Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
Shimmering Spark, Onyx Steel, and Brie Achtungsex now make the perilous crossing into the Changeling Lands. In Baltimare, Dark Star prepares for his next big assignement, while Silver concludes his mentoring of traumatized foals. Much further away, Iron stands under jeweled nighttime skies, preparing his next move
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>>105867"Hmm. I suppose there is nothing here."
Silver continues to explore the lower area of the catacombs.
>>105864Dark Star takes out his flash light and turns it on and points it into the cave
>>105869Pear stands up, first her forebody, then her rear, backs up, and starts to turn around to go to the other side of the fire. She walks past what was her souvenir from the experience, at least one of the idols, sitting down next to the fire. She continues onwards
All around Iron, crickets chirp on, and various noises come from the night time jungle. Clouds block the light of the nearly full moon, only to move on and let it show again. Even at night, it is hot enough to sweat
>>105871It's no cave, but the storage room of the catacombs, with decayed wood particulars and rusted iron rings, and ring walls
>>105870Essentially, symmetrical to other side. There are fewer rock particles on the ground. Perhaps this area was used for something else before Curwhinny commandeered it
>>105872Iron feels like Pear's going to get hurt.
"Uh, Pear? Where are you going?"
(Is she going to leave his partner all alone here?)
>>105872I wonder who built this place first, and for what purpose. Besides for their dead to rest.Silver once again calls out. "Hello?"
[1d20 = 4]>>105872Perception to find anything in here of use or points to where silver may be.
>>105876Sound, undiscernible, to the left
>>105873Pear looks back at Iron, over the fire. Again, she says nothing, but looks at him. Her face is almost directly through and above the flames
>>105875Nothing yet
>>105877Iron tentatively takes a step towards her, being careful not to step into the fire for doing so by starting to go around it.
"Is something the matter?"
>>105878"Many things, but that has always been true"
>>105877"Seems like so far it is only skeletons left." Silver slowly, cautiously makes his way upstairs.
>>105877He points his flashlight in that direction
>>105880To Silver's left, a light appears n the wall, exposing the pinkish granite
>>105881A bare wall, though to the right are arched chambers
>>105880Scratch what is said in
>>105882. Silver does not see a light. He sees stairs, and these are in better condition that the other. the steps are oddly white in color
>>105882"what the?"
Dark Star walks towards the wall then gently taps on it
>>105883Strange... Silver proceeds up the stairs.
>>105879Iron's not exactly sure of what her thought process is, but he takes another step.
"Look. I understand I may be overstepping my bounds as a pony here, but I cannot go against my promise. The last thing I want is to break somepony's trust by not sticking to my word and I did promise my partner life-changing money because she needs it to reach a more fulfilling life."
>>105884It's solid granite, pinkish hue. To the right is wide open corridor
>>105885There are firm, even now, even as parts of the wall are a bit... shattered. Nothing is immediately noticed. It smells a tiny bit like burnt wood
>>105886"Is that what this is about?"
Dark Star Turns towards the Corridor then Shines his light Down it and walks down it
>>105887Silver remembers that day, and the ensuing fire, smoke, and chaos. He calls out again for any remaining undead. "Calling all hungry ghasts, come in hungry ghasts!"
>>105889Nothing to either side that wasn't there the last time he went through here. It's bricklined walls, and open arched chambers to Dark Star's left. From beyond the end of the hall, he can here a mad Bolshevik shouting
"Calling all hungry ghasts, come in hungry ghasts!"
>>105890No immediate reply
>>105888"So it's... what?"
>>105891Dark Star Thinks to himself
"What The Buck?"
He Says out loud
>>105891"A promise is a promise, after all. She has her own problems to deal with, which these can solve."
Iron takes another step.
"I cannot simply go back against my word, especially when she risked her life to get here. It would break all the trust she has in me."
Another step forward.
"It would also make her lose the last shreds of hope of getting a better life, forever trapped in a draining job which saps her very soul out of her."
Another step forward.
"I do understand that I am threading a fine needle of the gods' respect towards me, but this is a once in a lifetime chance for her to reach happiness."
Another step forward, hopefully reaching Pear by this point.
"I cannot go back against my word when that much is at stake."
>>105892>>105893Silver looks around him for the source of this voice. "Yes, hello. Are you alive or dead?"
>>105894"What is the promise, exactly?"
>>105896Iron looks at Pear confidently.
"Life-changing money. The bringer of infinite possibilities and the dream acheiver."
>>105895"Im Not Sure? Why is somepony like you down here? shouldn't you be trying to seize the means of production?"
>>105898"...Dark Star, is that you?"
>>105902"Yeah, it is me. Come upstairs so we can stop shouting. I think it is safe."
>>105903Dark Star Walks up Stairs.
"What exactly is going on? i heard Something About A Giant Bird?"
>>105905Silver looks like he usually does, minus the absurd armament, a bit more soot covering his coat, and a bleeding gash on his right flank that he either doesn't notice or doesn't bother him. "There was obstacle to completing job for Blue Skies. I cleared obstacle." He smiles at him. "Did you see it? It was Roc, like giant hawk.
Very giant hawk. It was lured in with bait I used for ghasts, and killed mummy and armored ghast in process."
>>105904"She is the first pony that showed the values you follow. Both kind and generous when she offered her home for me to sleep in, honest, loyal and fun, too."
He looks at Cauldron.
"Is that not somepony who you want to help when they are in return when she needs it?"
>>105906"No Some Construction Worker Saw it. You're Bleeding by the way. it killed A Mummy and A Ghast? where did those come from?"
>>105907Cauldron is a bit bashful
"Why yes, of course"
Pears has a wide grin
"Oh I see what this is about. Why did you not say something earlier?"
>>105908"I am?" He turns around, looking over his body until he sees the gash. "Huh, I am. One of them must have got me while I was being chased. Anyways, you do not remember seeing sarcophagus, or very large number of ghasts we left behind here? I lured almost all undead outside using very potent predator bait, got almost all of them near bomb in quarry, then blew it up from distance using rifle. Mummy and armored ghast were by entrance when it went off, so they survived."
>>105909Iron looks at Pear, confused. His cheeks can't help but redden a bit.
"What is what about?" he stammers.
(Has she really found me out?)
>>105910"Oh Right, i sorta Forgot About that."
He Rubs the Back of his head.
"Right i Need you're Help on A Job For the Black Hooves."
>>105912"Job, huh?" Silver sits down. "Alright, let us hear it."
>>105911She keeps grinning, and nodding
"Did you want to keep it a secret?"
>>105914Iron starts sweating even more than normal, the traitorous blush ever present.
"Secrets? I have no secrets. Zero. None whatsoever," he stammers out in a slightly higher pitch than his usual tone of voice.
>>105915"Then why are you only bringing this up now?"
>>105913"There's a Zebra and Griffin Smuggling Ring Down at the Docks. it is a Very Serious Issue. they are bringing in Illegals immigrants into the Country. there have also been reports of Arms trafficking."
>>105917Silver nods, slowly. "Hmm. Sounds like it. Tricky too, if Griffons are involved. What does timetable look like?"
>>105916Iron darts his eyes from Cauldron to Pear periodically.
"Well, I uh... did not want to burden you with that knowledge unless absolutely necessary! Yeah, that is it!"
A pause.
"That did make sense, right?"
>>105918>>105917Some sound of indiscernible distance, sounds like a pony
>>105919I KNOW THAT REFERENCE!"Well... what I said earlier stands"