Iron got his ass beat and has pissed off a whole criminal syndicate, Amber is doing some shady shit at the police station, Silver is making friends, and Spark is enjoying Whinnysotan hospitality.
1697 replies and 17 files omitted.
>>146118With a small kiss on her snout, Iron opts to calmly stare into Sands' eyes, displaying his serene state as of right now. "I honestly expected you to sneak in here to watch it first-hoof," he softly suggested.
>>146119“They want something, snd they are trying to get it.”
>>146120Sabds is tss as ken by surprise at the kiss on the snout, snd quickly moves back. She almost makes a “squeak” sound.
When she recovers, she looks back into his eyes, snd smiles in a strange way. Her eyes almost seem to glow a light yellow-green.
“Who says I didn’t?”
>>146121"Let's ask them to stop," she replies, and starts to walk determinedly down the hall.
Is this my chance? she thinks to herself.
>>146121Iron couldn't help but chuckle softly as he shook his head. "You might have," he answered with complete frankness "but I do like to imagine you are studying ways to influence me and Cauldron's acts for next time."
>>146122Amber walks down the hall, and for a few moments, she is alone. But then she can hear the clopping hoofsteps of the pink mare following behind her. The one-winged pegasus who calls himself "Swift Soul" is trying to exit the room. Trakyr is physically in the way, and is slowly moving aside.
>>146123"Influence you?"
She looks up at him with a sly smile
"Now why would I do that?"
>>146124She approaches the group.
"Hello, what's going on here?" >>146124"You have certainly influenced my rocks below a lot today," Iron joked, lightly shaking his rump against the mattress "so I would not put it past you to...
enhace the experience every once in a while."
>>146125Swift Soul gets out of the room and looks at Amber
"Business" He answers
Stalwart, who is deeper inside, seems to catch a glimpse of Amber, as does Trakyr by the doorway.
>>146126With her so close, he can smell her. The flowery smells applied this morning have been replaced the smell of cigarette smoke, topical anti-biotics, copper coins, and old cloth.
"I can do it better than her. You better believe it" She says, almost forcefully
>>146127Iron simply chuckled at Sands' rather forceful play before nuzzling her, deciding to simply enjoy a moment of silence while he could before Cauldron got back.
>>146128And yet, she seems to have Iron's own smell on her fur as well. She lays her head down on him, over his neck, and lets him nuzzle her. Then for a minute or so, it's silence. Just the two of them alone together.
>>146130"We've been over this" Is all Swift Soul has to say. He moves out, and starts to move to his left (Amber's right) down the hallway that leads to Red Scabbard's office.
Trakyr, however, tries to take up the fight
"She's right. This is a Baltimare PD investigation."
Stalwart and the bat follow behind, starting to come out.
The mare moves up behind, and now besides Amber
>>146129Thus, Iron allowed himself some cuddling with Sands, gently breathing on her fur as he enjoyed her soft, white coat.
>>146132This doesn’t last very long - not long at all - before Iron hears the front door open and then close.
>>146133Hearing this, Iron opted to quietly pat Sands on the back as he withdrew his embrace, allowing Sands to hide somewhere before Cauldron arrived... or not, really. He didn't really specify with how quiet he's being right now, and his small pout could be considered as both worry for being found out or having to break up his embrace just because the zebra mare would be offended at Sands for being on her bed without permission.
>>146134Swift Soul ignores Amber. But Trakyr is much larger than Amber, snd much harder to ignore. He moves from the doorway to attempt to cut off Swift Soul. The latter says “we’re not here for crime,” and the mare starts to move in.
Swift Soul says
“We have jurisdiction over un-uniformed combatants, and we’ve told you how that’s involved.”
Then the mare says
“But does this
specific lead have anything to do with that?”
And so Swift Soul is more impeded. The bat and Stalwart cone outside of the room. In particular, the bat is now rather close to Amber, snd is looking at her. She continues the disturbing trend of being perhaps the only uniformed officer besides Scabbard to whom Amber remains visible, still finding her a person of interest even after an argument breaks out.
>>146135Sands doesn’t move. She doesn’t seem to want to.
[Read more] >>146136Iron couldn't help but wipe off his pout for a small smile, deciding that hugging Sands right at this instant isn't wrong in the slightest, so he quickly wraps Sands back in a happy, much friendlier hug.
>>146091"Huh. Neat! That sounds like excellent idea! May I see construction?"
