Iron got his ass beat and has pissed off a whole criminal syndicate, Amber is doing some shady shit at the police station, Silver is making friends, and Spark is enjoying Whinnysotan hospitality.
1697 replies and 16 files omitted.
>>145566Silver nods at Read Extra, and looks at Clip.
"Think you can remember that?"
>>145568“Yep! Do you know where that is?”
>>145567“Just take a cup”
White Sands says.
“It won’t bite you.”
>>145569Now feeling like he had to take it, Iron soon turned to Cauldron with a more confident look. "I will have one of these 'tea' things," he concluded, accentuated with a nod.
>>145569"No, but I have a map."
Silver pulls out his map of Baltimare from his bags.
>>145570And thus she pours a cup of the liquid, and gives it to Iron.
>>145571Read Extra takes it (if Silver allows it).
“Why don’t I mark that?”
He marks a spot on the map, and gives it to Silver.
>>145572Iron took a deep breath, staring down at the menacing-looking liquid with a small frown as he neared his snout towards the beverage to take a couple of small sniffs.
>>145573It’s not an especially strong smell, and most closely approximates the smell of tree leaves.
>>145572Silver allows it, and gives it to Clip.
"I may not be able to join you tonight because of my date, but that does not mean you can not go if you want to."
>>145575“Thank you.” He says, it seems to both Read Extra and Silver
>>145574Iron's mouth pouts lightly, suspicious of the leaf-smelling drink as he now makes contact with the coup with his lips, psyching himself up for the tasting.
>>145576"Unless you want to stay here with protest, we can go to potion maker I was telling you about for your injury."
>>145577It has a taste - weaker, frankly, than some of the beverages - again, like tree leaves.
>>145578“Sure.” He says
>>145580Silver offers the two protestors a hoofshake each.
"Thank you both so much for helping Clip."
>>145583Both do in fact offer hoof shakes. Both are kind of weak on the grip, and flail their legs up and down rather rapidly.
>>145584This is in comparison to Silver's firm, confident handshake. He definitely takes note of this.
"I wish you both luck in this fight."
>>145589“Oh, are you from Stalliongrad?”
Read Extra asks
Paper Clipping says,
“I suppose”
>>145590Silver looks at Read Extra, and nods.
"St. Petershoof actually, but yes."
>>145591“Oh, neat! Are you here to help us with our liberation?”
>>145592He chuckles.
"I am afraid I am not part of Party. I left home before Steel Stallion's Revolution."
>>145580Iron soon decides to let the water gently flow into his throat instead, wondering if there was any real fuzz about this whole ordeal.
>>145593“Ah... There are many here from Severyana, but only so many from from after the Revolution, and most of them are from the old landing owning class. It’s not hard to understand why. If I were a worker in Stalliongrad, I would not want to leave. Not to leave for here.”
>>145594If anything, it stings less than the alcohol, and isn’t bitter like coffee.
Only time will tell if Iron develops dysentery
>>145595Seeing no really distinctive danger nor pleasantness from the beverage, Iron nonchalantly downs the rest of the cup's contents into his mouth just to be cordial and not waste any of what he asked for.
>>145596The water is very hot and the taste is slightly unpleasant.... but it done.
Neither Black Cauldron nor White Sands seem to have expected him to drink if so quickly.
>>145595"No land owners here, my father was just humble blacksmith. I left home because I wanted to learn more about world, and if it is truly to be world revolution we should learn all that we can about how others are liberating themselves from oppressors."
>>145598“Yes, very much so.” He nods
>>145599"Alright, I suppose Clip and I should be leaving now. It was truly great meeting you, and I hope we meet again soon!"
>>145600He nods to Silver, and the two are able to leave
>>145601And thus the two do, Silver looking for a taxi once they leave the mass of protestors.
>>145602They have to move further away, but once they get to a maj. road if no time at all for a taxi to come by. The taxi is hailed swiftly and they are in.
>>145597Iron's eyes widened considerably at the unexpected heat, yet he didn't back down from it out of pride and not messing up Cauldron's home anymore than he's done so far.
However, seeing the two mares staring at him made him pout softly in response. "Did I... do something wrong?" he tentatively asked.
>>145604“No, just.... well I haven’t seen that before.”
She answers
>>145603Silver lets Clip get in first before he enters, and once inside he gives the driver the address of the bar where he met Cauldron.
>>145606“The Watering Hole. Alright.”
The taxi takes them north a few blocks, and then quite a few blocks east, before dropping them off at The Watering Hole.
>>145607Silver pays him for this trip, and asks for him to wait outside for a short bit before exiting the vehicle.
>>145608The taxi remains. Paper Clipping does not exit the vehicle. Entering inside, Silver sees a mildly active bar, with a Diamond dog at the main bar.
>>145605"You haven't?" Iron repeated, now feeling a bit confused.
>>145609Silver goes up to the Diamong Dog bartender, wondering if he recognizes him.
"I am looking for Black Cauldron. Is she in, today?"
>>145610“No.” Black Cauldron answers, plainly.
>>145611The Diamond Dog raises an eyebrow, and answers “Not at this moment.”
>>145612"Oh. Well, do you know where she would be? My friend just got out of hospital and needs something to help deal with pain and get him healing."
>>145612"Oh," Iron muttered, looking down at the empty cup before hoofing it over to Cauldron "well, it was not really bad at all. Just has a weird taste."
>>145613“She’s out on a personal matter now. Would you like to come back or leave a message?”
>>145614“Well, it’s good that you like it. Do you need anything else?”
>>145615"Just one more thing," Iron replied, smiling lightly before giving Cauldron a big, long, gentle hug.
>>145615"Are you
sure there is no way I can find her?"
>>145616“Woah” she is a bit surprised, but is hugged all the same
>>145618"Thank you," Iron soon gratefully whispered, giving the zebra a little nuzzle on her cheek before letting go with a determined smile "now I shall make sure I am ready to face the enemy tomorrow, so I must rest the weariness away."
>>145619She smiles, but then frowns a little as Iron says his later words,
“Alright.” She answers
>>145620Seeing Cauldron's slight frown soon made Iron rethink his statement, giving her a softer look. "I do not mean to assault them immediately," he asserted, hoping it would ease the zebra's worries/grievances. "I am only making sure I am physically prepared to start my proper assault against my foe."