Hello, and welcome to the Kaverns & Kobolds Klub!
In this thread, I, the dungeon master, will be honing my skills in hosting a third edition dungeons and dragons adventure over an online medium, with a team of four promising adventurers who embark on a a treacherous quest. On their adventure, our heroes will encounter magic, monsters, tragedy, treasure, traps, and much much more. Will they survive the ordeals I've prepare for them? The dice shall decide their fates.
Our story takes place around a small mining village known as Duvik's pass:
Duvik’s Pass is a small town nestled within one of the few valleys that cross through the Serpentcoil Mountains. It has long been a waystop for travelers and adventurers seeking to rest aching limbs and drown painful memories within her gates. Moreover, it has also gained attention recently as a potential power in the area’s commerce, due to a discovery of substantial silver deposits buried in the mountains nearby. Over the past three years, the men of Duvik’s Pass have burrowed into the ground seeking the wealth therein. Able-bodied folk from neighboring villages flocked to the town, hoping to lend their strength within the mines and garner some share of the prize. A wide variety of creatures may have had their own reasons to cross these mountains, but it was the smell of silver that drew the nose of a certain merchant-wannabe some time before our story takes place.
Schlomo Goldsteinbergwitz Jr. was a young goblin who travelled across this region some six months ago. The goblinoid came from a rather prestigious family of (((merchant))) Archivists in a far away region, and like all in his family, he had a nose for silver, the silver of Duvik's pass. Schlomo Jr. had only just finished his bar mitzvah and unpacked his presents when he got wind of a the prospects that'd been dug up in the promising town, and so he made off towards those very mountains, taking a dozen of his uncle's irreplacible bank notes with him. Infuriated, his uncle, Harold Goldsteinbergwitz, placed a heavy bounty on the theif's nose, prosising a reward of 4,000 gold pieces to whoever could bring back the young prospector, alive.
It's for this reason that our heroes, to be described, have gathered in Duvik's pass. Each of these young lads happened to pick up wind of the bounty as they were crossing the mountains. They've traveled far for the chance at fortune, perhaps even bumping into eachother once or twice along the way. The four cloaked figures enter the town at different entry points, stopping and asking less-than-friendly commoners for directions that may lead them to their fortune. To call the townsfolk unfriendly would be an understatement, as each of our four cloaked heroes would find brutally clear as they make frustrated ill attempts to communicate with the locals. The entire town seems to be on-edge, paranoid, and almost hollow in some ways. Our four unnamed heroes would find that the promising village of Duvik's Pass isn't all it was cracked up to be, at least not since a grim misfortune that had befouled the town long before their arrival.
Hope and industry of Duvik's Pass turned to despair and potential ruin with the advent of the Burning Plague four months ago. It began quietly enough, with the miners returning home from their work at nightfall complaining of blistering sores and an unbearable thirst. Shortly thereafter, the town’s livestock was decimated by an unknown illness and her crops began to wither. The elders of Duvik’s Pass declared that the well water had been soured by an unknown disease, but by then the Burning Plague had already begun claiming the young and the sickly. To make matters worse, the last few men still strong enough to plumb the wealth of the mine have yet to return from their last endeavor. The townsfolk know not what happened to their loved ones; they continue to await the return of their missing sons and husbands, while praying for an end to the sickness that continues to spread within their home.
Needless to say, few of the despairing commoners have anything nice to say to the cloaked strangers traveling about the town looking for clues to the whereabouts of the goblin merchant; some turn away in disgust, others point in various directions, some even throw rocks, but most of them just shrug in ignorance. Frustrated and annoyed, the four cloaked figures eventually find themselves marching across the town in the same general direction; they shuffle awkwardly alongside one another, trying and failing to avoid eye contact, perhaps vaguely aware of their common prospects. Together, willingly or not, the haphazard squad make their way to the town's largest pub and community center: The Old Plot Hole Inn. One by one, they squeeze past each-other through the doors of the tavern.
The first to make it in is a rather athletic young lady, bounding towards the front of the squad and kicking through the doors like a marathoner, hat and cutlass in hand and ready for adventure. The girl is none other than our hero: Isla Allaway.
Our little explorer stands just over 5 feet tall, but what she lacks in height she makes up for with enthusiam, letting out a shout so loud and annoying it can only be that of a fantasy protagonist. The girl has the speed and litheliness of a fledgeling ninja warrior, her medium-length brown hair flowing behind her as she dashes to the scene.
The little hero, physically fit and trained and carrying herself with martial discipline, has traveled from afar to test her mettle and sate her hunger for adventure and self-perfection, chasing the path of Setting Sun. Her explorer's outfit and matching hat seem well-worn, having seen more than their fair share of weather since she first hopped off the ship all those months ago. The young martial artist makes her appearance.
>"[indignant grumble]"
>"That was fast!"
>"Rather cocky, ain't she?"
>"Look at the thighs on that one."
>"She a wild one, I'll tell ya' that."
>"Damn foreigners."
>"Oh look, fresh meat for the beasts.."
>"[lecherous whistle]"
Next to enter the scene in a more discrete but just as extravagant fashion is our next hero: Kiara Teagan. She dances into the pub gracefully, her gypsy-style entertainer's outfit decorated of shiny copper coins, and she twirls into the room giving a note from her exquisite viola as she enters. Ms. Teagan radiates a pompous aura of culture and privilege, but also of of lady who knows how to defend herself, as the longsword sheaved at the hem of her dress would show. Indeed, the woman has had plenty of experience looking out for herself after spending so many months alone, having recently fled from a turf war with a rival gang, smuggling thirty two gold pieces away with her in her tambourine. Her charisma and skill is unmatched, for she is indeed a powerful Bard, a jack of all trades, and a talented individual with the uncanny power to draw magic from soul.
>"Ey, that one's a looker now."
>"She's still got all o' her teeth."
>"What a nice tune."
>"Must be one o' those travelin' minstrels. Wait till she finds out this town is flat broke."
>"I know her type, gypsy! They'll steal the shirts of your backs."
>"[lecherous whistle]"
A small and disheveled figure scurries behind her into the tavern, discreetly as can be. Is it a possum? A dog? An Iguana? It's none other than our third hero: Rhyd the Kobold.
Despite being a lowly Kobold, he is indeed an ideal specimen of his kind, even if being unfortunate enough to be a dragonblood born without the gift of sorcerery. He is quick as a lizard can be, and fierce to boot, his orange scales shining with a coppery speckled hue. He hold his bow in hand, looking either way for anyone who may seek to rob him of his precious treasure.
A little thing about this Kobold that makes him unique is the way he so furtively a small object in his claw. Rhyd is a thief; no, not a rogue, or a burglar, but a thief who has managed to steal the most precious treasure of them all: power. The purple gem he clutches in his right hand gives of a faint glow; it is a a precious dragonshard that he risked life and limb to obtain, unable to resist the beckoning call of the mystical arcane in a moment of opportunity. It is a gem stolen from the hands of the powerful Eldritch Knights who serve the goddess of magick in a far away land, the Shooting Star Rangers, and Rhyd has traveled a great distance to outpace his chasers, reveling in his pilfered magick, relying on his unmatched stealth to escape the his devoted trackers.
Indeed, the gem proved to be a treasure work the risk, for in the months since he first found it Rhyd has grown into a powerful Mystic by studying the arcane symbols that glow within the gem. Already, he's learned to conjure up orisons from the forces of nature, and has even learned to master every one of the Wizard cantrips inscribed in the gem. Drawn to the the prospects of the mine line a moth to light, our tiny hero embarks on what may be a fortuitous quest.
>"Is that a stray dog?"
>"Ew, it's one o' those filthy mange-rats."
>"That reptilian must've got some bollocks, just waltzing in 'ere like that.."
>"Do dem kobolds even 'ave bollocks?"
>*loads crossbow*
And last, but not least, walks in our fourth hero: Lucy Malkavian.
Well-endowed in both breast and soul, the gloomy, pale, raven-haired girl arrives in the tavern almost ominously, her haunting presence hanging in the air around her. The blood of ancient creatures flows through her veins, and her family's crest shine boldly on her being. The tiny iron arcane signet seems to shine boldly, as if brimming with arcane power; it seems to stand out on the young lady, contrasted by the dirty rags she wears, that may have once been a rather expensive Gothic dress at one point. A vengeful and fearsome aura haunts the young lady's being, her arcane might too great to contain in her otherwise nonthreatening body. If you find the courage to stare at the mysterious girl for long enough, you might notice ominous noises emanating from her, or red-purple sparks crackling in the air where she walks.
>"That's a witch, if I've ever seen one."
>"A pretty one though."
>"Look at that rack!"
>"Don't look at 'er, you'll be cursed."
>"You reckon she's the one who poisoned the well?"
>"[yet another lecherous whistle]"
One thing that these four ragtag young lads have in common is the peculiar swagger they carry themselves with. It's the attitude of someone perhaps vaguely aware of their own demigod-like stats; the aura of a hero.
Having traveled from far away lands, some chased-away, some hunted, some escaped, some just wishing to explore, the four characters have no home, or any real place to which they can safely return to. They are all of a peculiar occupation: a line of work some like to call murder-hobo "adventurer".
And so, their story unfolds.
Players are free to respond now.
The kobold hurries to the bar, and jumps up on a stool. He orders in a thick, hissy reptilian accent.
"One ale please."
With a spirited gait, Allaway saunters over to the counter, sitting a chair. She waves her hand at the bartender with a smile
"Give meh a good ol' whiskeh, lad."
>>118419The bartender, a old, seasoned man with a gray mustache and an eye patch, seems confused for a moment as he stops washing polishing his glass, before he leans over the counter and sees the smol reptile.
"So- *cough* so would I.." He grumbles back, in such a tone that Rhyd can't tell means he's out or he just doesn't want to serve him, punctuated by a rather nasty snort.
>>118395>>118412Lucy whistles back
>>118421The bartender opens a half-full jug and pours it into the glass that
looks clean.
"Grog. That's what we got." He grumbles, as he slides the glass towards her.
>>118425[visible confusion]
The commoner turns around and moves away.
Kiara exaggerates the sway in her hips as she walks lithely toward the counter. She leans provocatively (but 'innocently') against the counter looking for the keeper. "Hello?"
>>118427She Smiles as she walks over to the bar and sits down.
"One Red Wine please~."
>>118427Isla looks a little perturbed by the lack of proper alcoholic beverages fit for a woman of her caliber, catching the glass out of courtesy.
She peers inside the glass, examining the contents through smell and vision.
>>118423"Ah! Hello good sir, I was wondering if you had any rooms available!" She smiles sweetly.
>>118430The bartender stifles a cough and swivels his good eye towards her.
".. What?" he groans
>>118432This just draws a wistful chuckle from him, and he looks down at another dirty glass.
>>118433It doesn't smell appetizing.
>>118436"Ya, plenty o' rooms open, since the last half dozen tenents gone dropped dead. The sheets 'll kill ya though."
>>118442Isla recoils slightly over the sight, but decides she's no coward.
She dutifully drinks up the grog in one go without hesitation.
>>118445Time to die~[1d20+2 = 22]<Fortitude against below average alcohol
>>118427>>118423"Then I'll take a grog as well."
He looks suspiciously at the three lassies now around him, clutching at something under his robe.
>>118442"Oh thank
heavens. I can't remember the last time I slept in an actual bed." She seems relieved, and pulls out a pouch. "How much please?"
>>118442"Something funny?"
She smiles at him
>>118449The brave ninja warrior fears no grog.
>>118450The Bartender grunts indignantly, but pours him a glass.
[1d20+7 = 17]>>118451Before the Innkeeper can answer, she adopts a started and dismayed look. She opens the pouch and pours the contents out onto the counter; except nothing pours out. "Oh no!" she exclaims, putting her hand into the pouch and putting her finger through the bottom of it. "All my money is gone!"
