Iron got his ass beat and has pissed off a whole criminal syndicate, Amber is doing some shady shit at the police station, Silver is making friends, and Spark is enjoying Whinnysotan hospitality.
1547 replies and 15 files omitted.
Amber follows him and throws her hooves around him, but not in a way that restrains him from moving. "Grab it and hide it, they're coming. Play along, I'll try foolin' them." She nuzzles him lightly, though she tenses up at how gross it feels with a stranger.
>>145518He looks back to her for a moment, then continues forward at high speed. It’s probably very difficult for her to stay attached. He looks at the various rows of shelves, trying to find exactly the right one.
“What is this? Are you trying to be my overly affectionate nephew, or something?”
[1d20 = 19][1d20 = 3]>>145519“He’s in this crowd” he says, and starts moving
>>145508Iron lightly smacked his lips as his tongue danced along them, enjoying the view of such delectable food waiting for him to engulf them inside him.
He took his time approaching the food proper wherever it was, approaching his muzzle towards it as he prepared himself for the first slurp/bite.
>>145518>>145520In another bout of good luck, he goes to the section, and grabs the items in question, finding it rather quickly among the many on the shelves. It’s two paper envelopes, and nothing more. He places them close to himself.
The other ponies, fortunately, are not in there. Not yet.
>>145521Cassava noodles, lightly spiced, and still steaming from the voodoo magic
>>145522And thus, Iron 'striked' at the food, taking a mightly chunk of noodles with him to see just how different these 'leftovers' were compared to freshly cooked ones.
>>145523He turns to her, letting her place her hooves on him, looking above and past her towards the entrance of the room. Amber can’t see behind her, but she doesn’t need to. She can hear them coming - at least Stalwart and Swift Soul, perhaps more. She knows they will be there imminently. He turns to her to look her in the eyes, smiling.
“Good choice young lady. Wouldn’t be the first time they caught me with a young mare during work hours either. Just, whatever your birthday is, it’s now a year earlier. Happy eighteenth.”
He moves in closer to her, much closer, with his head and both forelegs, sitting down in front of her, placing his left foreleg around her neck, pulling her closer, closing his eyes and kissing her with some force. His lips meet hers, and he even tries to place his tongue in her mouth - at least he doesn’t shove it. His right foreleg moves in under Amber’s jacket, and presses a pair of envelopes against her chest.
>>145524nom nom nomA little softer, and not as intense in the spicy flavor
>>145525Amber widens her eyes in shock and it takes all of her willpower to not instantly recoil away. By no means does she let his
tongue enter her mouth, though she does purse her lips and try to adopt the façade. She takes one hoof off his withers to meet his own hoof and subtly tuck away the envelopes. It takes a few moments for her to get over the surprise and act into the kiss.
>>145526Iron hummed in delight, closing his eyes in pleasant surprise at just how similar it tasted for being 'leftovers' taken from so far.
Gulping the mighty piece of meal, he soon turned to Cauldron in pure wonder. "How does these leftovers stay so good for so long?" he proceeded to ask before scarfing down on the food proper.
>>145520Silver follows the protestor.
>>145527He presses forward and raises his forebody up a bit. His right hoof goes completely under jacket, trying to ensure the envelopes are against her chest and in her hooves. Then he pulls his leg out and pulls her jacket inwards, over the envelope. He's clearly not faking the kiss
at all, rubbing his lips against hers, and then attempting to move his tongue against hers, and then her lips. His left leg is right behind her head, and it seems that if she tried to pull away, he would have tried to stop her. He opens his eyes, though in a half open "loverly" way, first looking at Amber, but then quickly over her left shoulder.
Scabbard. What in Tartarus are you doing?"
Now he lets his leg off of her, though he doesn't break the kiss.
>>145528"Refrigeration." She says, smiling
>>145529They have to nearly plow themselves through the group, as they go from one location to another, with the protestor not seeming to know the precise location of the pony. Finally, the protestor says
"Here he is. Hey. Hey!. Read Extra?"
He A pony turns to them both
"This is Read Extra. He works for an 'official newspaper, but he also works for the real one."
[Read more] >>145530Iron stopped his eager eating to stare back at the zebra with a bit of confusion before gulping his current bite. "Refrige-what now?" he blankly inquired, blinking in puzzlement.
>>145531"Oh, just more magic." She answers, smiling as she places a tea bag in the kettle.
