Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
Shimmering Spark, Onyx Steel, and Brie Achtungsex now make the perilous crossing into the Changeling Lands. In Baltimare, Dark Star prepares for his next big assignement, while Silver concludes his mentoring of traumatized foals. Much further away, Iron stands under jeweled nighttime skies, preparing his next move
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>>106226"I suppose we will see once I have Bits in front of me. Until then, I will think of ideas. I can be creative type, sometimes." Silver stands up. "Come, I have finished reloading magazines. Those skeletons will not crush themselves."
>>106225What's the roll for?>>106224Iron, unfazed by pointing out admittedly right morally questionable actions as well as the insinuation of feelings for Cauldron, simply nods.
"I never break my promises."
With that, he looks to Cauldron.
"When you said you did not trust these history ponies, I never thought it was this bad."
“I thought it was more likely she would slit our throats as we slept and take the money. I did not expect.... whatever the hell that was”
>>106229>>106227Down the stairway past pieces of flesh, through the open area, and into the animal room. In the second pit, are two wolf skeletons
>>106230Iron shakes his head.
"And here I thought she was a nice pony. A shame."
Seeing the two expedition ponies tied up, he ponders.
"Do you think anypony would find the tied up ponies here?"
>>106231"Poor Pups."
Dark Star Looks Genuinely saddend by this sight.
"Lets put them out of their misery."
>>106229>>106231Silver looks down into the pit. "They made ferocious growl when I first passed by this room. I wonder by what magic they are allowed to continue to make such noises."
>>106234>>106233They are literally just animated bones, with no flesh to them at all
>>106232“No. Not unless bandits or other expedition members come back”
>>106235He looks around to see who else witnessed the scene that just happened.
(I think there was another bandit around here, maybe.)
>>106232Pear butts in
“That stallion was a part of the group that killed the young students. The Fascists would have justly hung him if he ever were sent back to Saltmane”
>>106233"Anyways, you are right. Let us find some suitably heavy rocks with which to drop on them."
>>106239The areas are mostly rock free, with some rocks existing in the entrance between the catacombs and the quarry, and some dislodged from around the staircase. There are a few bricks elsewhere.
>>106240Dark Star Picks up some from around the staircase.
>>106237I thought there was another bandit that must have seen the scene, since my character would have most likely left the ones he punched into unconsciousness alive and tied up.Iron raises an eyebrow at Pear's comment.
(Is she not concerned she might be labelled a criminal too for torching a pony, no matter if it was a bandit or not?)
He shakes his head and looks at Cauldron.
"It seems we are forced to leave them here, the crazy duo that they are."
Walking over to near the pot stash, he lays down next to it.
"I hope the rest will not be stopped by another pony who has snapped and threatens to kill anypony that he sees."
He taps the floor next to him, beckoning Cauldron to come over.
"We should be safe for now."
>>106240Silver grabs some rocks from between the catacombs and quarry, since they proved so useful earlier.
>>106242There is probably one. Whether he saw it is another thing. The night is silent and the air is cool, as the two return to the pots. The light of the fire and the moon dim somewhat, giving them a darker spot to rest
>>106244He takes this opportunity to wrap a foreleg around Cauldron's neck, still looking forwards with a smile and a tinge of red on the cheeks.
>>106243>>106244Dark Star Heads Back to the pit
>>106246She smiles back at him, as a wind picks up, and she looks into his eyes
>>106247It is so
>>106247Silver joins Dark Star, with a suitable collection of rocks. "Okay, ready?"
>>106249"Yea,let's get this over with."
Dark Star Drops the Bricks e picked up onto the pupper skeletons
>>106250The bricks drop all of 7 feet, and the wild recoils
>>106248His reddish eyes is what greets her, matching the color of his cheeks currently as the hair on his head gets pushed to the side.
His hoof that was previously wrapped around her trails back to her cheek, brushing along her smooth coat in the process.
"The night is quite lovely today, is it not?" he dreamily murmurs to Cauldron.
>>106252The coat isn’t quite soft. It’s a bit course, and it’s been a long day. Her coat itself seems a little red, from a red glowing light cast down from the moon. She continues smiling, and looking into his eyes. A cold wind blows now, and she places a hoof in his.
“Yes, it’s quite lovely,” she says, breaking the otherwise perfect silence.
[1d20 = 16]>>106251Silver throws one of his at the wolf skeletons.
>>106254“Yelp!” It hits it, doing minor damage.
