Iron got his ass beat and has pissed off a whole criminal syndicate, Amber is doing some shady shit at the police station, Silver is making friends, and Spark is enjoying Whinnysotan hospitality.
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>>145621“Oh, no, I understand.” She answers him
>>145622Iron pouted slightly, feeling himself a tiny bit worried for Cauldron as he once again took a step closer. "Are you sure you will be alright?" he asked. "I do not mean to hurt you any more than I have already."
>>145623She looks at him, wordlessly. When Iron is finished speaking, she doesn’t answer, but instead stands there In of him, as if waiting.
>>145624Unsure what to do, but wanting to comfort the zebra mare in the slightest bit, he tentatively held his hoof out for her, aiming to land it on her cheek.
>>145625She accepts this, the hoof landing on her cheek, and her blue eyes looking into his. She still doesn’t seem to want to say anything.
>>145626"Hey," Iron let out once again, now taking his time caressing her cheek.
However, he was at a loss on what to say next, simply hoping his touch could do what his words can't.
>>145627She smiles at Iron
“It’s alright.” She says.
>>145628Iron just couldn't help himself, soon enveloping the zebra once again into his forelegs, this time far more tender and oddly remorseful than the last one.
>>145617“You can leave a message, or give her a way to find you.” He says to Silver.
“Or you could come back later.”
>>145629Iron can feel her short, course coat and the muscle and bone beneath, before she wraps her own forelegs around him, and placed her head on his shoulder against his head, burying her muzzle into the fur on his neck.
>>145635His own bandaged, cut up body feel just as coarse and toned, albeit lessened slightly by the bath taken at the hotel.
Iron soon pressed his own muzzle against her neck, gripping Cauldron just a little bit tighter both at the fact he was so close to her plus his emotional rollercoaster inside him urging him to not let go, lest he may lose her.
He felt so tempted to just whisper the three words in such a critical moment. Maybe try to connect his lips to hers in this instant in the offchance he may never feel them after this.
Anything to tell her just how much she meant to him, but with his still wounded ego he couldn't really bring himself to do it.
All he could do now is to hug her, hoping she felt how much he cherished her company.
>>145637She presses her muzzle firmly against his neck, holds him tight, and doesn’t let go.
>>145635"Hmm. Disappointing, but okay. I will try again later."
Silver bids the bartender goodbye, and returns to the cab.
>>145639Reality often isSilver enters the cab
Paper clipping asks,
“Did you get the healing potions?”
>>145638Thus, Iron didn't let go either until her heart was satisfied with his own's love.
>>145641She leans forward, letting more of her weight fall on him. He can feel the breathes on the back of his neck. She hasn’t let go yet.
>>145642Iron soon leaned against her as well, supporting the extra weight with his own while he finally decides to slowly pass one of his forelegs up and down her crest.
This small giggle is the first sound Iron hears out of Black Cauldron, as she moves to sit down in front of Iron. The two no longer arch upwards, but instead she places her legs on him with no issue of balance.
>>145644Feeling the vibrations, Iron soon followed suit while closing the distance further, to the point that their hindlegs' hooves were merely an inch away from touching.
This allowed his foreleg to cover a bit more ground, extending his reach up to just after her withers, soon letting out his own weak chuckle of his own.
>>145645She moves in closer, pressing her chest against his, and moving her head and neck further past his. Her breathing is slightly heavier now, though only enough so that he can hear her.
>>145646Iron's ears swiveled at the increased breathing behind his head, soon adding his other foreleg into the stroking just in case.
Am... am I making her cry? he whispered in his head.
>>145647He doesn’t really get his answer. Not yet, anyways. The breathing slows down, and she moves less. Her mane is relatively short for a mare, and seems fairly well brushed snd manicured. The stroking, which captures both mane and coat, messes up the former slightly. She doesn’t seem to mind.
>>145648This obviously leaves the native a bit confused as to what just happened when their chests collided...
Wait, Iron muttered, starting to form a flimsy hypothesis,
could this be it?Just as he says that, he soon lightly rubs his own chest against hers as his forelegs decided to drape themselves along Cauldron's back.
>>145649Iron doesn’t feel much when the chests touch. Indeed they barely touch at all, with Iron feeling the edge of the fur. But the feeling intensified when Iron presses into her, with the hide moving over the body beneath. She seems to pause, and take notice of this movement, shifting her forelegs.
>>145650Uh oh, Iron uttered, now starting to feel a bit awkward,
I mess this up?He didn't quite remove himself from her chest, yet he immediately stopped his rubbing completely, wondering what would happen next.