>>145532"Oh!" Iron gasped in realization before nodding excitedly. "I get it!"
He soon went back to finishing the plate offered to him for good this time.
>>145530"Mmmmm!" she resonates in an annoyed fashion, though it may be difficult to tell from a passionate response. Unlike Scabbard, who seems to be a professional at this (a fact that creeps her out the more), she makes no elaborate movements but remains wooden. However, as she's faced away from the entrance her acting skills probably don't need to be tested. She doesn't move or break the kiss―though Scabbard can tell she is shaking slightly―but only tucks the envelopes flat between her body and her dress.
>>145530He offers a hoof shake to Read Extra, and motions to Clip.
"Pleasure to meet you. This is Paper Clipping, and he would like to work for real paper."
>>145534Scabbard doesn't seem to be particularly interested in breaking the kiss, but he does so anyways some time after being yelled at
"I'm helping this filly since you've been occupied."
"Helping? Come in five minutes later and you'd be humping. Come on, you could have at least stayed in your office."
"Hey, she needed help, none of you were helping, I just got in, I helped her."
"You can't be romancing witnesses. Is she even eighteen?"
"She isn't one of my witnesses. And yeah, I know her from the college, that's all."
"Yeah, well get the fuck out of the evidence room. The Blackhooves just showed up."
Scabbard stands up, and walks past Amber, then past Stalwart - who gives him an extremely disapproving glare, and then past Trakyr, who is smiling and gives him a pat on the back, exchanging the words "Nice one."
>>145533She pours a cup
"Oh. Wow. that was quick. Should I make more?"
[Read more] >>145536She walks out of the room as well, and stammers,
"I'm-I'm sorry, I-I hardly ever get the chance to see him so I thought I could visit him at work...." >>145536Iron checked his stomach's satisfaction as he looked at the cup in question, slightly taken aback by its sudden appearance on stage.
could potentially allow for more, but he felt like a mooch already after failing to finish the war against the Spaghettis. "...I will think about it," he answered, peering over the cup's contents.
>>145535He does extend a hoof, but gives a very weak grip and shake. Perhaps this is because of Paper Clipping, who moves up and very enthusiastically says,
"Hello, my name is Paper Clipping, I was a typesetter back home. I hear you are a distributor? I'd love to get in contact with the paper here. The real one, I mean. For the Communist movement. I love what you have here in Baltimare. I'm new to this place-"
He doesn't give the pony much time to respond, but eventually he answers,
"How do I know you're in the movement?"
paper Clipping tries to give responses of his own
>>145537Stalwart turns to Amber, with a look of condemnation
"Was the gun found near Hoebuck at all?!"
Swift Soul physically pushes Stalwart aside, breaking Stalwart's attention on Amber. He turns back to her to say
"I have to keep this. It isn't legal in Baltimare."
He follows Swift Soul into the evidence room. The bat stops to look at Amber, looking her up and down, and then enters behind Stalwart. Trakyr enters last, but he looks over at both Scabbard and Amber.
>>145538It's a beige colored water. Not interesting
[Read more] >>145539Iron turned back to Cauldron with a puzzled look, pointing down at the cup. "Is this for me?" he soon asked the zebra
>>145540She scrunches.
“This is for your... for her.” He says
White Sands walks up, and with her magic, takes the cup.
“Do you want some?” Black Cauldron asks Iron
>>145539She shuts her eyes and points her face at the floor, not saying anything.
>>145541Iron breathed a sigh of relief, wiping his brow with a hoof at having dodged a bullet for a second. "I was just about to drink it," he admitted with a sheepish smile.
>>145539Silver lets Clip answer, not yet interferring in the discussion.
>>145542“Kid. We’re not done yet. Not quite. Let’s go back to my office.” Red Scabbard whispers into her ear.
>>145544“Yeah, I was in the Communist Party. Not of Equestria, but... a part of the International.”
“Yes, we were in CAN. Anarchist affiliation.”
Clip is silent for a moment
“What of the Communist?”
“That Stallionist stuff? More power to the State, which exists only to perpetrate class oppression? No thanks.”
“Well, yes. You’ve read Lemon, right? It’s to remove the upper class during the transitory period.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard of him.”
The feeling is a little tenser now
>>145543That water is incredibly dirty and they should know better than to drink water if that color. It’s like leaf-stained standing water in certain pools, an odd yellowish tint.
