Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
Shimmering Spark, Onyx Steel, and Brie Achtungsex now make the perilous crossing into the Changeling Lands. In Baltimare, Dark Star prepares for his next big assignement, while Silver concludes his mentoring of traumatized foals. Much further away, Iron stands under jeweled nighttime skies, preparing his next move
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[1d20+9 = 11]>>105611"Good. One more target that I can see." Silver targets the other ghoul.
[1d20+9 = 28]>>105613"Дерьмо." He tries again.
[2d8 = 14]>>105615Silver finds upon working the bolt that he's empty, and thus has to load a new clip into the rifle.
>>105595"2 strong 4 u? do they have the strongest potions around?"
>>105616The creature screams, and Silver causally pulls out a clip, lines it up to the magazine, presses the bullets down into the magazine, cycles the bolt, and is ready for his next shot
[1d20+9 = 27]>>105618"Is this cheap? Probably." Silver breaks in the fresh clip by firing at the wounded ghoul.
>>105617“I mean... I don’t know. I don’t buy potions.”
>>105619Hit, and screech
[2d8 = 10]>>105620Silver looks around to get a bearing on his surroundings. He can't very well hear at the moment, after all.
>>105621There is another something paddling in the water, and a couple more moving things near the entrance. Roll spot for more
>>105623At least the blast has not affected Silver’s vision. Near the entrance are two undead figures that are more cautious in approach... or more afraid of the light. One is a ghoul or ghast in what seems to be a suit of armor - a firmly standing pony whose status as undead is only really discernable his exposed, fleshless nose and clear eye sockets. The second is a wrapped pony figure with space enough for wings. In the water, flops something black - a water ghoul it seems, wearing the remnants of a white dress. Over in the far off distance, in the sky, Silver sees a very large hawk flying his way
[1d20 = 16]>>105624"Drawn in by scent of bait on wind, no doubt..."
Silver tries throwing the bait in the direction of the three remaining ghasts.
Perhaps I can get them to fight each other? >>105625Silver does not succeed in throwing it immediately next to the entrance. What he does do is toss it onto a flat area next to the water one level below the flat area next to the entrance
>>105620"Hmmmm Where Are they at?"
>>105626Close enough. At least this might keep hawk from attacking me.Silver takes stock of the situation.
Okay...that one is obviously water or lake ghast. Soft target, compared to others. Probably should take it out first. Undead in armor will be little bit harder target to hit, but I do not know why he shows restraint in coming out into light like others...and... Silver takes a look again at the third figure. that mummy?Any other sort of distinguishing features that might give away the type of undead those two are? >>105627“Down on East main”
>>105628Looks like a water undead, a mummy, and something in armor
[1d20+9 = 29]>>105629I should avoid combat with those two until I know what I am dealing with. Mummy especially. Perhaps we can remain non-hostile to each other. Now, other undead on other hoof...Silver fires at the undead in the water.
>>105630>>105631Hit, and confirmed hit. Silver may roll twice as many damage did
>>105633It hisses from what seems to be a head shot. Part of the skull of the black mare in wilted white dress is gone. It looks at Silver, and stares at him with what remains of its face. So to, do the other undead
[1d20+9 = 19]>>105634"Yes yes, hi, hello." Silver himself is a little surprised by the accuracy of the shot. He tries again.
>>105636Hit, and it is almost dead. Almost
It screams like a mare
[1d20+9 = 26]>>105637"That must have been what was causing noise...creepy." If it wasn't for the fact that he knows that that's not a living mare, he'd be more hesitant to keep attacking. As it is, he hopes he can just put the poor mare's corpse to rest.
It is shot again, and collapses into the water. Its black, hairless skin looks almost pickled
>>105640" it dead? Dead-er, I mean?"
>>105642"That is good, at least." Silver takes a look at what the other two undead are currently doing.
>>105643They cautiously approach the bait, while glancing over in Silver’s direction
>>105629"I Need to stop by there."
>>105645Now wouldn’t Silver like to know?
They again cautious approach the bait, and stare back up at the origin of the shots
>>105646“Then let’s go”
>>105647Well, they aren't stupid. They show fear that is uncharacteristic of other undead. For now, he is content to watch from his perch.
I am not sure about armored undead, but perhaps there is way to get mummy out of there peacefully. Maybe Black Hooves would show interest. >>105647Dark Star walks to the front door and the hails them a taxi
>>105648Silver, in his role as an observer, gets perhaps just a bit more than he bargained for. From above, appears, of all things, a Roc, probably a juvenile or a smaller breed. No, it's not as big as the Rocs than can carry away elephants. Those have all been driven back, away from industrial civilization, and reside now only in their sanctuaries in the mountains where no pony dare tread. At least... hopefully they don't exist in heavily populated areas... That does not stop the fact that
it's a damned roc, easily taking up the entire ledge, with a wingspan of... big, and about as big as adult adult Dragon.
It gives a loud
Caw and leans down for the bait
>>105649It is so. A taxi appears for them
>>105650He gives the address of the shop
>>105651>>105652"R-O-C-S Rocs. Humongous birds that can snack on a molting dragon like candy"
The urban permutation is much smaller than a full mountain raptor, but... It's still big enough to give a dragon a run for its treasure horde
>>105653Dark Star arrives at "2 Strong 4 U"
>>105654Silver's jaw drops at the magnificent and scary sight. No words yet come from his mouth as he watches the, to put it lightly, big bird.
[1d20+11 = 30][1d20+7 = 12]>>105655It's a little more darkly lit. Some potions are on the wall. A Zebra in full zebra cultural dress greats Dark Star
"Come into my shop, Mr. blood red steed
Be it strength, stamina or health, we have what you need"
>>105656Neither do any words come from the undead figures, obscured by the bird. But they do make clear "Hiss!" sounds
[1d20+16 = 30][1d20+13 = 24]>>105657"Eeeek!" it recoils, and claws back
>>105657"Uh hello, I Need The Ability To Not Be sensed by undead Creatures. If you Don't mind me asking, Why are you rhyming?"
>>105659Silver almost wishes he had some popcorn with him.