(bluff check for all this btw)
"I wonder if you'll allow me to play you a tune?" she asks sheepishly hopeful.
(this is all a ruse of course, a very practiced one)
>>118455He grabs it, eyeing it before taking a chug.
Fort save time.
[1d20+3 = 14]
>>118451The bartender looks up at her exasperated that the cazy lady is even considering laying her head in this cursed town.
He seems ready to shout some angry when.
>>118458His expression immediately softens with the music. A lone tear falls from his remaining eye, which he wipes away immediately.
".. Well, if ye
insist, it'd be five silvers a night. No, make it two silvers. Not like there's any business these days..."
Then he leans in
"Tell ya what, lassie, for your own good, ye'd be better off sleepen out in the woods with the beasts than here in Duvik's Pass. The Plague be nestin' 'ere, and there be no sign of it gettin' any better."
He swallows it. It's not very good.
>>118460"But mister, I heard that the plague was from contaminated water, not from beds,..."
>>118460>>118458Alright, I fucked up that last comment. Sorry, mutitasking. Thought that was a perform check.
>>118460The Plague comment makes the (Not a witch)'s perk up
"A Plague? what type of plague?"
>>118460He suppresses a gag as he chokes it down, his scale-ridge-that-isn't-an-eyebrow raising at the comments of a plague
>>118461"The water, grain, the soil, the air, the bloody cheese, even our blimey sweat is blighted by that pestilent plague!" The old man cries as he pulls a handkerchief from his dirty shirt and coughs harshly into it
>blood>>118463"It'd be no normal plague, lassie.." The old man says.
"I know cursed earth when I smell it, and this town stinks! Gods have mercy!"
[coughing fit]
"Maybe it was the mines. Maybe the boys disturbed somethin' down there.. Or maybe the gods thought to judge us for how gratuitously we spent the riches from the silver mountains. This half the town has a foot in the graveyard, and our last boys still haven't gotten back from their prospecting trip. I worry some beast gottem, or worse..." The man moans
>>118465Rhyd's eyebrow is really raising now at the mention of mines and prospectors.
"Where were they last seen?"
[1d20 = 13]>>118465Kiara's face grows somber as the men relate their replies. Without a word, she conjures a viola, and draws her bow across it in song.
Performance check. +4 music, +4 dance, +4 tumbling, and +4 dex/cha (remove any modifiers at will)
>>118466"Last time I saw my son he was headin' up to the mines with the last of the young men who weren't too sick to move. 'Miner's pride', he called it.. That was wore than two weeks ago, and nobody's heard of 'em since.." she old man says with a sniffle
>>118465"these boys you are talking about. they went down into the same mines?"
>>118468"The mines.... If you would be willing, would you point me on this path later? I would reward you for the trouble."
He rakes his hand inside his robe, and the familiar clink of coins can be heard.
>>118467Routine performance.
A few of the commoners, mostly old men and women, seem decently impressed, more encouraged by the strange woman's attempts to lift their spirits.
Six of the old men toss silver coins towards her, accompanied by winks that might make her uncomfortable, were she not used to it.
>>118469"ya, dey all work together. The mine's up in the mountains."
>>118470The man points in the general direction of the nearest mountain.
"That way. Follow the trail."
>>118453She drinks the grog with no fear, shaking out of her trance.
(I gotta stop me daydream.)
>>118471>>118470>>118469Isla listens intently at the conversation of mines, the plague and other tidbits, shuffling her seat closer.
"Sound like ye lot want tae go to the mines, eh?" she whispers to the other two inquisitve folk next to her.
>>118471She smiles faintly and picks up the coin. She goes to each of the men and gives them their coin back. "Thank you all, but its not necessary. I'm sorry for your troubles, but I'll do what I can to lift this,... curse(?). When I get back, then I'll give you a real performance." She half smiles, half frowns, bows, and leaves the tavern.
>>118471>>118473"Yea i was thinking about heading over there."
>>118471He nods
"Thank you sir"
Rhyd gets up and runs out the door, a single gold coin left on the bar where he sat.
>>118473The retired miner stifles another cough
"If I were young, I would'a hiked up dere to investigate it meself, plague or no plague.. My knees aren't what dey used to be though.." he says grimly
This comment is followed by a rather harsh coughing fit, the tissue almost completely red now.
>>118474"Be careful now, lassie. Dis town may be cursed to de abyss, but there be savages in those mountains. I reckon they may've had a run-in up our boys." The seasoned miner warns, his single milky eye shooting brief but murderous glance at the cloaked creature below him.
>>118475[grunts and nods]
>>118476[grumbles and nods]
>>118475>>118476Isla at first looked dumbfounded at the small folk running off somewhere, turning to the other, more receptive woman.
"Aye, me too."
>>118477She looks at the bartender with pity, deciding to set 3 gold coins on the table.
"Here, lad. Thank ye for the drink."
>>118475He turns back at the female stranger with similar goals.
"Name's Isla, lassie. You came for the stories too, aye?"
Assuming that Kiara knows which way to the mines, she sets off there keeping her eyes peeled and her ears open for signs of trouble.
The kobold steps outside and gains his bearing before setting of towards the mines...
As quickly as a small ass kobold with a short stride can.
>>118478The Bartender doesn't seem at all hesitant to accept the 3 gold pieces for the mediocre and possibly unclean drink.
It's almost as if the town has run out of potable water.>>118480Alright
Are y'all ready for some dungeoneering?
>>118478Lucy Extends her hand to shake
"The Name is Lucy. I Did i heard there was a problem in town. i stopped by to see what was going on."
Alright, so the our ragtag band of heroes needed surprisingly little motivation to delve headfirst into
certain doom adventure. They may have different reasons to explore the mines, but nevertheless, they share a common goal as they steadily make their way up into the mountains.
>>118481Roll Survival
>>118484Oh boy, a skill I can use!
[1d20+7 = 9]
Would anybody like to roll Aid Another?
>>118482Allaway nods at the bartender, giving him a thumbs up, before turning at the woman next to her.
Soon I shall join the speedrunners.>>118483She spins her body towards her rapidly, quickly extending her arm to shake the hand offered.
"Aye, me too," she answers with a grin. "Want tae go to the mines together? I would like sum company that is not a bunch of dismissive twats."
(I bet that goblinoid is there.)
>>118486>>118485So it's one of THOSE campaigns now is it?
>>118488"Its always better to have company. lets go."
>>118485[1d20 = 12]<Trying to help
>>118490She nods, standing up and going to the mines.
Would anybody else like to roll to walk up the hill?
>>118491>>118493Nevermind. That one is good enough.
Let me find my notes.
Alright alright, hearing noises behind her, Kiara ducks into bushes to wait and see who is following, only to realize its those other three. She steps out as they approach, tl;dr "Hi, I'm Kiara. Nice to meet you!"
>>118495"Hi that's a nice tambourine you have. My name is Luy"
>>118498Kiara looks confused at the viola she's still holding (but would probably vanish any time now). "Nice to meet you Luy."
A cool breeze drifts down from the towering peaks of the Serpentcoil Mountains as you behold the entrance to the caverns. The frost-rimed ground is littered with tools, picks and shovels, some of which protrude from soft banks of snow. A single darkened shaft leads into the depths of the mine ahead. The dirt path beneath its wooden support structure is covered with stone debris, a few pieces of which occasionally glint with the slightest hint of ore. No light issues forth from the tunnel. Burnt-out torches are strewn across the floor, their brackets torn from the shaft walls. Behind you, the worn road leads back through the crags to the valley below. Aside from the quiet whistling of the wind, complete silence fills the small clearing within the mountains.The tunnel is 15 feet wide and 10 feet tall.
It is entirely unlit.
Rhyd's darkvision allows him to see 60 feet into the tunnel with no end in sight.
>>118495>>118496>trying this hard to split the partyNigger, did I not tell you that she only left within moments of the rest of the group?
Kiara veers off the road 5 steps ahead of the group and nearly walks off a cliff, only to be caught by Isla and set back on the path.
>>118499>>118498Reeeeeee my C key is broken slightly
>>118500>>118499Thank you, GM.Isla is confused at Kiara's accident.
"Lassie, ye trying tae kill yerself or something? Come on."
With that, she goes back to search a bunch of usable torch near the entrance of the mine.
[1d20+2 = 18]<Search roll for torches
>>118500He pauses at the entrance, staring down the tunnel and breathing a sigh of relief
"ahh, the mines"
>>118500Kiara unhooks a bullseye lantern from her pack and lights it with flint and steel.
>>118502"I would have been fine. The Teagans tell me I have the blessing of Fharlanghn!" She smiles brightly.
>>118502Lucy pulls out her flint and steel.
>>118502The torches are burnt-out, a few broken lanterns litter the area, but Isla can attempt to make a torch out of what's left.
Roll an untrained craft check (1d20+int)
Her search also reveals that the wooden supports to the tunnel are chipped and torn, as if having been damaged by something recently.
>>118504Her lantern clearly illuminates 60 feet of the tunnel, and just
barely hints at a cavern at then end of it's shadowy illumination 60 feet past that.
>>118505>>118503Lucy and Rhyd's inhuman vision allows her to see in the lantern's faint light that a room opens up into a room 120 feet ahead, but they cannot see into the room.
>>118506The lantern's light lets Rhyd know "oh shit, there are people here
"Hello, are you looking for the prospectors as well?
>>118506"I don't see anything." she says, strapping a buckler to her left arm.
>>118507"Oh hello little lizard, yes we are."
>>118505>>118506Isla attempts to craft a makeshift torch with a grimace
"Shite. Somebody just came here."
She turns to her female acquaintance with a smile at seeing her bring out the flint and steel.
"Help me out here."
[1d20+2 = 19]<Building torches? Reminds me of childhood.>>118504She looks at the minstrel with worry.
"Alright, lassie."
>>118511"Oh silly me."
She pulls out a lantern as well and hands it to Isla
>>118507Rhyd's Wisdom score is high enough for him to have been vaguely aware of the people who's been traveling within a few yards of him for the past few hours. He actually had to follow Isla to get to the top.
>>118511Isla successfully makes a couple handheld torches, pouring oil from the broken lanterns onto the burnt-out torches to make them last.
Her search in the illuminated area reveals a smelly red blotch near the damaged wooden shaft
(it's blood)We medieval slang nao.>>118512You packed
one lamp, you do not have one to give away.
You also don't have shoes, because you neglected to buy any set of clothes. The rags (commoner's outfit) are on-the-dungeon.
>>118510"I'm not a lizard! I'm a kobold!"
>>118513>>118512>>118514Isla grins to himself.
"Now that's more like it."
But seeing the blood make her frown.
"That is not good."
He turns to the group.
"We have someone either injured or dead in there, lassies. Have yer eyes open."
>>118515The kobold grumbles
"I'm a lad"
He prepares his bow as stands at the entrance.
Lucy's feet, wrapped only in strips of cloth for protection, have been bleeding throughout the last quarter of the trip, getting ugly black and blue sores from the abuse they've taken.
Lucy however, like it's second nature, clicks her heels together and hums as her blistered feet return to their pale but healthy complexion.
Fucking witch.
Alright, who's heading into the dungeon first?
>>118513Yea i was giving her the lantern i packed.
Lucy sighs as she steps on a rock that stabs her in the foot.
>>118514She pats his head if he lets her
"Sorry little one."
>>118515That's worrisome, what will the town do without miners? they didnt look to be in the best of shape."
>>118516She glances back at the kobold.
"Sorry, lad."
>>118518"There is far worse than no miners back at the town," she comments.