[Read more] >>145545Such a realization made Iron's eyes to widen considerably, soon looking back at Cauldron. "Wait," he uttered "why was the water so brown?"
>>145545Her ear twitches and she nods. She will turn to follow.
>>145547He motions for her to follow him. He enters his office, and closes the door behind him.
He turns to her,
“You have it, right? That’s the most dangerous part. But it’s not all. Now, you must cover your tracks and I mine.”
>>145546“It’s tea.” She answers
>>145548Iron's mouth hung open slightly, unsure what to think of such a brew. " tea dangerous?" he uttered, a bit unsure. "It looked like water puddles after a lot of rainfall against the mud."
>>145545Now, Silver interferes.
"Friends, friends, this is what fascists want. They want us picking petty fights with each other so we are weak. You are both against fascist regime of Black Hooves and their occupation of numerous peoples across world, yes?"
>>145550“Shh! Calm down. Right now, you’re exactly where they expect you will be. In my office with the door closed, and I promise you they don’t expect you out just yet. Now, what story did you tell them when you came in? Keep your story straight, and so long as they have something else to be worried about, it will be fine.”
>>145549“No, it’s, it’s a perfectly safe beverage. See? She’s drinking it.”
White Sands is indeed drinking it, with an annoyed expression.
>>145551They each, respectively, blink
“He has a point” Clip says
“So... can I help?”
“I’ll see” the other stallion says.
“You’re a typesetter, right?”
“Sure am” clip says
“Well, here’s a copy of the unofficial paper.
He hoofs over a pamphlet to Clipping
[Read more] >>145552Silver takes a look at the paper while it's being passed.
quads for best pony>>145554“Okay, so they will be expecting some kind of report on where the revolver came from. Otherwise they will be curious as to how you got it, and ‘I wanted to see my boyfriend.’ Doesn’t quite cut it. But that isn’t our big problem. Our big problem is what you have under your jacket right now. Now, you have it, but that doesn’t mean every mention of it has disappeared. To do that, we’re going to need to get a set of keys, go into the offices, and change some documents.” He looks up at her. “Do you hear me?”
>>145553It’s a set of blue papers that are folded into pamphlet format, with a few words in the front.
>>145555She nods but still looks uncertain.
"I was just told to come here and deliver that paper to you. This keeps getting more and more complicated." >>145555"Huh. I would have thought it would be red, or gold."
>>145558He says to her,
“You’re in this, I assure you. But the problem is simple. The master key set is located near the Secretary at the front. I have an office I need to be in. I need her to not notice me as I take the keys, and anyone in any other offices to not notice me.”
>>145559“We have a red one, too” the stallion says
>>145560Silver nods.
"That is more what.I expected. So, how will we know if Clip is accepted?"
>>145562“Someone else in the organization will tell us. He should attend a meeting, first.”
>>145563Silver looks at Clip.
"I get feeling he would want to attend regardless."
>>145552Iron rubbed his snout with his hoof in contemplation, carefully analyzing Sands' overtly displeased look pensively before turning back to face Cauldron. "She is acting a bit strange," he sumrised with a small frown, looking back at the tea cup with a curious look. "...could I have some, too?"
>>145565“She is... I think she expects you to know these things.”
Black Cauldron turns the faucet off
“Yes, you can have some.”
>>145564Paper Clipping wags his tail and smiles
Read Extra looks to him, and to Silver.
“There’s a soup kitchen on 34th. Meet there, around 5 Pam most days. There will be somepony to help.”
>>145566Iron's ears perked up at both statements, now looking a bit lost. "Should I?" he repeated with a bit of apprehension.
>>145566Silver nods at Read Extra, and looks at Clip.
"Think you can remember that?"
>>145568“Yep! Do you know where that is?”
>>145567“Just take a cup”
White Sands says.
“It won’t bite you.”
>>145569Now feeling like he had to take it, Iron soon turned to Cauldron with a more confident look. "I will have one of these 'tea' things," he concluded, accentuated with a nod.
>>145569"No, but I have a map."
Silver pulls out his map of Baltimare from his bags.
>>145570And thus she pours a cup of the liquid, and gives it to Iron.
>>145571Read Extra takes it (if Silver allows it).
“Why don’t I mark that?”
He marks a spot on the map, and gives it to Silver.
>>145572Iron took a deep breath, staring down at the menacing-looking liquid with a small frown as he neared his snout towards the beverage to take a couple of small sniffs.
