Hello, and welcome to the Kaverns & Kobolds Klub!
In this thread, I, the dungeon master, will be honing my skills in hosting a third edition dungeons and dragons adventure over an online medium, with a team of four promising adventurers who embark on a a treacherous quest. On their adventure, our heroes will encounter magic, monsters, tragedy, treasure, traps, and much much more. Will they survive the ordeals I've prepare for them? The dice shall decide their fates.
Our story takes place around a small mining village known as Duvik's pass:
Duvik’s Pass is a small town nestled within one of the few valleys that cross through the Serpentcoil Mountains. It has long been a waystop for travelers and adventurers seeking to rest aching limbs and drown painful memories within her gates. Moreover, it has also gained attention recently as a potential power in the area’s commerce, due to a discovery of substantial silver deposits buried in the mountains nearby. Over the past three years, the men of Duvik’s Pass have burrowed into the ground seeking the wealth therein. Able-bodied folk from neighboring villages flocked to the town, hoping to lend their strength within the mines and garner some share of the prize. A wide variety of creatures may have had their own reasons to cross these mountains, but it was the smell of silver that drew the nose of a certain merchant-wannabe some time before our story takes place.
Schlomo Goldsteinbergwitz Jr. was a young goblin who travelled across this region some six months ago. The goblinoid came from a rather prestigious family of (((merchant))) Archivists in a far away region, and like all in his family, he had a nose for silver, the silver of Duvik's pass. Schlomo Jr. had only just finished his bar mitzvah and unpacked his presents when he got wind of a the prospects that'd been dug up in the promising town, and so he made off towards those very mountains, taking a dozen of his uncle's irreplacible bank notes with him. Infuriated, his uncle, Harold Goldsteinbergwitz, placed a heavy bounty on the theif's nose, prosising a reward of 4,000 gold pieces to whoever could bring back the young prospector, alive.
It's for this reason that our heroes, to be described, have gathered in Duvik's pass. Each of these young lads happened to pick up wind of the bounty as they were crossing the mountains. They've traveled far for the chance at fortune, perhaps even bumping into eachother once or twice along the way. The four cloaked figures enter the town at different entry points, stopping and asking less-than-friendly commoners for directions that may lead them to their fortune. To call the townsfolk unfriendly would be an understatement, as each of our four cloaked heroes would find brutally clear as they make frustrated ill attempts to communicate with the locals. The entire town seems to be on-edge, paranoid, and almost hollow in some ways. Our four unnamed heroes would find that the promising village of Duvik's Pass isn't all it was cracked up to be, at least not since a grim misfortune that had befouled the town long before their arrival.
Hope and industry of Duvik's Pass turned to despair and potential ruin with the advent of the Burning Plague four months ago. It began quietly enough, with the miners returning home from their work at nightfall complaining of blistering sores and an unbearable thirst. Shortly thereafter, the town’s livestock was decimated by an unknown illness and her crops began to wither. The elders of Duvik’s Pass declared that the well water had been soured by an unknown disease, but by then the Burning Plague had already begun claiming the young and the sickly. To make matters worse, the last few men still strong enough to plumb the wealth of the mine have yet to return from their last endeavor. The townsfolk know not what happened to their loved ones; they continue to await the return of their missing sons and husbands, while praying for an end to the sickness that continues to spread within their home.
Needless to say, few of the despairing commoners have anything nice to say to the cloaked strangers traveling about the town looking for clues to the whereabouts of the goblin merchant; some turn away in disgust, others point in various directions, some even throw rocks, but most of them just shrug in ignorance. Frustrated and annoyed, the four cloaked figures eventually find themselves marching across the town in the same general direction; they shuffle awkwardly alongside one another, trying and failing to avoid eye contact, perhaps vaguely aware of their common prospects. Together, willingly or not, the haphazard squad make their way to the town's largest pub and community center: The Old Plot Hole Inn. One by one, they squeeze past each-other through the doors of the tavern.
