Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
Shimmering Spark, Onyx Steel, and Brie Achtungsex now make the perilous crossing into the Changeling Lands. In Baltimare, Dark Star prepares for his next big assignement, while Silver concludes his mentoring of traumatized foals. Much further away, Iron stands under jeweled nighttime skies, preparing his next move
1774 replies and 103 files omitted.
>>106646“I don’t know where I would rather be”
She says
>>106655"If only we all could be so lucky as to find our dream job, eh?"
>>106658Silver leans back in his chair and closes his eyes, as if reminiscing on some past memory. "I wanted to be adventurer. I wanted to be big, brave pony who would face all kinds of different monsters, brave ruins for gold and jewels, help ponies..." He sounds almost sad on that last part. "I do not know, just listening to those stories of legendary ponies who would risk life and limb to protect those who can not protect themselves, who would explore every corner and crevasse this world had to offer, who would learn about those legends who had come before and add to their legacy with their own deeds of stuck with me. It is part of reason I trained so much under my father."
>>106659“Well... at least it appeared to you as a dream to be obtained. Not a birthright you were denied”
>>106661Silver gives her a sad, understanding look before continuing. "When I turned 18, and left home to find my dream, it did not take me long to find that those stories I had heard in my youth were just that: stories, of long-dead and ancient ponies who had already made their fortunes, who had already explored the world over. There was no more room for adventurers like me. I almost went broke, and would have been forced to retreat back home, tail between my legs, when I finally found work which made use of my skills. Courier work, guard duty, teaching certain ponies lessons. It was rarely heroic work, and at times...unsavory, to put it lightly, but it payed well enough. I survived, but it felt...wrong. Even when I helped ponies likes that, I was not doing it because it was good, or because it was right thing to do, but because I was getting payed. It became more about money than anything, and as much as part of me was sick at this realization...what could I do? I felt like I was slowly losing myself, having to put aside my morals just to survive."
>>106653Dark Star picks up the scorched books and i guess he continues looking for silver in the catacombs
>>106667Well, he would likely know that Silver has left
>>106669Silver would probably tell him before leaving. If not, Dark Star would find out after looking for him and failing to find him
>>106670He Heads back into baltimare then
>>106665“Well... this is the twilight of Faustian Civilization”
>>106672And he does so. Eventually he would see Silver’s cart outside of the hotel/headquarters
>>106676Should be
“Well... such is the twilight of Faustian Civilization”
>>106677"I suppose so." Silver lets out a sigh, but he smiles at Blue Skies. "Listen, I just want to thank you again. You, Dark Star, everypony else I have met over these past few days I would consider my friend. You all have kept this old stallion grounded and sane. I could not ask for better companionship, or better companions."
>>106676Sorry pc crashed
He throws all the burnt books into it, except the gnoll book.
>>106679It is so, although he would only have those he could carry
>>106683yea the ones that were named,right?
>>106684He should be able to carry at least that much
>>106685Dark Star slips that in his coat
Then he walks Inside.
>>106686Where is he going inside?
>>106690Alright. He sees most of the usual ponies. No silver or Blue Skies
>>106691He Shakes felipe's hand and asks
"Hey,Whats Going On? Is Silver Around?"
>>106693He shakes his hoof
“Yes, Silver is in the back with Blue Skies”
>>106694"Ah, ok. thanks, see you later."
He Walks Back
>>106696And thus he comes upon the scene in
>>106679 >>106679>>106697"I Brought some scorched books."
>>106699Felipe is a Minotaur, my man
Also sorry i sperged at you last time, i was Depressed at the time. >>106700I haven't followed this in months, my apologies. And don't worry about it.
>>106698"Oh, hello Dark Star, thank you." Silver shows him the file for their mission. "Ms. Skies here has this file for mission of yours."
>>106702You're just in time, there's gonna be some griffin and zigger fighting pretty soon
>>106703"Oh Fantastic, its of the utmost importance"
>>106702Hello! What have you been up to?
>>106704"I would recommend that you go through it. It might just help us avoid ending up in hospital."
Silver stands up to stretch his limbs. "I do not suppose you brought back
all of burned books?"
>>106708"Nope, You Took off with the Cart, I Couldnt Bring Them All. I Did Find an Interesting one though. i think i'll try to find an unburnt copy in one of the libraries."
>>106707Was your thesis in Economics?
I wish I had the math skills to do a masters or PhD in EconomicsAlso, do you want a link to the most relevant, or the best posts? >>106707We still enjoy having you here.
>>106709"I see. You will have to tell me what it is about later. Now, I must get back to it. I promised Skies that I would finish bringing books back today, and I have some other hopefully-small things to do as well."
Dark Star opens the manila folder.
>>106718Oh! Hi there, Mr Numbers Guy!
>>106718Well, there have been many very interesting happenings. I've linked some of my favorite posts that I have written, mostly world-building and exposition. Not to say that more interesting things have not happened, but those are strewn over many, many posts. The players have also contributed many interesting posts of dialogue and actions. Those too, are worth reading.
These are meta posts explaining possible reasons the Changelings haven't attacked yet
>>99600 →>>99603 →This is a description of Canterlot viewed from a train window
>>100327 →Bales from a train window:
>>100661 →Border crossing into Changeling lands:
>>103547 →Dark Star's quest statement
>>100436 →This one ended interestingly
Letters found by Iron:
>>100602 →These are probably my personal favorite posts written by me in the last three months. They are the sad tale pf the rebels of Tenochtitlan:
>>101199 →>>101200 →>>101205 →>>101207 →>>101210 →A political historical argument involving Pear Faucet, Iron, and Dr. grant starts here. It's another one of my favorites
>>103850 →The rise and fall of the Militant Orders of the Equestrian Church, told by the old and conservative priest, Father Maren
>>101436 →Pear talking about the treasure with Iromon
>>101477 →>>101478 →>>101479 →A neat fight starts here:
>>102362 → >>106718I was an economics major in undergrad, but went to law school afterwards. I finally got hired as a prosecutor>>106718Brie, Onyx, and Spark are on an expedition to go far north and into the Changeling lands, entering from the city of bales. They had an encounter with rebel soldiers on the train to Canterlot and Bales, and helped ponies get across the border. Silver has helped give therapy to a pair of traumatized foals (from the Comte sex dungeon), and has cleared out the remainder of the catacombs.
Iron is an adventure to the south looking for treasure in the jungle. He has encountered Pear Faucet, a professor from Mistkatonic University who was one of the survivors of an expedition that was attacked by bandits. They have also met a Dr. Grant, another professor from the same.
Dark Star gone to try to find some leaks in the collaborationist government, specifically the police department