>>145573It’s not an especially strong smell, and most closely approximates the smell of tree leaves.
>>145572Silver allows it, and gives it to Clip.
"I may not be able to join you tonight because of my date, but that does not mean you can not go if you want to."
>>145575“Thank you.” He says, it seems to both Read Extra and Silver
>>145574Iron's mouth pouts lightly, suspicious of the leaf-smelling drink as he now makes contact with the coup with his lips, psyching himself up for the tasting.
>>145576"Unless you want to stay here with protest, we can go to potion maker I was telling you about for your injury."
>>145577It has a taste - weaker, frankly, than some of the beverages - again, like tree leaves.
>>145578“Sure.” He says
>>145580Silver offers the two protestors a hoofshake each.
"Thank you both so much for helping Clip."
>>145583Both do in fact offer hoof shakes. Both are kind of weak on the grip, and flail their legs up and down rather rapidly.
>>145584This is in comparison to Silver's firm, confident handshake. He definitely takes note of this.
"I wish you both luck in this fight."
>>145589“Oh, are you from Stalliongrad?”
Read Extra asks
Paper Clipping says,
“I suppose”
>>145590Silver looks at Read Extra, and nods.
"St. Petershoof actually, but yes."
>>145591“Oh, neat! Are you here to help us with our liberation?”
>>145592He chuckles.
"I am afraid I am not part of Party. I left home before Steel Stallion's Revolution."
>>145580Iron soon decides to let the water gently flow into his throat instead, wondering if there was any real fuzz about this whole ordeal.
>>145593“Ah... There are many here from Severyana, but only so many from from after the Revolution, and most of them are from the old landing owning class. It’s not hard to understand why. If I were a worker in Stalliongrad, I would not want to leave. Not to leave for here.”
>>145594If anything, it stings less than the alcohol, and isn’t bitter like coffee.
Only time will tell if Iron develops dysentery
>>145595Seeing no really distinctive danger nor pleasantness from the beverage, Iron nonchalantly downs the rest of the cup's contents into his mouth just to be cordial and not waste any of what he asked for.
>>145596The water is very hot and the taste is slightly unpleasant.... but it done.
Neither Black Cauldron nor White Sands seem to have expected him to drink if so quickly.
>>145595"No land owners here, my father was just humble blacksmith. I left home because I wanted to learn more about world, and if it is truly to be world revolution we should learn all that we can about how others are liberating themselves from oppressors."
>>145598“Yes, very much so.” He nods
>>145599"Alright, I suppose Clip and I should be leaving now. It was truly great meeting you, and I hope we meet again soon!"
>>145600He nods to Silver, and the two are able to leave
>>145601And thus the two do, Silver looking for a taxi once they leave the mass of protestors.
>>145602They have to move further away, but once they get to a maj. road if no time at all for a taxi to come by. The taxi is hailed swiftly and they are in.
>>145597Iron's eyes widened considerably at the unexpected heat, yet he didn't back down from it out of pride and not messing up Cauldron's home anymore than he's done so far.
However, seeing the two mares staring at him made him pout softly in response. "Did I... do something wrong?" he tentatively asked.
>>145604“No, just.... well I haven’t seen that before.”
She answers
>>145603Silver lets Clip get in first before he enters, and once inside he gives the driver the address of the bar where he met Cauldron.
>>145606“The Watering Hole. Alright.”
The taxi takes them north a few blocks, and then quite a few blocks east, before dropping them off at The Watering Hole.
>>145607Silver pays him for this trip, and asks for him to wait outside for a short bit before exiting the vehicle.
>>145608The taxi remains. Paper Clipping does not exit the vehicle. Entering inside, Silver sees a mildly active bar, with a Diamond dog at the main bar.
>>145605"You haven't?" Iron repeated, now feeling a bit confused.
>>145609Silver goes up to the Diamong Dog bartender, wondering if he recognizes him.
"I am looking for Black Cauldron. Is she in, today?"
>>145610“No.” Black Cauldron answers, plainly.
>>145611The Diamond Dog raises an eyebrow, and answers “Not at this moment.”
>>145612"Oh. Well, do you know where she would be? My friend just got out of hospital and needs something to help deal with pain and get him healing."
>>145612"Oh," Iron muttered, looking down at the empty cup before hoofing it over to Cauldron "well, it was not really bad at all. Just has a weird taste."
