Iron got his ass beat and has pissed off a whole criminal syndicate, Amber is doing some shady shit at the police station, Silver is making friends, and Spark is enjoying Whinnysotan hospitality.
1697 replies and 17 files omitted.
>>146667Well fuck me man, what good is bein' off the plantation if you don'r got no pork rinds, colt 45 and joints. Did slavery even end?
"Yeah I feel you" the ho says
"There a liquor store on down da street, bout two blocks. Can't miss it with all dem burglar bars all of it."
>>146668"Uh... the bouillabaisse is good... I think" She says
>>146670Silver nods.
"That sounds like plan."
If he can, Silver calls the waiter over.
>>146671He is called over. Jubilosa, in a voice that sounds like more filled with self-doubt than anything Sliver has experienced in his many years of life, orders the bouillabaisse
>>146672Silver it appears has changed his mind about his order, and orders the Coq au vin.
>>146673"Bouillabaisse, and Coq au vin" He says. He pours wine, and refills any water
>>146669>Well fuck me man, what good is bein' off the plantation if you don'r got no pork rinds, colt 45 and joints. Did slavery even end?I feel yo man. All I wanna do is go back to master. Now I gotta work and take responsibility for my actions and sheeit.
"Aight, hoe! Catch me later if yo wanna dump dat loser of youse coltfriend and hang with the realest zigga." Smooth ass criminal zigga swaggers off in the directions of those stores.
On the way, he looks at all those fine ass honeys he be passin' by and stare down bitchass stallions and colts to teach dem who's the boss zigga. Unless they be some Colt Eastwood mutharfuckers. Real ziggas gotta know when to run, genome wat I'm sayin'? Yea!
>>146675Zigga ain't no one gonna force you to take responsibility for shit. Ain't no court order gonna make you pay no "child support."
The ho watches this fine young zebra walk his way down the street, wishin' she had some of that. And all them other young pony mares, they lookin at him too.
But den... A police cart rolls down the street. Act real cool, lest they murder another zebra for walking while stripped
>>146676>Zigga ain't no one gonna force you to take responsibility for shit. Ain't no court order gonna make you pay no "child support."Word, zigga. And, if things get wheal nasty you can always blame some other brotha. Dem ponice be raycist as fuck, yo! Can tell the difference between a boss zigga and some bitch ass nigga.
Damn! I meant zigga ;^)Ahhh, sheeit. Dem police be here off all places? Screwin' with mah groovin'. Raycist profiling muthafuckers! Ah, gotta act cool an' sheeit. I don't want 'em checking mah ass or they might find mah stash of pony crack, the jive ass muthafucker Gibs Money A.K.A. Big Z thinks to himself.
He ain't tremblin' with fear or nuffin as he reaches for his sick ass shades. Can't act cool without his shades, stallion!
"Wat?" His shades be gone. They ain't around his neck no more. Must have fallen off during the train ride.
Zigga gets shit scared and dump a huge turd on dat sidewalk. It splatters all over. Dat's nasty.
Then he be running away from the ponice and pass a dumpster as he starts doin' what ziggas do da best: Running.
I just realized that he no longer has his pony crack. HAHAHA. [Read more] I have to sleep now>>146677Window on that mobile oppression cart rolls down to reveal: some bitch ass Uncle Zecora zigger who rightly got his ass beat all inhigh school so he trade n his stripes for the blue to make his scrawny ass feel bigger.
"Ay! Yo! Y'all can't be shittin on them sidewalks! Who the hell you think gon' clean that up. You clean your shit over here."
Uncle Zecora over there is fast but he cain't roll his little cart everywhere
>>146678Sleep well. Thanks for the session.
>>146674"Thank you very much, sir!"
Silver tips the waiter a $20 Bit note.
>>146652Cauldron giggles:
White Sands remarks
"If I'd have known it was so easy to fascinate him, I'd off just bough cubes back at the hotel."
She pours a glass of whiskey that is noticeably fuller than anything Iron or Black Cauldron have poured
>>146625It's dark outside, with snow covering the ground and most of the roadway save a few tracks. Snow fall is visible in the dim light of the street lamps that provide the sole source of illumination, save for a brief moment where a cloud clears and bright moonlight shines down on the white street. A singular car drives along the road at low speed, not slowing down at any particular point.
>>146680He smiles, nods, and adds
"Can I get you anything else?"
[Read more] >>146681"
Tho I bite on i
th?" Iron muttered out, still stuck in his current position with a questioning look up at Cauldron.
>>146682“Sure” she says
“Don’t bite your tongue.”
White Sands says, walking past the two again, carrying a glass and the bottle.
>>146683Hearing Black's approval while also keeping in mind White's reminder, Iron slowly leaned forward to engulf the cube whole to the point of lightly brushing his lips against Cauldron's frog.
He then proceeded to softly chew the sugar block in question, wondering just how it'd taste.
>>146684Her hoof isn’t the best tasting portion of her, but Iron gets a mouthful of the cube.
It tastes....
sweet >>146681Spark continues to secure the entrances.
>>146686Spark and Makade are able to close blinds and shutters, though this is about the extent of what is possible.
>>146685Iron blinks softly, letting the wave of sweet wash over his senses as well as feel a faint feeling this has happened before...
He couldn't help but evoke a small, satisfied hum as he quickly took another bite of the cube in question, this time with far more energy into it thanks to the surge in sugar.
