Iron got his ass beat and has pissed off a whole criminal syndicate, Amber is doing some shady shit at the police station, Silver is making friends, and Spark is enjoying Whinnysotan hospitality.
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>>145729She looks up at him with a look of definite surprise.
“Could we... go to my bed, rather than the linoleum kitchen floor?”
She smiles awkwardly
>>145730Iron's eyes widened a bit as she pulled back, leaving his meddling tongue out in the open, awkwardly hanging from the native's mouth.
He soon recovered as Cauldron expressed such desire, giving her a confident nod before picking her up and placing her on his back for the small trek to her bedroom.
However, the grey stallion took a second to glance at Sands' way if the zebra didn't fully notice.
>>145731“Ooophmh!” Black Cauldron, who is not nearly as small and light as White Sands, is picked up and placed over Iron’s back, though she hangs over his sides. White Sands lays on the couch, observing the whole affair. She takes a sip of her tea while watching Iron and Black Cauldron go past.
>>145732Hopefully. Don’t ginx it >>145732“Kind of, or make use of our ‘friends’ in the political police.”
>>145735“They are intrusive and their presence isn’t exactly wanted. Trust me you don’t want their attention on your affairs. But neither do these other officers.”
>>145733Seeing her sitting idly by when he was about to go wild on Cauldron, Iron tried his best to discreetly signal her to sneakily come along with a quick rise and fall of his eyebrows plus a little head lean.
I am not about to leave her alone, he reasoned to himself.
It is my duty to keep all of the mares I have hooked up with happy! >>145736"Maybe if I started an argument with them...."She thinks about this closely.
"Will that work?" >>145738“It would be better if the officers started an argument with them.”
>>145737If she’s answering the call, it’s not until she’s out of view. Iron enters into the bedroom with its green sheeted bed, few pillows, and the ceiling fan that is partly on. Cauldron is laughing as she rides along.
>>145739Let us hope she at least received it, Iron thought to himself before focusing back on the pressing matter at hoof.
He soon stopped next to the bed before leaning into it a bit to place Cauldron on it in the most efficient and comfortable manner possible.
>>145740“The evidence room. But not the one mare. She’s by the entryway, in the receptionist’s office. That’s where I need to be.”
>>145741It looks like Cauldron can be rolled over onto her back or belly on the bed, laying in almost any direction
>>145744Amber looks out of the room before hurrying downstairs.
>>145742Iron decided to roll her on her belly, the top of her head directly in front of where the pillows were, before soon climbing up the bed himself, once again standing on top of her. "Now," he uttered, wrapping his forelegs around her crest "where were we..."
After such words, he soon leaned on to properly continue the passionate kiss, eager to make this night a good one.
>>145745Uh... is she leaving the entire detective’s section?>>145746She tries to turn her head around and up to him, giving him a sky look.
>>145747Yes, she's headed for the receptionist area downstairs.
>>145752The entry way where they came in. The area where Stalwart and Swift Soul were arguing for several minutes. right over to the right is a little office with a counter that a receptionist may stay at, accessible by a door on the hallway that branches out right from the entrance>>145751I'll rewrite>>145746She aims her muzzle upwards, looking at him with her blue eyes. She curls her hooves down, and he can see her white belly, and more if he dared, besides her mane, which though short, spreads over a part of the bed.
>>145753Amber quickly trots to that place then.
>>145754The mare anxiously looks around the hall, and notices Amber as she approaches. She has a pencil in her mouth, and seems to have been at least nominally writing on some sheet.
>>145753ThumbsUpIron just couldn't help but stare at her blue eyes as leaned himself enough for their lips to be an inch away from touching with a coy smile. "You want more?" he slyly asked.
>>145755"Um, excuse me, I have a question." She clears her throat and asks, perhaps more loudly than necessary,
"If the political police are in charge of the investigation now, won't all the evidence and information go to them now?" >>145756"I want to know what you want." She says, in a tone that is surprisingly frank, and is matches by a similarly serious expression as she stares into his eyes.
Yes." She says with annoyance, though probably more at the answer itself than at Amber's having asked the question.
>>145758Iron's eyes widened slightly, janked off of his flirty persona to his usual self as he blinked slightly. Despite this, his heart knew what he wanted with her. "I want to see you succeed," he declared far more sternly than his playful charade a few seconds ago. " To help you vanquish your hardships and lift you to great heights you have always dreamt of."
One of his foreleg soon slides to land next to her cheek. "But most importantly," he concluded with determined stare "I want you to be happy, just like you have done for me."
>>145759She moves her head up, and stares directly at Amber
>>145760"You know that isn't what I mean." She answers
>>145761Iron's thought process stopped, pouting lightly as if at a loss for words. "Then what do you mean?" he asked, puzzled.
>>145762She again stops speaking, laying there on her back in her bed
>>145764"I think they should stay in their own alleged business and stay out of ours. We don't need another Manehattan crackdown on our hooves."
>>145763Iron is starting to sink into the well of awkward, blinking softly as tried to figure out what Cauldron's question even means. "I want you?" he tentatively offered, trying his best to understand the inquiry.
>>145766"Do you?" She asks
>>145767"What are you suggesting?" She says with some irritation
>>145768Thinking he was starting to grasp what Cauldron meant, Iron soon nodded. "I do," he said, determination starting to return to his features.
>>145770"Turf? It's about the independence of Baltimare and it's democratically elected government.
That is our turf. If they want to allege a grand conspiracy... well then.... it won't end well."
She starts angry, but ends more afraid.
>>145769"Then show me." She says
>>145771After such a curveball of a test, Iron seemed to have lost himself in a pond full of possible answers with flimsy logical connections in his head: Keep kissing? Go lower? Win the war he started? Quit risking his life? Meet his father? Try for a foal?
As he kept pondering what would work best to prove it, a foreleg slowly slid down from her cheek, wading through her coarse coat hairs along her neck and into the jungle of chest fluff, intent on going even further.
>>145772"That's... that's worse. That will just embolden them. Or even frighten them."
>>145773Her eyes widen, and she looks down at the travelling hoof.
>>145774Seeing Cauldron's surprised expression soon snapped him back to properly pay attention to her, yet he slowed his descent along her body, taking his time to tread the lands of the belly, wondering if he was going further than she expected.
I am sure she will tell me to stop if this was uncomfortable, Iron reassured himself to keep himself determined to prove him he wanted her.
>>145774"Embolden who, exactly? Amber started out trying to provoke an argument, but is slowly becoming intrigued by what she's learning.
>>145776"The occupation government." She says
>>145775She raises her head up and looks down, carefully watching the movement of the hoof. But then she lets her head fall backwards, though uneasy onto the pillow.
Iron can feel her soft belly, which has much give, and is perhaps the only part of her body to be completely white in color.
>>145777Seeing her a bit uncomfortable, his hoof slowed even further, now in-between where her teats should be. "Are you scared?" he bluntly asked her, still staring at her with a mix of wanting yet worried eyes.