>>145613“She’s out on a personal matter now. Would you like to come back or leave a message?”
>>145614“Well, it’s good that you like it. Do you need anything else?”
>>145615"Just one more thing," Iron replied, smiling lightly before giving Cauldron a big, long, gentle hug.
>>145615"Are you
sure there is no way I can find her?"
>>145616“Woah” she is a bit surprised, but is hugged all the same
>>145618"Thank you," Iron soon gratefully whispered, giving the zebra a little nuzzle on her cheek before letting go with a determined smile "now I shall make sure I am ready to face the enemy tomorrow, so I must rest the weariness away."
>>145619She smiles, but then frowns a little as Iron says his later words,
“Alright.” She answers
>>145620Seeing Cauldron's slight frown soon made Iron rethink his statement, giving her a softer look. "I do not mean to assault them immediately," he asserted, hoping it would ease the zebra's worries/grievances. "I am only making sure I am physically prepared to start my proper assault against my foe."
>>145621“Oh, no, I understand.” She answers him
>>145622Iron pouted slightly, feeling himself a tiny bit worried for Cauldron as he once again took a step closer. "Are you sure you will be alright?" he asked. "I do not mean to hurt you any more than I have already."
>>145623She looks at him, wordlessly. When Iron is finished speaking, she doesn’t answer, but instead stands there In of him, as if waiting.
>>145624Unsure what to do, but wanting to comfort the zebra mare in the slightest bit, he tentatively held his hoof out for her, aiming to land it on her cheek.
>>145625She accepts this, the hoof landing on her cheek, and her blue eyes looking into his. She still doesn’t seem to want to say anything.
>>145626"Hey," Iron let out once again, now taking his time caressing her cheek.
However, he was at a loss on what to say next, simply hoping his touch could do what his words can't.
>>145627She smiles at Iron
“It’s alright.” She says.
>>145628Iron just couldn't help himself, soon enveloping the zebra once again into his forelegs, this time far more tender and oddly remorseful than the last one.
>>145617“You can leave a message, or give her a way to find you.” He says to Silver.
“Or you could come back later.”
>>145629Iron can feel her short, course coat and the muscle and bone beneath, before she wraps her own forelegs around him, and placed her head on his shoulder against his head, burying her muzzle into the fur on his neck.
>>145635His own bandaged, cut up body feel just as coarse and toned, albeit lessened slightly by the bath taken at the hotel.
Iron soon pressed his own muzzle against her neck, gripping Cauldron just a little bit tighter both at the fact he was so close to her plus his emotional rollercoaster inside him urging him to not let go, lest he may lose her.
He felt so tempted to just whisper the three words in such a critical moment. Maybe try to connect his lips to hers in this instant in the offchance he may never feel them after this.
Anything to tell her just how much she meant to him, but with his still wounded ego he couldn't really bring himself to do it.
All he could do now is to hug her, hoping she felt how much he cherished her company.
>>145637She presses her muzzle firmly against his neck, holds him tight, and doesn’t let go.
>>145635"Hmm. Disappointing, but okay. I will try again later."
Silver bids the bartender goodbye, and returns to the cab.
>>145639Reality often isSilver enters the cab
Paper clipping asks,
“Did you get the healing potions?”
>>145638Thus, Iron didn't let go either until her heart was satisfied with his own's love.
>>145641She leans forward, letting more of her weight fall on him. He can feel the breathes on the back of his neck. She hasn’t let go yet.
>>145642Iron soon leaned against her as well, supporting the extra weight with his own while he finally decides to slowly pass one of his forelegs up and down her crest.
This small giggle is the first sound Iron hears out of Black Cauldron, as she moves to sit down in front of Iron. The two no longer arch upwards, but instead she places her legs on him with no issue of balance.
>>145644Feeling the vibrations, Iron soon followed suit while closing the distance further, to the point that their hindlegs' hooves were merely an inch away from touching.
This allowed his foreleg to cover a bit more ground, extending his reach up to just after her withers, soon letting out his own weak chuckle of his own.
>>145645She moves in closer, pressing her chest against his, and moving her head and neck further past his. Her breathing is slightly heavier now, though only enough so that he can hear her.
>>145646Iron's ears swiveled at the increased breathing behind his head, soon adding his other foreleg into the stroking just in case.
Am... am I making her cry? he whispered in his head.
