Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
Shimmering Spark, Onyx Steel, and Brie Achtungsex now make the perilous crossing into the Changeling Lands. In Baltimare, Dark Star prepares for his next big assignement, while Silver concludes his mentoring of traumatized foals. Much further away, Iron stands under jeweled nighttime skies, preparing his next move
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>>106489Are the doggo's skeleton's Dead yet?
>>106490“Very well... You may continue”
>>106492Dark Star Heads Back to the library
>>106492"Splendid. Of course, there are logistics to work out, methods of relaying information and all that, but then the first step for me would be to return to Baltimare and start making some noise, am I correct?"
>>106494there's more than 1? i think the only one he knows about is the burnt one. so that's where he goes.
>>106495>>106495“Perhaps you misunderstand. I do not have the authority to approve any measures across the border. I mean that you are approved to speak to somebug who does have the authority.”
>>106496It has hardly been touched. Most books are reduced to ashes, some remain. The smell of the burnt books lingers in the air
>>106497"Ah, very well then. I assume there is some sort of notice or letter, or something of that nature to take with us as we venture? To prevent us from being accidentally killed."
[1d20 = 16]>>106497Dark Star looks through the ashes
>>106498“Yes. My secretary shall write up a letter. It may also be possible to speak through phone, but she may not accept that”
>>106499Perhaps one quarter of the contents survived, mostly on lower levels
>>106500"I prefer to conduct business in pony,... in carapace? anyway."
>>106500Dark Star Grabs the reaming books and looks at the titles
"I will have to get a better idea of references and terms. The best I've managed so far is Jungetiere for the young ones."
>>106501“That can be arranged. There is a colony outside of what used to be known as ‘Whinnyapolis,’ up the road. You can meet with a higher ranking official there.”
>>106502The outsides have been burned away, even in those books where the insides have survived
>>106503“Nymphs for younger changelings that have lost their larval characteristics, hatchlings for newly born larve, Workers for.... Well, there isn’t really a gender in ponies to compare them to. I guess, ‘infertile female’ is the closest equivalent. Drone is the term for a male, and females, egg-laying females, are Queens. And when speaking with a queen.... be sure to use all of your well learned pony politesse when speaking to then. They do not tolerate any slights.”
>>106504Dark Star looks for the title pages. if there is one on them.
>>106504"Thank you my good drone, I shall be on my best behavior."
>>106506“As you should. Carry on”
>>106505Within the cover? “Arcane magic.” “Potions and other things” “the practices of the worshipers of Mar” “The gods of the gnolls of Hyenia”
>>106508He Flips through the practices of the worshipers of mar
>>106508Assuming their business and meeting is concluded, Brie gets up to leave (did he sit? I think he would have sat at some point).
>>106509The Griffin Pantheon includes a number of gods. Boreas, god of winds and chief among them. This god is the official god of the more theocratic governments. Arcturus is the god of light. This god is favored by paladin orders. The god Mar is the god of madness and death, who may grant favors to certain worshipers... worship of him is banned in almost all jurisdictions
>>106510Yes, he would have been sitting. The drone nods, and he goes out. The secretary is typing up the document, takes it out of his typewriter, and hands it over with a hateful expression
>>106512"hmmmm why is it banned i wonder?"
He Flips to the appropriate section to find out.
>>106512Brie winks playfully, accepting the document. "I trust all my possessions and those of my entourage are in good keeping?"
>>106514The creature looks at him
“Ich spreche kein Pony”
From through the still open door
“Yes, they have not been touched. Unless they went on some ‘adventure’”
>>106513Well, the preeminent reason would seem to be the god’s thirst. Specifically, the god’s thirst for the blood of sacrifices. Innocents preferred. He also may induce madness in his followers, as well as endowing them with a range of magical powers
>>106515“Mein Shlect.”
“Danke schon” he calls out, nodding to the drone and with an obvious degree of satisfaction, waltzes back to acquire his equipment.
>>106516>>106517The secretary has a look of... is it confusion? His bug eyes don’t convey much emotion. But he doesn’t look angry or hostile, which is an improvement
All of Brie’s equipment is there, as are the two other ponies. And the ‘pony guards’ are returning through the front door
Ive got some non-bus transiting to do, so I’m gonna adjourn here for now
Dark Star looks through the Gods of gnolls of hyenia
>>106519Have a good trip!
>>106520The text is in Ann unidentifiable language. All that can be understood are images of hyenas around fires in dances, rituals involving smoke, and the carcass of a... zebra, with ribs cracked open and organs removed. An organ - probably a heart, possibly a liver - is offered by a hyena to what looks like a very large hyena standing on its hind legs in an unsettling way
>>106521"Hmmmm this one is pretty cool."
>>106523More hyenas standing, carrying spears... this book is fairly well damaged
>>106524"Hmmmm maybe i can find a copy at one of the libraries around town? i would like to read this one."
>>106525He Flips through Arcane magic
>>106526Weird unicorn shit. Spells include transmutation if common objects, water creation, illusion magic, and so forth
>>106527he looks through potions and other things
is silver here?
Is Silver alive?
>>106529Similar. Growth potions. Invisibility, strength...
>>106530"these ones are pretty boring."
Dark star brings the books to the cart. he slips the gnoll one into his vest before he leaves.
>>106530Don't think so, tbh. It's kinda late. Perhaps in an hour.
>>106531I don’t believe Dark Star has a separate cart of his own. Silver’s cart is gone
>>106533"Well horse apples."
He lies them down in the library
Can i see the map?
>>106534Of the catacombs? No, I am on mobile, and it is on my laptop
>>106535>>106536I would not begrudge anyone who questioned if I was liv.
>>106541I'll be ready to play in an hour or two, if you need to know.