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A ugly feminist with a sig….jpg
148078 148172 148190 148297 148319
Ok anons, I would like to ask something for the USA anons especially.
Whats your problem with the spanish?
I know perfectly that USA is a majoritarian english speaking people and shit but it´s not the official languaje.
America is made from inmigrants (legals of course) that speak chinese, german, portuguese, french, hindi even some african dialects.

I know the mexican people who came to the USA are not the best, some of them doesn´t have nothing to lose and a lot of them are illegals.

The point is I saw in the news about Aaron Schlossberg the attorney who get mad about some people talking in spanish. He really was like triggered

The problem about this is that the liberals are using this as a pretext for
>muh opression
>muh American bigots

But they have some reason, actions like Aaron did only reenforce the idea of a racist America

>btw I have the feeling about Aaron becoming now alt right supremacist for losing his house and job

>Also thread for Racism problems and stuff


>not archiving the NY Hoax
Anon, pls.

Is Aaron Schlossberg Jewish? You can't really have a more Jewish name than that.

Anyway, I have no problem with people speaking Spanish as long as they aren't obvious banditos who crossed the border. If an Italian family speaks Italian in their restaurant would you get upset (tbh, 19th century Know-Nothings actually did)?

If anything, the injustice here is the lawyer getting fired and potentially disbarred just for a few rude words. That goes to show what a mess our society is. You should be allowed to have a nasty personality!

However, it is difficult to defend him publicly simply because of how ignorant he is. The absolutely worst thing you can do is sperg out and act like a stereotypical racist, thereby justifying the SJW strawmen. I can understand losing your cool from living in a multicultural society and lashing out at the first Spanish-speaking servers you come across, but at the very least complain calmly and politely.

Racism is not a problem in America; if anything, minorities are far more guilty of it than whites. What is a problem is 1) the anti-racist mentality and 2) a lack of self-discipline that has only gotten worse.
148087 148160
I personally don't have any particular grievances against Spanish speakers, but I'll explain some of the underlying causes of this "racism" as I understand it.

Imagine if tons of Americans came down to Mexico City and spoke no Spanish whatsoever. And imagine if they brought with them a bunch of the shitty cultural tropes that come along with Americans. (if you don't speak English you can't get to know them and come to accept them) You walk to a certain part of town and you basically feel like you are in a different country. You feel like an Alien in your own city. It is debatable if this fear is worthy of being acted upon or if its ever something that will happen, but it still scares people. This analogy isn't the best because there are so many people who speak English in other countries compared to Americans that speak other country's languages. Still keep it in mind most Americans only speak English.

Also, keep in mind most of those "legal" immigrants were back when we had the open door policy. We had this policy because Republican industrialists needed cheap labor. As long as tons of immigrants with nothing were coming in they could just fire anyone who tried to unionize and keep wages down thanks to a huge pool of people looking for work. Anglo-Americans despised these immigrants back them because they saw them as taking their jobs and as a threat to their culture and way of life. It isn't that much different than today. People only began to accept them after the immigration policy was tightened in the 1920s(I think it was 1923 but don't quote me on it) and after these immigrants were assimilated. These immigrants were famously called Hyphenated-Americans.

The differences are apparent today in the solution politicians seek. Back them the emphasis was on asserting "We are ALL Americans and we don't have room for Hyphenated-Americans." Today the emphasis is, as my social-cultural professor put it, "Its not a melting pot but a salad bowl; we are all individuals." This brings up the questions of nationalism, the nation-state, and common culture. If Mexicans come here, but aren't encouraged to become Americans will we still be America?

