Iron got his ass beat and has pissed off a whole criminal syndicate, Amber is doing some shady shit at the police station, Silver is making friends, and Spark is enjoying Whinnysotan hospitality.
1697 replies and 17 files omitted.
>>145056The big unicorn actually does feel a little bad for Clip. And, whether or not he would believe it, Silver does agree with that last sentence. He gives his newfound friend a real, proper hug.
"That, I believe."
>>145056"What if I capture them instead?" Iron offered as a compromise. "Surely, if I get enough of their ponies hostage, they will relent, right?"
>>145058"Where are you going to put them?"
She tilts her head after saying this
>>145057The young stallion has his forelegs between his two hindlegs as he sits upright. He accepts the hug. He has a decent amount of fur, and feels a bit lankier than the more muscular and slightly younger Loputu.
>>145059"Uh..." Iron trailed off, unsure himself. "...maybe in an abandoned building?"
He was admittedly grasping at straws on this point, mainly because he didn't think it that far through.
>>145060"Well, maybe I can help with that, maybe. I'm not saying you should call Customs, but if you did, I think they could help send them away."
>>145061"If you can set the price to pay for trying to get me, do so," Iron agreed, nodding with her idea without really understanding what she was offering right now. "Any blow to their morale is a win in my leaf."
>>145062“Uh, sure...” she shakes her head.
“Why were you doing this in the first place? Something about helping the zebra?”
>>145063"Yes," Iron confirmed. "It is to secure the trade route for Cauldron's business."
>>145053"You probably won't know until you are already doing it for a while."
>>145059"Hmm. If you do not mind me saying, you seem rather...well, soft, for lack of better word."
>>145064She breathes out, and then sits down against the couch on the far side.
"Very well.. I'm a part of it now, though I'm not really sure why I agreed to go along in the first place."
>>145065"Perhaps... I'm still worried. All of that knowledge. Our culture. Legends and folklore. Stories from long ago."
>>145066He answers, although probably still in Silver's embrace
"I prefer to think of it as compassion."
[Read more] >>145067"No no, your compassion is good thing, I am not talking about that. I am talking about you physically. Your long mane, soft fur, slim supple frame...I can see why that one stallion took liking to you. You are very attractive stallion."
>>145068"Well.. yes. I know some of the myths and legends. He's been teaching me for years now."
>>145069"Oh. Ha. You think really think so?"
>>145070"Then not all will be lost when he leaves."
>>145070He pulls back out of the embrace slightly to get a better look of the young stallion. He still has his forelegs around him, though.
"Oh, very much so!"
>>145071"Perhaps" She says, sitting down on the floor
>>145072He is smiling, and blushes
>>145073"If you do not mind me asking, are you really attracted to other stallions? Or do you like mares? Both?"
>>145073"Does that put you a bit at ease?"
>>145074He pulls his lips back and up for a toothy smile, moves his head back slightly, and his ears move down
"More of... stallions..." he says quietly, and looking away
>>145075"A... little bit, maybe..."
>>145076Silver smiles, lets go of his small stallion companion, and stands up off of the bed.
"And what do you think of me?"
The elder unicorn performs a macho pose to flex and show off his muscles to Clip, and even underneath his thick and fluffy winter coat it's clear he's a strong one.
"I know I am getting little 'long in tooth' as saying goes, but I would like to think I am still in better physical shape than most ponies half my age."
>>145078"Heh. Not terrible for an old stallion."
>>145076"So, what kind of stories have you learned?"
>>145080"Oh, stories from when the world was young. Stories of folk heroes. Things of that nature. From before when the ponies came."
>>145079"Heheh. More than that, I have hardly slowed down step in my age. I am still just as numble and dexterous as I have always been, despite my size."
He slides his forehooves in front of him to stretch out, face down and ass up. It's a shame Clip is facing Silver's side, no doubt it would be quite a show to be behind him. He then stands up on his forelegs while sliding his hindlegs behind him, bending his back and placing his hips right on the floor.
>>145082"Heh. I suppose that is pretty good, for that age."
>>145081"What was it like before ponies?"
>>145084"There's been entire eons in the time before. Whole tribes have come into being and faded away. And yet so much of it is the same. It all follows the same cycles."
>>145085"Has there been a war like this one too?"
>>145083Whether it's the drink or something else, Silver does feel rather comfortable showing off with his newfound friend.
"We have not gotten to best part, yet. Jubee can attest to this, but I am far from shooting dust yet. I remain very health, very productive, and
very well endowed."
He turns away from Clip, swinging his hindquarters from side to side at him. With his short, simple tail it's not difficult for Clip to see the productive organs hanging like perfectly ripe, juicy fruit between his legs, if he chose to.
>>145086"There have been many wars. The Great Horned Serpent, for one, was the source of much chaos. It's minions must still be fought, even now."
>>145087He blinks
"Mr. Sword, you're trying to seduce me, aren't you?"
>>145088He turns his head around to look at Clip behind him with a smile.
"No, just curious whether you would find somepony like me attractive or not."
>>145090He turns around to properly face Clip.
"Sorry if I made you uncomfortable."
>>145091"It's fine" he says, covering his face with a hoof
>>145092Silver's smile gets just a little wider and a bit more mischevous.
"But if I
was trying to seduce you...would it have worked?"
>>145094Silver trots up to Clip, putting a hoof on the one covering his face and gently (yet firmly) moving it out of the way.
>>145049Amber opens her eyes to see the origin of the voice.
"I think so," she says softly.
"I just wasn't looking where I was going, sorry...." >>145067"I assume it is because you have little choice in the matter," Iron mused pessimistically, sighing softly. "It is either us building a living through extreme danger or doing it alone."
>>145095He only has a wide, toothy, awkward smile in silence
>>145096Looking down at Amber is a tall, brown furred diamond dog with a relatively long muzzle and pointy ears.
"Be careful. There is not much light. Sorry for opening the door."
He rubs the back of his head, and then leans down offering a paw.
>>145097"Well, now I'm not so sure you should do it alone. Take the fight to them, bring help, and most of all, end it."
>>145098"Hardest part is getting that help," Iron pointed out with a frown and a frustrated pout. "The first and third thing I can definitely take on."
>>145098"Did you like small show I gave you?"
>>145100"Well, do that pony thing and get some friends"
>>145100Uh... I was... not expecting it"
>>145098A little bit more hope of finding Scabbard died, seeing that instead of the stallion she had run into a diamond dog instead.
"It was my fault, really." After a bit of hesitation she takes his paw and returns to being back on her hooves.
"You must be...Tracker, yes?" she asks.
>>145101"Heh, it does not answer question."
>>145102Can roll another dieHe pulls her up. "Yes. No 'e', just 'kr'"
The pink mare runs over
"Are you okay?!"
And after another moment, Stalwart arrives
"What are you doing over here."
>>145103"Uh... heheh"
[Read more] >>145099"Well, do that pony thing and get some friends"
>>145104"Would you like more of show?"
He smiles seductively down at Clip.