Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
Shimmering Spark, Onyx Steel, and Brie Achtungsex now make the perilous crossing into the Changeling Lands. In Baltimare, Dark Star prepares for his next big assignement, while Silver concludes his mentoring of traumatized foals. Much further away, Iron stands under jeweled nighttime skies, preparing his next move
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>>106912Just give some examples, like semi-auto pistols or bolt-action rifles."To that end: what about concealable weapons? Pistols, sawed-off firearms, or knives, all of which we might conceal in coats to prevent ourselves from announcing to world that we are armed?"
>>106916I'd wager that pistols, SMG and other light weapons with magazines is a move action. Rifles of most sorts will probably need a standard actions
Bolt action rifles without the clip and having to reload each bullet as well as shotguns of the same kind of reload counts as a full-action move depending on how many bullets you reload.
LMGs and other heavy weaponry is most likely a full-action in most cases.
>>106913>>106912She does not succeed in pulling him up
>>106916Most instances are probably full round actions.
“And all that concealment ends the instant one of those guns goes off”
>>106919"As I said, last resort. There is advantage to not carrying large bolt-action rifle or submachine gun on one's back, especially when attempting to, perhaps, infiltrate criminal organizations. Outside of that, it is clear we will need some measure of self-defense while roaming in that part of town, and I highly doubt any knife-wielding delinquents or thieves will not run from even just mere sight of firearm."
>>106921“They run... and they tell their superiors. And their superior either decide to send a large number of henchmen, enough to kill us, they run away, or both”
>>106922Silver sits down and throws his forehooves up into the air. "Just..." He sighs, making his frustration apparent. "...never mind."
>>106923She comes over, and pats the old pony
>>106924This does get a smile out of him as he leans into the pats. That old pony sure does like physical contact.
And this might be my signal that it’s time to back off for a few days...
>>106926...Oh...sorry if any of that is me.
>>106926Are you too busy to do it today?
>>106951>>106950I think he's not here anymore. Perhaps he'll come back in a week.
>>106926Well, when you get back, maybe Spark could look around the lands on the other side of the border?
I am going to BronyCon tomorrow
I wish I could. I hope it is fun.
>>106965Are you up to playing tonight?
>>106965Hope you have fun on your trip.
Spark checks on the changelings... well, the ones we are taking back home.
>>106974Brie took the changelings with him when he went upstairs. They do not come back with him, but remain up there. At least, they do so for a couple minutes
>>106975Ah. Then I guess I go get the wagon, if it hasn't been impounded or something.
>>106976Well, it was, previously, and it is standing in an area off to the side on what is basically sidewalk. A couple of the malnourished looking ‘ponies’ are around it, but moving, apparently away.
I go forward towards the wagon.
>>106978Well, it’s there, sitting still. It’s cold and windy outside, and the wagon sits with all doors closed
>>106979Spark opens a door and checks inside.
>>106980Only the purplish upholstered seats
>>106981Well then, he closes the door and pulls it out so the others can get in when they get ready.
>>106982He does so.
The other two “foals” come back outside after the passage of some time
>>106983He gets inside the wagon and pats the seats, calling them over.
>>106984They hop up onto the seats, near Spark
>>106986First, only the one accepts it. He makes purring sounds. Then, the other one tries to force his head underneath Spark’s hoof
>>106987Spark uses both hooves to give out pets to the changelings.
"Why are you two so cute?"
>>106988The one comes in closer to Spark, and starts nuzzling into his sides. The other resentfully accepts the pets, moving his head around a little
>>106904>>106906"You'll be glad we have some once they break out their heavy gear."
>>106989Petting continues. Spark smiles.
>>106990“Perhaps... just don’t let them get away. That is always the danger with these assignments. Well, that and death”
>>106991Now, the other one lays his head down, and lets Spark pet him
>>106992"Good bug things. You will be home soon."
>>106993The first one continues purring, while the other tries to lick its own eyes with an extended tongue
>>106994“You’d better... do you want to scout the area first and call in reinforcements, or what?”
>>106995"I kind of don't want to have you two leave, but you won't like staying, and it might cause problems. How come the rest of your kind have to be jerks?"
>>106997"Yea Scouting out the Area Sounds like a Good Idea. Could you Do Me A Favor and see if you can find any leads on where the others might be?"