Iron got his ass beat and has pissed off a whole criminal syndicate, Amber is doing some shady shit at the police station, Silver is making friends, and Spark is enjoying Whinnysotan hospitality.
1697 replies and 17 files omitted.
>>145105Iron huffed softly. "Easy to say," the stallion grumbled with a bit of frustration at the seemingly important yet practically impossible task "but hard to do."
>>145107"Well, best you get on it."
From within her mane, she pulls out a lighter, and a cigarette. She lights it with a 'ching.'
>>145108Iron simply opts to look to the roof in contemplation, unsure of where to even start finding those supposed 'friends' for this sort of gig.
Maybe try the fighting arena? he figured in his head, a bit unsure.
Perhaps some of them would like to beat griffons for reasons. >>145108"You know, it is hard to figure out what you want when you do not say anything."
>>145109She takes the cigarette, takes a puff, and looks out the window.
“I’d go out tonight, if I hadn’t been stabbed.” She says
>>145110“I’ll... well, I don’t know you very well...”
>>145111Iron takes a quick check on his body to see just how visibly stabbed he was, now that Sands reminded him of it.
>>145112Iron has been stabbed something like four times (admittedly not especially severe stab wounds, but wounds nevertheless) plus a number of bruises from being punched, and many tears in the flesh from birdshot pellets.
>>145111"You can always say no, it will not bother me."
>>145113That answers that, Iron mused with a sigh, feeling himself unable to properly 'make friends' with his current look.
What pony could possibly want to establish a relationship with a physically scarred stallion in the middle of the night? It is more likely another band of bandits would try to remove whatever few possessions he had in person rather than finding a miraculous would-be friend willing to take down a gang he's probably not even familiar with.
>>145115On the one hoof, Iron has found fighting buddies before. on the other hoof, Iron has also been mugged before. Tavern doesn't always hurt, but it's dangerous to go outside.
White Sands has returned to her bored and displeased expression, again looking outside.
not right now"
>>145116Guess I will have to wait, Iron muttered, displeased himself at this rather unfortunate outcome.
However, he soon realized something that may cause a bit of friction if he doesn't address it now, as he turned to Sands once again. "Are you sending the smoke outside?" he tentatively asked.
>>145116Silver nods.
"Alright then, not right now."
He offers him a hoof to get up off of the bed.
>>145117“Huh?” She has to turn her attention to Iron
“Oh. No.”
>>145118He looks at Silver for a moment, then pulls a foreleg out from between his legs, and extends it to Iron
>>145119“I can understand that. It’s alright.” Trakr says
“That’s the wrong hallway.”
The mare says
“Yeah, how’s you end up that way? It’s this way.”
Stalwart says.
[1d20 = 9] [Read more] >>145120"You should probably ask Cauldron about putting the smoke in here," Iron suggested. "I do not want to breed hostility between the closests thing I can consider as friends right now."
Okay, I have to work tomorrow...
>>145120Silver levitates Clip's drinking glass out and places it on the end table with the other before pulling him up into a standing position.
"Guess we have something to look forward to someday, maybe."
This twink stallion is almost unreasonably cute.
I will try to make it tomorrow.
I will not be available for a while, not until Tuesday.
Not much breeding going on for sure" She seems to grumble to herself.
She complies with Iron's request, raising her left hoof, and smashing the end of the cigarette against her nail. She returns to the look of bored irritation.
>>145156Oh god, that caught me guard. Delightful giggle.Iron's eyes widened considerably at Sands' remark in awe at what she just grumbled as he glanced over to where Cauldron might be.
H-how oddly specific, Iron mused in his head, the tiniest bit uncomfortable as he tried to figure out how to interpret such a statement.
>>145158Black Cauldron has left the room. There is a smell of cigarette smoke. White Sands looks bored.
>>145126"Uh... Sure...." He has a wide, awkward smile
>>145159Feeling he should do something to stave the unicorn's boredom, Iron decides to start some pressing conversation up. "So," he started with a neutral, professional tone "are you planning on taking off on your own after your wounds heal?"
>>145160She turns her head up, examining Iron with skepticism
"Why do you say it like that?"
>>145161"Because this is a low point where one's loyalty is tested," Iron replied neutrally. "I do not wish for you to go, of course, but you have plenty of incentive after what just happened."
>>145162"Go?" She says
"Getting up and moving around is the last thing I want to do. I feel sore." She leans back, and tilts her head back, mouth open and eyes closed. "But it looks like your zebra friend is offering a place to stay."
Then she hold her head up, and looks to Iron with a half smile
"Unless you want to rent a hotel room again."
>>145163Iron couldn't help but smile a little, too, yet he wasn't about to separate from Cauldron just yet. Not after feeling she was unintentionally roped up into this. "I am a bit concerned with moving about while being a target," he admitted with a weak smile. "I could give you some money if you wish to move there while I deal with this gang business."
>>145164She raises her left hoof to near her face.
"Hmmm... I'll think about it."
>>145165Seeing her considerating brightened the native's smile, relieved to hear her words. "Perhaps you want to cuddle a bit?" he suggested without a hint of lewd behavior on his tone. "I may be out for a while without your soft coat."
Well.. I suppose I've nothing better to do at the moment."
She has a mischievous smile, and starts to roll her body over, as if to present her side to Iron.
>>145167Iron's mood lifted further, getting off the sofa excitedly to properly and gently press his chest against her backside as his forelegs draped around her fluffy crest. His lower half, meanwhile, wasn't quite sure what to do, leaving his hindlegs next to hers, yet judging by how he sunk his snout into Sands' mane, I doubt he's too worried about it.
>>145168"Hehe" She gives a light giggle, indeed being as soft as she looks. She rolls still more - or the top part of her body, at least - to open her forelegs to Iron, and allow her to move a foreleg around him.
>>145169Iron couldn't help but chuckle a bit as well, face getting a bit red when Sands' foreleg wrapped around him as well as one could while behind somepony.
Yet, despite this, he simply decided to softly stroke her mane with one foreleg while the other snuck over her body to hold hooves with her just to add a bit of extra intimacy.
>>145175Hmm...this means Silver has some time left to spend before his date with Jubilosa. He looks at Clip.
"Is there anything else you would like to do, or should I leave you to get acquinted with house?"
>>145176"Well, at some time, I'd like to meet with anyone in printing, or journalism, you know? If you can find free journalists. Not official."
>>145177"I have some time before my date with Jubee. We can go and see if we can find someone if you want."
>>145178"Do you know anyone?" He says with a hint of excitement
I can play a bit if that's possible.
>>145182"Not personally, no...but we can go find someone, together."
>>145183[1d20 = 2]>>145184“We should do that some time. There should be plenty. It’s a big city. I think many sympathize with the movement,” he says, somewhat excitedly.
>>145187"You do not want to now?"