Iron got his ass beat and has pissed off a whole criminal syndicate, Amber is doing some shady shit at the police station, Silver is making friends, and Spark is enjoying Whinnysotan hospitality.
1547 replies and 16 files omitted.
>>145729She looks up at him with a look of definite surprise.
“Could we... go to my bed, rather than the linoleum kitchen floor?”
She smiles awkwardly
>>145730Iron's eyes widened a bit as she pulled back, leaving his meddling tongue out in the open, awkwardly hanging from the native's mouth.
He soon recovered as Cauldron expressed such desire, giving her a confident nod before picking her up and placing her on his back for the small trek to her bedroom.
However, the grey stallion took a second to glance at Sands' way if the zebra didn't fully notice.
>>145731“Ooophmh!” Black Cauldron, who is not nearly as small and light as White Sands, is picked up and placed over Iron’s back, though she hangs over his sides. White Sands lays on the couch, observing the whole affair. She takes a sip of her tea while watching Iron and Black Cauldron go past.
>>145732Hopefully. Don’t ginx it >>145732“Kind of, or make use of our ‘friends’ in the political police.”
>>145735“They are intrusive and their presence isn’t exactly wanted. Trust me you don’t want their attention on your affairs. But neither do these other officers.”
>>145733Seeing her sitting idly by when he was about to go wild on Cauldron, Iron tried his best to discreetly signal her to sneakily come along with a quick rise and fall of his eyebrows plus a little head lean.
I am not about to leave her alone, he reasoned to himself.
It is my duty to keep all of the mares I have hooked up with happy! >>145736"Maybe if I started an argument with them...."She thinks about this closely.
"Will that work?" >>145738“It would be better if the officers started an argument with them.”
>>145737If she’s answering the call, it’s not until she’s out of view. Iron enters into the bedroom with its green sheeted bed, few pillows, and the ceiling fan that is partly on. Cauldron is laughing as she rides along.
>>145739Let us hope she at least received it, Iron thought to himself before focusing back on the pressing matter at hoof.
He soon stopped next to the bed before leaning into it a bit to place Cauldron on it in the most efficient and comfortable manner possible.
>>145740“The evidence room. But not the one mare. She’s by the entryway, in the receptionist’s office. That’s where I need to be.”
>>145741It looks like Cauldron can be rolled over onto her back or belly on the bed, laying in almost any direction
>>145744Amber looks out of the room before hurrying downstairs.
>>145742Iron decided to roll her on her belly, the top of her head directly in front of where the pillows were, before soon climbing up the bed himself, once again standing on top of her. "Now," he uttered, wrapping his forelegs around her crest "where were we..."
After such words, he soon leaned on to properly continue the passionate kiss, eager to make this night a good one.
>>145745Uh... is she leaving the entire detective’s section?>>145746She tries to turn her head around and up to him, giving him a sky look.
>>145747Yes, she's headed for the receptionist area downstairs.
>>145752The entry way where they came in. The area where Stalwart and Swift Soul were arguing for several minutes. right over to the right is a little office with a counter that a receptionist may stay at, accessible by a door on the hallway that branches out right from the entrance>>145751I'll rewrite>>145746She aims her muzzle upwards, looking at him with her blue eyes. She curls her hooves down, and he can see her white belly, and more if he dared, besides her mane, which though short, spreads over a part of the bed.
>>145753Amber quickly trots to that place then.
>>145754The mare anxiously looks around the hall, and notices Amber as she approaches. She has a pencil in her mouth, and seems to have been at least nominally writing on some sheet.
>>145753ThumbsUpIron just couldn't help but stare at her blue eyes as leaned himself enough for their lips to be an inch away from touching with a coy smile. "You want more?" he slyly asked.
>>145755"Um, excuse me, I have a question." She clears her throat and asks, perhaps more loudly than necessary,
"If the political police are in charge of the investigation now, won't all the evidence and information go to them now?" >>145756"I want to know what you want." She says, in a tone that is surprisingly frank, and is matches by a similarly serious expression as she stares into his eyes.
Yes." She says with annoyance, though probably more at the answer itself than at Amber's having asked the question.