>>118517Since I believe I have the highest reflexIsla enters the dungeon first.
>>118519He grunts and swiftly follows her.
>>118519Lucy enters behind Isla
The Bard hasn't responded, so i'm just going to shift her ahead a little until... :3
Alright, the tunnel is wide enough for 3 hoo-mans and one slight-build kobold to walk side-by-side, so I'll have y'all walk in, with one torch, a lamp, and a bullseye lantern to guide your way.
The tunnel opens into a small, roughly rectangular chamber. Scattered chunks of silver ore surround an overturned pair of wooden carts. The lower half of what appears to be a body juts out from beneath one of the cart’s edges. It shows no signs of movement. Dried blood is smeared across the northern wall in several places. Exits lead to the west and the east.
We're looking a a 25 by 25 foot space here.
Still completely unlit.
>>118522Kiara removes a large sack from her backpack and begins to grab reasonably-sized chunks of silver and stuff the sack with them.
>>118522"Oh my Lord," she whispers.
She rushes over to the lower half of what appears to be a body, inspecting it closely.
[1d20+2 = 20]<Search roll (Yes. Another one.)
>>118524For that she'd have to take off her buckler and put down her lantern. Does she wish to do that first?
>>118526Lucy uses Detect Magic on the inside of the mine
>>118526Can she absently hand off the lantern to the closest party member?
>>118522>>118524I'll also note that most of the ore is under the cart.
Isla otices a suspicious line attached to the cart, rigged to some point in the ceiling. Disturbing the body or the cart will pull the line.
>>118527Is she "using" it, as her 1/Day SLA, or is she "casting" it out of a 1st level slot?
>>118528Only if they have a free hand.
>>118529the 1st level slot
>>118529>>118528>>118527>>118520Isla, being a perceptive gal, figures that this may be a trap.
"Lassies, do not disturb the body or the cart. It seems to be rigged tae something."
She points at the line at the ceiling.
Lucy uses one of her precious 1st level spell slots to determine that there is no discernible magic aura in this area, or at least nothing stronger than signet brooch.
She can concentrate on the spell for up to one minute, but she wouldn't be helping anybody.
>>118522The kobold seems more at ease in the mine. He walks over to inspect the cart and body.
>>118533"Do not move the cart or body, lad. I figured it's a trap for greedy twats," she comments to the kobold.
You gotta pay attention, m8... or else i gotta assume that your PC wasn't paying attention either..
Rhyd ignores Isla's warning and greedily scurries over to the cart.
You get one (1) search check.
The kobold nudges the cart with his wee lil' arms, pulling the line and triggering the trap.
BANGEverybody's going to have to roll a fortitude save.
>>118537Oh great.[1d20+2 = 20]<Fer Fuck's Sakes, lads.
Everybody but Lucy can hear the reverberating "..-ANG.. -AND.. ANG..!" echo throughout the dungeon as the results of the thunderstone trap send chills down their spines and leave a ringing in their ears.
>>118539Lucy, however, cannot hear anything at all. She's been struck deaf.
>>118540You technically get a trapmaking roll to recognize that that was a thunderstone trap, but it doesn't really matter at this point.
>>118542Kiara draws her sword
>>118542>>118540Isla rubs her ears in annoyance after the loud bang, glaring at the kobold, before shaking her head, walking over to the exit to the west with her torch, stopping right at the end to see if something approaches from the darkness.
(Fer fuck sakes', these lads are gonna get me killed.)
>>118542Lucy can only sigh in annoyance
and then says
"I'm Deaf."
Rhyd winces before drawing his arrow, glancing around for anyone that could be coming.
Rhyd's search check also tips over the cart and reveals a dried-out goblinoid corpse.
By the legendary nose on his face, it can be none other than the husk of Schlomo Goldsteinbergwitz Jr., dressed in a tattered uniform that distinguish him as the (((acting chief))) mining engineer of the crew. How he got that position, nobody knows. He lies in a mess, his spidery arms greedily clutching hold onto the pile of silver ore, even in death.
He is obviously the victim of foul play, having suffered several puncture wounds to the chest and neck area.
Anybody with a suitable Heal mod can roll the skill to find out more.
>>118547"What is that thing?"
Lucy says louder than she normally talks
>>118548Rollin' spot
[1d20+6 = 14]
>>118551You don't see anything.
Anybody want to roll to poke the Jew corpse?
[1d20+3 = 22]>>118549Listen check
>>118550>>118547>>118554Shaking her head, she goes back to Lucy. On her way to meet the deceased Schlomo, her eyes widening.
"No way."
She gets closer to the corpse of Schlomo, deciding that taking an identifying item of his should be good to collect the bounty.
>>118555You don't hear anything in this immediate area.
Anything you may have heard would probably be either too far away, or masked by the reverberating echoes.
>>118556Roll Heal (1d20+Wisdom)
>>118557[1d20+3 = 17]<Poking a dead body is fun.
>>118558Isla determines that Schlomo has symptoms akin the Plague as she would've heard about in town, and determines that he's been dead for about two weeks.
As she looks closer, she notices some crude broken crossbow bolts that Schlomo seemingly died from.
Everybody is free to gather ore now. There is nothing else of value in this room.
To the West, is an exit tunnel that leads 30 feet, shining a light or looking with darkvision reveals a door at the end of it.
To the east, there's tunnel that slopes downwards to who knows where.
Oh, somebody can roll search if they want a clue of wtf happened in this chamber.
>>118561Rolling search cause of curiosity.
[1d20+3 = 15]
>>118559>>118551>>118550>>118541Isla sees with worry the plague ridden kobold, standing up.
"We are not alone. He was taken out with a crossbow. Died two weeks ago, from the smell."
She coughs once from it, before remembering Lucy has no hearing, beckoning with her hand to look at the body while holding the least broken crossbow at hand.
Isla takes a closer look at the goblin.
(We may need to take the corpse for the bounty prize.)
>>118560Kiara sets the lantern down facing easy, and begins stuffing her sack with the goods
>>118562I'm also gonna let you take 10 on profession (miner) to determine that this area served as a commons area for sorting, weighing, cataloging, and shipping out ore.
There look like there may have been signs of a struggle in this room. smashed lanterns, broken pickaxes, a few splotches of blood. It appears as though Schlomo is the only body though.
>>118563Roll Sense Motive
>>118564Roll Bardic Knowledge
>>118565[1d20+7 = 16]<Sense Motive
>>118566Isla begins to feel some doubt as to whether or not the notoriously-stingy Goldsteinbergwitz clan would be very willing to compensate her for the delivering the corpse of the deceased goblinoid.. without the prized bank notes, which do not appear anywhere on the body.
In the meantime, there's some one on the ground that looks like it
could be valuable. Only a miner can judge its actual worth though.
>>118567Kiara begins to feel the same thing.
>>118568Isla shrugs, before picking it up and stuffing it in one of her sacks, making sure there's some for the rest of the group.
>>118563Lucy walks over to Isla with a curious look on her face
"What is that green thing?"
Alright, I'm gonna assume everybody spends time loading their pockets with possibly-valuable rocks.
So, what now? I've described both exit tunnels. Which way do y'all go?
>>118570She drags her free finger along her throat, followed by gurgles to a feigned dead expression.
>>118571I vote West.
It is now that i notice that some of you didn't list the weights for your equipment...
There's a lot of shiny rocks here.
>>118573I'll just take 20 pounds worth of rocks.
>>118574You cannot tell the exact weight of the rocks, unless you have the skill.
You shouldn't be encumbered though.
>>118573Lucy takes a pocketful
>>118575Darn. Can Isla feel the shift from light to medium load?
>>118573Kiara fills her burlap or equivalent sack and shifts it near to the exit of the room
>>118575Rhyd takes a simple sample, hoping he can come back later.
>>118572I vote west as well
>>118577Forget what I said about weight. Don't worry about it.
>>118579You can roll profession (miner) to appraise the rocks, if you want.
Alright. Y'all head west and see a door.
Who goes first?
I need to crop a map. Please sort yourselves out until then.
>>118581Appraise the rocks you say?
I like rocks
[1d20+9 = 16]
Isla pipes up.
"Alright, lassies... and lad," she pipes up.
"I say we go to the West, with me at the front. Anyone of ya has any other opinions 'bout it?"
>>118583Lucy looks at her with a Confused expression
And Shrugs.
>>118582The chunks of silver ore can be salvaged and are worth 200 gp.
Sorry. Trying to eat a hotdog.
The party has gone west, buy who goes first?
>>118585Isla, cuz she a brave and honorable lass.
>>118586You see a door.
What do you do?
>>118585Kiara is holding back with the 'flashlight'. She sheathes her sword and pulls out her bow (stringing it if necessary).
>>118587Isla checks the door with her eyes, looking for any traps before getting near the door, from what happened last time.
[1d20+3 = 14]<I better not be fooled twice
>>118585His eyes go wide as he stuffs it in a pocket.
"Keep ahold of that ore, you'll want it"
>>118588I'm gonna need you to be precise in which hand is holding the buckler, the lantern, the bow, and the arrow.
>>118589If that's a search check, she doesn't see anything that stands out on this side of the door.
>>118590"I figured from how shiny it was, but thank ye, little drake," she smiles at the kobold.
>>118591She tentatively places her ear on the door, trying to listen for anything on the other side of the door.
[1d20+7 = 10]<Why does my class doesn't have spot as a class skill?
-Buckler, Lantern
No arrow drawn yet
>>118592She does not hear anything.
>>118594Thinking there is nothing to worry about, Isla slowly opens the door.
>>118595I'm gonna assume the rest of the party is just a couple squares behind her.
The large door is not locked, and opens easily. The PCs may enter, if they wish.
>>118596The lizard slips between legs and into the room
>>118596Lucy is in the middle of the party
>>118596Kiara goes through the door
>>118597Isla is shocked to feel the lizard swoop inbetween her short legs, jumping a little as he passes through.
"Oi!" she calls out to the little guy. "Don't ye pass through me legs."
>>118596With another shake of her head, she enters the room as well.
>>118597Racial preference aside, Rhyd cannot help but notice that Isla has
very nice legs.
>>118599Alright, I'm gonna assume she goes first, followed by Lucy, followed by Isla and Rhyd (occupying the same space).
Alrght, now to find my description... Ah, there it is:
This large, square room houses four long wooden tables, each with a bench on either side. On top of the tables lie a number of wooden bowls and eating utensils. In the southeast corner of the room, a small stewpot steams over a fireplace carved into the floor. A pungent odor hangs in the air. The table furthest from the door is flipped over.
Sorry for the wait.
And now, the surprise round. Buckle up motherfuckers.
Kiara feels a projectile wiz towards her, which would've gone for her face, if not for the buckler attatched to the lantern.
But then feels another one go straight for her stomach...
Lucy feels another one embed itself into her leather vest, just narrowly missing her tits.
Another flies by Isla, and doesn't even come close.
Kiara has taken 4 damage. Roll Initiative.
>>118602[1d20+5 = 25]<Time to see if my brain is fast
>>118606-4, cuz deafened
>>118604Initiative doesn't crit, but she's still going first.
A desperate, high-pitched chatter resounds across the room, the ambushers yapping that Isla doesn't understand (sorry, Isla, if you don't list your languages, I lave to assume you don't speak any.
>>118605Rhyd finds that, to his luck, Isla's athletic thighs managed to provide him with total cover during the surprise round. A feat only possible due to high Slight Build trait.
>>118608Skinny for the win!
>>118609Thicc thighs save lives.
>>118607>>118608AlrightIsla attempts to spot the attackers that just shot at both her and her current companions, feeling the kobold under her.
(Fer fuck sakes. Yer lucky we're being ganged upon, wanker.)