1357 replies and 77 files omitted.
[1d20+3 = 12]>>118637Close enough. They're only 10 feet away.
>"He just shoot us?!">"I no see him before.">"He with man?">"Man try crush him earlier though."Because he's the only character in the party who's sheet says that he speaks draconic.
Since nobody had local knowledge as a trained skill, nobody was able to distinguish the enemy combatants. Rhyd is able to distinguish 4 kobolds, ambiguous gender.
One of them loses a crossbow to complete the round.
And hits Isla.
4 damage.
The party is at a standoff with 4 enemies, who have a home-field advantage. Let's start the next round tomorrow.
[1d20+3 = 10]>>118638Actually, strike that.
I neglected to consider my prior assertion that the kobold was prioritizing the spooky boi right in front of it.
It aims, Sir Bones gets an AoO misses, Sir Bones narrowly misses with his scimitar, the kobold fires into Bones's eye sockt, and bounces around harmlessly because it doesn't penetrate his DR.
Isla has only taken 2 damage this round.
>mfw considering if adding the caltrops and marbles to this encounter at the last minute should count as a CR-increasing trap, or if I should just treat it as a consequence of the thunderstone trap
A few inconveniently-placed marbles and caltrops really do make a world of difference at this level. Fucking kobolds.
Alright, we didn't get as far as I hoped last night, but I'm still free today.
All players please tell me if/when you'll be available today. I really want to get through this adventure.
>>118639Isla takes out a javelin from her sack, aiming at one of the unknown combatants, hoping to at least do some damage after rushing to her current position.
[1d20+2 = 7]<Ranged Attack Roll/Javelin >>118645The javelin embeds itself in the mine wall.
The creature responds with a shot of its own.
And hits.
Isla takes a crossbow bolt and takes 4 damage
Kiara's turn.
She's retreated to the doorway. Is she still aiming the lamp inside?
>>118647Sets the lamp down facing the kobold table.
outside the doorframe, so she has full cover.
"Fall back you knobs, you're gonna get turned into cheese!"
IF she has available action, she's gonna start playing an invigorating tune - Inspire Courage
>>118648Kiara uses her special ability:
Inspire Courage!All allied combatants receive a +1 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls, and a +1 bonus to saves vs charms and fear.
An enemy takes a full-round action to shoot the unattended lamp.
.... and crit fails, the lamp somehow seeming brighter, and the creauture letting out a frustrated yap as it fiddles with its unloaded crossbow.
[1d4 = 3]>>118650Lucy casts Cause fear on the kobold that shot her
>>118651Is that a 1d100 roll? (i can't tell on this computer)
>>1186521d4 rounds, so its afraid for 3 rounds
[1d100 = 81]>>118653>>118651Okay rolling for spell failure, because deafness
>>118656The creature fails its save and is now frightened.
However, since it has nowhere to flee, it fights.
and misses.
Rhyd's turn
Rhyd is't here, so we'l have to pause for a bit.
Arrows are a good choice when you don't know what's going on!
Shoot the enemies!
[1d20+8 = 15]
>>118661Isla decides that her attempts to rush down her opponents is not going so well, moving to the nearest table, flipping it over and hiding behind it to provide partial cover from all the pesky arrows that keep hitting her mark, grunting along the way as a full round action.
(My luck is not on my side. Bloody 'ell.)
>>118662Alright, that no roll is necessary for that.
Isla wises up and flips the southeast table, turning it into an improvised cover panel."
Her peculiar stance makes her seam almost invisible as she moves, before she disappears behind the flipped table.
>"[Konfused Kobold noises]She is now prone, experiencing all of
The kobold who Lucy frightened with her spell reloads his krossbow and fires.
It hits.
Lucy takes 2 damage.
>>118666She'd have to move at least 5 feet back for that, since the northwest table has a direct line of fire with the doorway.
