Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
Shimmering Spark, Onyx Steel, and Brie Achtungsex now make the perilous crossing into the Changeling Lands. In Baltimare, Dark Star prepares for his next big assignement, while Silver concludes his mentoring of traumatized foals. Much further away, Iron stands under jeweled nighttime skies, preparing his next move
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Also, Spark has a small herd around him
>>105002 →She smiles, with amber eyes and long curled eye lashes
"My name is Aurora Shine. What brings you here?"
>>105003Spark prepares for everything to go horribly wrong.
>>105003"Business, how about you?"
>>105000I always love fresh baked bread, right out of the oven.
>>105006"Business myself. Did you move down before the war, during, or after?"
>>105005Be prepared!
>>105007What clever wording you express, gentlecolt Silver Sword.
>>105008So, GM, do you want to continue, or are you wanting to spend time with the other characters first?
>>105008"Oh, I'm actually just visiting for now. What do you do?"
His coats begins to shine just a bit
>>105011She giggles slightly
"Let's say I'm involved in 'Import-Export'"
>>105012Alrighty then. If I last remember correctly, Silver was listening to White Orchid talk about the Titans.
Might take a couple minutes on my end if you need me to repost what I last typed. >>105012I assume I am not included in the queue today due to further planning on your part so far, as well as a relative fatigue over managing the story you are possibly not experienced or passionate writing about mostly, aside from fleshing out the world of Natives and providing the opportunity to create new characters for your enjoyment.
>>105015I must admit, fellow horse person whose head is adorned with a horn, that the previous days I have taken almost all of the attention of our person in charge of managing the world around us, which indicates that I might be stressing the GM's capacity of interacting with others due to the complexity provided by the quest created by his hoof.
>>105016I think he is more frustrated that we can't get our part done.
>>105012"Ah, sounds like an interesting trade."
Okay, who wants to play?
>>105018"Indeed it is... Indeed it is. Tell me, who sent you through?"
>>105020"I'm helping some partners move this-"
He taps the wagon with a hoof
"and protection. So they got me through"
>>105017While I cannot confirm that the current frustration is caused by the inability to properly complete the quest he has planted in front of your character's path, along with the other companions who are controlled by bipeds brandishing appendages with increased dexterity than hooves, the pressure and stress of the buff pony with no extra features that distinguishes him from normal horses could cause some issues with planning and managing due to the complexity that the quest has obtained due to the heavy consequences it presents, as well as the possibility of missing his chance to present the buff pony with the ability to join the agile and flexible winged horse in his own quest.
>>105020I humbly accept your invitation to continue the path my character has taken.
>>105021"Oh" she says, taking an interest
"So in a way, it looks like you are involved in import-export too"
>>105023He nods
"Yes... I am ready"
>>105020I do. Like I said, if you need me to post the last thing Silver said, I'll post it. Just gimme a minute to load through the old bread.
New thread. You know what that means?
>>105025Spark heads to the line to cross the border once more.
Yes. Yes I do
Spark has already tried to cross the border to engage in illegal equine smuggling and fraud, while Onyx is laying against the door of the carriage talking to some strange pony who just walked up. Brie was previously talking to some ponies who told him some information about crossing and travelling in the Changeling Lands
>>105026Silver said something like "I wish I were around in those days" Of course, he would have been... for some of it, anyways
Mint Marine is still silent
>>105028"May I ask... What are you protecting?"
>>105024Cauldron looks over to the fire, and to Pear
"I can understand if you don't want to stay
here tonight... But we need to stop somewhere"
>>105029It's the same, bright-eyed guard, who seems to be sort of biting or otherwise folding in his lower lip.
"And there you are"
>>105030Iron lightly bites his lip.
"I am not sure where exactly. Maybe at the River, or is that too far?"
>>105030Brie's jaw drops. Jesus Sparks
>>105030"Well, just making sure we don't encounter trouble and no one tries to take the wagon."
>>105033Sometimes, you just got to try things.
>>105031"Hello again good sir."
Spark shows his paper.
"I hate to make your job harder, but I need you to allow these ponies to follow me across. The situation is most dire."
>>105030The very tail end of it, yeah. He was born 4 years after the official end of the Equestrian Industrial Era.
Silver looks over to Mint Marine. "Would you like to talk about something on way to our destination? Something about marine life?"