[1d20+3 = 19]<cries in non-class skill
Whatever is holding the line back there is damn quick. She didn't even get a glimpse of it, or how many there are, or what weapon it just fired.
Isla still has a full round of actions
I just realized i forgot to upload my pic. This is what the room would've looked like before the enemies flipped the table.
>>118612Reeeeeee. So close.(Ah bollocks. Can't see the wanker.)
>>118613She decides to try her best to close the distance between where the shots came from and herself, hoping she stumbles onto the crossbow wielding foe as a move action.
(I'm going tae gut yer sorry arse, mongrel.)
Sorry, kobold. The legs are moving away.
>>118616[1d20+8 = 23]<I hope I don't trip into a chair and break my neck
>>118617Isla manages to spot and carefully maneuver around the caltrops and marbles scattered all over the floor, but is now completely flat-footed.
She may use her remaining move action to make another spot check
>>118618Drat. Shouldn't have rushed. Cmon Isla, you can do it!Isla curses to herself, attempting to spot the enemies again.
[1d20+3 = 6]<I hope my eyes can see
>>118619Sorry, can't even give you partial info for that.
She does notice a smol crossbow aimed at her though.
She takes two damage
Kiara's turn.
It hits her in the leg.
>>118620Kiara is falling back outside the angry room
>>118621Alright, that's a move action.
She can attempt a heal check to fish the bolt out of her navel if she wants.
>>118623Good enough.
Kiara manages to pull the rusty bolt out of her belly button, feeling relief in that it didn't hit any vital organs.
Another bolt wizes past her, hitting the door beside her head.
Lucy's turn.
Lucy's faggot is gonna take a bit..
[1d100 = 42]>>118624A burst of Smoke and Fog appears around Lucy
as she uses summon undead 1
Dammit, Lucy
Alright, she said that she wanted to cast a spell that takes a full-round action so-
>>118626She successfully pronounces the verbal components for her spell, despite being deafened.
The undead you summon appear in a burst of smoke and fog. The vapor swiftly dissipates, but you can't shake the impression of screaming faces in the cloud's tendrils.A first level human warrior skeleton appears in the middle of the room, unaffected by the caltrops and awaiting orders.
pic related.
>>118627The skeleton moves immediately after hr initiative and is considered to be telepathically under her command. What does she order?
Come on, Lucy, at least finish your round.
>>118628To Slaughter the crossbowmen
>>118630It's a mindless creature that lasts exactly one (1) round. You're going to have to be more specific with it's actions.
>>118631to attack the crossbowmen that shot isla
[1d20+3 = 5]>>118632Attack as in charge?
Fuck it. Sir Bones charges valiantly, attacking one of the creatures, which only has partial cover, with his ancient scimitar.
>>118633Annnnnnd swishes.
His charge was not in vain though, for the panicked creatures behind the table bark in horror before focusing fire on him.
One shoots him, and misses, the shot going straight through his ribcage.
Rhyd's turn
>>118634Rhyd takes aim and hopes this arrow will find it's mark.
Rolling to shoot.
[1d20+8 = 14]
>>118635Good shot, but no cigar.
The shot narrowly misses a creature's head, it only escaping by the benefit of partial cover.
At this point, Rhyd hears some more panicked yapping from across the room..
Roll Listen
[1d20+3 = 8]
Oh fuck it. I feel like I have to roll for him.
[1d20+3 = 12]>>118637Close enough. They're only 10 feet away.
>"He just shoot us?!">"I no see him before.">"He with man?">"Man try crush him earlier though."Because he's the only character in the party who's sheet says that he speaks draconic.
Since nobody had local knowledge as a trained skill, nobody was able to distinguish the enemy combatants. Rhyd is able to distinguish 4 kobolds, ambiguous gender.
One of them loses a crossbow to complete the round.
And hits Isla.
4 damage.
The party is at a standoff with 4 enemies, who have a home-field advantage. Let's start the next round tomorrow.
[1d20+3 = 10]>>118638Actually, strike that.
I neglected to consider my prior assertion that the kobold was prioritizing the spooky boi right in front of it.
It aims, Sir Bones gets an AoO misses, Sir Bones narrowly misses with his scimitar, the kobold fires into Bones's eye sockt, and bounces around harmlessly because it doesn't penetrate his DR.
Isla has only taken 2 damage this round.
>mfw considering if adding the caltrops and marbles to this encounter at the last minute should count as a CR-increasing trap, or if I should just treat it as a consequence of the thunderstone trap
A few inconveniently-placed marbles and caltrops really do make a world of difference at this level. Fucking kobolds.
Alright, we didn't get as far as I hoped last night, but I'm still free today.
All players please tell me if/when you'll be available today. I really want to get through this adventure.
>>118639Isla takes out a javelin from her sack, aiming at one of the unknown combatants, hoping to at least do some damage after rushing to her current position.
[1d20+2 = 7]<Ranged Attack Roll/Javelin
>>118645The javelin embeds itself in the mine wall.
The creature responds with a shot of its own.
And hits.
Isla takes a crossbow bolt and takes 4 damage
Kiara's turn.
She's retreated to the doorway. Is she still aiming the lamp inside?
>>118647Sets the lamp down facing the kobold table.
outside the doorframe, so she has full cover.
"Fall back you knobs, you're gonna get turned into cheese!"
IF she has available action, she's gonna start playing an invigorating tune - Inspire Courage
>>118648Kiara uses her special ability:
Inspire Courage!All allied combatants receive a +1 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls, and a +1 bonus to saves vs charms and fear.
An enemy takes a full-round action to shoot the unattended lamp.
.... and crit fails, the lamp somehow seeming brighter, and the creauture letting out a frustrated yap as it fiddles with its unloaded crossbow.
[1d4 = 3]>>118650Lucy casts Cause fear on the kobold that shot her
>>118651Is that a 1d100 roll? (i can't tell on this computer)
>>118652It's not. Seems to be a 1d4
>>1186521d4 rounds, so its afraid for 3 rounds
[1d100 = 81]>>118653>>118651Okay rolling for spell failure, because deafness
>>118656The creature fails its save and is now frightened.
However, since it has nowhere to flee, it fights.
and misses.
Rhyd's turn
Rhyd is't here, so we'l have to pause for a bit.
Arrows are a good choice when you don't know what's going on!
Shoot the enemies!
[1d20+8 = 15]
>>118660That darn table.
Return fire
Return shot also misses.
sorry, now it was me who was distracted>"Orange? We no have orange.">"No klan. Stranger!">"Leader say hold line!">"Fire!"
>>118661Isla decides that her attempts to rush down her opponents is not going so well, moving to the nearest table, flipping it over and hiding behind it to provide partial cover from all the pesky arrows that keep hitting her mark, grunting along the way as a full round action.
(My luck is not on my side. Bloody 'ell.)
>>118662Alright, that no roll is necessary for that.
Isla wises up and flips the southeast table, turning it into an improvised cover panel."
Her peculiar stance makes her seam almost invisible as she moves, before she disappears behind the flipped table.
>"[Konfused Kobold noises]She is now prone, experiencing all of
The kobold who Lucy frightened with her spell reloads his krossbow and fires.
It hits.
Lucy takes 2 damage.
>>118665Maintain song
and cover
>>118666She'd have to move at least 5 feet back for that, since the northwest table has a direct line of fire with the doorway.
I'm gonna assume she does.
A kreature fires at Lucy.
And makes a kritikal hit, but doesn't konfirm.
The Witch takes 2 damage, and is now at one (1!) HP.
A ghost of her ancestor warns her that it may be time to run for cover and maybe try to use her unlimited self-healing ability.
>>118667Lucy uses ray of enfeeblement on the kobold that just shot her
>>118670>wasting more precious spell slots when ur at 1 hp and in direct line of fireNigger, what did I just say?
>>118669>>118671>1 hpOOF
Lucy takes cover behind the table isla flipped over
>>118672That's a move action.
Would you like to heal yourself with your unlimited negative energy, with your standard action?
>>118676As lucy puts her hand to her breast, her otherworldly power repairs her body. Crossbow bolts push themselves out of her flesh, and her wounds close.
Also, I should've said this earlier, but Isla would've had to drop her torch to flip that table without provoking any actions from the enemies.
Lucy can still hold onto her lamp though.
Another kreature shoots at Rhyd, who is the only combatant in the room without cover.
A bolt that would've gone for Rhyd's heart is just barely blocked by his armor.
His turn.
>>118678The kobolds ducks for cover as well, casting guidance on himself.
Due to his size and slight build, Rhyd can use the table as cover without falling prone.
>"Shoot life elf!">"No krossbow.">"Manstink!">"No klan!"The last kobold holds back its initiative, in a readied action.
>>118681Now that Isla is finally away from constant bolt fire, picks up her torch while prone if possible and waits in her position.
"These lads are impenetrable," she says
>>118682>"Manstink!">"Wimps!">"Kowards!">"Kobold masterrace!"The creatures shout various insults in their dog-like language.
Another creature readies an action, holding back its initiative.
Kiara's turn.
Alright, Kiara's back, but we lost Rhyd.
I'm gonna pause, probably for the night.
>>118683I recognize that shitposting type
>>118686>"Dat knome?!">"Worse than man!">"Dirty knome!">"Leader say krush da knomes!"
>>118688>"Redhat bad!">"Stinky knome!">"Knome weak! Leader strong!">"No knomes in klan kavern!"
Kiara, frustrated, wounded, demoralized, and a bunch of other adjectives cries "You blazing pile of orc-trash, fall back!"
Konsidering the fakt that Rhyd neglected to add his racial bonus to his search chekk and might've aktually made that chekk if he were paying attention (which I may have noticed earlier if he made a mythweaver's sheet like I asked), I'm going to exploit this unexpekted standoff to give away a little bit of the meta knowledge I might have used to reward the party for noticing th trap and using stealth to sneak up on the kobolds.
The four(4) smol sniffling kloaked kreatures seem almost surprised to have lasted this long (no roll is necessary to sense this bit), their tiny noses poking out from behind their improvised kover, twitching and sniffling, not unlike rats. They yip and yap and bark at one another in their primitive drakonik dialect.
>"W-w-we hold the line! Kaptain right!"
>"Only four mans? Man-klan no storm us already?"
>"Diggermans gone. Maybe klan-mans have kold too?"
>"Diggermans dumb. Let stinky gobbo be kaptain."
The kreatures kakkle sadistically, chattering various spiteful and misanthropic insults in their squeeaky, high-pitched voices about ear-mans, food-mans, drink-mans, the redkap menace, and the "smelly" and "foolish" hoo-mans.
>"Hoo-mans so silly! Why gobbo lead diggermans if gobbo no man-klan?"
>"Gobbo koward. Make poor diggermans klamber around gobbo. No kunning like kaptain."
>"Mans is also STINKY!"
>"Mans stink. Spread manstink to kobold klan.." *kertchoo!*
>>118690The kruel and kowardly kreatures kakkle in response, reveling in their primitive and sadistic ways. Kiara kan't understand their language, but somehow she gets the message loud and klear...
>"Gonna kry?">"Gonna pee yer knickers?">"Maybe krap and kum?">"Stinky mans no kill kobold klan! Kobold squad hold the line!"I kouldn't resist.The kreatures all have their little krossbows kokked with readied actions. Their kowardice is klear even behind their hooded kloaks, but they don't seem nearly as desperate or frantik as they did when the party first entered the room.
>>118711Reminder that only Rhyd speaks the drakonik language (Lucy still hasn't posted languages though). If you want to exploit this info, you need to kommunikate in kharakter.
The Kaverns & Kobolds Klub will assemble again next weekend.