>>145758Iron's eyes widened slightly, janked off of his flirty persona to his usual self as he blinked slightly. Despite this, his heart knew what he wanted with her. "I want to see you succeed," he declared far more sternly than his playful charade a few seconds ago. " To help you vanquish your hardships and lift you to great heights you have always dreamt of."
One of his foreleg soon slides to land next to her cheek. "But most importantly," he concluded with determined stare "I want you to be happy, just like you have done for me."
>>145759She moves her head up, and stares directly at Amber
>>145760"You know that isn't what I mean." She answers
>>145761Iron's thought process stopped, pouting lightly as if at a loss for words. "Then what do you mean?" he asked, puzzled.
>>145762She again stops speaking, laying there on her back in her bed
>>145764"I think they should stay in their own alleged business and stay out of ours. We don't need another Manehattan crackdown on our hooves."
>>145763Iron is starting to sink into the well of awkward, blinking softly as tried to figure out what Cauldron's question even means. "I want you?" he tentatively offered, trying his best to understand the inquiry.
>>145766"Do you?" She asks
>>145767"What are you suggesting?" She says with some irritation
>>145768Thinking he was starting to grasp what Cauldron meant, Iron soon nodded. "I do," he said, determination starting to return to his features.
>>145770"Turf? It's about the independence of Baltimare and it's democratically elected government.
That is our turf. If they want to allege a grand conspiracy... well then.... it won't end well."
She starts angry, but ends more afraid.
>>145769"Then show me." She says
>>145771After such a curveball of a test, Iron seemed to have lost himself in a pond full of possible answers with flimsy logical connections in his head: Keep kissing? Go lower? Win the war he started? Quit risking his life? Meet his father? Try for a foal?
As he kept pondering what would work best to prove it, a foreleg slowly slid down from her cheek, wading through her coarse coat hairs along her neck and into the jungle of chest fluff, intent on going even further.
>>145772"That's... that's worse. That will just embolden them. Or even frighten them."
>>145773Her eyes widen, and she looks down at the travelling hoof.
>>145774Seeing Cauldron's surprised expression soon snapped him back to properly pay attention to her, yet he slowed his descent along her body, taking his time to tread the lands of the belly, wondering if he was going further than she expected.
I am sure she will tell me to stop if this was uncomfortable, Iron reassured himself to keep himself determined to prove him he wanted her.
>>145774"Embolden who, exactly? Amber started out trying to provoke an argument, but is slowly becoming intrigued by what she's learning.
>>145776"The occupation government." She says
>>145775She raises her head up and looks down, carefully watching the movement of the hoof. But then she lets her head fall backwards, though uneasy onto the pillow.
Iron can feel her soft belly, which has much give, and is perhaps the only part of her body to be completely white in color.
>>145777Seeing her a bit uncomfortable, his hoof slowed even further, now in-between where her teats should be. "Are you scared?" he bluntly asked her, still staring at her with a mix of wanting yet worried eyes.
>>145778She moves her head up to look at Iron
"No.. Why would I be scared?" She answers, not wholly convincvingly
Iron sees the pair of teats, small and black in color, there at the bottom of her belly.
>>145779"It could be.. worse than that...But yes." She says, anxiously
>>145780Iron didn't verbally reply to her slightly anxious answer, opting instead to properly lay down just in front of her while his head hovered over her exposed belly.
With a small tilt downwards, he soon started plant a slow and sensual trail of kisses to said nubs of flesh in the sea of white, wondering if this would comfort her in the slightest.
>>145781"A detective here" She answers
She starts to smile, and the belly moves up and down with her twitching and breathing
>>145783Seeing success in his advances so far, Iron decides to gently and careful trickle his kisses away from her nubs and further down towards the savannah's oasis, eyeing her both cautiously and seductively, always eager to please Cauldron but wary enough to take the stab until there was no shadow of a doubt that she wanted to take that final step.
Okay, I have to sleep now>>145784She looks at her with displeasure for a moment
“Talk to one of
>>145785[YouTube] Fluttershy - oh, my
[Embed] >>145713"But it is good thing that they make difference between ponies, because we are all different. We need all different kinds of ponies to make world go around, and I do not know anypony who would discriminate against others with different or 'wrong' cutie marks, except maybe ultra-rich nobles in Canterlot. You can not help your cutie mark, but what you
can help is quality of your character, and that
is something ponies do and should judge others on."