>>145651She loosens her legs, pulls her head back, and sits almost upright. This places her head and muzzle directly in front of Iron, and she stares at him with her now glistening blue eyes.
>>145652Iron's eyes widened a little when Cauldron's muzzle was directly pointed at his, blushing lightly at such an intimate encounter as he stared back with his own slightly jaded, tired and dirty brown eyes.
This... he whispered lovingly, lost in the sea of blue, with a glint of her father sailing in his prime,
Is this happening? >>145653She blinks, snd moves her right foreleg up, onto Iron’s cheek, caressing it.
>>145654Iron soon reciprocated her own cheek caressing with his own, while the other softly wrapped around her crest as a loving smile crept up his lips.
Is this it? he gasped out in amazement, feeling himself so close to the point where his pride was overridden by his pure adoration of Black.
Is she... >>145640"She was not in today, unfortunately. But at least I helped you with one thing, today."
>>145497>>145498Waabishki continues to be concerned, and Maakade pets her. The Doctor starts to explain to her what the procedure is and what it does, and what things look like going forward. Petal and Pry Press move around, cleaning up from dinner, and bringing pillows downstairs.
>>145655There's another something like a giggle, and Black Cauldron smiles at the press against her cheek. Their noses do not touch, but they hover close together.
>>145656"Aww, well that's too bad. Still kind of hurts. But it's great to have a contact here already. You know, I didn't plan on coming here, but I feel that's alright."
>>145657"Where did you plan on going to?"
>>145657Spark goes over to Waabishki.
>>145657Iron decided that this is the moment: He took the first step into this tightrope of a situation, closing his snout a bit further at a snail's pace towards hers in daring attempt to have their snouts finally touch eachother,.
>>145658"Petershoof. The original ship would have gone straight there, this one was supposed to have a stop in Baltimare."
>>145659Her eyes are focused on the Doctor who continues speaking to her, while Makade has a leg over her, gently petting. She doesn't seem to even notice Spark.
boopTheir noses are touching. It feels almost odd. She moves back ever so slightly but it doesn't break the contact. She is smiling, or seems to be. Hard to tell from this angle.
>>145661Spark listens into the doctor's conversation.
>>145662"-once they've removed what they can, they apply concentrated magic to the infected areas to attempt to kill the malignant cells. This will need to be repeated roughly once every two weeks-"
>>145661Iron couldn't help but smile sheepishly as well, enjoying such intimate contact mixed in with the slight feeling he kinda messed it up.
>>145663Spark doesn't want to interrupt, so he continues to listen.
>>145665Iron stifled a chuckle of his own, scrunching up slightly as he does it before he barely opened his mouth. "Does.. this feel nice?" he tentatively asked Cauldron.
>>145661"My old home city, hmm? I have heard it has been somewhat preserved through Soviets' control of city."
>>145668"Preserved? Brought into the future is my understanding. New factories, meeting halls, apartments... But I can't say I've seen it. Not now, not then."
>>145666"But what does this do?" Waabishki demands
"Well, it prolongs his forecast."
But what does it do for him?"
>>145667"Why don't you tell me?" She asks
[Read more] >>145669"I think you like it," Iron whispered softly, gently rubbing his snout with hers just to send the message home.
>>145670She moves back slightly,
“Heheh. And what if I do?” She asks
>>145671"It gives me ideas," Iron replied, his eyelids dropping the slightest bit in an attempt to set the mood "like dancing styles."
>>145672“Oh really?” She asks with feigned skepticism
>>145673"Yes," Iron replied as his lips soon started to properly near hers, but not taking the plunge just yet "like a dance of hearts."
His eyelids have lidded at an appropriate height, soon staring into her blue pools of crystalline water. "You know it?"
>>145674“I think it’s better you show me.” She answers
>>145675Iron's blush intensified at her agreement as his eyes sparkled with excitement. "I shall," he soon whispered lovingly.
After such confident words, he
finally turned his head to properly connect with Cauldron's lips and moved the last inch to finally connect herself with him through their mouths while closing his eyes.
>>145669"Its history. St. Petershoof is important city to us. It was founded by Tsar Peter I as little more than military fort and expanded during his reign as Severyana's first Emperor, envisioned as city to rival Canterlot itself in its glory. He brought over best and brightest engineers and architects from all over world to make it modern and stylish for time, and he staffed his best artists and scientists in city so it could become center of Severyanan intelligencia. When I left there was great statue of Peter in market square, and as far as I know it still stands today."