>>105033Here is the information Brie gathered previously:
>The pony in front of Brie, who is dressed fairly proper and has a briefcase:>“Yes, this is a checkpoint to enter Blueberry Fields, specifically the town of Hawthorne. You can navigate the Changeling Zone If only you can convince them that you are there for a purpose. Be absolutely sure to carry your papers at all times, and make certain you have them in order when you cross, and when you try to get back. Avoid eye contact with any creature in a Hegemony uniform where possible. They feel like they have the right to search you, or even to steal off your pony. And the ponies themselves sometimes want to steal your papers.”>A yellowish Pegasus coming from the other direction:>“Why would you want to enter? Well, if you do, hold on to any papers you have. The Changelings do not take kindly to foreign visitors, but they are much nicer to foreign subjects than to their own… ‘livestock.’ But try to not look like you are aiding partisans. They are fond of arrests. When you try to come back, don’t think it’s easy to run the border… they have guards, and magical alarms over their walls. But the more rural areas do not have walls. The Fascists are similar in some ways. They don’t care about most ponies entering, but they fear every pony that enters could be a disguised Changeling infiltrator, or an agitator or partisan. They will try to track you down and ask questions, and will send you back if you fail. But they do not care if you do or do not have any kind of papers. They are not fond of ponies who resist the Changelings. They think any pony who will take up arms against the Changelings may take up arms against them.”>Another pony, trying to go in>“The guards will let ponies in, but are concerned about ponies who may be spies, or who may aid rebels. They will search you and your cart for weapons.”"Fascists? Revolutionaries? Hegemony? How many factions are operating in this area?">“This is the border of the Changeling Hegemony’s pony colonies and the State of New Mareland’s ‘Bales Autonomous Region,’ basically a puppet government. On this side of the border are local Bales soldiers and a number of Griffin mercenaries for support. Occasionally New Mareland secret police come by, but they don’t normally make their presence known. On the other side of this checkpoint are Changeling colonies. The Changelings have many of their soldiers, or even colonists around. Sometimes they are disguised as ponies, but they don’t really feel like they need to. They also have a secret police, and its much more ‘secret.’ I don’t know if Equestrian freedom fighters are around in either side of the border, but I can tell you with absolute certainty that both the Changelings and the Fascists don’t want Equestrian Freedom Fighters to exist, and act like they are afraid of them.”>>105032"Almost two miles... I'm not sure what we would do when we got there if we did"
>>105034Now, she looks at the wagon
"What have got there?"
>>105035He stares at Spark
>>105037I'm not sure about that
Mint Marine blinks at Silver
>>105038Okkay. Is there any way to advance the line?
>>105038"I'm.... I'm not completely sure"
He scratches his head while looking lost in thought
"Like I said, I'm hear to pull the wagon and such. I'm not completely sure what's my partners are doing"
>>105039He could go through now, if he can get his wagon pulled up
>>105038Well, I got the impression from reading the wiki at least. 860 - 940 ALB is regarded as the first and largest period of industrial growth in Equestria, and Silver was born in 944.Silver tils his head at the colt. "Nothing you find interesting that you would like to share?"
[1d20+5 = 23]>>105038"I got orders to take them to help cure somepony of note."
>>105038Looking back at Pear's position and then to Cauldron, he simply purses his lips.
"I guess we should rest here for the time being."
(Perhaps Pear will come along during the day. I need to know where to find her after this.)
With that, he awaits Cauldron's approval of where to rest to plop down into the comfy grass.
[1d20-1 = -5]>>105041>>105040"Oh look! Onyx, we can go!"
Bluff check to look excited and ethusiastic
>>105045"Hello Brie, a bit excited today aren't we? Did you find some mangos? Sorry about this Aurora, but this is one of my
business partners."
>>105043He looks back at Spark, begrudgingly
"We normally don't like to let so many Subjects across for such tasks"
>>105045Not perfectly convincing
I thought Brie had a high bluff score?
Pear is still over by the fire
>>105042Mint Marine kind of mumbles, and looks away
[1d20+3 = 9]>>105048Listen: Silver tries to make out anything of what he said.
>>105047Nodding, he pokes his chin, looking at the fire.
"Perhaps it would be a good idea to use the fire over there to boil some water for the travel. The stream inside the temple should prove a good place to get the water, too. I will go sit by the fireplace to keep an eye on the other two."
With that statement, he starts to walk back to the fire, blushing for knowing he went against his word again and will make him look stupid.
>>105047"I know, but it is a small price to pay to keep things running smoothly. We really can't risk this one going wrong."
>>105047Yeah, his combined modifier is +7, I only accounted for his Cha
>>105050"That's... kind of what I was thinking"
She looks back over to Pear, then trots off, into the Temple and the Cavern.
Pear is standing by the fire, and looks up to the night Sky. A few artifacts are arranged around the fire
>>105051He looks at Spark
"Where did you go to Medical School again?"
>>105049"I don't know about sharing anything since......"
>>105052Well then. Brie sounds more convincing
>>105053Iron sits in a way to be looking at both the expedition ponies around the campfire, trying to look inconspicuous by looking at the ground and slightly digging the ground lazily with a hoof.
>>105053"Me? I didn't go. I'm just a pony that goes fetch things for my superiors. Hence the paper allowing me through on their behalf."