>>145789"No, I mean... well, for example there's separate unions and guilds and associations. Like there's the dockworker's union, one for dentists, and ones for various athletic talents and so forth, and so you group yourself by your profession or hobby and you don't associate so much with others who don't do the same things. You lose touch with others around you, because the cutie mark creates for you an identity that separates you and distinguishes you. But we have so much more in common. We all have the same needs and suffer many of the same problems. We should seek friendship even with those who seem different, or have superficially different interests. It would help a lot, I think."
>>145800"See, that I agree with."
>>145801"Oh... see! You're starting to understand."
And the taxi arrives: 2 Strong 4 You
>>145802"Wait here, it should just be moment."
Silver pays the taxi driver, and enters the potions shop.
If demanded" She answers, slightly irritated
>>145803Silver sees a perhaps under lit shop with relatively little adornment on the walls and a glass counter with potions inside and a zebra behind it.
"What brings you here, my little pony friend?
Know that on my potions you may depend"
>>145807"Do you think they'll demand it?" she asks in a pensive tone.
>There is only one response Silver can make to this >>145808"Only if it's related to the Comte case. For now."
>>145810"If you don't know that's for the best. I don't think it applies to your case." She says, still a bit annoyed
>>145807"Hello again! My friend, he just got out of hospital, and needs potion to help sooth pain and encourage healing."
>>145812"I have what you need here, Silver stallion
The potions here could heal a battalion."
That debacle was given to us not by the 'security administration,' but curtesy of a
different office of the occupation government.
They only send officers during normal business hours, thank Celestia."
>>145817"That's... what they will claim."
>>145819She pauses for a moment
"I assure you there is
plenty they refuse to touch. In fact most of keeping the population safe is done by us. Almost all of it, actually. Everything that actually accomplishes anything."
>>145813Silver smiles at the zebra.
"If it can heal battalion, it should do wonders for one pony."
>>145821"Because they claim it falls in their narrow jurisdiction."
>>145822She shakes her head
"Tis not a shortcut to look fine and prim
Just one potion might be too strong for him"
>>145823"Then what would you recommend? He was hurt pretty badly before going into surgery."
>>145824"Just one dram mixed with water of my brew
Drunk each day will make him as good as new"
>>145825"To fight resistance and foreign spies, supposedly." She answers
>>145826"Huh. Alright. How much for that?"
>>145827"Spies? None, probably, but that doesn't stop them from claiming it."
>>145828"Two hundred bits will show your devotion
by giving your friend a vial of potion"
>>145830"Well, it's exaggerated..." She says, unsure
>>145831"So there are changelings?" she questions, her pupils narrowing and her voice rising higher.
unfortunately I have to work tomorrow, so I will call it here
>>145829"It is no small amount with my rapidly draining purse, but it is worth it."
Silver counts out and placed the required Bits on the table.
>>145837Darn. I wanted to be a bug.
>>145835"When you understand what your friend is worth
To see him healed will fill you with mirth."
>>145832She opens her mouth slightly, blinks, and for a moment she is silenced.
"Look, do you have anything on any pending case?"
>>145837gaspsis a cute pony [Read more] >>145843Silver smiles at the zebra.
"Thank you."
>>145845"And to you, silver pony, I thank you
Come again any time you need a brew"
>>145849This question, likewise, gives her pause
"Well, there are socio-economic factors involved, like poverty, unemployment, and inequality."
>>145850"What's a socio-economic? I come from a place where everypony is poor and nopony steals from each other. You don't have to have money to be a good pony." As she says this, a voice in her head speaks back,
But you told lies to get some money. >>145851"It's.... Well, maybe its the society that instills greed and factionalism. Causes creatures to fight when really there is no need."
>>145853Something in her expression conveys that she doesn't share quite the same perspective as Amber.
"......... Just.... Can you be surprised with the kind of welcome they've received? More unemployment and strife just as bad as what they've left."