I think the answer will be yes because the numbers of Spanish speakers incoming is tapering off, Spanish speakers are generally decent people who want to live the American Dream (in my experience), and despite efforts to the contrary, American culture has strong normalization properties.
148092 148160
>Spanish speakers are generally decent people who want to live the American Dream (in my experience)
Look at voting data. These people vote for handouts and gibs just like they do in their home countries. These people are economic migrants and they are bringing their shitty values with them.
Poorfag immigrants are easy fodder for liberals. I honestly don't think most of those people asking for gibs understand how potentially damaging said gibs can be. Liberals just hand it out for guaranteed votes and don't want them to know about any possible repercussions.
>I honestly don't think most of those people asking for gibs understand how potentially damaging said gibs can be.
All the more reason to keep them out.
148172 148223
File (hide): 191F6B27C90E6BC74B9ECB44D9C481CE-5692350.mp4 (5.4 MB, Resolution:400x400 Length:00:01:36, A nice American.mp4) [play once] [loop]
A nice American.mp4

>Imagine if tons of Americans came down to Mexico City and spoke no Spanish whatsoever.

>Imagine if they brought with them a bunch of the shitty cultural tropes that come along with Americans.

Actually this is a very common example of what happen there in the Yucatan Peninsula,
lots of American people came there to spend their money on vacations and they want to us to speak english
with them instead of spanish same happen in Baja California, I undernstand your point
but here we tolerate your people, we are not going to die for speak another languaje. >also Dollar > Peso

>You feel like an Alien in your own city. It is debatable if this fear is worthy of being acted upon or if its ever something that will happen, but it still scares people.

As >>148021 said and you are saying America has a problem of "Inferior" complexity
I dont know how to called that native white people feel some kind of hate of being a "second class"
citizen for not being the main worker class as Mexicans and also happens with chinese people
Example (sources in Spanish because it was quickly to find):

>Anglo-Americans despised these immigrants back them because they saw them as taking their jobs and as a threat to their culture and way of life.

Yeah and because of that most of people are like
>Muh take´ol jobs
>Muh go back to mexico
How you can send people back that are not even mexicans anymore? Most of mexican legals and also illegals
dont have anything to do with Mexico anymore, thet dont speak spanish or just a little, dont have any family,
love the American way of live, learn to work as an american.

I tell you nobody want to came back, here is a hellhole a ironic beautiful one.

The problem with America are the politicians at least we have that in common

((They)) use the minority of class of your country in their favour and use our country as a cheap labour to

I understand that the United States of America hate my country by de facto since the independence
>The Mexican american war inspired by the Destiny Manifesto (Even they wanted to anex all Mexico but the congress didnt aproved because of the "Dirty Mestizos"
>The America invasion of the golf of Mexico
>The recognition of the traitor of Juarez
>The support agains the french to avoid a self stable Monarchy
>The support of the Mexican Revolution in favour of America´s interest
>The support of Mexico´s little president-dictators again in favour of America´s interest

And also the same happend with other Latino countries like Colombia, Panama, Guatemala, Honduras…..
America was founded with the white superior idea you can´t deny that(Or maybe yes?) Look what happend with the black people a lot of slavery and stuff

>People only began to accept them after the immigration policy was tightened in the 1920s

Or maybe because they starting to using fucking Zyklon B on the US-Mexican Border

America has a problem with the extreme nationalism as I can see I dont know why their have so many fear of non-white people
(Yes I was a litle triggrered when I wrote this)

