Iron got his ass beat and has pissed off a whole criminal syndicate, Amber is doing some shady shit at the police station, Silver is making friends, and Spark is enjoying Whinnysotan hospitality.
1697 replies and 16 files omitted.
>>145849This question, likewise, gives her pause
"Well, there are socio-economic factors involved, like poverty, unemployment, and inequality."
>>145850"What's a socio-economic? I come from a place where everypony is poor and nopony steals from each other. You don't have to have money to be a good pony." As she says this, a voice in her head speaks back,
But you told lies to get some money. >>145851"It's.... Well, maybe its the society that instills greed and factionalism. Causes creatures to fight when really there is no need."
>>145853Something in her expression conveys that she doesn't share quite the same perspective as Amber.
"......... Just.... Can you be surprised with the kind of welcome they've received? More unemployment and strife just as bad as what they've left."
>>145855“Well yes, it been torn up by war and the betrayal of its former domin-“
Her line of words are stopped once she gets to Amber’s last words.
“For the record, Trakyr over here is an excellent detective snd has helped solve many crimes. You know what? You don’t have any reason to be over here. Get out! Go to the officers from the SSA over there if you must. I think you’ll get along with them better.”
>>145857“GO. NOW. EVIDENCE ROOM OR OUT, just not here.”
>>145859"This isn't a town hall meeting. We do important work here for keeping creatures safe. Go have an opinion somewhere else."
>>145863"Ugh! The
agency solves crimes.
I am a secretary, and I act as a receptionist for those arriving, and I handle phone calls into the office."
I am a secretary, and I help in my own way. But yes, technically, other
creatures solve the crimes.”
Yes. Don’t ask strangers so many invasive questions.”
>>145848"That I will. Goodbye!"
He leaves the potions store, and returns to the taxi.
"I got the potion!"
>>145684“How many patients have they had make it with this stage?”
>>145869At this point, she stands up, and physically moves closer to Amber, as if to push her out of the room
"Yes. Now go."
>>145880"Ah! Nice." Clipping says
"Hope it helps. This hurts like a nip from a Bunyip when I move my body in the wrong way."
>>145885"Well, it's, it's, well when the patients are like this, it's a matter of how many months. Maybe years?"
[Read more] >>145886“I see. And there is no other way?”
>>145887"Well... you can try to remove or kill the cancer, but it's made its way into harder to reach places. And once that happens, it's difficult to stop."
>>145888“And there is no known way of stopping the growth?”
>>145889"Well, that's not really true. Various magical and chemical processes can kill it. The biggest problem is that it's alongside other body parts that could also be killed."
>>145890“And there is no way to heal those while simultaneously killing the target?”
>>145891“Well, that’s what the treatment process is, destroying the growth as best we can while destroying the body as little as we can.”
>>145892“I suppose. It is just frustrating that there isn’t more that can be done.”
>>145893“Well... I don’t know. Perhaps experiments in magical treatment, perhaps some especially talented pony like Mage Meadowbrook... but it’s all speculative. Most of the treatment options focus on fighting the biggest growths and slowing the spread of others.”
>>145785Her mouth is closed, and breathing less common but heavier, as she moves her head down to see what Iron will do.
>>145896Seeing no clear objections so far, Iron soon stuck his tongue to slowly drag it onto the oasis' center to test the humidity down below, always looking up at her from his prone position in the offchance she experienced any sort of clear discomfort.
>>145897Down the belly, between the two teats, down lower and further back, Iron comes to her vulva. The thin, black lips possess some wrinkles, but are mostly straight and closed together in a line down to her large, black anus and dock, and long white tail with black hair. She pulls her legs up, and moves them further apart, giving Iron more room.
>>145894Spark nods and looks back over to Waabishki.
>>145898Iron carefully glanced to the two spreading legs, finally starting to understand that Cauldron truly wanted him right down there, in-between her legs, staring at the seemingly dry oasis in front of him.
Realizing this, he curled his lips into a tempered smile, starting to get back in the swing of things as he approached his snout to the oasis before landing a soft, wet kiss to test the waters further.
>>145899She is very much upset, and nervous, anxiously waiting for the Doctor to return to the conversation
>>145900There's a small flinch at this movement, as her legs, and indeed her whole body move forward. But she moves back into place. There is a smell, and a taste, of sweat and cloth, but also the slight distinct taste of sex. She doesn't seem particularly moist nor excited, but the legs are open before him.
>>145901He lets the doctor continue with her.
>>145902Iron took his time to sniff the smell to properly appreciate it as he turned his head up the tiniest bit to look at Cauldron properly while still nested between her legs. "You smell nice," he serenely uttered.
Soon after that, he soon went back down to gently lick the oasis to help moisten the land in front of it and liven up the desert of black and white.
>>145904Iron can see her black muzzle looking down and back at him. She has a small, nervous smile.
The lips move slightly into a wetter realm of flesh between. She makes a small "ah" at the first movement of his tongue.
>>145905Emboldened by the small, positive feedback he was receiving, Iron began to gently wrap his forelegs under Cauldron's flank while he increased his licking efforts just to hear her 'ah' again, only with a bit more passion to it.
>>145906Iron recieves an "Oh" as his forelegs move under and press up Black Cauldron's not-so-small hindquarters. Iron has a better angle now, and can get lower. His tongue moves into her to reveal the red-pink flesh under black skin and white fur, and a darker tunnel continuing further inside her visible at moments. The amount of liquid increases slightly as the licking continues.
Black Cauldron breathes noticeably faster, though just as heavily
>>145907Her smell and her rapidly increasing heavy breaths were starting to awaken the primal pony inside his concrete jungle shell he's been forced to grow after so much conflict against it without much reward to speak.
Irom soon started to actively press himself against Cauldron's slightly lifted hindquarters, trying to lift it up further for him to sit in front of and quench the thirst with her oasis like a true native.
>>145908At some point in the activity, Black Cauldron lays her head back on a pillow, looking up at the ceiling, and holds her breath - or tries to. Perhaps Iron doesn't notice this. Cauldron's internal walls push further apart, and the small pink pearl of her clitoris moves into the fore. The muscles on her walls start to move. Inwards, then outwards in rhythmic patterns, providing an occasional glance deeper into her body.
>>145909Iron certainly took note as he consciously made Cauldron's rump rise to his desired position, looking over it with rapt attention and desire, to the point of even licking his lips for the slakening to come.
The moment both parties accustomed themselves to the new position, Iron soon planted his muzzle into the plentiful oasis, hoping to slightly push past the surface in order to drink the contents at the deeper levels he desired to.
>>145886"She said to drink one dram mixed with water each day until it is gone."
Silver gives the driver directions for home.
>>145910[YouTube] Fluttershy - oh, my
[Embed]Iron finds presses his muzzle into Black Cauldron until he is pushed back by her pelvic bone and body. This is no impediment to his tongue, which finds its way inside her, and presses her open. More liquid gently trickles out, with occasional movement of her walls, inwards and then back to a relaxed position
Cauldron utters another relatively "Ah... ah..."
>>145911And on home
"Ah great, that'll do. This is looking pretty good, I'll say."
>>145903The Doctor continues to try to talk to her, and Makade to calm her down.
Ply and Petal come up to Spark
"Uh, Shimmering Spark... Where would you like to sleep tonight?"