>>145855“Well yes, it been torn up by war and the betrayal of its former domin-“
Her line of words are stopped once she gets to Amber’s last words.
“For the record, Trakyr over here is an excellent detective snd has helped solve many crimes. You know what? You don’t have any reason to be over here. Get out! Go to the officers from the SSA over there if you must. I think you’ll get along with them better.”
>>145857“GO. NOW. EVIDENCE ROOM OR OUT, just not here.”
>>145859"This isn't a town hall meeting. We do important work here for keeping creatures safe. Go have an opinion somewhere else."
>>145863"Ugh! The
agency solves crimes.
I am a secretary, and I act as a receptionist for those arriving, and I handle phone calls into the office."
I am a secretary, and I help in my own way. But yes, technically, other
creatures solve the crimes.”
Yes. Don’t ask strangers so many invasive questions.”
>>145848"That I will. Goodbye!"
He leaves the potions store, and returns to the taxi.
"I got the potion!"
>>145684“How many patients have they had make it with this stage?”
>>145869At this point, she stands up, and physically moves closer to Amber, as if to push her out of the room
"Yes. Now go."
>>145880"Ah! Nice." Clipping says
"Hope it helps. This hurts like a nip from a Bunyip when I move my body in the wrong way."
>>145885"Well, it's, it's, well when the patients are like this, it's a matter of how many months. Maybe years?"
[Read more] >>145886“I see. And there is no other way?”
>>145887"Well... you can try to remove or kill the cancer, but it's made its way into harder to reach places. And once that happens, it's difficult to stop."
>>145888“And there is no known way of stopping the growth?”
>>145889"Well, that's not really true. Various magical and chemical processes can kill it. The biggest problem is that it's alongside other body parts that could also be killed."
>>145890“And there is no way to heal those while simultaneously killing the target?”
>>145891“Well, that’s what the treatment process is, destroying the growth as best we can while destroying the body as little as we can.”
>>145892“I suppose. It is just frustrating that there isn’t more that can be done.”
>>145893“Well... I don’t know. Perhaps experiments in magical treatment, perhaps some especially talented pony like Mage Meadowbrook... but it’s all speculative. Most of the treatment options focus on fighting the biggest growths and slowing the spread of others.”
>>145785Her mouth is closed, and breathing less common but heavier, as she moves her head down to see what Iron will do.
>>145896Seeing no clear objections so far, Iron soon stuck his tongue to slowly drag it onto the oasis' center to test the humidity down below, always looking up at her from his prone position in the offchance she experienced any sort of clear discomfort.
>>145897Down the belly, between the two teats, down lower and further back, Iron comes to her vulva. The thin, black lips possess some wrinkles, but are mostly straight and closed together in a line down to her large, black anus and dock, and long white tail with black hair. She pulls her legs up, and moves them further apart, giving Iron more room.
>>145894Spark nods and looks back over to Waabishki.
>>145898Iron carefully glanced to the two spreading legs, finally starting to understand that Cauldron truly wanted him right down there, in-between her legs, staring at the seemingly dry oasis in front of him.
Realizing this, he curled his lips into a tempered smile, starting to get back in the swing of things as he approached his snout to the oasis before landing a soft, wet kiss to test the waters further.
>>145899She is very much upset, and nervous, anxiously waiting for the Doctor to return to the conversation
>>145900There's a small flinch at this movement, as her legs, and indeed her whole body move forward. But she moves back into place. There is a smell, and a taste, of sweat and cloth, but also the slight distinct taste of sex. She doesn't seem particularly moist nor excited, but the legs are open before him.
>>145901He lets the doctor continue with her.
>>145902Iron took his time to sniff the smell to properly appreciate it as he turned his head up the tiniest bit to look at Cauldron properly while still nested between her legs. "You smell nice," he serenely uttered.
Soon after that, he soon went back down to gently lick the oasis to help moisten the land in front of it and liven up the desert of black and white.
>>145904Iron can see her black muzzle looking down and back at him. She has a small, nervous smile.
The lips move slightly into a wetter realm of flesh between. She makes a small "ah" at the first movement of his tongue.
