Iron got his ass beat and has pissed off a whole criminal syndicate, Amber is doing some shady shit at the police station, Silver is making friends, and Spark is enjoying Whinnysotan hospitality.
1697 replies and 16 files omitted.
>>146236Iron's snout scrunched a little, yet couldn't help but blush even further. "I-It is giving me weird vibes," he admitted with a sheepish smile.
>>146238And then
poke poke[These are from behind, and strike his back next to his spine. They aren’t quite as pleasant.
>>146239Iron's back muscled tensed against the new poking spot, where Cauldron would find the least amount of softness from his frame. "A-are you trying out some sort of massage on me?" he fruitlessly asked, still quite confused.
poke pokeIron is poked in the belly
poke poke Iron is simultaneously poked in the back
>>146241Surprisingly enough, Iron's belly was still as soft as ever while his back was as tough and tense as concrete with steel railing inside. "C-Cauldron?" he asked, further lost at her fascination with his body.
>>146242“What?” She looks up at him, pulling away her hoof
poke pokeIron can feel another set of pokes on his back
>>146243"I am still lost about this whole poking thing," Iron hesitantly admitted, slightly saddened to not understand Cauldron at this exact moment.
It's like poking bedrock as usual without the belly poking.
>>146244The poking ceases, and Iron can see Black Cauldron was not, and could not have been poking Iron in the back
>>146245"Huh?" Iron uttered before turning his head around to see just who was it.
>>146246White Sands, with a raised left hoof and a half smile stands behind Iron
poke >>146247Iron's eyes widened considerably, blinking in disbelief before sporadically looking back and forth betweeen the two mares.
Then something clicked inside him, and a small, mischievous grin slowly appeared on his features before with an intense blush, rapidly poke both mares on their exposed snouts at once.
>>146248This is going to require two separate melee touch attack roles. One with and off hand, and with multi-attack penalty
>>146248The small and nimble White Sands moves her snout and just narrowly avoid's Iron's hoof. Black Cauldron, however, is not quite as fast, failing to escape it.
boopShe scrunches
>>146255Iron didn't really mind the miss on Sands, as he had made his point about the all the booping he's endured so far: If they wanted boops, he'll give it to them without mercy!
>>146208"Hmm...this may need to wait until tomorrow to finish. I do not want to be late for date."
Silver checks his own pocket watch for the answer.
>>146254I see you were unfortunate and encountered the diceroll bug I sadly introduced in latest update. It is foxed now. Sorry for the inconvenience.
>>146232I suppose Spark heads to sleep if there is nothing else.
>>146256Iron stands victoriously over Black Cauldron’s viciously booped body. Yet, White Sands, hardly out of the fight, is not willing to simply submit. With the force of her left hoof, she jumps up, and attempts a boop on Iron
[1d20+3 = 12]>>146257The time on the watch is 3:58 PM
>>146258Thank you Pupper!
>>146259waitsAlso, nice new flag
>>146260Roll Die [Read more] >>146263"I am sorry Khoi. I will not be able to go get them until tomorrow."
>>146263It was a close call, but Sands' hoof met Iron's snout just barely, forcing him to recoil back with a soft scrunch.
>>146266Silver claps his hooves together, making a small cloud of dust.
"But it means you can make list of what you want for me to get tomorrow. It is already looking great even before plants."
>>146267Spark makes a bed on the smaller couch. The cramped armrests don't give much room for his body, and force the head upwards at an awkward angle. Spark awakes in the dark of the night. There is no superfluous sound, besides the ticking of a grandfather clock, and wind against the roof of the home. His neck hurts from the poor support.
>>146268Her hoof hits his snout at something of an oblique angle, hitting it, pressing it in, and then almost deflecting off. She hits with such force that it's more like a punch than a proper boop, and none too comfortable.
>>146272Iron took a couple of reeling steps back, scrunching even further as he closed his eyes from such a
powerful blow.
