mean..." She says the next thing at a much lower volume
"Corazon was killed by shrapnel from artillery..." >>146821[YouTube] Techno Syndrome (Mortal Kombat) Song by The Immortals
[Embed]"A test of strength, stamina, and fighting skill. It isn't for everypony though."
>>146825"Woah..." Iron couldn't help but gasp out in utter wonder and amazement before his eager, colt-ish nature shined through once more, hopping in place out of the thrill of it. "I have to try it!"
>>146824"Oh...well, I doubt I will end up facing...well, that, again."
>>146828Iron's eyes squint fiercely, getting further pumped for such an event. "I have the strongest of hearts," he confidently asserted, proudly puffing his chest out.
>>146830"What was that like?" She asks
>>146829"Uh huh. I don't know bout that. The test of pillows may show something different."
>>146831"Like felt wonderful to fight for our freedom against changeling attackers, but...fighting, and all of that death, it was absolutely terrible."
>>146831"Then let us partake in the concrete jungle ritual of
Pillow Fight," Iron confidently asserted with a firm nod as the spark of fire was ignited in his determined eyes.
>>146832"That... That does seem pretty terrible. And you like to go back to it? To fighting?"
>>146833She nods
"Very well. To the bedroom."
>>146834"It is not that I like to do it. It is that I must."
>>146835"And you must, because... you say no one else will?"
>>146834Hearing this, Iron takes a swift swig of the whiskey bottle just to sting his mouth before coughing softly and starting his walk towards the bedroom. He'd take special note of Sands' position so that he can properly give back the liquor he practically stole from her along the way.
>>146837Black Cauldron follows behind him. White Sands remains on the couch.
>>146839Thus, Iron briefly deviates from the path before gently placing the whiskey bottle next to her without a word, followed by getting back on track and onto the arena.
>>146840Wordlessly, she picks up a pillow off the bed
>>146838"I see..." She says
>>146841Iron's eyes widened just a bit, realizing what weapons they were going to use for this ceremonial concrete jungle fight were the things that provide support when sleeping.
Who knew such tools of battle could hide from sight so well? he calculatingly thought.
Despite such realization, he soon walked over to unceremoniously pick up a pillow with his mouth, always making sure to keep track of the elusive Black Cauldron.
>>146841He smiles at her.
"I promise you I will make it back to you when I do."
>>146843She smiles, and places her claw more firmly on his hoof
The waiter comes by with the soup.
>>146842Roll Initiative[1d20+2 = 15] >>146844He smiles greater at his dove, then smiles at the waiter.
"Thank you, good sir!"
>>146845Black Cauldron swings her pillow towards Iron in a sideswipe
[1d20+5 = 12]>>146846She looks down at the bowl of soup
>>146845>>146847Iron almost ducks. Almost. He is hit with the pillow on the side.
>>146848>>146847The poomfy cushion slamming against his side made him gasp out softly in surprise as his body was pushed a bit, yet this only caused him to smile excitedly a second later before swinging his pillow against Cauldron in retaliation.
[1d20+6 = 26]<Attack with Improvised Weapon
>>146847Silver looks at Jubilosa.
"What is wrong?"
>>146849"Umph!" She is hit right in the head, and knocked over on the bed
>>146850She pulls the soup closer. Then closer. Then gets a spoon. And takes a spoonful.
>>146851Iron gasped out on his pillow, feeling a small pang of concern at the fallen Cauldron as he foolishly stepped closer to better look at the downed opponent. "Ahh you alrahh?" he soon called out, his voice extremely muffled by still holding his weapon.
>>146851Silver looks at her with anticipation.
>>146852She lowers her pillow, breathes in, breathes out, breathes in, breathes out, and then swings
[1d20+5 = 23] >>146853She takes another spoonful, looking up at Silver
>>146856She sips. Slowly. Looking back up to Silver
>>146854The somewhat sudden blow on his face drove Iron back a couple of steps back, obviously not expecting her to jump back with such ferocity... but he couldn't help but grow a mischievous, almost thrilled smile: No holds barred! Let's go!