>>145905Emboldened by the small, positive feedback he was receiving, Iron began to gently wrap his forelegs under Cauldron's flank while he increased his licking efforts just to hear her 'ah' again, only with a bit more passion to it.
>>145906Iron recieves an "Oh" as his forelegs move under and press up Black Cauldron's not-so-small hindquarters. Iron has a better angle now, and can get lower. His tongue moves into her to reveal the red-pink flesh under black skin and white fur, and a darker tunnel continuing further inside her visible at moments. The amount of liquid increases slightly as the licking continues.
Black Cauldron breathes noticeably faster, though just as heavily
>>145907Her smell and her rapidly increasing heavy breaths were starting to awaken the primal pony inside his concrete jungle shell he's been forced to grow after so much conflict against it without much reward to speak.
Irom soon started to actively press himself against Cauldron's slightly lifted hindquarters, trying to lift it up further for him to sit in front of and quench the thirst with her oasis like a true native.
>>145908At some point in the activity, Black Cauldron lays her head back on a pillow, looking up at the ceiling, and holds her breath - or tries to. Perhaps Iron doesn't notice this. Cauldron's internal walls push further apart, and the small pink pearl of her clitoris moves into the fore. The muscles on her walls start to move. Inwards, then outwards in rhythmic patterns, providing an occasional glance deeper into her body.
>>145909Iron certainly took note as he consciously made Cauldron's rump rise to his desired position, looking over it with rapt attention and desire, to the point of even licking his lips for the slakening to come.
The moment both parties accustomed themselves to the new position, Iron soon planted his muzzle into the plentiful oasis, hoping to slightly push past the surface in order to drink the contents at the deeper levels he desired to.
>>145886"She said to drink one dram mixed with water each day until it is gone."
Silver gives the driver directions for home.
>>145910[YouTube] Fluttershy - oh, my
[Embed]Iron finds presses his muzzle into Black Cauldron until he is pushed back by her pelvic bone and body. This is no impediment to his tongue, which finds its way inside her, and presses her open. More liquid gently trickles out, with occasional movement of her walls, inwards and then back to a relaxed position
Cauldron utters another relatively "Ah... ah..."
>>145911And on home
"Ah great, that'll do. This is looking pretty good, I'll say."
>>145903The Doctor continues to try to talk to her, and Makade to calm her down.
Ply and Petal come up to Spark
"Uh, Shimmering Spark... Where would you like to sleep tonight?"
>>145913"Are things looking up for you, now?"
>>145914"Well, compared to a few days ago, or a few weeks ago, or a few months ago, or a few hours ago, yeah, I'd say."
>>145912Iron knew to be careful enough not to push too hard as his tongue drove itself the furthest inside he could manage, burying himself inside Cauldron's oasis like a camel taking a big drink after days walking along the desert.
>>145915He smiles at the silly colt next to him. He pats him on shoulder, minding that he does so lightly to avoid hurting him.
"Hopefully it will not be end of your good fortunes. You still have paper to get into."
>>145913"I can take a space on the floor."
>>145916"Hehe" Black Cauldron giggles, and her clitoris moves out, then back in and then out. Her vagina eases, so that even when Iron's tongue is out, it remains somewhat open.
Black Cauldron begins to moan, not caring to suppress it any longer
>>145919Black's lewd moaning invigorates Iron further into chugging the oasis dry, soon increasing his efforts to reach the bottom of the desert lake, rubbing as much of the area surrounding it as possible.
However, one of his forelegs opted to take on a more exploratory part, soon rubbing the tip of itself against the little ball-shaped fish that keeps popping up the pool of water.
>>145917"Yeah, can't get much worse than it was before, right? i hope..."
>>145918"Oh, that's rather nice of you. We have one extra bedroom, and a couple couches."
>>145920And yet, he finds his efforts to find the bottom are in vain. It's a nice smooth feeling, moving aside at the pressing of the tongue, and sometimes pressing back. It's almost like the inside of a cheek, really.