>These people vote for handouts and gibs just like they do in their home countries
Well you are right there, most of people only care about the money to improve their little live situation but as I said
The problems are the liberals politicians because they are choosing to "Give fish to the poor instead of teaching them how to fish".
>Whats your problem with the spanish?
Nothing, its just foreign. Same with Islam, its not bad to me inherently, it just belongs elsewhere.
>I know perfectly that USA is a majoritarian English speaking people and shit but it´s not the official languaje.
Sure, we don't have it written in law, thats not because the founders of this nation didn't think it'd be a good law, but because we believe in limited government, meaning that if something is self evident then litigating something should not be done ever. If you wish to be a US citizen, something which is meaningless today but was worth something before, then you should always speak the language when able. End of story.
>America is made from immigrants
Depends what you mean by the statement. The state is made from immigrants, the nation of America is made from white Anglo-Saxon protestants. Even as a Catholic I recognize this, even if I think the protestants have a few things wrong. Thus the American nation can and should never be forced into speaking Spanish or having to accept others speaking Spanish unless the nation is conquered, which if it is, then good job Paco, your people won and get to take everything. The US took control of most of Latin America, which for better or the worse meant we had the ability to set the rules, and we did to a degree destroy parts of your culture.
>The point is I saw in the news about Aaron Schlossberg the attorney who get mad about some people talking in spanish. He really was like triggered
I'd say false flag, there is nothing to hate about foreign things, however being skeptical and cautious is the correct attitude of foreign things. If someone is speaking in a language you cannot understand then they could be saying anything to you. When things are uncertain one has the right to be prepared to protect themselves.
>How you can send people back that are not even mexicans anymore? Most of mexican legals and also illegals
Depends, as we accelerate towards a majority minority state there are only two very acceptable positions within this community of the far right.
1. Separatism.
Just leave the places where non-whites make up the majority and start anew. Let them live where they are and form their own nation and let all the whites that like that type of lifestyle stay.
2. Accelerationism
Provoke with continuously deteriorating conditions so that the far left rise and strikes so that reactionary violence will be justified. Then purge all who side against the reaction. Its edgier but it does not violate the NAP and under total war it justifies all foreigners into fleeing or die fighting for their progress against our reaction.
>love the American way of live
They love the wealth, if they still consider themselves "Hispanic", "Latino", or "Chicano" though, which those with a leaning towards Mestizo rather then white admixture do then they do not really love the metaphysical being of American enough to adopt it.
>I tell you nobody want to came back, here is a hellhole a ironic beautiful one.
Then it is their duty, and the duty of every Mexican citizen to make it purely beautiful. One aspect of the Americas that has kept them from developing competent governments is a lack of external threats sadly, which I think the US would do well to posture so that your nation could at least rally against ours.
>((They)) use the minority of class of your country in their favour and use our country as a cheap labour to
This is true, like I said I have no problem with those of Latin America or those who speak Spanish however (((others))) draw us into conflict. That does not mean that I don't think we enviably shouldn't imperialize the world once again, but in an ethno-nationalist fashion, however I think that Canada is a better target then Mexico or all of Latin America for now.
>"Give fish to the poor instead of teaching them how to fish".
The problem is that is assuming you can teach 70 IQ legal retards how to fish. You often times can't, so the only ethical thing you can do is discourage them from having children.
>come here illegally
>refuse to assimilate
>act like dindus and always cry muh racism
>support corrupt leftists
>say stupid shit like Make America Mexico Again.
>tack massive gibs from US citizens. education, healthcare, housing and food.
they have it better than any immigrant group ever and they're the most ungrateful. people would probably be a lot more accepting if they didn't act like nogs.

imagine that the other way around. I don't hate Mexicans at all. I do hate chicanos, they're cancer and basically nigger tier.
148206 148384
You know what they say about the nail that sticks out? It's rather ironic that Americans hate hearing Spanish (Probably because it make them/us feel stupid [or suspicious]) considering America preaches for freedom of speech. The nature; history of America doesn't excuse this attitude considering that foreigners are the lifeblood of it, though perhaps whites were the natives to North America long ago. But were talking about a language here, one that is an indo-european language no less related to English. And do you know what, English is the official language of 54 territories give of take (not including the USA :^) just for comparison Spanish is spoken in a little more than 21 countries and adjacent areas). My Hypothesis is that Americans are so use to hearing English that when they hear a foreign tongue they are flabbergasted, "what the fuck you dare denounce the supremacy of le Lingua Franca!!" What's also funny is that English is a complete amalgamation, and yes it did mingle with the romance languages (French and Latin) in great. And there you go.

neato! a taste of a more pure and a more precise language.

Who let here over the border?! translation "you gotta share, you gotta care."