With such renewed enthusiasm, he soon swung his pillow with force, once again!
[1d20+6 = 10]<Attack with Improvised Weapon.
>>146858She ducks her head, and dodges his blow. She swings again
[1d20+5 = 10] >>146859He sidestepped the downwards swing, having seen the counterattack coming, before delivering his own pillow slam!
[1d20+6 = 7]<You know the drill by now
>>146860It's what is basically onion soup ordered either as an appetizer... or as Silver's meal. She took it if it is Silver's>>146861And Iron swings, misses, loses balance, and falls on his back
Black Cauldron raises the pillow over her head, and swings it down on Iron
[1d20+5 = 13] >>146862Nah, he ordered the chicken and wine stuff. It's the appetizer.Silver takes his own spoon, and tries some of the soup himself.
>>146863Onion, broth, bread, and cheese
>>146862Iron lets out a sizable 'oof!' as he was squared hit on his belly, yet he wasn't about to give up after such a failure, trying his best to stand up and retaliate before the air was properly knocked out of him!
>>146865>>146862He'd promptly deliver a mighty side swing!
[1d20+6 = 22]<Flavor text
>>146870>>146869Iron is hit by a small but slightly firmer pillow that flies through the air and hits him in the upper shoulder
Black Cauldron composes and swings again
[1d20+5 = 10] >>146871>>146870Iron gasped out in surprise at the third pillow coming, soon turning his head to face the likely attack as he evades Cauldron's strike.
>>146872A pillow flies past Iron, hitting the headboard. White Sands, with her green levitating magic, stands visible in the doorway just outside the room
>>146873>>146874This should prove to be great teamwork building, Iron's more practical side uttered as his foalish glee doubled from the added challenge. "(You are next!)" he declared with a passion, dramatically pointing a hoof at Sands.
Despite this, he soon turned his attention towards Cauldron to swing wildly at the zebra mare, wondering what sort of synergy they may take on along this battle.
[1d20+6 = 26]<Woosh!
Direct HitShe falls over on the bed
>>146866She takes another spoonful, and another
>>146876Silver joins her in eating the soup.
>>146876Iron soon leers over the fallen mare, getting ready to strike Cauldron down once and for all on her downed position, yet his practical side held him back to give Sands a chance to save her from the impending final blow to the striped mare!
>>146878Sands has retreated
Black Cauldron lays on her back, forehooves up, and white belly showing towards Iron
>>146877Waits for Silver to spark up conversation with Jubilosa >>146879What a shame, Iron lamented to himself, a tad disappointed in the unicorn mare's retreat but overall understanding, considering her injuries.
Despite his better judgement, Iron kept his wound up pose as he stared down at the downed Black. "Sheems your luck haff run oumph," Iron taunted her, somewhat intentionally giving White enough time for a backup plan of some kind. "Any laph words?"
>>146880>>146881Black Cauldron raises her hooves up, looking at him with a frightened expression. She lowers her hooves, slowly moves them away, and then....
She grabs a pillow, and throws it right up, hitting Iron in the face
>>146882>>146881It was indeed a critical success, giving Cauldron some much needed breathing room for her to recover while Iron stumbled back in a small, feather-filled daze, wondering what just happened all of a sudden.
>>146883>>146884Iron is hit in the belly by Black Cauldron. And then in the back
>>146884>>146885The double slam left him breathing heavily, already starting to feel the effects of exhaustion from such a grueling fight. Yet he wasn't about to simply lay down and accept his defeat without one last defiant act against the two mares.
Still a bit dazed from the triple pillow combo, he tried to swing one last time against Black, hoping to score one final hit before the combined might of the two mares' teamwork took him down for good!
[1d20+6 = 25]<Last Stand
>>146879"So, what are you thinking of Clip so far? He seems nice to me."
>>146888"I... don't really know him that well. He seems nice though."
