Iron got his ass beat and has pissed off a whole criminal syndicate, Amber is doing some shady shit at the police station, Silver is making friends, and Spark is enjoying Whinnysotan hospitality.
1697 replies and 17 files omitted.
>>145778She moves her head up to look at Iron
"No.. Why would I be scared?" She answers, not wholly convincvingly
Iron sees the pair of teats, small and black in color, there at the bottom of her belly.
>>145779"It could be.. worse than that...But yes." She says, anxiously
>>145780Iron didn't verbally reply to her slightly anxious answer, opting instead to properly lay down just in front of her while his head hovered over her exposed belly.
With a small tilt downwards, he soon started plant a slow and sensual trail of kisses to said nubs of flesh in the sea of white, wondering if this would comfort her in the slightest.
>>145781"A detective here" She answers
She starts to smile, and the belly moves up and down with her twitching and breathing
>>145783Seeing success in his advances so far, Iron decides to gently and careful trickle his kisses away from her nubs and further down towards the savannah's oasis, eyeing her both cautiously and seductively, always eager to please Cauldron but wary enough to take the stab until there was no shadow of a doubt that she wanted to take that final step.
Okay, I have to sleep now>>145784She looks at her with displeasure for a moment
“Talk to one of
>>145785[YouTube] Fluttershy - oh, my
[Embed] >>145713"But it is good thing that they make difference between ponies, because we are all different. We need all different kinds of ponies to make world go around, and I do not know anypony who would discriminate against others with different or 'wrong' cutie marks, except maybe ultra-rich nobles in Canterlot. You can not help your cutie mark, but what you
can help is quality of your character, and that
is something ponies do and should judge others on."
>>145789"No, I mean... well, for example there's separate unions and guilds and associations. Like there's the dockworker's union, one for dentists, and ones for various athletic talents and so forth, and so you group yourself by your profession or hobby and you don't associate so much with others who don't do the same things. You lose touch with others around you, because the cutie mark creates for you an identity that separates you and distinguishes you. But we have so much more in common. We all have the same needs and suffer many of the same problems. We should seek friendship even with those who seem different, or have superficially different interests. It would help a lot, I think."
>>145800"See, that I agree with."
>>145801"Oh... see! You're starting to understand."
And the taxi arrives: 2 Strong 4 You
>>145802"Wait here, it should just be moment."
Silver pays the taxi driver, and enters the potions shop.
If demanded" She answers, slightly irritated
>>145803Silver sees a perhaps under lit shop with relatively little adornment on the walls and a glass counter with potions inside and a zebra behind it.
"What brings you here, my little pony friend?
Know that on my potions you may depend"
>>145807"Do you think they'll demand it?" she asks in a pensive tone.
>There is only one response Silver can make to this >>145808"Only if it's related to the Comte case. For now."
>>145810"If you don't know that's for the best. I don't think it applies to your case." She says, still a bit annoyed
>>145807"Hello again! My friend, he just got out of hospital, and needs potion to help sooth pain and encourage healing."
>>145812"I have what you need here, Silver stallion
The potions here could heal a battalion."
That debacle was given to us not by the 'security administration,' but curtesy of a
different office of the occupation government.
They only send officers during normal business hours, thank Celestia."
>>145817"That's... what they will claim."
>>145819She pauses for a moment
"I assure you there is
plenty they refuse to touch. In fact most of keeping the population safe is done by us. Almost all of it, actually. Everything that actually accomplishes anything."
>>145813Silver smiles at the zebra.
"If it can heal battalion, it should do wonders for one pony."
>>145821"Because they claim it falls in their narrow jurisdiction."
>>145822She shakes her head
"Tis not a shortcut to look fine and prim
Just one potion might be too strong for him"
>>145823"Then what would you recommend? He was hurt pretty badly before going into surgery."
>>145824"Just one dram mixed with water of my brew
Drunk each day will make him as good as new"
>>145825"To fight resistance and foreign spies, supposedly." She answers
>>145826"Huh. Alright. How much for that?"
>>145827"Spies? None, probably, but that doesn't stop them from claiming it."
>>145828"Two hundred bits will show your devotion
by giving your friend a vial of potion"
>>145830"Well, it's exaggerated..." She says, unsure
>>145831"So there are changelings?" she questions, her pupils narrowing and her voice rising higher.
unfortunately I have to work tomorrow, so I will call it here
>>145829"It is no small amount with my rapidly draining purse, but it is worth it."
Silver counts out and placed the required Bits on the table.
>>145837Darn. I wanted to be a bug.
>>145835"When you understand what your friend is worth
To see him healed will fill you with mirth."
>>145832She opens her mouth slightly, blinks, and for a moment she is silenced.
"Look, do you have anything on any pending case?"
>>145837gaspsis a cute pony [Read more] >>145843Silver smiles at the zebra.
"Thank you."
>>145845"And to you, silver pony, I thank you
Come again any time you need a brew"