Unless Sands was one to continue her onslaught, he'd soon open his eyes to look at his hurt snout, rubbing it with a spare hoof.
>>146272Spark groans at not being able to take his own advice of resting well. He looks around a bit.
>>146273This may induce sneezing.
It’s actually surprisingly painful.
White Sands smiles
But then the smile fades, and she moves a step back, then another.
Black Cauldron scrunches
>>146275A light outside the front window shows snow build up, and a black night. The Doctor lays on his back, sprawled out with his head up, mouth partly open, and a quilt covering most of his body. He breathes in with a snore. The clock ticks.
[Read more] >>146276Spark illuminates his horn ever so slightly and navigates to the kitchen to get a glass of water.
>>146276Thus, Iron promptly sneezed in an unnatural, marely fashion after a few more seconds before being followed up with a far stronger one, causing him to shake his head from the sheer force.
Nevertheless, he soon shook the pain off to stare at Sands sympathetically. "Better than smashing my hoof against a night stand," he tried to shrug off with a sheepish smile before turning towards Cauldron "am I right?"
>>146277Roll DieSimple enough. The kitchen is a continuation of the living room, interrupted by counters. There is no special water purifier, nor separate containers of distilled or purified water, so Spark must put his trust in the water from the faucet.
It takes more than a couple open drawers to find the glasses, but they are found all the same.
>>146279The sneeze is almost cute sounding
"Not for my snout" Black Cauldron answers, rubbing her snout
[Read more] >>146280Spark takes a glass and fills it with water.
>>146280Iron couldn't help but chuckle softly as he trotted towards Cauldron with a mischievous smile and, without warning, gave the currently rubbed zebra snout a small kiss in turn.
>>146282Spark takes the glass and fills it. Snowfall, reflecting a light outside the back, is visible through a window in the dining room on the other side of the kitchen.
>>146283This takes her by surprise, her eyes widening.
>>146284Iron couldn't help but smirk lightly at her surprise, playfully looking at her astonished eyes. "Does it feel better now?" he coyly asked.
>>146284Spark glances out the window.
>>146287With a firm nod, Iron soon turned towards Sands with a playful grin. "Now," he followed up with a hoof "I believe we have unfinished business, you and I."
Carefully trotting towards the unicorn, Iron soon extended a foreleg out to gently boop her snoot as payback!
[1d20+10 = 14]<Boop
>>146288In the backyard, next to a small tree and partly hidden by the tree's shadow, is the outline of an equine shape, covered in a brown cloak and hoodie. He or she is sitting next to it, head down, and snow staring to cover the cloak.
>>146289He hits her right in her pink little snoot. She jumps back, shakes her head, and lets out a
>>146290"Well... perhaps the doctor was right."
Spark hopes that he wasn't spotted and heads to where Madake is sleeping.
>>146290After such a power play, Iron quickly covers the distance to wrap Sands in a friendly hug instead, obviously caring for Sands' well being despite the little poking fun getting a bit out of hoof.
>>146291Going through the kitchen, through the living room, and around to the stairs, Spark goes up them, and presumably, opens the door
>>146292Iron leaps over, and...
squeaky. The oversized mare-shaped pillow is hugged
>>146293After securing the hold, Iron was quick to stroke her back softly to allow Sands to recover from such a drastic blow while turning his head towards Cauldron with an inviting smile. "If your snout feels hurt," he offered the zebra "I am currently providing some comforting hugs."
>>146293Spark enters and nudges Madake awake.
>>146294She eases into the hold, and moves her neck against him. Her fur is soft, and she makes an almost purring sound as Iron pets her.
Black Cauldron moves forward, a bit closer to this display.
>>146295Spark opens the door to see two good eyes reflect back in the light, and shifting on the bed.
>>146296As Iron continued to gently stroke Sands' purring back, his other foreleg extended itself towards Cauldron, coupled with a tender look. "Come on," he gently urged the zebra."I promise I will not poke your snout."
>>146296Spark moves closer, with his light still dim as to not attract attention from any lurkers outside.