>>146889"I think you two would get along. At very least, you two have similar political inclinations, you should talk with him when he comes to again."
>>146887And since his hit was so successful, he decided to go even further, launching his fluffy weapon against the ranged unicorn mare in the hopes of at least giving her a good poomfing.
[1d20+7 = 24]<Ranged attack
>>146891Silver nods.
"You are both left-leaning."
>>146893"Left leaning?" She asks
>>146892The pillow rolls in the air, end over end until it hits with a
squeaky against the small white mare
>>146894Iron soon let out a triumphant war cry at the successful hit, simply submerging himself in the thrill of a seemingly won, hard-fought battle.
>>146895Black Cauldron is down below him, and White Sands has retreated
>>146894"Yes, you know..."
He whispers to her.
"Like, socialism or communism."
>>146896Iron calmly picked up a new pillow from the bed with his mouth, looking down at the seemingly thoroughly defeated Cauldron. "
Tho you
theld?" he succinctly offered the downed zebra mare.
>>146897"Well, I wouldn't call myself a 'communist'. I'm not such a fan of centralized government... or overreaching government. And there aren't many now who
wouldn't call themselves a Socialist, at least outside of a tiny band of mercenaries and loyalists for the Empire. But they don't exist here. Or back home. Or in Aquellia."
>>146898She raises her hooves up as she lies on her back
"No more. No more."
>>146899Iron gave a curt nod before giving out a peck on the tip of Cauldron's snoot as a send-off. "Then I must hunt my next opponent," he ominously stated, getting pumped for whatever Sands may have in store for him out the door.
If he wasn't stopped, he'd soon hop off the bed and went for the door with an excited smile on his face, ready to lay the poomfdown against the cheeky little
>>146900Iron gets up, and is ready to hunt his quarry
>>146899"Well, still, I think you would like him."
>>146902"Maybe. I don't know too many ponies. And you were different from what I expected." She says
>>146901Clip clop went his hoofsteps as he went.
First, he had to peek outside the door for his next target's location in order to properly rush her down.
>>146903He smiles.
"I hope I have still impressed."
>>146904Peaking outside the door... She's not visible
>>146906Mouth safely tucked between his teeth, iron ventured forth to find the sleazy attacker with a careful step, wondering just where did she go.
>>146907Step. Into the living room. Step. A little further. No sign of her
>>146905"Heheh. Yes."
>>146908Iron kept pushing forward with his pillow ready, starting to periodically look around him more.
>>146908"How have you and Khoi been getting along?"
>>146910"Oh, she's been fine. She always needs something to do though. She's easy to distract. Just make up some task or something. She likes to talk to me about religion or something. But that's okay, I talk to her about many things as well."
>>146909Roll search
>>146912"Well, boys and my old coworker and how cramped that damn ship, or about what I've heard on the radio, or about how great all of the wine is here, or about what my village was like-"
>>146913"So many good topics! Do you like wine around here?"
>>146915No little pony around here
>>146914"Well, it's nice. Or more... I can actually get many of the same wines. Many of the wines I could have back home are here. In front of me. In my glass even."
>>146916Thus, Iron clip clopped further, inspecting his surroundings yet again as he wondered if she had just linked back up with Cauldron to plan a surprise attack.
[1d20+1 = 7]<Second Search roll, cuz why not
>>146916He smiles.
"I am glad it makes you happy."
>>146918Iron scrunched his snout up even further, scratching his head with a hoof.
Where could she be? he wondered softly to himself, looking about at any other avenue he could look into.
In the hallway - a closet, the bathroom, the bedroom. In the main area - the living room, the kitchen, and a balcony
>>146921Of course, Iron inspects the closet first!
[1d20+1 = 5]<Search
>>146922A tire iron, a baseball bat, a briefcase and a bag. Lots of coats. But no small pony.
>>146923This mare's good, Iron thought to himself, already starting to feel himself more concerned by the second.
He proceeded to check the bathroom instead.