>>145647He doesn’t really get his answer. Not yet, anyways. The breathing slows down, and she moves less. Her mane is relatively short for a mare, and seems fairly well brushed snd manicured. The stroking, which captures both mane and coat, messes up the former slightly. She doesn’t seem to mind.
>>145648This obviously leaves the native a bit confused as to what just happened when their chests collided...
Wait, Iron muttered, starting to form a flimsy hypothesis,
could this be it?Just as he says that, he soon lightly rubs his own chest against hers as his forelegs decided to drape themselves along Cauldron's back.
>>145649Iron doesn’t feel much when the chests touch. Indeed they barely touch at all, with Iron feeling the edge of the fur. But the feeling intensified when Iron presses into her, with the hide moving over the body beneath. She seems to pause, and take notice of this movement, shifting her forelegs.
>>145650Uh oh, Iron uttered, now starting to feel a bit awkward,
I mess this up?He didn't quite remove himself from her chest, yet he immediately stopped his rubbing completely, wondering what would happen next.
>>145651She loosens her legs, pulls her head back, and sits almost upright. This places her head and muzzle directly in front of Iron, and she stares at him with her now glistening blue eyes.
>>145652Iron's eyes widened a little when Cauldron's muzzle was directly pointed at his, blushing lightly at such an intimate encounter as he stared back with his own slightly jaded, tired and dirty brown eyes.
This... he whispered lovingly, lost in the sea of blue, with a glint of her father sailing in his prime,
Is this happening? >>145653She blinks, snd moves her right foreleg up, onto Iron’s cheek, caressing it.
>>145654Iron soon reciprocated her own cheek caressing with his own, while the other softly wrapped around her crest as a loving smile crept up his lips.
Is this it? he gasped out in amazement, feeling himself so close to the point where his pride was overridden by his pure adoration of Black.
Is she... >>145640"She was not in today, unfortunately. But at least I helped you with one thing, today."
>>145497>>145498Waabishki continues to be concerned, and Maakade pets her. The Doctor starts to explain to her what the procedure is and what it does, and what things look like going forward. Petal and Pry Press move around, cleaning up from dinner, and bringing pillows downstairs.
>>145655There's another something like a giggle, and Black Cauldron smiles at the press against her cheek. Their noses do not touch, but they hover close together.
>>145656"Aww, well that's too bad. Still kind of hurts. But it's great to have a contact here already. You know, I didn't plan on coming here, but I feel that's alright."
>>145657"Where did you plan on going to?"
>>145657Spark goes over to Waabishki.
>>145657Iron decided that this is the moment: He took the first step into this tightrope of a situation, closing his snout a bit further at a snail's pace towards hers in daring attempt to have their snouts finally touch eachother,.
>>145658"Petershoof. The original ship would have gone straight there, this one was supposed to have a stop in Baltimare."
>>145659Her eyes are focused on the Doctor who continues speaking to her, while Makade has a leg over her, gently petting. She doesn't seem to even notice Spark.
boopTheir noses are touching. It feels almost odd. She moves back ever so slightly but it doesn't break the contact. She is smiling, or seems to be. Hard to tell from this angle.
>>145661Spark listens into the doctor's conversation.
>>145662"-once they've removed what they can, they apply concentrated magic to the infected areas to attempt to kill the malignant cells. This will need to be repeated roughly once every two weeks-"
>>145661Iron couldn't help but smile sheepishly as well, enjoying such intimate contact mixed in with the slight feeling he kinda messed it up.
>>145663Spark doesn't want to interrupt, so he continues to listen.
>>145665Iron stifled a chuckle of his own, scrunching up slightly as he does it before he barely opened his mouth. "Does.. this feel nice?" he tentatively asked Cauldron.
>>145661"My old home city, hmm? I have heard it has been somewhat preserved through Soviets' control of city."
>>145668"Preserved? Brought into the future is my understanding. New factories, meeting halls, apartments... But I can't say I've seen it. Not now, not then."
>>145666"But what does this do?" Waabishki demands
"Well, it prolongs his forecast."
But what does it do for him?"
>>145667"Why don't you tell me?" She asks
[Read more] >>145669"I think you like it," Iron whispered softly, gently rubbing his snout with hers just to send the message home.
>>145670She moves back slightly,
“Heheh. And what if I do?” She asks
>>145671"It gives me ideas," Iron replied, his eyelids dropping the slightest bit in an attempt to set the mood "like dancing styles."