Iron's hoof meets the little fleshy pearl, and takes to rubbing it. Cauldron moans louder, and louder, not caring much to keep their liaison a secret from whoever may be in hearing range
[Read more] >>145921Every extra decible that seeped into Iron's attentive ears only led him to pump up his efforts, soon going into a slurping frenzy as his tongue practically dances inside the cheek-like flesh while the button rubbing increased in intensity: He was attempting to coax her into a climax right there on the spot.
>>145922Her vaginal walls press inwards, relax, press inwards, relax and press inwards again with much more force than seen at anytime before. Liquid pours out in greater quantity than before as Cauldron cries out "Ah!" and arches her back inwards, pressing her lower and upper quarters deeper into the bed. She winces, her mouth locked open, as her hind legs come down and press her hooves into the bed
>>145923Iron's eyes widened considerably at the sudden burst of apparent pleasure, gently laying her hindquarters back into the bed with a worried look after a couple of seconds. "Are you alright?" he plainly asked
>>145921"Sounds good. Thank you again for all of your hospitality."
>>145924"Ah... Ah, ah..." After a moment, and a breath in and out, she opens her eyes, and then looks over towards Iron.
"Yes. Why do you ask?"
>>145926"Oh," Iron muttered, blushing heavily "I believe to have misunderstood your cry's purpose."
>>145925"We need to figure out who will sleep in the bedroom" Ply Press says.
"Perhaps if Makade and his friend want to share the room together..."
Makade turns to Spark and the Doctor
"He jokes, but it would really solve our succession problem."
Makade turns back to Ply Press
"If you think there is danger, I would rather be downstairs. Nearer the door."
>>145927She pulls her lips back
[Read more] >>145921"I can most certainly promise you will never have to go through anything even remotely near as bad again."
>>145928Iron, in turn, smiled sheepishly, letting out a few gingerly chuckles as his face became even redder from embarrassment. "So," he followed up "you want more?"
>>145928>>145927She pulls her lips back in s mile that shows her upper teeth.
"Heheh, you're alright" She answers
>>145930"If you're up for it" She answers
>>145929He smiles to Silver
"Well... thank you" He says, with a silence thereafter
[Read more] >>145931Hearing the second part of Cauldron's reaction, Iron proudly puffed his chest as he beamed in satisfaction.
However, her agreement to more of this soon left him a bit lost once again. "How much, exactly?" he soon whispered, leering down at her as he slowly shifted his position to stand on top of her once again. If she were to look lower, she could definitely see the secret long barrel rifle he's been hiding all this time, twitching in anticipation.
>>145932She looks over at it alright. And it's not the first time, either
"I'm... coming into my cycle, I think? I don't know if I can, but... I'd rather not get pregnant."
>>145933Iron nodded, deciding simply to gently lay himself on top of her, without any attempt to align his barrel to her oasis coupled with a loving smile. His legs hopefully proved to be enough cushioning to stop any actual crushing. "I understand," he wholeheartedly agreed, leaning his muzzle closer to Cauldron's. "I doubt I could free myself from such strong and seductive clutches."
>>145934She smiles, and places a hoof over his head, patting his ear. Then she raises an eyebrow playfully
"Clutches? I've only just now laid a hoof on you."
Iron couldn't help but giggle softly, nuzzling Cauldron lovingly at her reply. "I mean the oasis between your legs," he jokingly clarified before planting a quick peck on her cheek. "It is a good thing my tongue is flexible."
>>145937"Hah hah. An Oasis? Why do you say that?" Smiling, "Does the rest of me seem dry?"
>>145938"Of course not," Iron playfully rejected, pulling back with a humorous smile "but if I recall correctly, you came from a desert, right?"
>>145931"And I promise to do whatever I can to help you make better life here."
>>145939"What? No. Well, not really. I wouldn't really call Baltimare a desert." More like a marsh. With trees. And grass. And concrete. Too much concrete, really."
>>145940He looks at Silver for a minute.
"And... well, I don't want to sound skeptical, but.... I'll take it."
>>145941Iron chuckled softly at her remark. "I did not mean Baltimare," he replied in amusement "but the land you called Zebrica."
>>145941He smiles some more at the colt.
"It is fine, friend, I can understand skepticism, whether it is if you can make better life here or whether I will help you. I just ask you give me chance to help you."