[1d20+1 = 19]<Search times... four now?
>>146924He opens it to a sink, a toilet, a bathtub with closed shower curtains...
There's movement behind the shower curtains >>146926Finally seeing some movement, Iron decides to slowly but surely inch ever so closer to the shower curtains with his pillow ready to attack without really bothering to catch her by surprise: Bathroom only had one way in or out, so this unicorn was trapped here.
>>146928As soon as he was practically standing right in front of the curtains in question, Iron's foreleg started to creep up towards it, carefully looking for the opening required to immediately push it aside without damaging the fabric.
If all goes well, he'd finally pull the final obstacle between him and White so that she can further feel the wrath of his pillow.
>>146930Thus, the curtain was suddenly pulled away and the last obstacle was lifted by Iron's strong leg with his mouth pillow ready to strike down the unlucky small unicorn mare
What will happen next to Spark? Is the silence a calm before the storm? Is it a lie? Will Spark ever find binoculars? Will Spark remember that one trait he had at the very beginning of this adventure with the glass but completely forgot about until just now?
Maybe this and more next time.
>>146935Ruffles>>146925"Well... Rural farming village, kind of in the mountains. Actually not really a village, more like a small town. There was a refinery so I guess maybe that makes it a town? I don't know, it was too small for me. Not really much to do, you basically knew every one. Kind of quaint I guess, but kind of boring. You know?"
>>146936"I can see why you wanted to move to Aquileia. I have heard it is quite large, busy city in large, busy country."
>>146937"Yes! With culture, sophistication, art, history, wine..."
>>146938"It sounds very nice. It would be nice to visit someday."
>>146939"It would be...." She trails off rather significantly towards the end of her brief response, as if silenced
>>146940Silver gives his date a concerned look.
"Is something wrong?"
>>146941"Well, you know. It's not exactly a holiday trip right now."
>>146942He frowns, worried about how she's feeling.
"Would you like to talk about it?"
>>146944"Ah. Yes. That I understand."
>>146947"I was just wondering. I want to know what is on your mind."
>>146933Opposed[1d20+3 = 14]>>146948"Oh... Well, that's sweet of you. Ask anytime."
>>146933>>146955Iron opens the curtains to see the small white pony with a red ruffle throw pillow levitating within green light.
She throws it forward at Iron's face
[1d20+4 = 11] >>146955"Does that mean you do not want to at moment?"
>>146957"No. Just thinking about how good this soup is, even though it's a little bit saltier than I imagined it would be. Not that I've ever actually had this kind of soup before. You know, I wanted to, but I haven't really had it. There was this one time visiting the city when I was young that I saw someone else ordered it but I did not get it, so I saw it and sort of wondered. Anyways, I wonder what else there is to do in this city, and what the spa will be like, and am I actually wearing this dress right, and should I maybe find something more to go with it? and... well, that's the short of it."
>>146958He smiles at her.
"We can see what there is to do here, together."
>>146959“That sounds great. It’s pretty great as it is, with the beach house and now this and then the spa.”
>>146960"I really cannot wait until we get to spa. It will be amazing to spend my first time with you."
>>146961"You... have never been to a spa?"
>>146962"Not once before. I am quite excited."
>>146963“What made you think to get a spa trip tonight?” She asks. “Not that I mind by any means. I think it will be nice. But what made you want to go to a spa?”
>>146964"I heard about how nice it is from one of my friends. I wanted to see what it was like, and wanted to do so with someone else. You are perfect person to go with!"
>>146966Silver nods.
"I love you and care for you, you have not bèen to spa before either, and you are deserving of finer things in life from time to time."
>>146967"That's so sweet!"
She places a claw across, and holds Silver's hoof
>>146997He smiles brightly at his beautiful date.
"I almost can not believe I am lucky enough to have you, Jubee."
>>146998"And I... I feel so lucky you came through that door that night. For very many reasons... You're an incredible stallion in a way I never knew a stallion could be."
She blushes, and smiles awkwardly