Iron got his ass beat and has pissed off a whole criminal syndicate, Amber is doing some shady shit at the police station, Silver is making friends, and Spark is enjoying Whinnysotan hospitality.
1697 replies and 17 files omitted.
>>146817"Well... I suppose... a....
Pillow fight"
>>146818She smiles
"D'awww. I.... I hope you do."
She looks down, and then back up to Silver
Pillow Fight?" Iron repeated as his heart started to pick up its pace from the excitement and danger. "What is that?"
>>146820"D'awwwww! Just... are you sure you can fight everything that you face?"
>>146822"If I find something I can not fight, you can be certain I will not deliberately try to get myself killed by facing it."
>>146823"Well... I mean..." She says the next thing at a much lower volume
"Corazon was killed by shrapnel from artillery..." >>146821[YouTube] Techno Syndrome (Mortal Kombat) Song by The Immortals
[Embed]"A test of strength, stamina, and fighting skill. It isn't for everypony though."
>>146825"Woah..." Iron couldn't help but gasp out in utter wonder and amazement before his eager, colt-ish nature shined through once more, hopping in place out of the thrill of it. "I have to try it!"
>>146824"Oh...well, I doubt I will end up facing...well, that, again."
>>146828Iron's eyes squint fiercely, getting further pumped for such an event. "I have the strongest of hearts," he confidently asserted, proudly puffing his chest out.
>>146830"What was that like?" She asks
>>146829"Uh huh. I don't know bout that. The test of pillows may show something different."
>>146831"Like felt wonderful to fight for our freedom against changeling attackers, but...fighting, and all of that death, it was absolutely terrible."
>>146831"Then let us partake in the concrete jungle ritual of
Pillow Fight," Iron confidently asserted with a firm nod as the spark of fire was ignited in his determined eyes.
>>146832"That... That does seem pretty terrible. And you like to go back to it? To fighting?"
>>146833She nods
"Very well. To the bedroom."
>>146834"It is not that I like to do it. It is that I must."
>>146835"And you must, because... you say no one else will?"
>>146834Hearing this, Iron takes a swift swig of the whiskey bottle just to sting his mouth before coughing softly and starting his walk towards the bedroom. He'd take special note of Sands' position so that he can properly give back the liquor he practically stole from her along the way.
>>146837Black Cauldron follows behind him. White Sands remains on the couch.
>>146839Thus, Iron briefly deviates from the path before gently placing the whiskey bottle next to her without a word, followed by getting back on track and onto the arena.
>>146840Wordlessly, she picks up a pillow off the bed
>>146838"I see..." She says
>>146841Iron's eyes widened just a bit, realizing what weapons they were going to use for this ceremonial concrete jungle fight were the things that provide support when sleeping.
Who knew such tools of battle could hide from sight so well? he calculatingly thought.
Despite such realization, he soon walked over to unceremoniously pick up a pillow with his mouth, always making sure to keep track of the elusive Black Cauldron.
>>146841He smiles at her.
"I promise you I will make it back to you when I do."
>>146843She smiles, and places her claw more firmly on his hoof
The waiter comes by with the soup.
>>146842Roll Initiative[1d20+2 = 15] >>146844He smiles greater at his dove, then smiles at the waiter.
"Thank you, good sir!"
>>146845Black Cauldron swings her pillow towards Iron in a sideswipe
[1d20+5 = 12]>>146846She looks down at the bowl of soup
>>146845>>146847Iron almost ducks. Almost. He is hit with the pillow on the side.
>>146848>>146847The poomfy cushion slamming against his side made him gasp out softly in surprise as his body was pushed a bit, yet this only caused him to smile excitedly a second later before swinging his pillow against Cauldron in retaliation.
[1d20+6 = 26]<Attack with Improvised Weapon
>>146847Silver looks at Jubilosa.
"What is wrong?"
>>146849"Umph!" She is hit right in the head, and knocked over on the bed
>>146850She pulls the soup closer. Then closer. Then gets a spoon. And takes a spoonful.
>>146851Iron gasped out on his pillow, feeling a small pang of concern at the fallen Cauldron as he foolishly stepped closer to better look at the downed opponent. "Ahh you alrahh?" he soon called out, his voice extremely muffled by still holding his weapon.
>>146851Silver looks at her with anticipation.
>>146852She lowers her pillow, breathes in, breathes out, breathes in, breathes out, and then swings
[1d20+5 = 23] >>146853She takes another spoonful, looking up at Silver
>>146856She sips. Slowly. Looking back up to Silver
>>146854The somewhat sudden blow on his face drove Iron back a couple of steps back, obviously not expecting her to jump back with such ferocity... but he couldn't help but grow a mischievous, almost thrilled smile: No holds barred! Let's go!
With such renewed enthusiasm, he soon swung his pillow with force, once again!
[1d20+6 = 10]<Attack with Improvised Weapon.
>>146858She ducks her head, and dodges his blow. She swings again
[1d20+5 = 10] >>146859He sidestepped the downwards swing, having seen the counterattack coming, before delivering his own pillow slam!
[1d20+6 = 7]<You know the drill by now
>>146860It's what is basically onion soup ordered either as an appetizer... or as Silver's meal. She took it if it is Silver's>>146861And Iron swings, misses, loses balance, and falls on his back
Black Cauldron raises the pillow over her head, and swings it down on Iron
[1d20+5 = 13] >>146862Nah, he ordered the chicken and wine stuff. It's the appetizer.Silver takes his own spoon, and tries some of the soup himself.
>>146863Onion, broth, bread, and cheese
>>146862Iron lets out a sizable 'oof!' as he was squared hit on his belly, yet he wasn't about to give up after such a failure, trying his best to stand up and retaliate before the air was properly knocked out of him!
>>146865>>146862He'd promptly deliver a mighty side swing!
[1d20+6 = 22]<Flavor text