In the meantime, I'm going to deal with meatspace strife, and prepare some original content as my take on the consequences of these four (4) puny Kobolds managing to hold the party off for so long, while their komrades kontinue to expend the useful treasure in the dungeon to set more traps :3
>"Yes, I put all of my skill ranks into Knowledge (Dungeoneering), Profession (Miner), and Craft (Trapmaking).How could you tell?"
Sadly, it seems as though the next KKK meeting may have to be delayed, due to prior scheduling contraints of a key player that could not be avoided.
The adventure shall resume as soon as I'm able to organize everypony to play on the same day.
The next KKK meeting shall assemble Saturday of next week. All players please clear your schedules.
Unless there's a disaster, or we figure out how to play earlier.
>adventurers when the cavern starts speaking draconic
The next KKK meeting shall assemble on this board on Saturday at 10:30 AM (EST).
Unless I can get everypony online tomorrow?.
Be there or be square.
To remind our heroes where we left off:
Kiara is in the hallway beside the room, benefiting from total cover. She is currently using her only use of her Inspire Courage ability to buff the party; her buff provides +2 to attack and damage rolls, because i neglected to correct that she doesn't actually qualify for the feat that lets her do that at this level (to be fixed later, but okay for this encounter). She left her lantern on the northeast table.
She is wounded, and has called to her allies to fall back.
Isla is prone on the ground behind the southeast table that she just flipped over, rolling in some dirty food that was spilled all over the place. While prone, she benefits from near-complete cover. Though prone, I'll rule that this position doesn't
She is also wounded, has lost her javelin, and is perhaps currently regretting her decision to not own a crossbow...
Lucy decided to imitate Isla, and is spooning her. She has used up 3 spell slots today, and might have to go melee for the rest of the adventure, since she also doesn't own a crossbow.
She has been wounded twice, but has been able to heal her body with her unlimited pool of negative energy. Fucking immortal witch.. She is still deafened as a result of the thunderstone trap though.
Rhyd subsequently joined the pile. Due to his smol size and Slight Build trait (making him count as tiny whenever favorable) he can use the table as total cover if he crouches, and one half cover standing. He may have trouble shooting from this position though.
He is also the only character who would have recognized that these 4 smol creatures shooting at the party are kobolds, being the only character fluent in their draconic language. They've noticed his orange color in the dim light and have determined that he is in fact not one of their clan. They didn't shoot at him on the surprise round, but I wouldn't count on that now..
If he wants to communicate any of this knowledge to the rest of the party, he can attempt to speak over Kiara's violin music during any creatures turn as a free action.
The 4 kobold's have held back their initiatives and prepared readied actions, crossbows loaded and ready.
It is Isla's initiative.
There may be some delays, due to unexpected blips in a certain player's schedule...
It looks like we might have to cancel... I can't DM this dungeon with only 3 active players (it's more dangerous than it looks), and only 1 has shown up thus far (the one I considered to be most likely to sleep through it; thank you for exceeding my expectations).
One player has announced that he is being dragged off against his will to do random bullshit later today, and two other players have not responded to repeated pinging...
Maybe we could've crammed a couple hours in if everyone were present, but it looks like we're not doing it after all.
Let's try to aim for:
This time
Please be sure to inform any and all parties who may interfere of your scheduled plans.
I am disappointed...
>>119692Okay, scratch that. A party member has church at that time.
We'll meet whenever I can get everypony together.
Newsflash, another delay, and possible cancellation...
One of the players has been dragged out to do random bullshit again; and another player has evidently become depressed by unrelated drama, because said player abruptly signed off and has not responded yet...
Why would anyone involve themselves in crap that makes them so unhappy, in their free time?
Kiara innocently continues playing her viola, pretending to not have heard anything amiss.
>>119916All I am saying is don't start shit by badmouthing me like in
>>119917I'm not even going to bother unhiding that.
Go away.
Hopefully, we can play as soon as our last player gets back, if they do.
Sorry we couldn't have a game-day today, but maybe we can get through this encounter tonight.
Let's try to plan ahead a bit better in the future.
Oh, nevermind... That player has been dragged off yet again..
Well, this weekend has been a letdown, but it couldn't be helped.
I'm free to play whenever the group is ready, although I'd need to push aside college stuff to make it work during the week, which means I need a schedule. Everyone remember to DM me when you're available.
Aright, it looks like once again we have players busy with unexpected shit today. Shit happens; it can't be helped.
Seeing how this is a one-shot, I can delay it for as long as it takes to get to the one day where we can finally finish it. It was only supposed to take one day to begin with, but lasted longer because I spent way too long typing and retyping the intro.
I'm sure one of these days we'll get together so y'all can finally conquer this dungeon, but for now it looks like we'll have to leave it at this stalemate (with the kobolds winning, lol). Until that fateful day, I guess I could try to prepare some original content, for the lot of you to enjoy.
I've got a lot of important stuff this week, but i'd push it all aside if I can be certain that all four could be available on any day of the week (Tuesdays and Thursdays are hard though).
Until next week, klansmen.
>>119926I'll keep an eye out, it'll happen eventually
It also seems as though a player i busy next week, o the KKK may not meet again for a while, unless we miraculously manage to play this week.
I'm busy all wee, but technically free on Wednesday, Friday, and evenings.
pic unrelated
Ah, here's a related one:
I technically have the day off, but I have to study a lot.
On the slim plausibility that y'all have a couple free hours, I'm down to finish this one encounter. Ping me if you find the time.
Alright, there has been a change of plans. We'll be continuing the thread, but sadly, one of our players is unable to play.. On the bright side, another player has agreed to play, so I've got the right number of players to not-TPK the party so easily.
We'll continue where we left off.
All present players please post to show me you're ready.
>>119958I am here and ready to slay any and all kobolds
*Viola playing intensifies*
We're waiting on two players.
It's Isla's initiative though, so she may attempt an action.
She's prone, a couple squares away from the door, which is open.
>>119961Isla decides to pull the table back, trying to move her cover back to the door the party entered the room, hoping the other two follow)
(Bloody Tartarus.)
Note: I want to keep the other two covered characters as she pulls the table back to the entrance. No leaving them coverless.
>>119962She would have to forfeit cover and stand up to move the table.
She could crawl to the door at half her speed, if she wants to, she gains partial concealment while doing so.
Note that the table is big enough and positioned so it provides partial cover to anyone crawling out of the room.
>>119963>>119964Ah, that's good to know.
If that's the case, Isla simply crawls out of the room.
>>119965Alright, I'm going to treat that as a Withdraw, full-round action.
A crossbow bolt wizzes over her head as she leaves.
Kiara's turn.
>>119959*attacks random tree in the mountains that resembles a kobold*
>>119967Yeeck, the random
murder hobo wandering warrior makes his way across the mountains.
roll survival
>>119966Kiara continues the onslaught of musics
>>119969Kiara continues playing her viola in the hallway
>"Man no fight?">"Dat music?">"Why play music nao?">"silly mans">>119970Yeeck notices a familiar set of footprints on the path pointing up the mountain.
Lucy's turn
>>119970Would he like to follow them?
>>119972She crawls out after isla.
>>119972"A KOBOLD!"
*begins running after the tracks*
>>119973With a full round action, the fledgling necromancer retreats from the room, crawling on her hands and knees.
She narrowly avoids stepping on the caltrops and broken glass that litter the room.
Rhyd follows shortly after, receiving a similar treatment from the kobold firing squad.
>"manstinker!">"Traitor!">"Koward!">"Get bullied, loner!"Two crossbow bolts fly past his head, to no avail.
All PCs have made it to the hallway.
What do you do?
>>119976First of all, Isla closes the door when all the party present is out of the room, wanting to avoid any more sneaky crossbow shots from behind.
Then she turns to the party, panting slightly.
"Damn traps..."
The Mess Hall goes dark as two of the cloaked figures succeed in shooting out Kiara's lantern and Lucy's lamp, which they sadly forgot to take with them as they left the room.
>>119976Kiara visibly relaxes once and stops playing once the others have made it back into the room
>>119978A pity that's not where I said she would set it, but w/e
>>119979Tossing her viola in no particular direction, she draws an arrow and nocks it.
>>119977Lucy Sighs
"I Think we're gonna need to head back to town."
>>119977As she closes the door, she hears sniffing and exasperated cheering.
>"Viktory!">"Enemy repelled!">"Kaptain give medals for valor.">"Kobold masterrace!"The four figures rejoice, surprised to have made it this far.
>>119979They are in the hallway, atm.
They may now discuss what to do next, although Lucy will need a bit of extra instruction since she's still deaf for the time being.
>>119979She put it on the table, iirc.
>>119974Roll another survival check
>>119981She pants slightly.
"Aye... We're not cut out fae this."
>>119980>>119979Isla looks at Kiara's actions intently.
>>119982She sighs.
"Damn things..."
>>119984"These creatures are craftier than I expected. They won't catch ME unaware again,...."
Everyone feel free to keep talking. I'm going to take 10 minutes to eat a sandwich.
>>119984"Maybe we can find someone else to help us there?"
>>119987"Stand clear of the door. I've got an idea." Once everyone is clear of the line of sight of the door, Kiara stands to the side of the door (should have total cover) and reopens the door. She pulls one of her spare oil flasks out, un-stoppers it, spends a round preparing it with a fuse.
>>119989Isla does as instructed, walking directly away from the door by 10 feet, watching with interest.
>>119989Lucy Moves back and then whispers
"What is that?"
>>119991"These little faggots aren't the only ones who play dirty," Kiara says, holding up a tindertwig (match)
>>119988Yeeck successfully follows the trail up the mountain.
It gets colder as he climbs, and he notices several other sets of footprints appearing in the frost.
Meanwhile, in the kavern, the PCs may be startled to hear a subtle whoosh as pic related manifests behind them.
>>119994*Holds my hammer high* I HUNT!
>>119995Isla jumps as she sees the spider thing.
"Oh fer crying out loud."
How close behind them is this thing?
Sorry, rolling dice
The giant blue Nope lunges out and grabs Rhyd with its jaws, in a fearsome swoop that would have hit even if he were not flat footed. The beast vanishes as quickly as it came, it's earie blue body dissolving into ethereal mist, taking Rhyd with it...
And just like that, he's gone.
No initiative. The surprise round ended as soon as it began.
>>119997Right behind them. The motherfucker jaunted in as a free action, grappled, and left as a move action. Rhyd is nowhere to be seen.
Also, check'em
>>119998Kiara blinks a few times and returns to preparing her molotov coctail.
You know where I'm going with this right? Once its ready, she'll use the tindertwig to light the fuse and throw it at the kobold's overturned table.
>>119998>>119999Isla blinks profusely as a shiver crawls up her spine.
>>120000Supposing that Kiara was not distracted by the giant spider that just took one of her allies out of the blue, she could hear some scurrying, as the kobolds push tables around, put away the damaged lamp and reset caltrops, before they suddenly become silent once more.
>>119998Lucy stands there jaw slightly agape
"D-Do we go after it? To save the Little guy?"
>>119996Yeeck's kobold-murdering endeavor leads him to the front of an open mineshaft in the mountain.
A cool breeze drifts down from the towering peaks of the Serpentcoil Mountains as you behold the entrance to the caverns. The frost-rimed ground is littered with tools, picks and shovels, some of which protrude from soft banks of snow. A single darkened shaft leads into the depths of the mine ahead. The dirt path beneath its wooden support structure is covered with stone debris, a few pieces of which occasionally glint with the slightest hint of ore. No light issues forth from the tunnel. Burnt-out torches are strewn across the floor, their brackets torn from the shaft walls. Behind you, the worn road leads back through the crags to the valley below. Aside from the quiet whistling of the wind, complete silence fills the small clearing within the mountains.The tunnel is 15 feet wide and 10 feet tall.
It is entirely unlit.