>>146688Black Cauldron takes her hoof, and pats Iron’s head
>>146689Cauldron could feel Iron getting a bit jittery from the increase in sugar as he proceeded to finish the cube proper. His ears swiveled a couple more times than necessary at the headpats while his eyes quickly darted upwards and his lips curled into an energetic smile.
>>146687“Well, a fine night this has turned out to be. We still need a lookout. I don’t suppose your parents have binoculars around?”
>>146691“I don’t know. I haven’t been to the city apartment before” Spark answers
>>146690She rubs around his ears as she pats his head. This seems to entertain her
The ear swiveling increased even further at the targeted rubbing as his head leaned into the petting by this point. Despite this, he soon approached Cauldron further to sink his snout into her chest just to feel her sandy, white coat while she amuses herself.
>>146693She is pushed back, but he gives a “heh” and pats his head again, a bit more directly.
>>146694Iron hummed softly in satisfaction, simply enjoying the moment for the time being... which wasn't for too long, considering a rather important question came to mind immediately after. "So I sleep on your bed tonight?" he suddenly asked the zebra mare, still buried in her chest.
>>146695“Well...” she turns her head up
“I suppose... if you have nowhere else to go... I could maybe allow it.”
>>146692“Well, we better have a look around for supplies that can help us. Binoculars would be most helpful, but we need to take inventory of what is at our disposal.”
>>146696"Here I thought you liked to cuddle me," Iron jokingly replied as he nuzzled Cauldron's chest.
>>146697“What exactly are you intending here? If they want the mare, just give them the mare. This is not a place to make a stand.”
>>146698She opens her mouth snd lowers her eyebrows.
“Iron... You really think I’d cuddle one of my associates?”
>>146699"In a cold night?" Iron replied with a coy smirk. "Partners are there to warm eachother up."
>>146700“Oh.... I can turn the heater up. If need be.” She says, smiling
>>146701Iron's confident stare soon dissolved into a lost look, blinking softly at the offer with a blank expression. "A heater?" he uttered.
>>146702From the other part of the room:
“You’re kidding me.”
Black Cauldron:
“Mhmmm. I don’t need a stallion to stay warm.”
>>146699“Would the same logic apply if they demanded only one of any of the rest of us?”
>>146704“No. The group stays together.”
>>146703"Huh," Iron muttered in a mix of mild disappointment at the rejection and wonder at this heater thing.
He soon straightened himself and out of Cauldron's chest with a blank, puzzled look. "Then where would you sleep?" he procceded to inquire as he himself was starting to wonder if he was going to go back at the hotel room.
>>146706“On my bed, of course.”
And from across the room
“You can sleep with me, Iron. Your warmth is welcome with me.”
White Sands is looking back with half lidded eyes. If Iron cares to look, that is.
>>146705“She is part of the group. At least for now. We may send here off, but not until she is safe.”
>>146708“I will say again: if it can’t be solved by diplomacy, bribe, or a thirty aught six, it’s not a conflict we need to involve ourselves in.”
>>146707Iron did indeed turn back to see White looking seductively at him, yet his eyes translated his mind was as lost as a man in a carnival's corn maze while he considered his options.
So Cauldron is willing to let me sleep on her bed, he correctly surmised,
while also being on it.Slowly but surely, a spark of excitement started to prop up from under him, almost as if he discovered the secret best ending for the situation at present.
That would mean Sands is also able to sleep on Cauldron's bed! he concluded in delight, eyes sparkling at the thought of sleeping next to both White and Black at the same time.
With that in mind, Iron's bright, excited smile met her vision. "So this is more of a sleepover?" he proceeded to ask.
>>146709“Ok, let me put it another way. If we hoof her over, what do you suppose they will in turn do with us? Do you suppose they will thank us, or will they be more inclined to view us as housing a fugitive?”
>>146711“I don’t know. But if turning my parents’ townhouse into a fortress is the best option, something needs to be rethought.”
Makade picks up his rifle, and says
“This scope is magnified four times. That’s as good as any binoculars. I’ll take sentry.”
>>146710“Uh...” Black Cauldron pauses. “I... suppose.”
White Sands:
“I’m still not in any condition to go out. And it’s going to rain.”
[Read more] >>146712Iron's eyes widened slightly before quickly wrapping Cauldron's legs in a big hug. "You are the best!" he cheered excitedly for some reason before flashing a devious, foalish smile as he glanced back at Sands. "I am calling dibs on the middle!"
>>146713Each mare, respectively, scrunches.
Black Cauldron is hugged >>146712“It’s a temporary and necessary measure. Would you prefer to not have any fortifications?”
>>146714"Oh!" Iron exclaimed in even more of a foalish realization before breaking the hug. "I just realized all three of us were having a sleepover already, now that I think about it."
He glances between the two scrunching mares with a curious, youthful look as he considered his options. "So," he prefaced "what sort of sleepover activities does a concrete jungle dweller partake in?"
>>146715“If it comes to battle, it is best to keep them at a distance while obscuring your position as well as possible. The doubles love to fight, but they fear what can hurt them snd they can’t see. They are not well trained. Take shots of opportunity, make them seek cover, and then leave. But fighting should be an absolute last resort. And either way, we need a way to retreat.”
>>146716Without hesitation, White Sands answers
Black Cauldron, however needs more time