Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
Shimmering Spark, Onyx Steel, and Brie Achtungsex now make the perilous crossing into the Changeling Lands. In Baltimare, Dark Star prepares for his next big assignement, while Silver concludes his mentoring of traumatized foals. Much further away, Iron stands under jeweled nighttime skies, preparing his next move
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[1d20 = 5]>>106809I'll assume it's a single die roll between 1 to 20 to see how far he can go before starting to make fortitude saves not to drown maybe or perhaps reaching it beforehand.
>>106812Iron has
not traveled far enough to poke his head out
Roll die >>106814He is not dead yet, but he is nearing the end of the line. Edge further, and roll die to see how far
>>106803*floofy pony is ruffled*
*floofy pony is now super floofy*
[1d20 = 8]>>106817Through the ceiling of white above, against the flashing blue white a silhouette dives down
>>106817Iron is in a few feet of water, more than enough to keep his head submerged. The Ice above him is solid, but is now slightly cracked
Iron can feel his lungs grasping for fresher air
>>106817Use that rediculus unarmed on it Iron. You got this!
[1d20+6 = 12]>>106821Iron does what he knows best:
punch the puny ice into breaking.(Come on, Iron. Keep your consciousness. Almost there.)
He punches with massive power, hoping to break it and at least have a little breath before passing out.
>>106826That's the kind of roll we need. Now stop ending up under water!
>>106826If he's going to keep hitting it like that, there is going to need to be another fortitude save
>>106830>not good enough even with a combined 24 rollWhat if I headbutt the ice? Would that go better?
>>106831I said a fortitude save for time spent without oxygen
[1d20+9 = 20]>>106832Oh whoops. Sorry.
Rolling the fort save with that tasty endurance.
>>106834He is alive thus far, and the ice is cracked open above him. The problem is, he's still too short to reach it
[1d20 = 6]>>106835Fuck. Wasted a good roll.Iron decides to swim up there in order for his forelegs to maybe grab on the edges, hoping to either break, causing a bigger opening to maybe simply walk off the lake, or have a mouthful of air and pull himself up.
Rolling swim
Come on, dice. I know you care about me.
Give me your power! >>106838That’s... not really enough to swim to the surface
>>106841I know. Should I roll another fort save or can I try again?
>>106842Hmmm... is Iron’s plan to swim his way out?
>>106845I have the idea that, maybe with his massive weight, he will be able to make a huge crack that could potentially open up the edge of the lake for a simpler extraction when he gets there, as well as allow him to get a breath of fresh air.
>>106846Dark Star has the information in
>>106726 >>106738>>106847Well, you can roll
>>106851The weight keeps his hooves firmly on the lake bottom
[1d20 = 7]>>106852(Come on, Iron! This is nothing! You are strong! Show it!)
The possibly delusional Iron tries again.
>>106853He should roll a fort save
[1d20 = 1]>>106859I honestly have no idea what kind of careful I can be when I can't even leave the water without sacrificing the pots.
Alright, dice. I am being serious here. Grant me a 15 or more to reach the outside, cause a nice crack for Iron's exit at the edge as well as a nice breath of fresh air. If not, you'll have a sad zebra on your hands.
>>106860Suffice it to say, that does not go down the way Iron intended
I can think of one way this could go well for Iron
>>106862W-what do you mean? Your seemingly innocent look sends me shivers.
C-can I try once more? >>106863>trying once moreWe haven't even resolved the 1
Alright, I'll let you pick a card
Plan 1, Iron get's the special result, which gives him another action this turn
Plan 2, Iron has to make a fort save before he can act next round, but when he acts, he can act freely
[1d20+9 = 13]>>106865While I know that the special result will be a lot more interesting, but the fact you're offering it means it's going to be
nasty.I am super sorry, but I have to go with the pussy route. I can't let Cauldron down with the possibility of the rope breaking and making him lose all of the pots.
Rolling fort.
DC should be 11 >>106867DC should be getting progressively higher... and it should be on a constitution check.... but I'll let it pass.
This time [1d20 = 16]>>106868Oh whoops. I checked and it's true. Next time I'll roll doing that. I thank you for your kindness in this time of need. Now if only dice would cooperate.One last time, between his honor and his life, he wagers his possible last few moments of breath for another chance to get out of the water, hold onto the ice and maybe cause enough pressure to break it and ensure his safety.
(Come on! I can
do this!)
>>106726"I Have An Unconventional idea, I Should get my fur dye'd and my mane cut to look like a zigger."
>>106738"Hmmmmmmmm Very Interesting,Also sounds very challenging."
>>106874"To blend in? It might work. If there are any Severyanans left in this part of city, then I myself may be able to blend in."
>>106870If Iron could get one thing - just one thing - above the water, would it be his hooves onto the ice, or his nostrils above the water?
>>106874"Come again?"
>>106879Hm... You drive a hard bargain there, GM.
I think the hooves on ice to either break it, clearing the path, or get a helping hoof has a better long term benefit.
>>106881"The whole... What? Like how do you even separate that into parts? It's one plan. A plan to look like a zebra"