Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
Shimmering Spark, Onyx Steel, and Brie Achtungsex now make the perilous crossing into the Changeling Lands. In Baltimare, Dark Star prepares for his next big assignement, while Silver concludes his mentoring of traumatized foals. Much further away, Iron stands under jeweled nighttime skies, preparing his next move
1774 replies and 106 files omitted.
[1d20 = 5]>>106600nervous sweatingAnything in particular or just swimming rolls?
I'll go with just one swimming roll to play it safe.
>>106601Suffice it to say that he is less successful in pulling himself forward now than he was earlier
[1d20 = 11]>>106602Oh I see now.Iron perseveres in his stubborn decision.
(I have to give it my all! I must prove myself worthy!)
>>106600"Through traditional methods, perhaps, but there are multiple ways to find changelings as you said. Skilled mage could use magic to divinate location of any disguised changelings inside department. You could covertly put specific chemicals into department's water or coffee supply to force them to drop their disguises; even infiltrators have to maintain appearances, including participating in traditional workplace rituals like normal ponies do. I heard they found special kind of electrical pulse that is harmless to ponies but extraordinarily painful to changelings during war, but I do not know how substantiated those rumors are."
>>106604“Pfft! There is no such easy way.”
>>106605Silver can only shrug. "In truth, I do not know if there is. But I do know that best solutions to problems tend to be simplest. At very least trying something is better than doing nothing." He gives a half-joking smile. "Perhaps solution is waving bright light throughout department for changelings to follow?"
>>106606She looks at him with open mouthed astonishment, and steps back
>>106607Silver remains confused about this reaction. He tilts his head at the appearant astonishment. "Something wrong?"
[1d20+3 = 13]>>106611Sense Motive: "You certain? You know you can tell me anything, right?"
>>106612It’s a vague sense of offense, and in any event she seems not to have understood the joke
>>106614"Well, in any case, I apologize for any offense taken. I did not mean any when I spoke."
>>106621"Ah, yes. I suppose you know about this new mission Dark Star has been given?"
>>106622“Yes... some task for the caretaker government”
>>106623"He has asked me to help him in his endeavors. I was hoping you had more information on people or groups of interest, or other relevant information which might prove useful. Or that you knew who to go to for such information."
>>106624“Oh. Yes. Let me look”
Skies goes back to her office, and peer support through files on her desk. Then she looks through a black file folder of Manila files, also on her desk. She moves over to the counter space by the wall, looks over files, then through her shelf, and at last over to her couch, where she moves her jacket and finds a file
“Here it is. This is the file with more information”
>>106625"Ah, Спасибо! This should help tremendously." Silver sets his current load of books down to look through the file.
>>106626Does he want to read the whole thing?
>>106627That would probably take too long. A quick flip-through for now.
"Would it be against regulation for me to take this with me? It seems like expansive read."
>>106628“Normally, no. Unless you are bringing it for the mission itself.”
>>106629"No, that would be ridiculous. I simply wish to be able to go through this before mission. Lower chances of somepony getting seriously injured, or worse."
>>106632Silver does so, sitting down in an available seat. "At least this time, Dark Star will have me to take bullets for him, should it come to blows."
>>106633She smiles
“I take it you’re interested?”
>>106634"In helping him? Of course." He nods at her. "He is friend."
>>106636Heyo friendo. It's good to see you.
>>106634She nods, smiles, and comes closer him
“That’s nice of you”
>>106639Silver smiles at her. "Thank you, but I know I am just doing for him what he would do for me. I will do my best to ensure that next time you see him will not be in hospital."
>>106640*pets the edge poner*
>>106641>>106641“Well, that would be an improvement over this morning...”
>>106642"Yes, I am still sorry to hear what happened." He reaches over and pets the blue Pegasus. "I have not told him as much, yet, but should it come to either saving my life, or saving his own, I hope he will make right choice, and leave me behind."
>>106643She closes her eyes, and leans into the pets. She is otherwise silent
>>106640You wanna join up?
>>106644"That is not to say I have any plans of dying." Silver continues to pet her. He tries to think of ways to change the subject so he does not depress Skies. "I hope work is treating you well."
>>106644i dont know, im kinda sad today.
>>106647Can Poner make you more happy?
>>106648Those are some cute poners.
>>106648That blush is quite nice.
>>106651Then come hug Poner!
Also, don’t forget a griffin hunting mission soon enough