>>120003Isla grabs Lucy's shoulder and shakes her head.
"That thing will probably kill us all if we tried, lass."
She turns her neck to Kiara's attempts at anti-lizard arson.
>>120003She's free to try, if she can figure out wtf even happened.
As of now, the party is down to 3. They will be outnumbered by even the smallest encounter they've faced thus far.
Oh, and i guess anyone with ranks in the skills can roll knowledge (arcana) or knowledge (the planes), to understand wtf they just saw.
>>120004*darkvision bitch*
Kobold Slayer marches in shield and hook hammer drawn ready to slay kobolds*
[1d20+6 = 24]>>120006Rolling knowledge arcana
>>120007The brave gnomish warrior marches into the dark, down a 120 ft tunnel, littered with smashed lamps and broken pickaxes.
Eventually, it opens up to a 25 by 25 foot room described in
>>120010Kiara peeks into the room. What does she see?
>>120010I yell out banging my hammer on my shield
>>120008With a check like that Lucy may have once heard of an infamous magical creature called a "phase spider", known for its teleportation ablities.
>>120011The little shits worked quickly.
Roll a strength check.
>>120012Roll a listen check.
>>120013Have i heard anything about it specifically?
>>120015Rolling to assist Kiara.
[1d20+2 = 9]
>>120014Yeah, you know of its teleportation abilities, supposedly possessing the power to travel between spaces, but you'd need a higher check to know specifics.
>>120015The door doesn't budge
>>120017Almost got it
>>120017>>120011"I Think our little friend is gone for good. that was a Phase spider."
>>120019Isla groans slightly as the door doesn't seem to budge.
"I figured from how easy it ate him, now could you help with this door? These little lizard things blocked it with stuff."
>>120019"F. Can you help us with this door?"
>>120016You year a subtle draconic screech to the west, before silence.
Lucy, Isla and Kiara are entitled to Listen checks
>>120023Where does that +3 come from?
[1d20 = 13]>>120021"Sure."
>>120022*runs to the west screaming like a madman*
>>120023Sorry, I haven't had any caffine today...
Kiara hears shouting to the east of the tunnel.
>>120025Nevermind, i forgot you're still deaf.
[1d20 = 20]>>120022Listen
>>120028Lucy notices a sharp ringing in her ears, but she's still deaf for now.
She does see a smol armored figure charging towards her from the east though.
>>120029>>120020Lucy grabs isla by the shoulder and points at the figure
>>120026Yeeck sees 3 figures in the tunnel.
Tall, visibly humanoid, armed, and maybe female?
>>120030>>120029>>120031Isla turns around, trying to see what's coming towards them.
(What is she on about?)
>>120032A smol figure in leather armor charges forward with a pickaxe.
>>120031I run up to them and look them up and down
"You're not kobolds, have you seen any kobolds?"
>>120034"A gnome? Greetings!" Kiara says in gnomish.
>>120034>>120032Lucy gets behind isla
>>120033>>120034>>120036Isla points to the door behind her, making sure to cover Lucy in case things get hectic.
"There are some behind this door, lad. Four o them, in fact."
She glances at the door.
"Door's stuck, though."
>>120035"I am a gnome and you are not a kobold"
>>120036*glances over at the hiding girl*
>>120037*pulls out a crowbar*
"Not for long"
>>120038Roll a str check.
Anyone interested can roll to aid.
>>120039>>120038Isla nods, before helping the gnome.
[1d20+2 = 13]
[1d20+1 = 14]>>120039>>120040Rolling to assist
I'm going to assume you guys are going to take 20 on this.
After a minute or two of pushing, a wooden bar snaps, and the PCs successfully push through the barricade behind the sealed door.
[1d20+1 = 12]>>120042Also assisting
>>120044I kick the door the rest of the way open and throw a torch in
The room appears as described in
>>118614 >>118601 , except that the tables are all over the place
>>120046He is greeted with silence.
>>120046Isla jumps in surprise.
"Watch your step, lad! They have marbles and caltrops on the floor!"
Nothing greets Yeeck as he enters the room.
I need to know who enters and in what order.
>>120048"Good point" I say before I chuck a container of oil in after my lit torch
>>120049Isla definitely doesn't enter the room this time, deciding to ready her sling and taking cover behind a wall, awaiting the moment a kobold tries to jump Yeeck with a crossbow bolt.
[1d20+3 = 14]>>120048Kiara throws her molotov at the furthest overturned table
>>120050Did you just set the room on fire?
The oils splatters all over the stone floor, setting the place on fire.
>>120052She'd need to enter the room to do that.
>>120051Lucy is still hiding behind isla
>>120054yes. yes i did.
"Kobolds receive no quarter" I say as I draw my crossbow
[1d20+3 = 23]>>120054The room is 25x25. Alchemists fire (which governs oil flasks as splash weapons) has a range increment of 10'. That means an 11 (-2 because of the range) lands.
>>120056Nothing responds.
The grease-fire makes an awful smell as it burns, mixing with some soup that's been spilled all over the stone floor.
>>120061Too bad that was an unintended reroll.
My point stands though
[1d20 = 20]>>120060>>120060I slowly and carefully walk into the room, avoid possible caltropes and marbles
>>120059I'm going to let you do it just because it's a 20.
She hits the table on the far side of the room.
estimates table hardnessIt takes fire damage, and begins to burn.
>>120064With her next available action, Kiara re-nocks her bow, and readies an attack.
>>120063He successfully steps around the caltrops, indicating experience in dealing with kobolds.
I'm going to have you roll a reflex save to avoid catching fire though.
>>120066Fair enough, I suppose.
[1d20+6 = 22]
>>120067I don't recall you entering the room, but that would have been enough to walk through the greasefire without your pants lighting up.
Nothing responds.
So far, no kobolds have shown themselves.
PCs are free to explore the room, if they wish. There's caltrops everywhere and a greasfire in the middle of the room though.
[1d20 = 12]>>120066I try to avoid the fire as I look around for kobolds
"I was told there were kobolds here"
[1d20+2 = 11]>>120069Search check
>>120070That ceck probably wouldn't have succeeded with the kobold's monstrous hide bonuses, but Yeeck feels that if there were kobolds in this room, they probably would have attacked him by now.
>>120071She doesn't see very much interesting besides a pot of foul-smelling soup beside a dimly lit fireplace.
Also, there's a door to the north, if I didn't make that clear earlier.
[1d20+3 = 19]>>120071Rolling to assist.
>>120073Is her lantern still there? Its all metal, so even if shot and disrupted, it should still be serviceable
[1d20 = 19]>>120074>>120073I turn and point at the big tiddie goth girl
"why are you hiding, make with the kobold slaying, don't look at me in that tone of voice"
>>120076Nope, apparently the lizzers took it with them wherever they scurried off to.
Isla's javelin is gone too.
Further inspection reveals that there's nothing in this room besides half-eaten food, caltrops, broken crossbow bolts, and a pot of soup.
The table is still on fire, and continues to burn.
The greasefire dies down overtime, but still smolders on the stone floor.
[1d20 = 5]>>120080the fire isn't a kobold so I let it do it's thing as I walk to the door to the north
[1d20+3 = 16]>>120080rolling search to find any foot prints
>>120082What was that roll for?
The door is locked.
>>120083All over the place. Apparently there were a lot of them here at some point.
[1d20 = 15]>>120084I pull my crowbar out again and star beating the door with it
"Open this door you overgrown salamanders I'm gonna cut your dicks off!"
>>120084"More than three have been here."
>>120085Success, he breaks halfway through the door.
Whatever is behind it remains silent.
Roll again to finish the door.
[1d20 = 16]>>120088I put my crowbar away and pull out my crossbow, before I go to kick it in the rest of the way
>>120090What's left of the door is kicked to the side easily.
A draconic voice barks something:
>"Company, fire!"What's your flat-footed AC?
>>120068Shit, you're right.
>>120069Isla walks carefully along the edges of the room, trying to follow the others, standing next to the door's wall with a bullet on her sling, ready to fire at anything she can see.
[1d20 = 5]>>120091it's 14
>>120093Yeeck is greeted by a volley of crossbow bolts.
He takes two, then 2, then 6, then 6 points of damage, drops, and is now at -1 damage.
He is now
Alright, surprise round over, now everyone roll initiative, except for Yeeck who is unconscious.
Anybody around can attempt to stabilize him.
>>120095*screams in unconscious*
Sorry yeek...
You've got at least 9 rounds before you're actually dead though.
Also, to anyone who saw, which is everyone, there's a lot more kobolds in the next room than there were in this one.
6 crossbow bolts flew past Yeeck before the last one dropped him.
>>120095[1d20+5 = 11]<Initiative
Meanwhile, the table continues to burn.
I still need Kiara's initiative
Okay, got it written down.
Scurrying emanates from the next room, as the kobolds try to make the best of their homefield advantage, holding back their initiative with readied actions.
Kiara's turn. It's a low-light environment, but the burning table makes it easy to see within this room.
Alright, I'm going to steer kiara out of the way of immediate harm and keep her arrow knocked.
No kobold responds, evidently waiting for PCs to get closer so that they can snipe them.
Camping little shits...
Lucy's turn.
*continues bleeding out*
>>120105Lucy summons a skeleton and commands him to Drag yeecks back into the room
>>120107*is skele dragged*
>>120107As the skeleton appears, 5 creatures fire at it, 2 of which bounce off of its body, unable to penetrate its damage reduction.
Where does he drag him? One side of the room has a burning table. The middle of the room has an active greasefire.
I'll allow the skeleton to drag the gnome 30 feet.
Actually, I'm just going to assume its the northwest corner.
Isla's turn. She may cross the room to stabilize Yeeck, if she wishes.
>>120109He drags him right next to lucy
>>120111Lucy is still outside the room.
Sure, I'll let him go there. I'm not even going to bother with the logistics of avoiding the greasefire.
>>120110Shaking her head at the possibility of getting shot yet again, she simply readies her sling in case a kobold tries to enter the room.
(This place is too hard to pierce.)
>>120114Whatever's in the room evidently doesn't want to come out.
All remaining creatures within the room prepare readied actions, whispered barks emanate from the dark room.
The table continues to burn, and is beginning to smoke up the place.
>>120113Roll fortitude
[1d20 = 11]>>120115*twitches*
[1d100 = 1]>>120117*cough*
>>120118You are so lucky stabilization rolls don't crit..
Yeeck takes one point of damage, and is now at -2 HP as she bleeds from his multiple crossbow wounds.
Everything in the room that had higher initiative than Kiara prepares a readied action.
I put her at the southeast corner, so I'm going to have her roll to stabilize Yeeck
Kiara fails miserably to stabilize Yeeck, and he continues to bleed out, squirting blood all over the place.
Another creature shuffles about, in the room as it prepares a readied action, plausibly loading a weapon, or putting it's claw on the trigger to a trap.
[1d20 = 5]>>120121Lucy moves over to yeeck to try and help him
Heal check
Yeeck's blood squirts all over her already-dirty clothes.
[1d100 = 93]
*spurt spurt*
>>120125With a sigh, she abandons her overwatch, deciding to give stabilizing the gnome a shot.
[1d20+3 = 4]
[1d100 = 43]>>120130Whups
The creatures in the room shuffle about as they plan their next move, at a tone and distance that only a high-DC listen check could make out.
Everything in the room prepares a readied action.
The fire spreads across the table, and it begins to crumble.
I'm gonna roll to see if Yeeck stabilizes on his own.
[1d100 = 32]>>120131Yeeck is now at -3 HP, and still dying.
Some blood squirts on Isla, to her dismay.
Since everything is readying an action, I'm going to let all of you roll 1d20+Wis. I'll use the highest roll as the primary skill check, and every check above 10 after that as an aid roll.