>>106254>>106250It becomes obvious quickly enough that stoning these wolves to death will be exactly as arduous a task, and will take as many stones, as stoning an adulterous Pakistani woman to death
>>106253Should I be worried of the red light from the moon?Iron simply stays there, feeling the bubbling affection Cauldron has for him that makes his heart flutter. Looking into her blue eyes spark the increase of redness on his cheeks.
(Wait a second... since when does the moon glows red? And what is with this chilling wind?)
As much as he hates to do it, he reluctantly breaks eye contact with Cauldron to glance at the Moon and see what this is about.
>>106254>>106255"Should we just..Shoot them?"
[1d20+9 = 12]>>106257"Perhaps?"
>>106255Silver tries pulling out his Lavender Rifle and shooting one of them.
>>106256In the sky, Venus, the evening star, glows brighter, and red, seemingly aligned with other nearby objects. The moon itself has this tainted color. Large, dark clouds loom, and it seems these sometimes eclipse the moon making the whole land dark. A wind has come down, from the north, and the temperature has dropped considerably
The night is silent. Before there were constant sound shots of crickets, cicadas, frogs, various birds, and other creatures. Now there is nothing but silence. A silence like that of when predators are nearby
>>106259Aw fuck. I can't believe you've done this.Yes, it is indeed that one British man getting punch and he says that after meme.Iron takes off the hoof from Cauldron's cheek as he looks around his surroundings with an alert expression.
"I feel something is coming."
[2d20+5 = 13]>>106259Dark Star Shoots Then With his Revolvers
>>106258Definitely at least one miss. What’s his modifier?
>>106261What British man and meme?
[1d20+9 = 20]>>106263...Eh?"Блядь." Silver works the bolt and fires again. in mind it's only joke and I get where you're going with this.
>>106261Pear decides she hasn’t talked enough. She had been silent the whole trip, and she must think she’s entitled to speak now
“Did you really think you were going to settle down and enjoy that money? The bandits you took it from probably felt the same way, and speed Reciew certainly did. And even before them it was taken by ponies who never were able to retire on it, who probably took it from ponies who mined it through forced labor. And when you get to Saltmane, heh. Surprise! The Fascists will claim it, as will other ponies, before the changelings come in. Never ending war and strife. Greed and self interest, never love for the fellow pony.... your libido does not count. Nothing less than the Windigo crisis saved ponykind from destroying itself before, and it will take nothing less than another windowing crisis, or a Nightmare Moon, to save the world from itself this time. You don’t care for your fellow pony because you feel like you don’t need them. So you fight them for the stuff you want. Only when you really do need your fellow pony to save yourself from something bigger than you, stronger than you - I assure you there are plenty of things out there bigger and stronger than even you - only then will there be peace, harmony, and heroism. Only then will death have more meaning to it than a few measly bits”
>>106269I actually don’t know
>>106267A miss
Okay, I have to go to sleep now
>>106271Iron can't help but shiver at the increasingly lower temperatures that feels so alien to him.
He looks at Pear in disbelief.
"You mean to tell me you added yet another enemy to the list in the hopes that ponies rest their differences and fight the thing with friendship?"
Shaking his head, he continues. Hopefully without actually throwing that cold steam from the mouth due to the cold
"Union through necessity only lasts until the need is fulfilled. What makes you think this will have a lasting impact when the last time it happened simply lead us to this point in the future?"
>>106274She grins, and nods. At least that’s what she seems to be doing. They are a bit further away, and a cloud has obscured the moon, making it harder to read her
exactly what I’m doing. Nothing else will do it, and it’s worked charmingly before.”
She adds
“Wouldn’t that be good fortune? To create a Golden age that lasts at least a generation, and a silver age for at least another one. I’ll consider myself to have accomplished something worthy of a lifetime, if all I’ve done is to buy a Golden age for a generation.”
The shadow seems to shake her head
“Where there are no heroes to ward off what lurks beyond the terrestrial sphere, the Nightmares return. Without the Tree of Harmony, were always destined to end up at this stage. It’s just a question of whether ponykind, or changelings, finishes them off first.”
The drop in temperature is significant, but also not
that significant. About 10 degrees Celsius in only a few minutes, and it may drop further. The leaves of trees start to move as the wind blows, and a set of stars converge on the Evening Star, which continues casting its orangish glow
>>106275Iron, even though she feels absolute disdain from her actions,
mainly for endangering Cauldron can't help but sympathize with her.
"Is it really worth sacrificing your bonds with other ponies in misguided altrusim? To relinquish what you believe and destory the world because you did not like what you saw?"
He hugs the now probably scared zebra.
"I know why you had the gall to do this. You are lonely. After all, no actual friends to endanger means you can doom the present without remorse, am I correct?"