Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
Shimmering Spark, Onyx Steel, and Brie Achtungsex now make the perilous crossing into the Changeling Lands. In Baltimare, Dark Star prepares for his next big assignement, while Silver concludes his mentoring of traumatized foals. Much further away, Iron stands under jeweled nighttime skies, preparing his next move
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>>105310"Sounds like Dark Star. Unless there are other blood-red stallions in Baltimare I do not know about." He smiles at the vision of White Orchid. "It is nice having some possessions of your own, yes?"
>>105311"That might be him" she says
White orchid smiles as he looks at his loot
The nun adds,
"Normally the foals don't own their own toys. It's all communal property. We try to teach foals to share"
>>105312"He is friend of mine, and good pony, even if I do not completely agree with some of his more...political opinions." He looks again at White Orchid, feeling a little bit of pride welling up. "It is good to share, but it is also nice to be able to claim ownership to something. It gives you little bit of normalcy, like you can feel like you have control over something in your life."
>>105313After Silver says this, Mint Marine moves a step back, and White Orchid continues looking at the train set. The nun looks slightly upset, about to move a hoof forward, before White Orchid moves his eyes to make eye contact with Silver, and White Orchid responds to Silver:
"It does... It can be"
He gives a smile that is both sorrowful and grateful.
>>105314Silver's not sure if his heart is going to break or burst first. For the moment, he settles for a nod and a heartfelt smile. "I had fun today, you two. I hope someday soon we will be able to spend some more time together. Perhaps next time we will be able to make use of some of that stuff I bought you, huh?" He looks between the two colts.
>>105315White Orchid looks a little happier now. Somewhere in his expression, he gives off the sense that he intends to establish himself as a Barron of toys over his little fiefdom of cap guns, swords, and hats contained in the chest, lending them out to the other foals in exchange for popularity or favors. Mint Marine stands in silence as he always does, or nearly always does, having long learned how to minimize his presence. But for all that, he still wears a look of pain, almost torment
White Orchid:
“That would be nice”
>>105316The image that settles in his mind actually kinda amuses him. It's something that a normal colt would do, and as far as he's concerned, that's a good thing. Silver is still naturally worried for Mint Marine, and definitely hopes that he will start to heal soon, even if he has been left scared. He decides that, while perhaps there are others better suited to helping Mint recover from his trauma, he'll still try to be there for the little colt.
For now he leaves with a "goodbye" to the two colts, happy that he got to know them a bit better, at least.
>>105317Before he leaves, but after he exits the ear-range of the nun, Mint Marine charges forward with a last question,
“Do you really think I am a bad pony?”
>>105319Silver is...quite surprised by the question. Which is probably the point of him asking like this. "No, little one. I...I did not get to properly apologize for all of...that." Checking that they're still out of ear-shot of the nun, he continues. "I forgot where I was, and who I was talking to, and...honestly, I do get very passionate about these sort of things, and...I can not apologize enough for it. It was stupid.
I was stupid."
He gives Mint Marine a soft look. "Again, I do not believe you are bad pony, just like how I do not believe Dark Star is bad pony for believing almost exact same thing as you." He turns to Mint Marine and puts a hoof over his heart. "You are good pony, Mint Marine, who has been hurt very badly. And when ponies are hurt like that, they are capable of doing or believing bad or evil things. I know this myself. But that is not what ultimately matters. What matters is in here. In your heart. And in your heart, I see good pony, kind of pony that would make your grandmother proud."
He removes the hoof from over Mint's heart. "I know you are hurt. And I can understand if you would rather try to face it on your own. But you do not have to try to alone. There are ponies out here who do care for you and would try to do whatever they could to help you heal, and I would be glad to count myself among them. If you would let me."
>>105320The little pony’s ears droop for a moment, but slowly go back up. He seems speechless, much as he was before
>>105321Silver sits down to be more at eye-level with Mint Marine. "I would still like to see you again someday, and someday soon at that. I know you are wanting to see harbor, and while I may not be
expert swimmer, especially with this winter coat of mine, I would like to see you make use of that scuba equipment, and perhaps teach me more about wonders of marine life along way."
>>105322This gets a half-smile out of the sad, tired little pony
“... Maybe”
>>105323"Maybe next time you will also tell me about new kind of shark, too." Silver musses up Mint's mane playfully. "Take care, little one. I hope to see you soon."
>>105324He closes his eyes, and tilts his head up into the ruffling with a smile. When Silver ceases, Mint Marine says “see you”
>>105325Silver smiles at Mint before turning and leaving the orphanage. As he trots, he feels as if a weight has been lifted off his chest and shoulders. Like perhaps that things have the potential to be better, now, if not perfect. He will most certainly try to find an opportunity to make good on his claims, so that he may come back to the orphanage to spend time with the two colts he's gotten to know better.
For now, it's back to work for Silver.
>>105327D’aww, that’s sweet
Back to the Quarry, I presume?
>>105328You know it. Time to see if enough time has passed for the pump to do its work.
Okay, I have to sleep now
>>105345So, you want to continue, or do you need some time for yourself first?
>>105348I think it will still be a couple hours
>>105349That's fine. Take however much time you need. I'll wait.
>>105354Alright, so Silver is going to the Quarry
>>105358Precisely. He's going to check to see if the pump has done enough work for him to start.
>>105355>>105359Why did he go from "floof" to "floff" in one post?
Anyways, Silver returns to see that the water level has indeed dropped, as has the angle of the light