>>146136Amber glances briefly at the bat but looks back to the argument breaking out. Her hair stands on end as she realizes she put herself in the spotlight by starting it, so she doesn't say anything more for now. She will stay in place though to make sure this goes right.
Maybe this will all be worth it.... >>146138She sighs in relief
"Oh. Good. It's right here."
She moves aside so that Silver can look down. Behind, and to the left of the house, there is a set of concrete bricks in a curved line. Mala has one in his mouth and is laying on on top of another. Khoi is standing on the other side of the line, in a patch of sand, grass, and damp and dug up holes of sand. She has a large stick that she places on the ground, and she seems to be giving orders to Mala.
>>146137She smiles back, surprisingly warmly.
Black Cauldron enters the room quickly, damn near galloping in, and with a jovial expression. "Iron!"
She slows down significantly when she enters the room and sees the two.
>>146139The bat looks to her, but then sees that she is comparatively free, and tries to move out on her own.
"It's established" Swift Soul says, and tries to move forward, though closely tailed
[Read more] >>146140"Hello Khoi, Mala! Anything I can do to help?"
>>146140Iron's ears perked up, still hugging Sands with a happy smile before turning his head towards her. "Hey Cauldron," he cheerfully replied, beaming at her "you seem excited."
>>146140"How can you say it's established, when an agreement of autonomy was 'established' but is disregarded anyway?" She turns to the bat before she can leave and speaks hurriedly so as not to choke.
"What's your say in the matter?" >>146141Khoi looks up, smiling
"Oh. Silver. You're back already. You know how you wanted to spruce up the yard and put in a garden? Well I was going to make and plant a raised-earth garden here, kind of like the ones back home. It was supposed to be a surprise." She looks back to the set of concrete bricks. "And a bit more done."
>>146142"Yes." She says, though not as excited. She slowly walks in, looking at White Sands.
>>146143If it was Amber's wish to keep the bat from running away from the scene, then that finger on the monkey's paw has surely curled.
The bat addresses Amber
"Filly, do you understand any of what is going on?"
[Read more] >>146144"I think surprise is fair tradeoff for extra pair of hooves. Come on, tell me what you need done and I will do it!"
>>146144Iron then released Sands from her hug for him to turn towards Cauldron, now with his own bout of eagerness to hear what's the news. "Well?" he suggested, opting to nudge her with one of his appendages. "You have some good news, right?"
>>146146She takes a moment
"Well... I brought alcohol." She says
>>146145"Well, if you look at the soil, you'll see that there is some clay and silt, but really it's all wrong for most things to grow. There's not enough organic matter, too many rocks. Grass will grow, but that is nearly it. So we must make a raised garden. We made many of those on a large scale in Ngua Nam. Further west, in Lllambet and the Empire, they would make terraces on rocky hillsides to plant orchards, rice and potatoes. In the lowlands of the coastal regions we didn't have as many terraced hills, but we had marshes, floodplains, and inundated fields that we too wet for anything other than rice. So we'd build walls, and build up soil in raised gardens and fields. We can't do quite that here, but we can make perhaps layers of raised beds and place soil in them. We can have vegetables, flowers, and maybe even trees if they can tolerate the deeper soil."
>>146148"It sounds wonderful. As I said, however I can help, please, direct me."
>>146148Iron tilted his head slightly, more puzzled than confused if he were being honest. Despite this, he smiled slightly since he trusted Cauldron's own eagerness to be complementary to his. "What kind, exactly?" he asked, quite curious as to what she brought.
>>146147"Agreement? "
Soveriegnty? Why do believe such things? It is our domain to deal with those who seek to undermine the State. And we have found the edges of a conspiracy to do exactly that."
>>146150"Nothing.... especially fancy. A cheap whiskey."
>>146149"Well, right now I am trying to make a wall on the south side. You can see the plot is slightly lower by the sea than where it begins, so this side will be higher than in the back. I, uh, got concrete bricks for this."
Mala is stacking bricks
[Read more] >>146151"Whiskey?" Iron uttered, once again showing his primitive knowledge on all things concrete jungle related with a small tilt of his head.
He soon tried sliding out of the bed proper to step over towards Cauldron with an enthusiastic smile. "Let us give it a shot, then," he happily declared, wondering where the zebra mare was going with this.
>>146151Silver salutes the kirin mare with a "Yes ma'am!" before moving to help Mala.
>>146151Amber looks a bit insulted.
