Old stuff from another flag thread.
Me playing around on paint.
>>150320The blond hair on a white background does not look good.
It needs more contrast.
>>150329Nice ketch I used the older logo without the grey background.
>>150331Still it needs more contrast.
If the blond hair is central to the character, then the white body is wrong.
If on the contrary, the main feature is the white body, then the hair needs to be darker with some black thin lines marking the contour.
The background it is still too clear (may be a touch of blue needed).
Anon do not get mad, it is just my opinion.
>>150333I like criticism, only problem is I don't feel as if I have the right to fuck around with the logo at this point since its been part of board culture for a long while. But if you wanna play around with them feel free to fire up paint and show us what you are thinking about.
Here are a few of the ones we created at the end of the last thread - and where we got stuck.
>>150349 also these ofcourse
We need new ideas.
>>150283Made this one ages ago, back on the /mlpol/ board. IMO it's pretty shit tho.