>>120133Fair enough.
[1d20+3 = 21]<Heal
Isla stabilizes the strange gnome. He is now stable, and unconscious at -2 HP.
The burning table crumbles, filling up the room with smoke.
Everyone roll a fortitude save.
[1d20 = 7]
*dreams of killing kobolds*
>>120137[1d20+2 = 12]<Fort saveIsla huffs in frustration.
(This place is a deathtrap.)
>>120138As the gnome begins to breath again, he begins to choke.
In fact, everybody at the entrance of the room begins to choke as the burning table crumbles.
>>120139Theres not that much smoke, and your at the entrance of the room, so I'll let that one pass.
Kiara leaves the room, getting away from the smoke.
>>120141Lucy reaches into her backpack and pulls out a potion, she brings it to yeecks lips and tilts his head back to make him drink it.
its a cure light wounds potion
>>120142I told you Lesser Vigor was better...
Roll 1d8+1 to see how much HP he heals.
The kobolds continue to chatter from their improvised camp, plotting their next course of action.
Barking, yapping, and a suspicious growling emanates from the far room, but PCs are too far away to hear unless they roll god-tier listen checks.
Fuck it. I'm just ruling that Cure Light Wounds potions don't exist in my setting, and there's no reason why Lucy would carry one, since it's poison for her.
Yeeck takes a potion of lesser vigor, and stabilizes immediately, and then recovers 11 HP over the course of 11 rounds.
Lets go with the lesser vigor, since that's the more favorable outcome.
The vigor potion puts Gnome at 9 HP, awake.
Smoke has filled the room.
The smoke is slightly oppressive, but not thick enough to be a hazard to anyone outside the room on either side.
>>120141*I shoot up and look around, seeing lucy I smile and pat her on the head*
"Thank you, now I can kill more kobolds"
I move to the exit without standing too high to avoid being a target*
>>120149Isla gets out of the smoke filled room from the door Kiara left through, not wanting to die needlessly for a bunch of lizards.
>>120150You're already at the southeast exist.
>>120150>>120151Lucy follows behind them.
>>120152then I guess it wont take long will it
I make sure the girls all get out ok, counting
>>120154The gnome, in his kobold-slaying experience, knows that taking on this many kobolds at once is inadvisable when they have the home-field advantage
Like a gentleman, he escorts the ladies back to the lobby room.
Meanhile, on another plane...
Nothing of interest happens on the way to the lobby room.
Everyone is wounded, except for Lucy.
t looks like I've once again failed to finish this adventure in one afternoon, like I planned to...
I'm going to have to stop for now. Hopefully we can finish the module this evening, when Kiara's player gets back.
I pause for a moment to listen for enemies and then turn to ask everyone for a rest so we can heal up
>>120157>>120159Isla nods at the idea.
>>120159The kobolds get cocky and chatter loudly to eachother as the PCs leave the room.
roll listen
>>120162Fail, but I'm gonna post this banter anyway.
>"Mans fall bakk! Kobold masterrace!">"Dat Redcap?! Kill now!">"We charge?">"Kaptain say hold the line tho">"Kaptain not here though..">"No kobolds stay in line!">"Mans kome back, we finish just like smelly redkap">"Smelly smoke.." *koughs*>"We leave, they kill us, kobolds hold the line."
>>120162I forgot that he has a racial bonus, so he hears it.
He also makes out a suspicious snarling coming from that room that makes him second-guess charging in blindly.
All of this is stuff he would have heard before retreating.
[1d20 = 3]>>120165I find the safest point of saftely and move myself and others towards the safe
>>120166There are no immediate threats available in the lobby room, although he can be sure that all of the kobolds in the kavern are working round the clock to make the PCs miserable in the next encounter.
I'm going to have to go eat soon.
[1d20 = 1]
I drape a blanket around lucy and lay out a bedroll for a nap
>>120168"Thanks. sorry you almost joined the dead."
>>120169"It's cool, I would just be among the legions of kobolds I've slain so I can kill them again"
>>120170"I Actually worship the raven queen."
>>120171I worship Baravar Cloakshadow, he'd let me kill kobolds til the world ends and the hells extinguish
>>120172"oh wow. tell me some more about that."
>>120173well oddly enough though I worship him, most every other gnome thinks im too wild to be a "true follower" see he's a god of illusion and deception and I kick in doors yelling 'I'm here to slay kobolds and eat slated pork, and im all out of pork' which they feel is in direct contradiction. however I've seen his miracles work before, I've been standing surrounded by fifty kobold all looking right at me and they saw nothing, though I am not a cleric, his blessings have still kept me alive that I might slay more kobold."
>>120174She looks impressed by his story.
"What Kind of Miracles have happened?"
he looks over at her and stretches
"Well lets see... this one time there was a bunch of kobold who had dammed a river so they could divert it into thier cave system, a nearby town was going to starve without it. I climbed the dam and set a fireball scroll, cost me every gold I had, while I was setting it a group of kobold walked right past me, they looked and one said "What a weird rock" before they walked on. when the dam blew every kobold was drowned."
"Then this one time I was in a cave system, I had nothing but my armor and a hat on when I walked into a cafeteria of kobold. I was about to draw my sword and star killing them off when one of them said, 'oh look a new guy, get ready for war' and went back to eating. I took the opportunity to walk straight up to the pot of soup and pour poison in and walked right back out. nothing short of a miracle"
It looks like Kiara's player is back.
Y'all can decide what you want to do next now.
>>120119Yeeck is a gurl?
>>120131It would take way longer for a table to burn to crumbling,...
>>120176"That's incredible. did they not attack you while you were walking out?"
>>120179"They thought I was a kobold"
>>120178I didn't really bother to calculate how many hit points the table had, but it took 11 rounds for Yeeck to get back to health.
>>12018111 rounds = just over a minute. Depending on the thickness of the wood, and being as though its not on a fire, the oil would go out before the table crumbled.
[11d6 = 39]>>120182Well, I'm going to list it as no longer burning then. It took 1d6 damage per round, so...
>>120183Which is more HP than most of the statted objects I have.
What do y'all do next?
There's a tunnel to the east, and then there's the tunnel y'all came from.
"Might as well go that way" Kiara offers, pointing east
You came from the west tunnel.
You entered the mine through the South tunnel.
The east tunnel is unexplored.
>>120186I want to slay kobolds
>>120186>>120187Isla nods with a weary sigh.
"I hope there's no more lizard things."
I'm also going to need a marching order, regardless of which path you take, because reasons.
>>120190"The Teagans used to say that 'Hope is the first step toward... something bad. I don't remember how it exactly goes."
Just tell me who goes first, second... and third, and last..
>>120192And Kiara is NOT leading because apparently she left her lantern on the table instead of just inside the doorway like I specified.
>>120194She can fuel a torch with one of the several broken lamps littered about the floor.
>>120192"That's a nice metaphor."
>>120195I stand up and put away my bedroll and blanket
>>120195Are any of them serviceable? Kiara has 1 more flask of oil
>>120192She chuckles slightly as she rubs her temple.
"Fair enough."
>>120197She looks at the recently cured gnome warrior, unpacking his things.
"Aye, care tae go first, lad? I sure dun want tae steal yer kills against these kobold folk."
>>120198No, they've all been smashed, perhaps intentionally by creatures who knew that they had an advantage when fighting in the dark.
There's still oil in a few of them that could be poured onto a torch though.
Anctually, didn't you have Mending? You could try casting that, but all of the lamps in the mine have been broken.
There's also a few broken pickaxes if you want a club, or a torch.
>>120199I lift my hook hammer and tower shield
"sounds like a plan, keep the light on my back and out of my eyes, I have darkvision so you'll just blind me"
I've got Yeeck headed in first.
I need to know who's moving immediately after him though.
>>120201She gives him a thumbs up.
"Aye, I'll keep that in mind while I'm behind ye."
>>120202Kiara will follow, arrow nocked
The eastern tunnel leads down a slope.
When the party is 40 feet down the slope leading from the lobby, the incline suddenly becomes much steeper. A soft blue luminescence glows in the distance farther down the ramp.
>>120206Well, do you proceed, or would you like to make some rolls?
>>120207Are you implying an absence of passive spot and listen checks?
>>120208In this case, yes.
I'm going to wait on Yeeck's player, since he's feeling sick.
Both Yeeck and Kiara need to make Reflex saves.
[1d20 = 15]
*march march march*
Lucy too, now that I look at it
>>120213Yeeck falls into a 20 foot hole as the ground crumbles beneath him.
>>120214Kiara narrowly avoids falling into the same hole, tumbling back with a backflip.
>>120216Down she goes.
>>120217Kiara readies to fire at anything coming from down the hall (ready attack)
[1d20 = 6]>>120217I grab lucy so she doesn't hit the ground
>>120217Isla readies her sling in case something comes.
>>120218Nothing comes up the tunnel.
She can roll a Bardic knowledge check rn, if she wants.
Yeeck takes 6 fall damage.
Lucy takes 7 damage.
>>120221Lucy is barely holding on to consciousness.
[1d20 = 17]
can I give lucy my healing potion??
>>120223You might want to save that for yourself, because...
>>120222You can heal yourself with your touch attack, as usual.
[1d20+1 = 16]>>120221*sigh* Since it pertains to something that might come to mind in context, sure. For future reference, since it might be contextual, you can just say 'roll check'. If its knowledge (meaning the character knows it) its obtuse to suggest rolling a check.
>>120225Kiara can tell that the trap has been freshly dug.
[1d20 = 7]
"Lucy get on my back" I say indicating
I pull out two daggers to climb the wall with
>>120229She holds on to yeeck
>>120227That was bardic knowledge?Search, to determine the constraints of the trap
Assuming PCs have some rope, or take a while to take 20 on their climb checks, they can eventually get themselves out of the pit.
Yeeck is at 3 HP.
>>120225It was originally supposed to be a craft (trapmaking) check, or profession (miner) check, but I figured Bardic knowledge counted. I picked this when I thought we'd have a kobold in the party, in which case it could have revealed a bit more about 'bold lore.
>>120229It takes him a few minutes, but he gets out.
Isla has some rope. I'm going to take the liberty of assuming she helps Lucy out.
The tunnel ahead opens up into a large cavern.
Would the PCs like to proceed?
>>120233Kiara has 50' of rope. What about the trap?
[1d20 = 17]>>120233yes I want to kill kobolds
And by the fact that the trap is freshly dug, Kiara can infer that kobolds have definitely been here..
>>120235What was that roll for?
>>120236OIC, n/m about the trap
>>120233I suppose.
Isla's current mood is wary, though. If this keeps up she's going to have lizard nightmares.
>>120239Good :3
Alright, Are we continuing with the previous marching order, or would y'all like to mix it up?
>>120240Keep current. Isla at the back.
>>120240Assuming no one died, yeah I'm planning on maintaining the marching order, arrow nocked
>>120240at the front so I can kill kobolds
I start smacking the ground in front of my with my tower shield so I can find potential traps
Yeeck is going to want to be cautious. He's at 3 HP, and any shot could kill him.
As for the cavern ahead:
This enormous cavern extends upward for at least 100 feet, climbing high into the bowels of the mountain. Glowing blue-green lichens creep across the rough walls and man-sized stalagmites protruding from the ground in this area, their faint light growing and then diminishing again every few seconds. The illumination occasionally highlights small flecks of silver, which glitter in the face of the great western wall of the cave. Several cables hang down from the edge of a wide hollow within that wall. The hollow penetrates deep into the west face of the cavern and begins about 20 feet above where you stand. The air here feels cool and damp.
Something like this
You've reached the main mine.
drinks my potion of healing
>>120247Do you do that before, or after you enter the kavern?