See Americanos there is a lota more languages thena English.
148309 148384

Fucking what? So what if we choose to speak English? We have been speaking English since we started out as an English colony. Yes the US doesn't have an official language but its part of our culture and our most important documents are in English, why should we stop now to "embrace other languages and diversity"? Americans have all the right to speak different languages but our primary language since the nation was conceived was English and anyone wishing to assimilate here must know it. Your entire post seems like something a shill would post.
>The problems are the liberals politicians because they are choosing to "Give fish to the poor instead of teaching them how to fish".
Mestizos vote for leftwing populists in most of their nations and most of their nations are shitholes. I'm not so sure the liberal politicians are the problem.
there is absolutely nothing wrong with Hispanic or Spanish people whatsoever. besides these guys who think that Mexicans destroy culture, Mexicans (and other Hispanic people) enchance our American culture. America is the melting pot of culture, however, Hispanics crossing the border is a national security threat. America is a powerful country, and many terrorist groups, including the cartel, want to destroy us. by checking each person who comes in, we can be assured that we are safe from terrorism. if people come in illegaly, there could be a chance that one of the many people is a terrorist, and something like 9-11 might happen again. most Hispanics are awesome people, they are the funniest in the world, and the kindest. however, we cannot take the life of one above all the rest.
>America is a melting pot
Let me guess, you live in New York, San Francisco, Austin, or some other trashy city? You probably think America had no culture before 1865.

>Hispanics are the kindest

Yeah, that's why they make up most of the 50% of crimes nogs don't commit.

You are a civic-nationalist cuck.
>So what if we choose to speak English?
(What does this have to do with anything I said?) Nothing that's quite alright. Strange question.
>We have been speaking English since we started out as an English colony.
I never said anything about stopping to speak English.
>why should we stop now to "embrace other languages and diversity"?
I Did not say stop speaking English. Why would I want Americans to stop speaking English it's the only language I'm proficient at, and besides it sure beats Spanish (no offense compadre but Spanish isn't exactly easy on the ears, [that wont stop me from trying to learn it though; {I learned to like it in a kind of jocular way}]). Speaking of Diversity how about you embrace diversity of thought and stop throwing the word shill around.
> Americans have all the right to speak different languages but our primary language since the nation was conceived was English and anyone wishing to assimilate here must know it.
That's all fine and dandy; I was just trying the answer OP's question. "Whats your problem with the spanish?" I understand better now, The more nationalistic Americans don't like hearing Spanish because either A. they want you to conform to the American way. or B. they want you to go back to your country.
>Your entire post seems like something a shill would post.
I was just trying to have some fun though you took the fun right out of it.
You know, I'm getting real tired of being called a shill for investing my time on this godforsaken forum (the only forum I really ever used [the forum I started on]). It goes to show one can have wrong think even on a right-wing forum. Oh and do me a favor por favor, define to me what a shill is other than a person you contempt or want to discredit due to having contradictory believes, Ideas, or understandings.

148321 148356
You're allowed to say whatever you want here. You could even be a dirty Marxist. Low-handed tactics won't be used against you for your opinion, but we reserve the right to call each other insults. It's the internet, get over it.

Actually, you are somewhat right. When America declared independence there was serious debate over whether English should be the official language or German, since there were so many German-speakers here.

Here's the thing, American culture is descended from those original settlers. Things added later, like pizza, baseball, and frankfurters, may have come from later immigrants, but these people were 1) white and 2) they adopted most of the cultural practices of their host nation and tagged on their heritage as an addition rather than replacing it. Even with immigrants there was a cohesive American identity and it was common to hear "Yankee Doodle" or "Dixie Land."

American culture also sort of had an interchange with African-American culture even though they never fully assimilated. Jazz and blues, which later morphed into rock and roll with its attendant genres, originated from black musicians. Other cultural artifacts such as stories and cooking also came with the former slaves. In return, the blacks were "civilized," albeit treated like dirt, and adopted a unique culture distinct from their African relatives. As such, I consider black Americans as true Americans, although incompatible with whites, and they should have their own ethnostate.

It's not the same for Mexicans as they have a distinctly different culture. Mexican culture is a blend of Spanish and native culture and was shaped in an entirely different historical setting. It's literally an entirely separate cultural evolution for 400 years. Some Mexicans are white, but others are mixed, native, or even black, and the mestizos in particular often get caught up with left-wing populism. Also, there is a critical mass of Hispanics such that they don't need to assimilate but can subsist among their own communities. Because of this they have kept their national identity and some consider the southwest U.S. as "conquered land" and want it returned to Mexico. These people are not friendly with white Americans; they consider us gringos and a threat and will abuse any friendship we offer.

