Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
Shimmering Spark, Onyx Steel, and Brie Achtungsex now make the perilous crossing into the Changeling Lands. In Baltimare, Dark Star prepares for his next big assignement, while Silver concludes his mentoring of traumatized foals. Much further away, Iron stands under jeweled nighttime skies, preparing his next move
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[1d20 = 5]>>105055The guard grabs the paper with a glow of green light
>>105054Pear sits with her tail partly wrapped around her, looking up at the stars
Pear does not look over to Iron, but she must notice him, as she speaks to him
"Tell me, have you ever heard of the Return of Nightmare Moon?"
>>105056Iron raises his eyebrows.
"Nightmare Moon? I think I heard the elders talk about it. Was she a horned pony with wings and had fangs?"
>>105057"Have a great day sir."
He nods to the small herd to go through.
>>105053"I know that marine life and sailing are as interesting to you as trains are to White Orchid, and I know you have exceptionally great knowledge on those subjects. I wish I had that kind of capacity for knowledge." Silver smiles at the colt. "Come on, just tell me one interesting thing, something that perhaps not many ponies know about. Like something about...sharks! Can you do that for me?"
>>105058Now, she turns back to Iron, and nods
"Yes. Fueled by Envy, she sought to drown the planet in everlasting darkness. But six friends harnessed the power of Kindness, laughter, loyalty, generosity, honesty, and magic to dispel the darkness, and restore the light"
>>105059With a minor dust cloud, the drained and emaciated herd bolts through the gate. They are quickly enough caught by a tan, startled unicorn inspector on the Bales side, but nevertheless, they go through
>>105060He looks at Silver, and still has a kind of cowered expression to him
"Well..... There are six different kinds of shark in the Fire Sea... for example"
>>105059Wait, what did he just do?
>>105063I just sweet talked my way through with a small army basically
>>105061Silver nods. "Interesting...I did not know that. Could you tell me about one of them?"
>>105063Don't worry, Spark is already on the other side
>>105061Iron, somewhat interested in the tale, starts to close the gap between the two of them up to 2 forelegs of length, prompty laying down to hear what she has to say. All the while he's silent for her to tell her tale.
>>105066Did we make it through the Bales side one ok?
>>105067Yes, assuming Brie has already prepared his carriage to go through and has not forgotten any huge details
>>105065"Well... ... There's the Jaguar Shark. It likes the estruaries and sometimes the rivers of the forbidden jungles. It has the lowest salinity requirement of any shark species in Equestria, and is sometimes found in small rivers or even lakes. It's more than a little aggressive. The natives would sometimes throw out part of their food to placate them as they crossed rivers or coastline in canoes"
>>105068She doesn't have that much more to say
"When a great evil threatened the kingdom, the Mother goddess aranged for her ponies to form bonds of friendship to combat the evil. And they did, bringing the return of the elements of Harmony"
>>105069You said the other three went through. You didn't mention Spark
>>105070Yes, yes, I'm making a huge mistake,...
>>105070Cocking his head, Iron is quite confused.
"How can friendship combat evil? There must be something else apart from that to be a threat."
>>105072>>105071>>105046All three ponies are outside of the gate. They need only declare actions
>>105070"It sounds like it prefers warm waters. I am kind of glad we do not have any river sharks up north. It also sounds like natives down here figured out ways to avoid getting eaten, that is always good."
>>105074I'm just waiting on the others
>>105076"Ah, good to see you aren't dead Spark"
>>105073She moves her eyes to focus on Iron
"For certain, supernatural threats... Mega threats, nothing less will do"
>>105075"Well... they would learn quickly"
>>105077Brie is met by a green eyed grey unicorn with a whitish mane
"Papers, please"
>>105078"I'm glad I made it through as well. I wish I could have say goodbye to my new friends though."
>>105079Brie hands over a 100 bit note
>>105079Iron furrows his brow, even more confused.
"Is there a metaphor I am missing?"
>>105080"I know the feeling... Anyway, the
little ones have been giving me trouble and I'm not sure how to handle it. Any suggestions?"
>>105079Silver laughs a tiny bit. "I suppose I would too, if I lived around them.
"Anything else you would share?
>>105083"Pets. If you don't want to do it, I can help out."
>>105081"I see... What have you got in that wagon of yours?"
>>105080Cinamom Heart looks back, and smiles at Spark, as the pink mare and Cold Heart flock to her, and the mare with two little foals go over to one of the stallions
>>105082"No. Ponies are stronger together in cooperation than as scared and scattered individuals"
>>105084He turns his head to the side
>>105085"It's... That simple?"
Onyx slowly opens the door and sticks his head inside.
>>105086"Just a pair of colts. You're welcome to take a look."
>>105086Silver smiles and nods to Mint. "Very well. Thank you for sharing! I did not know about Jaguar Sharks."
>>105086Spark waves to the ponies and smiles as a tear goes down his cheek.
>>105086Iron nods.
"Ah. That is true. More able-bodied ponies to face the enemy always increases the odds..."
He looks to the fire, staring at how it crackles, almost entranced with it.
"Like those sticks burn better when bunched up."
>>105088"Every vehicle coming through needs to be searched for contraband like banned publication, weapons, and the like. We may have to pull it over"
>>105090The Pink Mare is too distracted, as she hugs Cinnamon Heart, but Cold Heart looks over to Spark, and nods at him, smiling
>>105089Mint Marine is still a bit less than enthusiastic to open up
>>105091"That is part of it, but it isn't
just that. They must be motivated. And they must be well lead. Otherwise, they create new problems for themselves quickly enough"
>>105093Iron nods, agreeing with her statements.
"That is how groups work."
>>105092Not like that will be solved in a day, after all. Small steps. "Perhaps I could share story from my homeland, in return for sharing such interesting facts and stories?"
>>105092Onyx reaches a hoof in and pets the colt before slowly stepping in.
>>105092"My good stallion, this vehicle is brand new. Why It still has the new-carriage smell"
>>105097He looks at it
"So it is. Very well, we still need to search every vehicle that comes through. Pull it over to the side"
>>105096A scrawny, yellow customs guard in brown uniform comes up to Onyx, and in tortured words manages to squeek out,
"Pull it over to the side"
>>105094"It is how they should work... Have you heard the story of the founding of Equestria?"
>>105098"Oh for heaven's sake." Brie says complying. He pokes his head into the carriage and whispers to the lings "Bleib ruhig und komm mit mir"
>>105098I don't remember agreeing to pull the wagon... But okay...
He complies
>>105098He shakes his head, somewhat puzzled over the use of words on how groups worked.
(Are groups in civilization corrupted by something?)
>>105098"Hmm...well, I could share story of Star Children, perhaps, if we have enough time." Silver looks to how much farther they have to go to reach the orphanage.
>>105099The Guard gives an expression like he was expecting something else, but continues standing there
With a totes not visible flash of green fire, a grey earth pony colt and a purple bat pony colt hop out, and stand next to Brie
>>105101Pear continues
"After centuries of fighting, the Earth Ponies, Pegasi, and Unicorns found themselves needing to flee their homelands as the Windigos forced them out. Even in the south, they were not safe. So they united, and formed the United Tribes of Equestria under their newly learned principals of Harmony"
>>105102"Star Children... What are those?"
>>105104Brie is in really fine clothing?