Lesser vigor heals more hp, but takes longer to heal.
>>120244"We can assume that we don't have the element of surprise, and unless they have superior numbers, they're gonna wait for us."
Kiara says, maintaining a ready position, pointed toward their progressive front, but scanning as they go.
>>120249Good idea.
>"FIRE!"A voice barks in draconic, from above the party.
A few seconds after Isla enters the room, hail of crossbow bolts rains down on the party, from the upper ledge of the groto.
2 bolts fly past Yeech, and then another grazes him on the cheek, dealing 1 damage.
Kiara blocks one with her buckler, but then another hit her her the arm and deals 4 damage.
Lucy takes one hit, and then a confirmed crit that deals minimum damage, taking 4 damage total.
Isla takes 6 damage from a shot, and then another flies past her.
Surprise round over. Everyone roll initiative,
>>120251I seem to recall saying something about passive spot checks. Should I assume I failed?
>>120252yeah shouldn't we be doing spot checks for that? I almost died again
Kiara and Isla are both at 1 HP.
Yeeck is at 12
Lucky is at 4.
If they feel a bit overwhelmed, they might want to know that the giant stalagmites in the room could provide up to total cover from the direction where the arrows came from.
>>120252Yeah, the little motherfuckeers get +9 to Hide, plus cover. I rolled her check just out of courtesy.
Everyone roll initiative, so i can have it while we pause for homosexuality
I need Kiara's initiative
[1d20+7 = 23]
Rolling for Kiara
Got it written down.
Kiara goes first.
Se can run for cover as a move action, if she wishes. She'd still have time to take her potion, which she really, really, really might want to do soon..
>>120268Kiara identifies one of them and casts Daze
Desperate and frantic barking echoes from above, the several other voices bark in response.
>"Mans find; vllage come. Hold the line!">>120269She's too far away to target them with Daze.
In fact, she can't even see them past the ledge.
>>120270Actually, she can see them, barely. They're not in range for short-range spells though.
[1d20+3 = 7]>>120270e_e
Well gee, I guess I'll just hide. Oh wait, nevermind.
Kiara fires an arrow at one, assuming she can see any, since its obviously stacked against the party
>>120272Bla bla, go ahead and kill me. No tears were lost from this
farce game
>>120272I'm only going to ask this once.
Are you sure you want to do that?
Because what she can she is a lot of crossbows aimed at her from the ledge albeit, most of them aimed at the gnome.
[1d20 = 3]>>120275I use my turn to actually see what the fuck is going on
>>120274Apparently I was stuttering when I said "pause". Apparently I was stuttering again when I said "fire". IDGAF anymore, just go with it nigger
Okay, Kiara stays where she is and lops an arrow off.
>>120276You can see an indeterminate number of kobolds shouting angrily down at you from the cavertops.
Two of them shoot arrows down, focusing fire on the gnome, because that's what kobolds do.
They scream down at him in draconic
>"Dirty redkap! Die!">"Eat steel!"One bolt flies by him, the other bounces off of his shield.
>>120278Relax, you're not dead yet, but you might be if you don't take that potion and find cover before the lizzers drop the gnome.
Or you could keep shooting, it's an option. You have a pretty clean shot at the frontline.
>>120280Lucy heals herself.
>>120283She can still move during this turn. Would she like to?
>>120281What potion? I didn't get any. Quit metagaming my character.
[1d20 = 1]>>120279kobold arrows are pretty weak, they might do good against flesh but a bedroll is made of cotton and the tight weave should help slow the arrows down (google gambison), I hold my shield in the direction of the kobold and throw the bedroll over lucy. I then aim my crossbow up to the nearest one and fire
>>120284She trys to take cover.
>>120286It's not your initiative yet
>>120287Lucy finds a man-sized stalagmite to hide behind. Roll 1d8 to see how much you heal.
Isla's turn
>>120285Huh, it looks like you don't.
I could have sworn everyone had one.
Okay then, guard that last point.
>>120290Lucy heals herself completely, the bolts pushing themselves out of her flesh as her wounds close, fueled by the negative energy.
Friggin immortal witch.
Isla's turn
>>120291Isla jumps for cover to one of the stalagmites as she starts to swing her sling, firing at one of the kobolds.
[1d20+4 = 22]<Ranged attack rollShe breathes heavily.
(Come on...)
>>120292I'll let her run for cover as a move action, shoot her sling, and then take a 5 foot step to return to cover.
Roll damage
>>120293[1d4+2 = 4]<Damage
The kobold barks in pain as the stone projectile hits it straight on.
Another kobold drops it's weapon and goes prone, leaping to stabilize its dying comrade.
another follows suit, yapping frantically before another 'bold barks angrily at it.
Two more kobolds shoot down at Yeeck, failing to penetrate his armor.
Yeeck's turn.
I'll have Yeeck know that he may use his tower shield for cover, if he aims it upward diagonally.
There are also plenty of rocks and columns big enough to hide behind.
[1d20 = 19]>>120296>>120295I do the thing I said before
>>120297I'm going to assume your crossbow was pre-loaded
Looking at your dex, and racial bonus to killing kobolds.. it hits.
Roll to confirm threat, and roll damage too.
[1d20 = 13]>>120298literally no point to owning a crossbow that isn't loaded
[1d8+2 = 7]
shit wrong die
>>120300You don't apply dex to damage, but that shot still drops the kobold.
Pretty well too, you did more than twice its hp..
Another kobold drops prone in an attempt to stabilize its dying ally.
And then, a kobold points towards him menacingly, and a bolt of blue light flies past him, frost slicking the stone ground beside him.
Kiara's turn.
>>120302Kiara takes a move action to draw an arrow, and stabs herself in the throat
>>120303le sighKiara coup-de-grace's herself in despair, dealing 6 damage to herself. She fails her fortitude save and dies.
The kobold rejoice, the one who shot the ice-beam cackling evilly.
Being that Yeeck is now the only target without cover, two kobolds fire at him.
Ooooh, one misses, but the other confirms a critical hit, and deals 10 damage... He is now at one HP.
Lucy's turn
>>120306Lucy loads a sling.
Lucy takes a suitable-sized stone from the ground and loads her sling, as a full-round action.
Isla's turn.
Oh, yeah, Isla is at 2 HP now.
>>120309>>120308Isla reloads her sling with another bullet as a full round action.
>>120310Sling loaded.
Isla is at 3 HP now, as the vigor potion begins to reconstruct her body.
It was worth the investment.
Meanwhile the kobold rolls again to stabilize its ally.
Succeeding, it reloads its crossbow, with a relieved whimper.
The next isn't so lucky, clumsily fumbling with their only med pack. It whimpers desperately as its comrade bleeds out.
Another kobold takes a shot at Yeeck, its bolt bouncing harmlessly off of his shield.
Yeeck's turn. He's at one HP.
I got mixed up. Isla never took her potion.
A red kobold laughs sadistically, after seeing a PC drop. It cackles so loud it breaks out into a rather nasty coughing fit, followed by a sneeze.
Video related.
It looks rather worriedly at the two kobolds who dropped already though, rummaging through its bag and barking more orders at its allies.
[1d8+2 = 9]
I run for cover behind a stalagmite and wonder where it all went wrong
Seeing as how Yeeck's player
thought he had cover while he was attacking, I'm going to negate that last crit and pump his HP up to 8.
>>120314He succeeds.
A kobold assists its ally in stabilizing the downed comrade.
The red kobold snaps its claws and casts a spell.
... to no avail, seeing as how Lucy is already Deaf...
Two kobolds hold back readied actions, preparing to snipe the first PC to retreat from cover.
Lucy's turn.
She feels a strange ringing in her ears.
[1d20+2 = 11]>>120316Lucy throws a rock at the one that io giving orders
Lucy uses her 5 foot step to retreat from cover, and hurls her sling as a standard action.
and misses
The two kobolds with readied actions fire back at her
And both miss
Lucy can use her remaining move action to return to cover
>>120319She returns to cover
>>120320Isla, now aware there's a vague branch of command, decides to focus her bullet throwing to the red lizard giving out orders, moving out of cover to hurl one at it and quickly returning to cover.
[1d20+4 = 10]<Ranged attack roll
>"Get bullied, stinkymans!"
>"No mess with kobold klan!"
>"Kobolds fight, and kobolds win!"
>"Kobold masterrace!"
Four of the remaining kobolds bark down, in draconic.
>>120322Luckily, the kobolds with readied actions all used up their action on Lucy.
Three more kobolds take aim. The next creature to retreat from cover may not be so lucky...
[1d10000 = 9697]
I set a nuke and take out all the kobold
>>120325It's your turn, but you forgot to put "nuke" in your inventory.
[1d10000 = 8256]>>120326I sit patiently and start praying to my god since leaving cover will kill me from the inifnite kobolds surrounding us in unfathable ways that must resemble an escher print
>>120327A decent course of action.
Another kobold lets out a frustrated bark and takes aim.
The red Kobold throws down a object into the middle of the room.
Magical (but not too magical) darkness fills the room, swallowing the torchlight.
all vision except for darkvision is obscured by the spell, meaning only Yeeck can see.
Several other kobolds forfeit their turns for readied actions, preparing to rain hell down on the next idiot who leaves cover.
A kobold laughs evilly in draconic
>"AHAHAHAHAHAA! Stinky mans no see with no light. Kobold masterrace!"
>>120330Lucy Draws her scythe
Then she Readies an action.
On second thought, it's midnight...
This encounter is one of the party's major hurdles. If you get past this one, the rest will be much more straightforward.
I have tomorrow off; could we push this off until tommorow? I know this was supposed to be a one-shot, but it seems as though it's going to take longer than I thought..
>>120331What action does she ready?
>>120332An attack.
>could we push this off until tommorow?Sure.
Alright, I'm going to cut it here.
Hopefully, we can finish this game tomorrow.
Then maybe I can have some time to figure out a new approach to encounter design, since this module was evidently a bit too gygaxian for some player's liking.. Also, it's taken way too long to finish..
We'll finish this game as soon as Lucy's player wakes up.
Okay, now we play as soon as another player gets back..
Now I'm second-guessing if we could finish this module tonight..
It's Isla's turn, when her player gets back
>>120338Isla puts her hat on the blunt end of her javelin, trying to lure out some shots from enemy kobolds by slowly moving it out of cover.
She uses her sense motive abilities to gauge if they're being fooled, as well as other possibly exploitable tidbits of the enemy.
[1d20+7 = 25]<Oh yeah, it's big brain time.
>>120339Ah, I see you have mastered the art of the 10-foot pole.
Isla finds that the lessons in Draconic that her parents made her sit through
Despite their evident advantage, the kobolds seem desperate. She hears once whimpering something along the lines of "mans kom to finish us off", before being silenced by a louder barking sound that orders him to fall back in line. Even in their strange dialect, Isla can make out feelings of fear, worry, and despair among the kobolds; the creatures making whimpers and whines not unlike cowering puppies.
By the sounds of it, one of them is clearly the leader, and that voice seems more desperate than any of the others. It orders its subordinates to "hold the line; buy klan time", in frantic barks.
Roll bluff to see how many kobolds shoot the hat.
>>120340Oh boy.
[1d20 = 12]<Bluff-u
>>120341Good enough.
Several kobold snipers shoot the hat as it pokes out, expending their readied actions.
Isla, however, cannot tell how many kobolds took the bait, due to the fact that her torch is no longer providing her with light in this magical darkess.
Yeecks turn.
He was able to witness several kobolds shooting through the hat.
The darkness does not obscure his darkvision, it being a technique used to kill creatures who could not kill in the dark.
He can see the darkness grow thicker around a small object on the ground, within move-action distance. He may move while readying his tower shield for cover, if he wishes.
>>120342* could not see in the dark