Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
Shimmering Spark, Onyx Steel, and Brie Achtungsex now make the perilous crossing into the Changeling Lands. In Baltimare, Dark Star prepares for his next big assignement, while Silver concludes his mentoring of traumatized foals. Much further away, Iron stands under jeweled nighttime skies, preparing his next move
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>>105260Well, whatever you do, I hope you have fun while doing it.
>>105261It sounds like you do not have any suggestions
I don't know what I would suggest for you to do.
>>105262I don't even really know what for I would be suggesting.
>>105258Ey, that's pretty nice.
Good thing you're having fun.
>>105260That sucks, man. I think. Not sure how eager you were to meet up with him.
So... does nopomy want to play today?
>>105267Does Spark have any actions to declare as he is lead into the den of evil?
>>105268He makes sure they don't confiscate Tipsy.
>>105269The guard stares at Spark for an extended period of time
>>105270Spark keeps Tipsy away from the guard.
>>105268>Den of evilOh joy, this should end great for the resident rock horse
>>105272Onyx is surrounded by a number of guards. They have ragged fur, often look kind of scrawny, wear brown or black formal uniforms, and curl up their bottom lips under the front of their muzzles in a curious manner
>>105273Onyx stays silent, hoping that this'll all be over soon.
And without him getting eated by a changeling.
>>105274>>105271Brie is taking a while. The guard starts to ask Onyx questions of his own:
“What did you come here for?”
>>105275"Cause I was dragged along by the bat, other than that I had no reason."
>>105276“What can you tell me about this bat?” He asks, in his strange accented voice
>>105277"Not much, he likes to keep to himself. My turn for a question: who in Tartarus are you?"
>>105266I announce my availability.
>>105266I'm always wanting to play.
>>105278He recoils back, offended at being spoken in that way.
He replies indignantly
“My name is Drohne Vierhundertfünfzig Von Schwarzgeflügelte Engel und Rachen, and I am an agent if the Hive’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs”
He does not end with “thank you very much,” but it is certainly implied in the way he answers
>>105279A wild Iron appears! I may get to Iron tonight
>>105281"The hive you say?"
Onyx's eyes narrow as the corners of his mouth twitch a bit in anger
>>105280That isn’t what you said earlier today
>>105282“Where do you think you are?” He replies
>>105283That is...not, what I said. I didn't say anything related to me wanting to play.
>>105283"I wasn't completely sure, so... Thank you for clarifying"
>>105281Ey, nice!
Last thing I recall is Pear saying politicians aren't humble or follow harmonic practices.
Kinda like Cauldron in a general sense. >>105285“What does the bat seek?” He continues
>>105287"Ask him, I was just told we were helping the foals."
>>105288A second guard - actually the same yellow one seen earlier, comes close, says “Schmuggler. Wir brauchen dich” and leaves... Onyx and Spark are briefly alone
>>105288"So... how's it going bartender? Think we can get out of this one alive?"
>>105290"I've been much better. As for getting out of here. Alive? Probably. Without severe damages? Not with the changelings. But, we'll find a way."
>>105292Be patient. GM is currently posting with phone most likely.
>>105280Okay, Silver can proceed. Say something nice
>>105296D’aww, thanks. *hugs the floofy pony*
I meant to Mint Marine or White Orchid >>105297Oh, right, that."You know, I really was not expecting to end up purchasing all of this." He looks back at all of the stuff he's hauling on his back. "I will give you both this: you knew what you wanted. Plenty of stuff that appeals to your particular interests."
>>105298White Orchid:
“Yeah, we knew what we wanted... we definitely didn’t just grab one if everything...”
>>105300Well, they arrive back at the orphanage
>>105301That they do. "Well...we're here." Silver holds his breath as he tries to maneuver himself and the mountain of stuff through the front door.
>>105302It's difficult to maneuver the tower of toys through the front door, and a random nun stares on in disbelief as it comes through
>>105303"Heheheh…" Silver continues to carefully fit through the doorway. "You two never really gave me answer on how, or where, you are going to store all of this."
>>105305"...Perhaps something could be worked out?" Silver gives the nun a pleading look, presumably on the colts' behalf.
>>105306The two little colts join in the assault, pressing down on the nun with combined arms... er, faces
"Oh, okay..."
They return to the large room, where a new chest is dragged in, and the toys are slowly poured in. Alongside another chest, where there are already a great many toys
>>105308Silver lets out a whistle while he assists in the efforts. "There sure is lot of toys here already. Did some ponies donate recently?"
>>105309"Yes... this deep blood-red stallion came by yesterday, and left some toys"
White orchid clings possessively to parts of a train set. A 2-6-4 Steam Locomotive, specifically.
Imagine how Silver knows that