>>145672“Oh really?” She asks with feigned skepticism
>>145673"Yes," Iron replied as his lips soon started to properly near hers, but not taking the plunge just yet "like a dance of hearts."
His eyelids have lidded at an appropriate height, soon staring into her blue pools of crystalline water. "You know it?"
>>145674“I think it’s better you show me.” She answers
>>145675Iron's blush intensified at her agreement as his eyes sparkled with excitement. "I shall," he soon whispered lovingly.
After such confident words, he
finally turned his head to properly connect with Cauldron's lips and moved the last inch to finally connect herself with him through their mouths while closing his eyes.
>>145669"Its history. St. Petershoof is important city to us. It was founded by Tsar Peter I as little more than military fort and expanded during his reign as Severyana's first Emperor, envisioned as city to rival Canterlot itself in its glory. He brought over best and brightest engineers and architects from all over world to make it modern and stylish for time, and he staffed his best artists and scientists in city so it could become center of Severyanan intelligencia. When I left there was great statue of Peter in market square, and as far as I know it still stands today."
>>145669Spark starts to worry about how Waabishki is going to take this news.
>>145677"They ought to have made a statue to many workers who died trying to turn a swamp into a 'glory to rival Canterlot'."
>>145678Her voice raises, and there are some tears, but Makade and the Doctor's fairly soft tone seems to keep her in check.
>>145679Spark motions the doctor over for a question.
>>145679"I am not saying it is good that workers died to build St. Petershoof, but to build it from almost nothing...entire city is practically dedicated to those workers. For all of his achievements, all Peter got was city name and statue."
>>145680“Uh.. Just a moment.”
The Doctor stands up, and comes over to Spark.
“What is it?” he asks
>>145682Spark whispers.
"Did they mention how much it advanced?"
>>145681“That’s right. But that’s not because of Peter’s magnanimity, that’s because the ponies claimed what they built.
>>145683“It’s, it’s gotten pretty far. They only found it rather late.”
>>145684"Anyways, it is besides point. It is things like that Statue that make St. Petershoof and its history so important. Peter I was truly great leader. He led Severyana from series of squabling petty kingdoms into nation to rival Equestria, he championed science and the arts, and he passed many reforms to give greater rights to citizens and serfs."
>>145685“Well... History is a process, after all.” He says
“A better future is only built with great sacrifice. Maybe he was the best they could do at the time. And maybe he was necessary for the rise of the Stalliongrad we have today. All I can say is that I am very glad history didn’t have to end with him and his elitist cronies, who sometimes literally walked over the bones of those who died to make it possible.”
>>145686"In my own opinion, I would say he did more good than Steel Stallion, though I know you would disagree."
>>145686>>145687In the meantime, Silver gives the cab driver directions for 2 Strong 4 You, so he doesn't have to sit there during their discussion."
>>145687“What? Steel Stallion brought industry and land redistribution, and implemented what was at the time the very first socialist state.”
>>145688It is so. The taxi is on its way
>>145689"And Peter I brought peace and prosperity to divided land, modernized nation, and passed many reforms which made lives of Severyanans better."
>>145690“And didn’t Steel Stallion do all of that while finally ending the power of the landed aristocracy?”
>>145691"I mean, I would argue he divided it further, but..."
>>145692“It’s the dialectic process. History contains within it contradictions that must be acknowledged and come to to a head in dialectical conflict, where a thesis triumphs over its antithesis. Only then can it progress to the next stage. And that is what he did.”
>>145693"Hmm...I think I heard about dialectics from somepony else, recently."
>>145695"Pear Faucet, hippologist and professor from Stableside who is here in Baltimare on archaeology work."
>>145697“Oh, neat! You work with archeologists... or the universities?”
>>145698"In my hayday it was not entirely uncommon for me to be asked to rescue old Equestrian artifacts and bring them to local universities to be studied and put on display, but it has been while. This was chance encounter when I returned to Catacombs after I had already completed my mission there."
>>145699“Oh, that’s pretty neat. But like, do you do research for the universities or, help with other things”
>>145700Silver chuckles.
"I am not nearly intelligent or educated enough to do that."
>>145701“Well..... uh, that’s okay. That’s still kind of neat. What did she have to say about dialectics?”