I hope you stay on this board. We do need more dissenting opinions for true debate. Truth be told, it's often boring and even doctrinaire if there are only NatSocs and AnCaps here.
first of all america is suppossed to be a country "for free white men of good character" so you don't qualify to be real amerians. Alsomexicans smell weird, break laws, and negatively impact the economy for blue collar working americans. We should've kept the mexican american war going until we wiped all you fucking animals off the face of the earth. Besides which why do your ilk keep coming to the US? forget americans problem with mexicans, what is mexicans problem with mexico?
The country was built by the ænglish culture group. Not lazy spaniards, and the germans all learned english overnight since it's mostly a germanic language anyhow.

OP, stop watching the fucking (((news)))
Now this is what I'm taking about a well formulated discussion. Though when someone calls you a shill, (whatever that means) I think it's used as an ostracization tactic, to end debate so that the accuser and those in his circle need not change there would view. That is not to say that there are no true shills out there or perhaps even here though I wouldn't know how to judge them, other that if they are trying to sell a product, or perhaps a politically motivated ideology.
I would add. Everything is so confounded here in the USA and even worst in Europe, that the only solution that I can think of is to abandon the vessels that our elected captains have consciously drilled holes in so that we may be at the mercy of the sea (and therefore not be able to reach fertile land[not sure if I'm making sense]). What we must do is get in touch with our roots. This beast of a system we find ourselves in now is only there to support our decline as Whites. I would also add further that it's goal is the enslavement of the entire human race.
shill just mean you're pushing a narrative or trying to covertly promote something. Most shills engage in deceit or other underhanded tactic to forward whatever they're trying to convince people of.
Pretty much this. The biggest difference between modern immigration and immigration from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries is that the immigrants, while bringing aspects of their culture from their home countries, ultimately wanted to assimilate and become American. It's also worth mentioning that there was a pretty wide variety of ethnic groups immigrating to the US during those periods, it wasn't just a huge influx from a single country the way it is currently. The current wave of Mexican immigrants has proven hostile and troublesome; they don't seem interested in learning the language or assimilating into the culture. They tend to form their own microcommunities within cities which takes up a lot of real estate that would otherwise be occupied by low-income Americans, adding to the housing crises within cities (generally it's blue cities that have housing crises in the first place but that's a whole other issue). They also tend to quarrel a lot with the American blacks which adds to crime and murder statistics already high in that demographic group.

Also an interesting side note is that jazz music was not entirely or even primarily the invention of black Americans. Jazz music was sort of a blend of styles that originated in a neighborhood of New Orleans called Storyville, that had a population made up of many different ethnic groups, the most prominent of which were black, Creole, Spanish, and French. Musicians working in that area would generally play in various saloons and brothels, and would usually bring popular songs and styles in from their own culture. A style originally called Jass arose from musicians from all of these different backgrounds playing in groups together and playing music that relied heavily on collective improvisation, and drew from several different forms of ethnic folk music. As the music evolved and grew in popularity it became predominately dominated by black musicians and associated with black culture, but it has origins in a lot of different styles.
Holy Horse. Now that you've clarified that for me, I reread my post >>148198 and found it to be shillingly like what this >>148206 sir said:
>Your entire post seems like something a shill would post.
Your observation has some merit.

I'm so good a being an ironic that not even I could tell that I was being ironic.
(You got to admit though that arabic Twilight is kind of cute in a odd way;)
Forgive me for my autism.

الله أكبر
Anon who posted >>148206. You indeed was being so ironic that it had me fooled. I was on edge last night and any sense of picking up irony was off. As you saw I am nothing but a right-winged SJW basically that thinks off emotion instead of logic and naturally I am a piss poor debater who gets blown the fuck out everytime I attempt to counter. I never respond to posts I think I feel like shill posts but like I said I was on edge and didn't pay attention. Shit like this makes me never want to post again.
>Shit like this makes me never want to post again.
Awh don't worry about it; if we never made mistake we would never learn from them and progress. And besides you're on /mlpol/.

You're alright chap.