Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
Shimmering Spark, Onyx Steel, and Brie Achtungsex now make the perilous crossing into the Changeling Lands. In Baltimare, Dark Star prepares for his next big assignement, while Silver concludes his mentoring of traumatized foals. Much further away, Iron stands under jeweled nighttime skies, preparing his next move
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>>105209They can't change size, they'll be the giant mango. Hard to miss
>>105210I know, meaning that it's an easy target to sink those fangs in and slurp all of the 'mango' juice.
>>105211He's a bat, not a vampire
>>105210I mean... they can be a crate of mangos. Also don’t discount giant mangos
>>105213>>105214He prefers kiwis thank you
>>105215You'll have to roll bluff to convince of that one, chief.
>>105216>roll bluffNigga please
>>105217Of course there's an image for kiwis
>>105218Bullshit, you didn't convince me! Now show me a real statement!
>>105220A reminder of the culinary options
Okay, so I will not be fully available, and perhaps intermittently available tonight. Who wants to play?
I would
>EEEeeeefind out what
>eeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEthe changeling would say. We left off with 'I can't authorize this' "
Kidding aside, take ur time
>>105224>we can’t authorize thisBrie hasn’t gotten that far yet
“Why are you willing to work for Changelings?”
>>105226"Because appealing to Ponies has worked oh so well?"
>>105227“Have you ever worked with the Pony authorities, be they Equestrian or New Mareland?”
>>105229"You are incredibly boring. I'm not sure if you're aware of it. You know I'm telling the truth cuz I'm under a Geese. That was it I think? Geesa? No, I've never worked with any sort of pony authorities."
"There was a bat-pony on the train. He was part of the area law enforcement. I refrained from killing him and killed his opponents."
"Creedence Clearwater Revival or some such name as that. I placed a dagger in his thigh and he didn't blink," Brie says thoughtfully
>>105233"They were part of revolutionary faction #7. Apparently they though that Pinkie Pie was onboard." Brie says with a smirk.
>>105235"Their rifles unironically paid our way," Brie says, somehow referencing the carriage, in spite of the circumstances
>>105235>>105234>>105236“Who are your confederates here?”
"What I mean to say is, I killed several of them who stopped my train. I've killed others in the interim, bu those were the opponents you inquire of."
>>105237"Lets see. Wesley and Kerr are paramount, followed by Sparks (Shimmering). He's my unicorn companion. Then there's Onyx. I understand his reputation preceeds him." Brie says with a wink.
"Of course, we shall make all accommodations as necessary and desired by her imminence, but we
will be retaining our weapons." Brie assures pleasantly.
"Frag die jungetiere." Brie encourages.
>>105238“You’ve named a particular pony in the Baltimare Governate to be replaced... Tell me, what do
you have to offer her Majesty.”
“Es scheint, dass er ein Kollaborateur sein will”
“Er hat uns nicht getötet oder vergewaltigt”
>>105240Brie activates his disguise cloak to appear like the changeling in front of him.
"Well, I have a trick or two up my sleeve,"
"I have to say, this is a whole lot more "Where did you work after High School" and a whole lot less "I will eat your soul if you don't tell me what I want to hear!" I mean seriously." Brie scoffs.
>>105242He nods, but does not otherwise deviate from his direct tone and expression
“And what else?”
>>105243“It was assumed you understood that much before coming to us. You know the basics of who we are, and reinforcing it does not help us much. What we must know, and what we do not know, is who
you are, what you can do for us, and can we trust you. What you are proposing risks both the Hegemony’s international relations, and the lives of our Workers. We are asking you what we need to hear. If you feeling your soul eaten away slowly as you are entombed in a cocoon for longer than your natural life expectancy is not already impressed upon you as a distinct possibility should you displease us, then frankly we have no further use for you or this interview.”
>>105244"Well, you can shine a light in my eyes." Brie says dryly.
>>105245And now, he asks
“What were you expecting?”
>>105246"One or two drones independently seeking verification of my claims, as well as a thorough beating and maybe 2 weeks dungeon."
"Speaking of which, I rather expected to be spitting out teeth at this point."
>>105251"Not yet, but I will be every time I have to repeat myself."
>>105252If the creature can raise an eyebrow, it did
me repeat
myself. What do you have to offer when infiltrating the Baltimare area that we cannot get from a drone or worker?”
I’m out of the conference for the rest of the day
The last presentation was excellent, and a great way to end the half-day
>>105258That's great to hear, man! Got anything planned for your free half-of-the-day?
>>105259Well, I was
going to go visit a college friend I haven’t seen in a while... but he hasn’t messaged me back since Sunday, and in any event he still lives very far away