I'm gonna assume she does.
A kreature fires at Lucy.
And makes a kritikal hit, but doesn't konfirm.
The Witch takes 2 damage, and is now at one (1!) HP.
A ghost of her ancestor warns her that it may be time to run for cover and maybe try to use her unlimited self-healing ability.
>>118667Lucy uses ray of enfeeblement on the kobold that just shot her
>>118670>wasting more precious spell slots when ur at 1 hp and in direct line of fireNigger, what did I just say?
>>118669>>118671>1 hpOOF
Lucy takes cover behind the table isla flipped over
>>118676As lucy puts her hand to her breast, her otherworldly power repairs her body. Crossbow bolts push themselves out of her flesh, and her wounds close.
Also, I should've said this earlier, but Isla would've had to drop her torch to flip that table without provoking any actions from the enemies.
Lucy can still hold onto her lamp though.
Another kreature shoots at Rhyd, who is the only combatant in the room without cover.
A bolt that would've gone for Rhyd's heart is just barely blocked by his armor.
His turn.
>>118678The kobolds ducks for cover as well, casting guidance on himself.
Due to his size and slight build, Rhyd can use the table as cover without falling prone.
>"Shoot life elf!">"No krossbow.">"Manstink!">"No klan!"The last kobold holds back its initiative, in a readied action.
>>118681Now that Isla is finally away from constant bolt fire, picks up her torch while prone if possible and waits in her position.
"These lads are impenetrable," she says
>>118682>"Manstink!">"Wimps!">"Kowards!">"Kobold masterrace!"The creatures shout various insults in their dog-like language.
Another creature readies an action, holding back its initiative.
Kiara's turn.
Alright, Kiara's back, but we lost Rhyd.
I'm gonna pause, probably for the night.
>>118683I recognize that shitposting type
Sorry >>118687"..."
Kiara, frustrated, wounded, demoralized, and a bunch of other adjectives cries "You blazing pile of orc-trash, fall back!"
Konsidering the fakt that Rhyd neglected to add his racial bonus to his search chekk and might've aktually made that chekk if he were paying attention (which I may have noticed earlier if he made a mythweaver's sheet like I asked), I'm going to exploit this unexpekted standoff to give away a little bit of the meta knowledge I might have used to reward the party for noticing th trap and using stealth to sneak up on the kobolds.
The four(4) smol sniffling kloaked kreatures seem almost surprised to have lasted this long (no roll is necessary to sense this bit), their tiny noses poking out from behind their improvised kover, twitching and sniffling, not unlike rats. They yip and yap and bark at one another in their primitive drakonik dialect.
>"W-w-we hold the line! Kaptain right!"
>"Only four mans? Man-klan no storm us already?"
>"Diggermans gone. Maybe klan-mans have kold too?"
>"Diggermans dumb. Let stinky gobbo be kaptain."
The kreatures kakkle sadistically, chattering various spiteful and misanthropic insults in their squeeaky, high-pitched voices about ear-mans, food-mans, drink-mans, the redkap menace, and the "smelly" and "foolish" hoo-mans.
>"Hoo-mans so silly! Why gobbo lead diggermans if gobbo no man-klan?"
>"Gobbo koward. Make poor diggermans klamber around gobbo. No kunning like kaptain."
>"Mans is also STINKY!"
>"Mans stink. Spread manstink to kobold klan.." *kertchoo!*
>>118690The kruel and kowardly kreatures kakkle in response, reveling in their primitive and sadistic ways. Kiara kan't understand their language, but somehow she gets the message loud and klear...
>"Gonna kry?">"Gonna pee yer knickers?">"Maybe krap and kum?">"Stinky mans no kill kobold klan! Kobold squad hold the line!"I kouldn't resist.The kreatures all have their little krossbows kokked with readied actions. Their kowardice is klear even behind their hooded kloaks, but they don't seem nearly as desperate or frantik as they did when the party first entered the room.