>>145942She smiles, and presses her body, including her lower body into him
"I've never been. But I've heard it's forest, the area my father is from, that is. Tropical forest. Maybe not much unlike where you came from."
>>145943"Worked out pretty well so far. Sure. I'll give you the chance."
>>145944Silver practically beams at Clip.
>>145944That got Iron astonished, eyes widening in delighted glee. "Really?" he gasped out in excitement, smiling wide at the possibility. "We have got to visit if that is the case, then."
Meanwhile, down below, his weapon of 'war' was still as strong as ever, twitching sporadically towards her lower section that has been pressed against. Who knew just hugging eachother after a period of intimacy aroused him so much?
>>145946"Heh. I
suppose that's one thing to add to the list. The list of things to do, one of these days."
She takes her hooves, and moves them around his shoulders, pulling him towards her. She moves her lower body, or tries to move it, so that her vulva presses up against his unsheathed penis.
>>145944>>145945"You know, you will have to tell me how your meeting goes tonight. If it goes well, maybe I will go with you in near future, if you wanted."
>>145947At first, iron smiled gleefully, eager to make yet another desire of hers come true, only to gasp out while his eyes widened at Cauldron's sensual fidgeting plus the faint sensation of his weapon touching her oasis from under him.
He tilted his head softly at her antics as he lightly bit his lip from the temptation.
>>145949"Iron. There's something I was wanting to show you."
>>145945>>145948"Sure. I think you should. Well, I don't know how they are here. But they are friendly, I hope."
>>145950Before, Iron was a bit puzzled at Cauldron's current actions. Now, he was rather intrigued. He held from plunging himself inside her in the offchance this would be too egregious of him. "Yes?" he replied with a faint hint of strain in his voice.
>>145950"I think they will be. You should be able to make some friends while you are at meeting. But I think it will be nice to expand my horizons, if at least to be able to understand you better."
>>145951She places her muzzle against his if his position allows, touching their noses. Then she starts rubbing her lower body against him, somewhat gently. After some seconds of doing this in silence, she pauses, and says,
"I was going to show you today, or tomorrow, but.... I leased a place on Parker Street. A place to do potion making and selling."
>>145952He nods
"A little bit of understanding would do a lot of good, I think."
>>145886She does not budge, though she bites her lip for a moment.
"Must I? I've enjoyed this conversation even though your opinions don't make much sense. Let's chat. How is--" >>145953"Now, it may take more than meeting or two to convert me, but being able to put myself into your horseshoes will do wonders. I would like to do same with others in household too, but they do not have interests as easy to get into as yours."
>>145953Iron's nostrils flared softly at the teasing, groaning in pleasure lightly at random intervals at the oasis' surface tickling the tip of his barrel.
However, such action below didn't stop him from his eyes widening as his mouth opened in surprise for a second. "R-really?" he gasped out in a mix of sexual tension and unbridled happiness for Cauldron, soon wrapping his forelegs around hers in a big yet careful hug. "T-that is excellent news!"
>>145955She steps backward, though not quite as much as the secretary would've wanted.
"No need to be so rude, you know. If I'm going to be living in Baltimare I need to know how safe you're keeping the city. To me it seems like not very," she says matter-of-factly.
>>145957"Yes, I'm hoping I can spare the time now, with that kirin to help my father, and, well... a partner."
>>145956"Oh, well, you'll find something, sooner or later. There's always something."
>>145958She scrunches
"You know, you can help too. Providing tips, keeping a look out. Not just assuming a secretary can do and know everything."
>>145959Silver nods.
"True. Hell, this is farthest I have ever gotten. Maybe that something is you?"
>>145960"Oh. You want me to talk to them? I can talk to them, sure."
>>145961"Oh, I misunderstood what you were...nevermind. I just need to find way to connect with them, like you and your meetings."
>>145959She pauses.
"You're right. Doing that is the least I can do. Do you have any tips for providing tips?" she asks with a faint smile.
>>145959Iron slowly pulled his head back to face Cauldron's, once again were their muzzles almost about to touch like she'd previously positioned while another grunt escaped his lips. "I am... glad to hear that," he uttered before letting out a quick, labored huff.