"How can you treat your word so flippantly? If you agreed to abide by terms of sovereignty you've got to stick by it. 'Conspiracy' or not. By breaking your word you're undermining yourself." >>146153"You don't understand.
They are not keeping their word. The SDP's leadership are using their old contacts in the Unions to help Anarchist and especially Communist resistance fighters in the city and surrounding regions contract with organized crime to import and find old military stashes of arms to use in guerrilla fighting against the East Equestrian and New Mareland governments. That is what we are here to investigate."
>>146153Mala is pretty straightforward in placing the bricks one on top of the other, though he is clearly having difficulty grasping them with his mouth.
>>146152"Uh, yes. Come... into the kitchen."
>>146155Iron was happy to oblige, sliding up next to her with an added, somewhat subtle coat rubbing just to give Cauldron a little twinge of excitement she previously had back when she came storming in. "Lead the way!" he cheerfully declared, eager to see the path she was taking him towards.
>>146155Silver helps with the grabbing and placing of bricks with his magic.
"You cannot grab onto bricks with forelimbs?"
>>146158"Because the person being investigated is one who approved their boss, and who approved their agency's funding. Even if there wasn't the possibility that this pony was providing material aid to non-uniformed combatants, they still couldn't be trusted to investigate him correctly because this guy used to pay their paychecks, their boss owes him, and other ponies who may be involved might also be in the city leadership. But there
is the possibility that a member of SDP leadership was conspiring with foreign governments and organized crime to import weapons for guerrilla fighters. And if that's the case, you can't trust the whole rotten department."
>>146157Mala looks up and answers
"Well... sort of, yes, but it's a bit harder to set them"
>>146156She seems a bit zapped of energy at the moment. Nevertheless, she moves back to the kitchen, takes two glasses out from a cabinet, and pours brown liquid into them.
[Read more] >>146159"Well, together, we should be able to easily finish this, friend!"
Silver continues to help him.
>>146159Iron made sure to keep himself as close to Cauldron as possible, now mostly to cheer her up a little rather than recapture her previous bout of enthusiasm, coupled with a small nuzzled as she finished serving one of the glasses before glancing down at the liquid in question. "Seems a little familiar," he mused softly, leaning in front of the glass to take a look at it.
>>146161"They could sympathize with the rebels. They could be taking bribes from organized crime - I am sure many of them are. Or... Look, we are not here for the pony being investigated. We are here for the other ponies he committed these crimes with. Both the weird sex crimes and especially any arms trafficking he may have participated in, because he didn't do either of those things alone. We are here for ponies unknown - his co-conspirators. Ponies we don't have names and faces of. Given who he was, he was around all of the high society in Baltimare. Political leaders, captains of industry, heads of unions, bosses of organized crime. Many of them have money and connections. They have ways of corrupting investigations, and they have every motive to."
>>146162Darker brown, but fully translucent. The smell is distinct.
>>146163Iron now hovered his head above the glass before slipping down his tongue inside the drink and pulling back up once like a common animal drinking from a lake just to see the flavor he's dealing with.
>>146160The wall is only two bricks high, arcing over a distance of probably not more than 15 feet. At least the first line is completed soon enough
>>146164Strong, with a hint of corn and burnt oak. When swallowed, there is something like a burning sensation.
>>146165Iron hummed softly, smacking his lips softly at the flavor. "Quite strong," he uttered, full of curiosity.
Without warning, he picks the glass with his mouth and quickly downs the entire beverage just to see how it hits.
>>146163"You're making too many assumptions. I don't know if this is how citified ponies act but it's not right to claim the department is corrupt. Do any of the creatures here look like high society types to you? They probably value something more than money."Still, something nags her at the back of her mind as she's reminded of why she's there in the first place.
>>146165Silver continues to help the construction.
>>146167"And what is it exactly that they value more than money? Could it be their communist sympathies that makes them want support an armed revolution? Or maybe it's friendship. Specifically, their friendship with a pony who is a pedophile, and who they are afraid will be found out and locked up if this investigation succeeds. This investigation shouldn't be handled by locals. It should be handled by those who have no motive to corrupt it."
Speaking of why-Amber-is-there, Amber can hear - or rather, would have heard earlier, the sound of hooves clopping behind her.
>>146166Can a drink bite or sting? Because it just stung him.
>>146168Now, it's onto the sides. Of course there is a question of what they want the final shape to look like, but... well, you can change it later if you don't like it. So a simple rectangle.
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