>>145702"Largely what you said, that when two opposing ideas are in conflict with each other one will destroy other, but will be changed as result. She used it in referrence to conflict between Equestria and Hegemony, I believe."
>>145703“Hmmm... I suppose that’s one way to apply it. But that’s not how the latest philosophers would apply it. They see Equestria and the Hegemony as two imperialist powers that need to expand outwards to prevent themselves from collapsing inwards.”
>>145704"I think it has more to do with conflict between Harmony and Fascism."
>>145705He shakes his head
“Capitalist aristocracy, and a more advanced and decayed form of capitalist aristocracy.”
>>145706"Or friendship versus supremacy."
>>145707“Supremacy masquerading as friendship versus supremacy that’s dropped the facade.”
>>145708Silver tilts his head at Clip.
"What do you mean by first thing?"
>>145676Their lips meet. She opens hers to accept his. The room is incredibly silent in this moment, save for the sound of the air vents, the automobiles outside, and incredibly loudly meowing cat on the balcony of the apartment next door and... so it isn't very silent, but there's a definite sensation of the world coming to a stop at this moment... Of Iron's world coming to a stop at this moment.
>>145709“Well, look at the elements of harmony and Princess Twilight. They claim to bring change to bring harmony, and in many ways they did. But they had no interest in finishing the job. They kept the monarchy intact, they actively affirmed the inequalities of the curie mark system, and did nothing economically. It’s a change in the right direction, but then they stop, because they don’t want to change too much.”
>>145711"Inequalities of cutie mark system? What, like Starlight Glimmer proposed?"
>>145712“Well, I wouldn’t go so far as to physically remove them, because there is no doubt that a pony with a cutie mark produces more than one without it. What she did right was to recognize that cutie marks do make a difference between ponies. Different levels of respect and prestige, different levels of pay, and just generally to divide ponies by what they do rather than to acknowledge what they have in common - that they are all creatures who toil for their needs abs the needs of others. And that fact isn’t really something that was addressed under the old system.”
>>145710Funnily enough, Iron was content with just this: Having done that first step and landed such a kiss was more than enough to make his heart soar inside his chest. His only prerogative now is to make time still for as long as he could, simply enjoying Cauldron's lips meeting his own for the time being.
>>145714She moves a bit inward, increasing contact with Iron’s lips.
>>145715Iron certainly didn't mind such increased contact as he continued to press his lips against hers, too engrossed in the feeling of both accomplishment and love he stewed in for so long.
>>145716They are together for a period of time at once spanning to eternity, and lasting no time at all. She gently pulls back, and looks at Iron with a smile.
>>145717Iron had a smile of his own as well, only far dumber, with his mouth still hanging open a bit to show just a bit of throat inside it. "Did you like it?" he uttered serenely, as if in a soothing trance.
>>145718“Perhaps.” She says, batting her eyes.
“How about you?” She asks
>>145719"I loved it," Iron calmly murmured before giving Cauldron a little nuzzle on her cheek. "I might just keep at it all night."
really now?” She says, still smiling, but raising an eyebrow
>>145721"You want me to try?" Iron suggestively replied as he slid his head up to toothlessly bite the tip of Cauldron's ear in a teasing manner.
She pulls back gently, pulling her ear out of his mouth. It twitches and flops.
“I’m just skeptical, that’s all.” She says
>>145724Iron's passion ignited at the faintest hint of doubt, the previous ember in his eyes being fueled to a warm fire to stave off the coldness of the world. "Then I guess you want some proof," he playfully presumed further as he lined his snout in front of hers before swiftly leaning in for a more intense kiss.
>>145725This takes her by surprise. Her eyes open widely, but her lips part to meet hers, and he can feel her lips press against his.
>>145726This time around, Iron gently started to lean further forwards as his forelegs spread towards Cauldron's neck and back in order to start leading her towards the floor against her back.
All the while, he finally started to tentatively try to sneak in his tongue through her mouth, hoping to show her just how serious he was about his commitment for a smooching all-nighter plus make her feel good.
>>145727She seems to make the word “woah,” though her breath simply flows out of her mouth and into his. Black Cauldron’s open lips and mouth are rather receptive, with her tounge rolled up and ready to receive his. She falls back into his legs.
>>145728Thus, as Iron carefully lead her to the floor back as he got his hindlegs ready to properly stand on top of her, he finally touched Cauldron's tongue with his, starting up with some light pokes to rouse its attnetion for the dance to come.