/mlpol/ - My Little Politics

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R: 33 / F: 10
R: 47 / F: 18
R: 18 / F: 4
R: 76 / F: 69
R: 8 / F: 2
R: 94 / F: 70
Catalonian referendum 3: Spexit Boogaloo
R: 78 / F: 40
R: 57 / F: 7
R: 706 / F: 225
R: 804 / F: 325
R: 23 / F: 10
R: 26 / F: 7
R: 6 / F: 2
R: 9 / F: 1
R: 15 / F: 7
Awoo News Network - Second Week of April 2018
R: 96 / F: 105
Political Compass Test
R: 24 / F: 6
R: 496 / F: 1518
Obligatory Porn Thread 2
R: 4 / F: 4
Interactive map showing migration flows
R: 24 / F: 10
Syria Chemical Weapons
R: 8 / F: 4
Positive Vibes Thread
R: 20 / F: 6
R: 33 / F: 11
Protecting Your Property, Self, and Privacy from Aggressors
R: 77 / F: 54
Who is best Princess?
R: 9 / F: 3
Google Search Results Manipulation Could Have shifted 2 or 3 Million Votes to Clinton
R: 38 / F: 28
HAPPENING! Car of peace strikes again!
R: 56 / F: 17
When did the show start declining?
R: 23 / F: 7
South Carolina Considers Secession Over Gun Rights
R: 169 / F: 137
MLPOL needs a logo, or a flag!
R: 18 / F: 8
Smart Women Are Not Reproducing
R: 6 / F: 2
R: 22 / F: 9
New MLP Episode #4 "Fake it ‘til you make it"
R: 9 / F: 3
MLP and Autism
R: 18 / F: 15
Should The West Become Theocratic?
R: 14 / F: 4
Denmark bans burqa and niqab
R: 34 / F: 13
Unexpected Alliances/Friendship Thread
R: 51 / F: 31
R: 52 / F: 25
Is Accelerationism Our Only Hope?
R: 38 / F: 14
Fat Lesbian Gets her Revenge on Bakery by Eating All the Cupcakes
R: 8 / F: 3
China Applauds the World for Following Its Lead on Internet Censorship
R: 52 / F: 19
Remember this bell?
R: 191 / F: 96
R: 1 / F: 1
Austria NO
R: 6 / F: 1
Illinois Municipality Bans Semi-Automatic Guns
R: 7 / F: 13
R: 91 / F: 43
Active Shooter at Youtube HQ
R: 9 / F: 2
Trump says he will send the US Military to guard the border
R: 7 / F: 3
R: 27 / F: 9
R: 102 / F: 46
R: 10 / F: 3
The absolute state of western News Media in the current year.
R: 88 / F: 27
R: 27 / F: 5
I'm an incompetent retard
R: 24 / F: 4
scripal poisoning
R: 13 / F: 7
Israel, UN Reach Deal on Deportation of African Migrants to Europe
R: 10 / F: 3
R: 7 / F: 1
China retaliates against Trump tariffs with levy on US food imports
R: 15 / F: 6
Twilight but the pink is purple
R: 64 / F: 14
/mlpol/ thread generation
R: 21 / F: 8
R: 10 / F: 1
The New York Times Answers the Question of "Can Islam and Europe Coexist" With "Only if Islam Rules
R: 20 / F: 10
Awoo News Network - First Week of April 2018
R: 35 / F: 23
R: 35 / F: 21
R: 808 / F: 299
Anonfilly Thread: Anniversary Edition
R: 7 / F: 4
R: 67 / F: 15
Tea with Anon28
R: 9 / F: 8
R: 4 / F: 2
Your country is bad and you should feel bad.
R: 113 / F: 52
R: 14 / F: 6
Running away from men in a dark alley is racist
R: 20 / F: 10
Earth V. Equestria
R: 26 / F: 19
Ubuntu - VLC player
R: 1 / F: 1
R: 42 / F: 26
R: 6 / F: 5
Sinclair Broadcast Group writes scripted material for their news broadcasters
R: 17 / F: 10
Are Poines the same species?
R: 60 / F: 7
South Africa needs help! Save the Boers!
R: 6 / F: 5
Billionare Hedgefund Manager Tom Steyer Spends Millions to Try to Impeach Trump
R: 23 / F: 13
R: 7 / F: 3
UK Man has 'world's worst' super-gonorrhoea
R: 25 / F: 6
New MLP Episode #3 "The Maud Couple"
R: 289 / F: 177
R: 18 / F: 12
Tea time tomorrow
R: 7 / F: 2
How about we make a thing, /mlpol/
R: 103 / F: 68
Non-Religion Has Replaced Christianity as the Default in Europe
R: 16 / F: 7
R: 15 / F: 9
Super Power by 2020
R: 39 / F: 3
R: 17 / F: 6
Citizenship Question on Census Could Shift Power Away From Democrats
R: 5 / F: 2
R: 9 / F: 4
(France) According to Macron, there is "too many white males" in artificial intelligence
R: 26 / F: 6
R: 59 / F: 28
R: 6 / F: 3
R: 221 / F: 90
Lets play a game /mlpol/
R: 24 / F: 13
R: 34 / F: 14
Nofap gone sexual
R: 11 / F: 5
R: 25 / F: 10
neet and suffering
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